DNR padding their work loads with speeding tickets??

This kind of stuff ticks me off! No wonder people can poach and get away with it. No One is out there. And then to have a DWR officer pull you over and give tickets??? Garbage!!! Someone needs to ask about this at the next RAC or WB meeting and I would love to see the looks on the faces of the Board.
A little off topic but those windows are definitely tinted too dark to be legal…

I'm assuming this is part of DWR becoming DNR?

Seems fraudulent to me. We fund this agency with Pitman and license fees to watch out for our wildlife and instead they are on I-15 chasing teenagers?
Once the archery season starts, the officers will all be in court for the I-15 speeding court dates vs being in the field. Pretty messed up.
Someone needs to ask about this at the next RAC or WB meeting and I would love to see the looks on the faces of the Board.

Why? The DWR conservation officers do not work for the Wildlife Board or the RACs. Why would the DNR care what those two groups have to say over anyone else?

Anybody Know How Close To The White Line Is Too F'N Close?

How Bout It Niller?

Do You Know?

I do know! “Close to the line” is not a violation.

I know this news story gets people fired up, and that is the whole reason they are doing it. A presidential election isn’t enough good news bites for them, apparently. So here is the deal, coming from someone that has no authority to speak on behalf of anyone and I have no inside knowledge about what is happening with the DNR directive, but I do know a thing or two about this world and will spit some truth for you all.

DWR conservation officers are POST certified with the exact same statewide law enforcement jurisdiction as any other police officer in the state. If they observe a violation of the law, why does anyone think they can’t stop you? The law doesn’t agree with you if you are of that belief. While traffic enforcement isn’t a part of their direct duties, it’s absolutely in their prerogative to make a lawful stop for any violation of the law anywhere in the state of Utah.

Next, it appears they are doing this because they were told to do so by their superiors. The vast majority of us answer to a boss, and when our bosses say your job is now to do this, we do it. If we have an issue with the practice, we shouldn’t harp on the officers, but take it up the chain to those that mandated they do certain things.

Honestly, this doesn’t bother me one bit. If I felt like DWR officers were camped out on I-15 running radar all shift, that would bug me, however, it appears they are just being told that when out and about traveling between areas, if you see something, do something about it. I’ve got no issue with that. This isn’t illegal. It’s not a violation of policy. It’s within their law enforcement powers.

If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.

Is Our DWR/DNR Money Going For RADAR Guns & Such?

I Believe We Have UHP'S For That!


If The UHP Decides He's Had Enough Of The City BS?

Can He Go To The Mountain & Look For POACHERS & ETC?

Why? The DWR conservation officers do not work for the Wildlife Board or the RACs. Why would the DNR care what those two groups have to say over anyone else?

I do know! “Close to the line” is not a violation.

I know this news story gets people fired up, and that is the whole reason they are doing it. A presidential election isn’t enough good news bites for them, apparently. So here is the deal, coming from someone that has no authority to speak on behalf of anyone and I have no inside knowledge about what is happening with the DNR directive, but I do know a thing or two about this world and will spit some truth for you all.

DWR conservation officers are POST certified with the exact same statewide law enforcement jurisdiction as any other police officer in the state. If they observe a violation of the law, why does anyone think they can’t stop you? The law doesn’t agree with you if you are of that belief. While traffic enforcement isn’t a part of their direct duties, it’s absolutely in their prerogative to make a lawful stop for any violation of the law anywhere in the state of Utah.

Next, it appears they are doing this because they were told to do so by their superiors. The vast majority of us answer to a boss, and when our bosses say your job is now to do this, we do it. If we have an issue with the practice, we shouldn’t harp on the officers, but take it up the chain to those that mandated they do certain things.

Honestly, this doesn’t bother me one bit. If I felt like DWR officers were camped out on I-15 running radar all shift, that would bug me, however, it appears they are just being told that when out and about traveling between areas, if you see something, do something about it. I’ve got no issue with that. This isn’t illegal. It’s not a violation of policy. It’s within their law enforcement powers.

If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.
Is Our DWR/DNR Money Going For RADAR Guns & Such?

The article said they are not equipped with radar/lidar guns. So I guess the answer to that is no, none of “your” DWR/DNR money is going to those things.


If The UHP Decides He's Had Enough Of The City BS?

Can He Go To The Mountain & Look For POACHERS & ETC?

I’m guessing the colonel of the Utah Highway Patrol will not give that directive. However, if he did, I guess legally they could.
Why? The DWR conservation officers do not work for the Wildlife Board or the RACs. Why would the DNR care what those two groups have to say over anyone else?

I do know! “Close to the line” is not a violation.

I know this news story gets people fired up, and that is the whole reason they are doing it. A presidential election isn’t enough good news bites for them, apparently. So here is the deal, coming from someone that has no authority to speak on behalf of anyone and I have no inside knowledge about what is happening with the DNR directive, but I do know a thing or two about this world and will spit some truth for you all.

DWR conservation officers are POST certified with the exact same statewide law enforcement jurisdiction as any other police officer in the state. If they observe a violation of the law, why does anyone think they can’t stop you? The law doesn’t agree with you if you are of that belief. While traffic enforcement isn’t a part of their direct duties, it’s absolutely in their prerogative to make a lawful stop for any violation of the law anywhere in the state of Utah.

Next, it appears they are doing this because they were told to do so by their superiors. The vast majority of us answer to a boss, and when our bosses say your job is now to do this, we do it. If we have an issue with the practice, we shouldn’t harp on the officers, but take it up the chain to those that mandated they do certain things.

Honestly, this doesn’t bother me one bit. If I felt like DWR officers were camped out on I-15 running radar all shift, that would bug me, however, it appears they are just being told that when out and about traveling between areas, if you see something, do something about it. I’ve got no issue with that. This isn’t illegal. It’s not a violation of policy. It’s within their law enforcement powers.

If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.
I believe people are mostly upset that we have UHP, city and county cops to patrol traffic violations. DWR is for the wildlife. The fact they are actually putting in time and resources to patrol things we already have tax dollars paying for, when they could be out doing what their actual job, is what get people mad. You hear all the time their resources and man power is already stretched very thin. Yet here they are, patrolling for moving violations, that’s the issue.

They're Gonna Give Somebody A Speeding Ticket By Saying:YOU WERE GOING XXX MPH With No RADAR & No Proof?

I Like To See How Many Times In Court That'd Hold Up!

Now I Could See A Vehicle Passing A DWR Truck Like He Was Stopped & The DWR Officer Kicks It Up And Catches Up & If He's Talented Enough He Could Use His Phone Cam For Evidence!

But Again?

We've Stooped So Low As To Resort To This Rather Than Taking Care Of GAME & FISH?
I believe people are mostly upset that we have UHP, city and county cops to patrol traffic violations. DWR is for the wildlife. The fact they are actually putting in time and resources to patrol things we already have tax dollars paying for, when they could be out doing what their actual job, is what get people mad. You hear all the time their resources and man power is already stretched very thin. Yet here they are, patrolling for moving violations, that’s the issue.

I don’t disagree, but if I were a betting man, this investigative piece is sensationalizing how much “patrolling” they are doing.

Someone GRAMA request how many speeding tickets have been written statewide by DWR officers. I’m guessing the number isn’t high.
I don’t disagree, but if I were a betting man, this investigative piece is sensationalizing how much “patrolling” they are doing.

Someone GRAMA request how many speeding tickets have been written statewide by DWR officers. I’m guessing the number isn’t high.


You're OK With Game Wardens Writing SPEEDING Tickets When They Could Be Up On The Hill Checking Hunters & Fishermen?

You're OK With Game Wardens Writing SPEEDING Tickets When They Could Be Up On The Hill Checking Hunters & Fishermen?

No, I do not want them doing that while they are supposed to be up on the mountain.

But I’ll try to make this very simple: If they are not on the mountain, which they don’t stay on the mountain 24/7 365, Bessy, and if they are driving down the road when they are NOT on the mountain, and see a violation I have zero heartburn if they address it.


Like I said above, all these snowflakes need to quit blaming others and take a little accountability. If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.
I don’t disagree, but if I were a betting man, this investigative piece is sensationalizing how much “patrolling” they are doing.

Someone GRAMA request how many speeding tickets have been written statewide by DWR officers. I’m guessing the number isn’t high.

Is the city, county and uhp funded almost entirely by license fees and pitman? Their finding is tied specifically to a mission, not random policing.

DWR should never be in town, unless it's a wildlife issue. We have a pretty serious poaching problem that isn't fixed on I-15. We have dudes constantly criticizing "counts". We are told we have to have the likes of $fw because we don't have DWR manpower. None of that is solved by running traffic enforcement.

I agree, it's a boss problem. Same bosses that cover for WLH, now are involved in this.
Well Niller!

I Guess This Is What Bothers Me!

We All See Drivers Wandering All Over The Roadways,Swerving,Up & Down On Speed & Reckless As All Living HELL!

It Isn't Hard To Figure Out What They're Doing!

They Are F'N Off On Their Phones!


Do The Cops Not See This BULLSSHHITT?

I See It Every Day!

If The DNR/DWR Was Clamping Down On This It Wouldn't Bother Me As Much As Shining Their Badges For A SPEEDING Ticket Wrote!

But Here's The F'N Deal:

What Are Most People Gonna Do On A Speeding Ticket?

Ya,They're Gonna Pay It Rather Than Fight It Which = Quick Easy Money For The State!

A While Back We Had A Basinite That Woulda Loved To Have A DWR Officer Try & Pull Him Over In One Of Their Silver Trucks!

A UHP Trooper Or Two Tried But Found Out Real Quick The PUNK-ASS Kid Wasn't Afraid To Break The 150+ MPH Barrier!

I Think They Finally Got Him But It Wasn't By Pulling Him Over!

No, I do not want them doing that while they are supposed to be up on the mountain.

But I’ll try to make this very simple: If they are not on the mountain, which they don’t stay on the mountain 24/7 365, Bessy, and if they are driving down the road when they are NOT on the mountain, and see a violation I have zero heartburn if they address it.


Like I said above, all these snowflakes need to quit blaming others and take a little accountability. If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.
But Here's The F'N Deal:

What Are Most People Gonna Do On A Speeding Ticket?

Ya,They're Gonna Pay It Rather Than Fight It Which = Quick Easy Money For The State!

Quick question:

I get pulled over for going 90 on the freeway in Payson by a DWR officer. I go pay the ticket. Who gets the $130 fine I just paid?

Tell me that, Bessy, and then I’ll listen to you yap about “quick easy money for the state.”
Answer My Other Question!

Quick question:

I get pulled over for going 90 on the freeway in Payson by a DWR officer. I go pay the ticket. Who gets the $130 fine I just paid?

Tell me that, Bessy, and then I’ll listen to you yap about “quick easy money for the state.”


Head South Out Of Town From The Wasatch On A Friday Night & You Won't Be Competing At 90!

Quick question:

I get pulled over for going 90 on the freeway in Payson by a DWR officer. I go pay the ticket. Who gets the $130 fine I just paid?

Tell me that, Bessy, and then I’ll listen to you yap about “quick easy money for the state.”
You Can Bet your Sweet Ass It's Wasted Somewhere!

Quick question:

I get pulled over for going 90 on the freeway in Payson by a DWR officer. I go pay the ticket. Who gets the $130 fine I just paid?

Tell me that, Bessy, and then I’ll listen to you yap about “quick easy money for the state.”
Quick question:

I get pulled over for going 90 on the freeway in Payson by a DWR officer. I go pay the ticket. Who gets the $130 fine I just paid?

Tell me that, Bessy, and then I’ll listen to you yap about “quick easy money for the state.”

Is the DWR officer using salary, vehicle, etc provided via license fees and excise taxes from hunting/fishing to pull you over? If so, the ticket money should go to DWR.

Now if we are going to get rid of conservation tags and special interest groups and replace that money with DWR traffic tickets, I'm all for it.

Otherwise, the DWR needs to do the job WE pay it to do. There isn't a reason for DWR to be on I-15 in Payson. Plenty of dirt roads and mountain roads for them to be on.

It's one thing if they get called out for backup in Sterling or Henefer where they might be close, it's another for them to be actively searching

Niller Gets His 130.00 Fine From A UDWR Officer!

You Know He Ain't Paying It!

He Goes To Court!

Yanks His OIL License Out & Shows It To The Judge & Tells The Judge He's A GREAT SUPPORTER Of The DWR!

The Judge Says:


Quick question:

I get pulled over for going 90 on the freeway in Payson by a DWR officer. I go pay the ticket. Who gets the $130 fine I just paid?

Tell me that, Bessy, and then I’ll listen to you yap about “quick easy money for the state.”
Hey Niller!

With Your SMARTS I Want You To Get Us Some Numbers Please?

Find Out How Many Speeding Tickets The DWR Has Wrote VERSUS F'N Off On Their Phone Tickets?
Wasn't there a discussion recently about DWR officers being re-orged into the larger law enforcement group in the state? I don't remember the details, but I wonder if this has anything to do with it.
Otherwise, the DWR needs to do the job WE pay it to do. There isn't a reason for DWR to be on I-15 in Payson. Plenty of dirt roads and mountain roads for them to be on.

Hossy, you’re starting to sound irrational.

So now DWR officers can’t even use the freeway to get places? They can only use dirt roads?

Plenty of travel on I-15 to get around their assigned areas more efficiently.
So we are getting upset and hot and bothered about 1 speeding ticket per week statewide by all DWR officers combined?

1 ticket between every officer combined per week!

Goodness ladies. You need better hobbies.
Hossy, you’re starting to sound irrational.

So now DWR officers can’t even use the freeway to get places? They can only use dirt roads?

Plenty of travel on I-15 to get around their assigned areas more efficiently.

Come on now. When they have a daily quota, we know why they are patrolling I-15.

But no. It's not irrational. The state, city, and county don't pay their salary and equipment. There's nothing in the Pitman language for city road patrol.

If you watched the vid, you saw the stats, this isn't some random occurrence.
So we are getting upset and hot and bothered about 1 speeding ticket per week statewide by all DWR officers combined?

1 ticket between every officer combined per week!

Goodness ladies. You need better hobbies.

1 citation every 23 hours quota.

Supposedly quotas are illegal
If you watched the vid, you saw the stats, this isn't some random occurrence.

The stats are posted above. 1 speeding ticket across the entire state a week. Combined. How many officers statewide? All of them combined across the entire state wrote ONE speeding ticket per week.

You’ve got to come with better than that Hossy! The stats made you all look like a bunch of babies. Some here are just that, but you’re better than that Hoss.

I’ll reiterate, if you don’t want a citation, don’t break the law. Pretty simple. Or people can whine like babies. Either way.
1 citation every 23 hours quota.

Supposedly quotas are illegal

Nope, this is where words matter.

Documenting a violation of the law does not require a citation.

And yes, quotas are prohibited by the legislature and that is the dumbest most disingenuous thing by the legislature ever. If they don’t want officers writing citations, decriminalize the behavior. That’s the legislature’s job to make the laws, it’s the executive’s to enforce it. Legislature can make anything they want illegal, or not. Once they do, it’s out of their hands. (If we care about the constitution, at least.)
And They Could Only Come Up With 5 F'N Handheld Device Violations Huh?

I'll Show You More Than That In One Hour On Any Given Day You Wanna Go For A Ride!


The stats are posted above. 1 speeding ticket across the entire state a week. Combined. How many officers statewide? All of them combined across the entire state wrote ONE speeding ticket per week.

You’ve got to come with better than that Hossy! The stats made you all look like a bunch of babies. Some here are just that, but you’re better than that Hoss.

I’ll reiterate, if you don’t want a citation, don’t break the law. Pretty simple. Or people can whine like babies. Either way.
Now you're being disingenuous.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) mission statement is to serve Utah's people as the state's wildlife's guardian and trustee. The UDWR is part of the Utah Department of Natural Resources and is headquartered in Salt Lake City. The UDWR's additional responsibilities include managing and protecting the state's wildlife, as well as hunting and fishing opportunities.

Show me where traffic violations are covered in their own mission statement
I don’t think UDWR law enforcement officers should be intentionally patrolling freeways and it doesn’t sound like that is the case. However, there is way too much reckless and aggressive driving on our freeways. I don’t like the idea of law enforcement officers ignoring flagrant violations, just for bureaucratic reasons, if they are authorized and qualified to pull people over, write citations, and possibly make or assist in making arrests especially when it is a matter of public safety. That doesn’t hold water for me. Likewise, I would expect county sheriffs or deputies to intervene if they come across any obvious poaching activity. Just my opinions.
Why? The DWR conservation officers do not work for the Wildlife Board or the RACs. Why would the DNR care what those two groups have to say over anyone else?

I do know! “Close to the line” is not a violation.

I know this news story gets people fired up, and that is the whole reason they are doing it. A presidential election isn’t enough good news bites for them, apparently. So here is the deal, coming from someone that has no authority to speak on behalf of anyone and I have no inside knowledge about what is happening with the DNR directive, but I do know a thing or two about this world and will spit some truth for you all.

DWR conservation officers are POST certified with the exact same statewide law enforcement jurisdiction as any other police officer in the state. If they observe a violation of the law, why does anyone think they can’t stop you? The law doesn’t agree with you if you are of that belief. While traffic enforcement isn’t a part of their direct duties, it’s absolutely in their prerogative to make a lawful stop for any violation of the law anywhere in the state of Utah.

Next, it appears they are doing this because they were told to do so by their superiors. The vast majority of us answer to a boss, and when our bosses say your job is now to do this, we do it. If we have an issue with the practice, we shouldn’t harp on the officers, but take it up the chain to those that mandated they do certain things.

Honestly, this doesn’t bother me one bit. If I felt like DWR officers were camped out on I-15 running radar all shift, that would bug me, however, it appears they are just being told that when out and about traveling between areas, if you see something, do something about it. I’ve got no issue with that. This isn’t illegal. It’s not a violation of policy. It’s within their law enforcement powers.

If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.
I would like to ask them why they ate not out patrolling fishing areas or wildlife areas. Maybe that's what they need to do help our deer herds come back. Maybe there is so much poaching going in, killing deer, that they are on a decline. 🤷‍♂️😁
I'd just like to know why they are working I-15 and not wildlife areas.
So again, why would you ask the Wildlife Board those questions?

These people don’t work for the Wildlife Board. If you want to ask the board that, you should also go to your city council and ask them too. But go to the Board and ask them, I guess.
Now you're being disingenuous.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) mission statement is to serve Utah's people as the state's wildlife's guardian and trustee. The UDWR is part of the Utah Department of Natural Resources and is headquartered in Salt Lake City. The UDWR's additional responsibilities include managing and protecting the state's wildlife, as well as hunting and fishing opportunities.

Show me where traffic violations are covered in their own mission statement

1 collective speeding ticket across the entire state each week. ONE!!! This is what all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth is about. ONE flippin speeding ticket a week across the entire state of Utah.

Like I said, people around here need better hobbies.
If they had a quota for making money, don’t you think it would be a bit higher than 1 citation a day. Speeding citations can be written on any roadway, not just the interstate. Lots of fish and game cases are made by stopping vehicles in the early morning hours on backroads or coming out of the hills for traffic violations. It’s clear some of you just don’t like the DWR and that’s your call, but the numbers nilla showed don’t show a quotas driven enforcement plan or a serious deviation from their mission. .
And They Could Only Come Up With 5 F'N Handheld Device Violations Huh?

I'll Show You More Than That In One Hour On Any Given Day You Wanna Go For A Ride!


The handheld wireless device statutes are toothless. Go to your legislator and ask him to make Utah a hands free only state and you’ll see that law get enforced. The way it is written now it is nearly impossible to prove. Not impossible, but nearly impossible.

We should go 100% hands free and then let cops enforce it. I’m on board! I’d love to see it.
If they had a quota for making money, don’t you think it would be a bit higher than 1 citation a day. Speeding citations can be written on any roadway, not just the interstate. Lots of fish and game cases are made by stopping vehicles in the early morning hours on backroads or coming out of the hills for traffic violations. It’s clear some of you just don’t like the DWR and that’s your call, but the numbers nilla showed don’t show a quotas driven enforcement plan or a serious deviation from their mission. .

And the DWR isn’t getting the money! That’s why I asked Bessy to explain how fines and fees are split up before he spouts off about making easy money.

I happen to know how justice court fines and fees are split up. So I always laugh when people try to sell me that narrative.

Oh well. We’ve got a bunch of Nancies around here that are in their feelings over ONE speeding ticket across the entire state per week. Not even one by each officer each week, but one between them all together. ONE!!!!! If someone wants to be offended by that, there is nothing you can do that will make them not offended.
1 collective speeding ticket across the entire state each week. ONE!!! This is what all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth is about. ONE flippin speeding ticket a week across the entire state of Utah.

Like I said, people around here need better hobbies.

If you really need a number? It’s a lot easier to go out and work the highway than it is to go up on the mountain,” said a former officer.

According to DWR statistics, traffic violations are on pace to more than double from 2021 to 2024.

Some officers now say their colleagues are pulling over vehicles on the freeway or documenting trash on the side of the road to inflate their numbers.

"1speeding ticket" isn't all they are doing.

DWR Chief Wyatt Bubak said the agency is understaffed, which means each wildlife officer is currently tasked with policing more than 2,000 square miles.

Do we have DWR officers riding the highway citing for broken tail lights or documenting garbage on the side of the road. Meanwhile we have over 100 cases of poaching a month that get caught. Imagine what doesn't while DWR is ticketing expired stickers.

Where I hunt 2 dudes patrol Fairview to Salina. Practically impossible to do if they spent their entire day on the mtn. Spending anytime in 89 looking for garbage is not protecting wildlife.

It is a boss problem. The DWR has a serious boss problem, this just adds to it
We can agree that the directive is probably misguided.

However, you are going to get mocked if you stick to this “what a waste of resources” line when they are doing ONE speeding ticket each week across the entire state. You are correct that they are doing other things, so let’s include them too. 47 other non-speeding violations (according to this masterful investigative piece) over the last year, so now we are talking about a whopping TWO!!! Oh my goodness. DWR officer spent a collective 30 minutes across the entire state each week documenting a non-wildlife law violation!

Quit being a bessy, Hossy! This is such a nothingburger.
Wanna know something that has always baffled me? Most years, the general rifle elk hunt and the waterfowl hunt in the northern zone (used to be state wide), open on the same day. When you launch a boat at Farmington WMA opening morning, there’s at least 5 fish cops, if not more, there harassing people for lights, registration, etc… go to leave that afternoon, there’s usually 2 still in the parking lot and then again at the gate you have a whole mixed bag of officers, biologists and know-nothing staff swarming hunters as they exit, wanting to check them again. And that’s JUST Farmington. They do this at Ogden, Harold Crane, salt creek, Howard Slough…. Is that really the best use of resources that they claim as so limited and stretched thin? I’m not nearly as concerned about someone shooting, 10 minutes early, killing 3 hen mallards, a grebe or 2 pintails as I am about party hunting, illegal off roading, drunk driving, branch bulls in spike units, wrong species, wrong sex, wasting game, flock shooting… the list goes on and on. Yes resources are thin, but we could do a way better job using them more appropriate ways. And now they can use the excuse as being a traffic cop to waste their time more? Holy chit. This photo really does sum them up perfectly

Last edited:
Did you get a ticket? If so, did you fight it? They are not equipped with radar nor handheld lidars due to the cost.
I did not get a ticket because I called him on his bullchit. We fought about it for a few minutes and then he told me this was my “verbal warning” and walked back to his truck. I was “speeding”, I’ll admit that. But 5 over on a county road isn’t that big of a deal, and He would never tell me how fast I was going, because he couldn’t. I think the real reason he pulled me over is because I was wearing a camo jacket and wanted to see if I was actively hunting anything in the area (he asked me where my shotgun was at in the car, but u didn’t have one). There had been some kids in the area causing problems with trespassing and shooting out of the vehicles at waterfowl. But it wasn’t me. I was just driving home from work.

Officer Spencer can suck it too.
Harassing people or doing their job. I guess it’s interpretation.
The waterfowl checks on opening day most certainly do flirt with the harassing line. Their tone, questions and comments are not very friendly most of the time.

How many times would you expect to be checked for the same chit, by the same officer before you consider it harassment and a waste of resources? Mine is 1. My license hasn’t expired in 6 hours since you last checked it.
We can agree that the directive is probably misguided.

However, you are going to get mocked if you stick to this “what a waste of resources” line when they are doing ONE speeding ticket each week across the entire state. You are correct that they are doing other things, so let’s include them too. 47 other non-speeding violations (according to this masterful investigative piece) over the last year, so now we are talking about a whopping TWO!!! Oh my goodness. DWR officer spent a collective 30 minutes across the entire state each week documenting a non-wildlife law violation!

Quit being a bessy, Hossy! This is such a nothingburger.

You said yourself "documenting" not solely citing.

I've defended DWR as much or more than anyone here.

But if we are going to set numbers for performance for DWR, why is it citations and not herd numbers?

HQ wanting $5000 for records shows they know they got caught.

Yeah Vanilla. Swat is also POST certified. But we don't need them in full gear, in the armored truck, citing jay walkers. And they actually are funded by the same pool that funds beat cops.

Dwr isn't.

How many more tags should we give $fw to fill the funding gap so DWR can pull over rolling stops?
It’s clear you don’t like the enforcement and that’s fine. If you expect them to remember everyone’s license they have already checked that won’t happen.
If they had a quota for making money, don’t you think it would be a bit higher than 1 citation a day. Speeding citations can be written on any roadway, not just the interstate. Lots of fish and game cases are made by stopping vehicles in the early morning hours on backroads or coming out of the hills for traffic violations. It’s clear some of you just don’t like the DWR and that’s your call, but the numbers nilla showed don’t show a quotas driven enforcement plan or a serious deviation from their mission. .
Great post, and I suppose those whining about DNR stopping a speeder once a week will also whine when a Sheriff or HP pull over a suspected poacher.

They're all LEO's, spread thin across vast areas, and IMO, its perfectly fine if they assist and help each other.

Its pretty common in Wyoming to have a Sheriff respond to a poaching/trespassing incident or be patrolling back roads during hunting season.
Yeah Vanilla. Swat is also POST certified. But we don't need them in full gear, in the armored truck, citing jay walkers. And they actually are funded by the same pool that funds beat cops.

I like that analogy! Let’s roll with it.

What are all the SWAT officers doing when they are not in an active SWAT situation?

You don’t think they sit around in full body armor waiting for the call all day, do you?
There's a lot of good dudes who "get it"

Had a new female officer few years back during the swan hunt that decided 4:30 was a good time for her to drive down the dike as the swans were dropping in.

I was pissed. So I called her boss at Ogden Bay.

He told me she was changing head gates and it had to be done that day, yada, yada, yada.

I told him it was bullshit for her to be there @4:30 when shooting ended at 5. It was a officer not using her damn brain.

He actually agreed. Which I appreciated.

Seen her a few weeks later, walked over, introduced myself and told her I complained to her boss.

We had a quick discussion about how a large part of her job is public relations and she needed to be aware of it.

Nice girl(lady). Still see her once in awhile.

Point being yeah, they are post grads. But this is a really bad look, especially as we are constantly told how short staffed and under funded they are.
Great post, and I suppose those whining about DNR stopping a speeder once a week will also whine when a Sheriff or HP pull over a suspected poacher.

They're all LEO's, spread thin across vast areas, and IMO, its perfectly fine if they assist and help each other.

Its pretty common in Wyoming to have a Sheriff respond to a poaching/trespassing incident or be patrolling back roads during hunting season.

St George isn't exactly back country.

And yeah, there would be complaints if a uhp explorer was in the back country checking duck stamps.
I like that analogy! Let’s roll with it.

What are all the SWAT officers doing when they are not in an active SWAT situation?

You don’t think they sit around in full body armor waiting for the call all day, do you?

Are they funded by license sales and excise taxes?

Are you implying DWR doesn't have enough to do so rather than sit around they need to go on trash duty?

We aren't friends today, you compared me to Bess😉
I've defended DWR as much or more than anyone here.

It’s not even about defending the DWR for me. It’s about not making a giant mountain out of a minuscule molehill. We’ve got people all up in their emotions about wasted resources and who knows what else for TWO citations statewide per week. Honestly, 30-45 minutes….combined!

Anyone is entitled to their opinion on anything, including this one. My opinion is people making a huge deal out of this one have too much time on their hands and I’m going to mock them for it.

A local news station put out a salacious headline and are trying to get people fired up over something very inconsequential: someone was speeding and they got a ticket! But I guess their goals are working, just not on me.

I simply do not care one bit that they are doing this.
There's a lot of good dudes who "get it"

Had a new female officer few years back during the swan hunt that decided 4:30 was a good time for her to drive down the dike as the swans were dropping in.

I was pissed. So I called her boss at Ogden Bay.

He told me she was changing head gates and it had to be done that day, yada, yada, yada.

I told him it was bullshit for her to be there @4:30 when shooting ended at 5. It was a officer not using her damn brain.

He actually agreed. Which I appreciated.

Seen her a few weeks later, walked over, introduced myself and told her I complained to her boss.

We had a quick discussion about how a large part of her job is public relations and she needed to be aware of it.

Nice girl(lady). Still see her once in awhile.

Point being yeah, they are post grads. But this is a really bad look, especially as we are constantly told how short staffed and under funded they are.
You could have also gotten off the dike for your hunt and not had to worry about that ever being an issue…. That’s what most of their bosses will tell you.

But I get what you’re saying. Back when shooting hours opening day started at 8 on the gsl marshes, the fed twig pigs would start walking through guys set ups and decoys at 8:15. I believe my dislike for fish and game officers started with those encounters. I was really young when I started to witness that stuff… but they don’t care. It’s all about the power. And they love to show you they have it.
Great post, and I suppose those whining about DNR stopping a speeder once a week will also whine when a Sheriff or HP pull over a suspected poacher.

They're all LEO's, spread thin across vast areas, and IMO, its perfectly fine if they assist and help each other.

Its pretty common in Wyoming to have a Sheriff respond to a poaching/trespassing incident or be patrolling back roads during hunting season.
I think Utah could take a lesson from Wyoming fish cops. They have way more area to cover And from what I Have witnessed, they do a great job getting around and doing their job.
You could have also gotten off the dike for your hunt and not had to worry about that ever being an issue…. That’s what most of their bosses will tell you.

But I get what you’re saying. Back when shooting hours opening day started at 8 on the gsl marshes, the fed twig pigs would start walking through guys set ups and decoys at 8:15. I believe my dislike for fish and game officers started with those encounters. I was really young when I started to witness that stuff… but they don’t care. It’s all about the power. And they love to show you they have it.

We were on on lake shore, she was flaring the flights.

The fed dudes are a whole different crew.

Walking back out to parking lot, 1 way out, could see the DWR truck parked there, no big deal I run legal.

50 yards from the gate dude literally jumps out of the bushes, scared the **** out of me, dog reacted, etc.

Of course he's checking everything, plug, magnets, etc.

Told the dipshit jumping out like that was the dumbest **** I'd ever seen, just asking to get bit, or worse.

Every encounter with them is "interesting".

Always got along good with state guys
We were on on lake shore, she was flaring the flights.

The fed dudes are a whole different crew.

Walking back out to parking lot, 1 way out, could see the DWR truck parked there, no big deal I run legal.

50 yards from the gate dude literally jumps out of the bushes, scared the **** out of me, dog reacted, etc.

Of course he's checking everything, plug, magnets, etc.

Told the dipshit jumping out like that was the dumbest **** I'd ever seen, just asking to get bit, or worse.

Every encounter with them is "interesting".

Always got along good with state guys
There’s nothing worse than having to deal with a fed fish cop. They will 1000% Make the stop as hard as possible for everyone involved. I absolutely refuse to go the Bear river now because that place is their home.
It’s clear you don’t like the enforcement and that’s fine. If you expect them to remember everyone’s license they have already checked that won’t happen.
Would you be okay with a legally licensed driver being stopped as many times as a street cop wants just to “make sure” he is licensed and legal? You see, regular officers are required to have reasonable articulable suspicion the CRIME is happening, will happen or has happened in order to detain someone and investigate… with the intent to confirm or dispel that suspicion. The end. Full stop. If probable cause is found then a citation or arrest… or a warning is in order. DWR needs reasonable suspicion to believe you were involved in a legal and lawful activity and can then search without a warrant, permission or exigent circumstances, remove personal property and demand ID. I fully support efforts of law enforcement but, when left unchecked by the Constitutional safeguards afforded to us by the Founding Fathers, we get what we have today ie, lines at your favorite waterfowl spots waiting for his majesty’s permission to hunt the king’s game, etc. and the only argument to this position is, “Well how else are they supposed to catch violators?” My retort is this: would you be okay with your 16 year old daughter being stopped, searched and detained by every and any officer whenever they felt like it because she is legally and lawfully driving? (Now insert hunting, fishing, recreating, camping etc etc etc)
Would you be okay with a legally licensed driver being stopped as many times as a street cop wants just to “make sure” he is licensed and legal? You see, regular officers are required to have reasonable articulable suspicion the CRIME is happening, will happen or has happened in order to detain someone and investigate… with the intent to confirm or dispel that suspicion. The end. Full stop. If probable cause is found then a citation or arrest… or a warning is in order. DWR needs reasonable suspicion to believe you were involved in a legal and lawful activity and can then search without a warrant, permission or exigent circumstances, remove personal property and demand ID. I fully support efforts of law enforcement but, when left unchecked by the Constitutional safeguards afforded to us by the Founding Fathers, we get what we have today ie, lines at your favorite waterfowl spots waiting for his majesty’s permission to hunt the king’s game, etc. and the only argument to this position is, “Well how else are they supposed to catch violators?” My retort is this: would you be okay with your 16 year old daughter being stopped, searched and detained by every and any officer whenever they felt like it because she is legally and lawfully driving? (Now insert hunting, fishing, recreating, camping etc etc etc)

This is a fair point. I do wonder, however, if there are rules attached to obtaining hunting and/or fishing licenses that you agree to be checked while doing that activity. I don’t know the answer to that one, to be honest, but it wouldn’t shock me if there is some “small print” nobody ever reads with that.

I think even if that existed they’d still have to have reasonable suspicion that you are hunting or fishing to check you. They can’t just stop any person or vehicle in the mountains and say “show me your papers.”
If DWR has reason to believe a non-wildlife crime was committed, I have no problem with them enforcing it.

The same way that I'd expect a sheriff or UHP to enforce a wildlife law, if they believed they witnessed a violation.

Each agency turning it's respective head, would hurt wildlife enforcement more than help it.

DWR needs everybody else's help more than the other way around.
Change the law then. When you are actively hunting and fishing law enforcement officers enforcing fish and game laws can check to see if you have the proper licenses. While we’re at it we could just outlaw fish cops checking hunters and fisherman. That will fix the problem.
This is a fair point. I do wonder, however, if there are rules attached to obtaining hunting and/or fishing licenses that you agree to be checked while doing that activity. I don’t know the answer to that one, to be honest, but it wouldn’t shock me if there is some “small print” nobody ever reads with that.

I think even if that existed they’d still have to have reasonable suspicion that you are hunting or fishing to check you. They can’t just stop any person or vehicle in the mountains and say “show me your papers.”
I have a legal question for you.

A federal fish cop stopped me one night at 10:30pm at bear river. Admittedly, I was going the wrong way down their one way road, just trying to get out of there after a very long night of towing in 2 broken down boats and was not interested in going the 10 miles around the refuge on their washboard, pothole roads, when I could just go a mile the wrong way and be out. They were waiting for me and pulled me over. Anyway, he asked for my ID, truck registration and hunting license. All of which I immediately provided. After he was in his truck for 20 minutes, he came back with my ticket and asked for my SSN. Which I told him I didn’t feel comfortable giving him, he had all my information and that was all I could provide for him at that time. He then threatened to arrested me for failure to identify myself when an officer asked. We went back and forth on it for a few minutes and then grabbed me through the window, opened the door and was going to arrest me when I finally gave it to him. And he gave me my $300 ticket and left.

My question is, was I really required to give him my SSN after I had already provided my state issued ID, vehicle registration and hunting license? Or was he just on a power trip like I suspect most of them always are?

Side note: I was pretty irritated they sat at the front gate and waited for HOURS for us to finally leave, instead of come down to the launch and see if everyone was ok and if they could help us out.
Only thing I can think of on a SS number is that warrants and correction hits have SS listed as one of the identifiers. There could have been a “near” hit with your name and date of birth and was trying to clarify. I don’t know what the federal laws say about how you have to identify yourself. Did he ask about scars, marks and tattoos?
Only thing I can think of on a SS number is that warrants and correction hits have SS listed as one of the identifiers. There could have been a “near” hit with your name and date of birth and was trying to clarify. I don’t know what the federal laws say about how you have to identify yourself. Did he ask about scars, marks and tattoos?
No, just wanted my SSN.

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