DNR padding their work loads with speeding tickets??

This kind of stuff ticks me off! No wonder people can poach and get away with it. No One is out there. And then to have a DWR officer pull you over and give tickets??? Garbage!!! Someone needs to ask about this at the next RAC or WB meeting and I would love to see the looks on the faces of the Board.
A little off topic but those windows are definitely tinted too dark to be legal…

I'm assuming this is part of DWR becoming DNR?

Seems fraudulent to me. We fund this agency with Pitman and license fees to watch out for our wildlife and instead they are on I-15 chasing teenagers?
Once the archery season starts, the officers will all be in court for the I-15 speeding court dates vs being in the field. Pretty messed up.
Someone needs to ask about this at the next RAC or WB meeting and I would love to see the looks on the faces of the Board.

Why? The DWR conservation officers do not work for the Wildlife Board or the RACs. Why would the DNR care what those two groups have to say over anyone else?

Anybody Know How Close To The White Line Is Too F'N Close?

How Bout It Niller?

Do You Know?

I do know! “Close to the line” is not a violation.

I know this news story gets people fired up, and that is the whole reason they are doing it. A presidential election isn’t enough good news bites for them, apparently. So here is the deal, coming from someone that has no authority to speak on behalf of anyone and I have no inside knowledge about what is happening with the DNR directive, but I do know a thing or two about this world and will spit some truth for you all.

DWR conservation officers are POST certified with the exact same statewide law enforcement jurisdiction as any other police officer in the state. If they observe a violation of the law, why does anyone think they can’t stop you? The law doesn’t agree with you if you are of that belief. While traffic enforcement isn’t a part of their direct duties, it’s absolutely in their prerogative to make a lawful stop for any violation of the law anywhere in the state of Utah.

Next, it appears they are doing this because they were told to do so by their superiors. The vast majority of us answer to a boss, and when our bosses say your job is now to do this, we do it. If we have an issue with the practice, we shouldn’t harp on the officers, but take it up the chain to those that mandated they do certain things.

Honestly, this doesn’t bother me one bit. If I felt like DWR officers were camped out on I-15 running radar all shift, that would bug me, however, it appears they are just being told that when out and about traveling between areas, if you see something, do something about it. I’ve got no issue with that. This isn’t illegal. It’s not a violation of policy. It’s within their law enforcement powers.

If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.

Is Our DWR/DNR Money Going For RADAR Guns & Such?

I Believe We Have UHP'S For That!


If The UHP Decides He's Had Enough Of The City BS?

Can He Go To The Mountain & Look For POACHERS & ETC?

Why? The DWR conservation officers do not work for the Wildlife Board or the RACs. Why would the DNR care what those two groups have to say over anyone else?

I do know! “Close to the line” is not a violation.

I know this news story gets people fired up, and that is the whole reason they are doing it. A presidential election isn’t enough good news bites for them, apparently. So here is the deal, coming from someone that has no authority to speak on behalf of anyone and I have no inside knowledge about what is happening with the DNR directive, but I do know a thing or two about this world and will spit some truth for you all.

DWR conservation officers are POST certified with the exact same statewide law enforcement jurisdiction as any other police officer in the state. If they observe a violation of the law, why does anyone think they can’t stop you? The law doesn’t agree with you if you are of that belief. While traffic enforcement isn’t a part of their direct duties, it’s absolutely in their prerogative to make a lawful stop for any violation of the law anywhere in the state of Utah.

Next, it appears they are doing this because they were told to do so by their superiors. The vast majority of us answer to a boss, and when our bosses say your job is now to do this, we do it. If we have an issue with the practice, we shouldn’t harp on the officers, but take it up the chain to those that mandated they do certain things.

Honestly, this doesn’t bother me one bit. If I felt like DWR officers were camped out on I-15 running radar all shift, that would bug me, however, it appears they are just being told that when out and about traveling between areas, if you see something, do something about it. I’ve got no issue with that. This isn’t illegal. It’s not a violation of policy. It’s within their law enforcement powers.

If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed.

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