Sometimes life gives you Lemons

Hey Hossy?

How Bout The SECRET TAG You Hold!

Have You Videoed Yourself Cutting Your SECRET Tag Up Yet?

When They Get All The Rules Converted Over To HELL-F'N-RIGHT You Might Have A Start On Improving The Deer Herd!

The New OPEN SEASON ON LIONS Ain't Gonna Fix It As I Said It Wouldn't!

What Kinda DUMB SSHHITT Should We Try This Year?

Let's Just Try One DUMB Change A Year!

In About A 100 Years You Still Won't See Any Improvements At That Rate!

What'd Your SECRET Tag Cost You This Year?

How about not hunting them from Aug to Nov.? I read in a list of 50 or so things that would help.

You first though, don't tell others to do what you won't. Video submissions are still being taken.
Why is this so hard for you?

It's a simple yes or no proposition.

Either "yes, I actually believe everything I said", and send the vid.


"NO, I was talking out of my azz," and don't.

We don't need pages of drivel of you spinning and deflecting.

Already been pages of Tri spinning and deflecting
I've been Cutting Up One Tag On An Every 3 year Basis Longer Than You Have!

There's Times it's Been More Than 1 Tag CUT THE F'Up In That 3 Year Period!

Your TAG Isn't The SECRET/SPECIAL You Think It Is!

You've Advertised MM Wide For Years!

How Many Video's Have You Collected?

You're A Little Off Topic On This Thread!

Go Shoot Some Predators Or Something Other Than BITTCCHING About Others That Have The Same GAWD-DAMNED TAG That You Have!
Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!

What did HELL-RIGHT say about illegal takes? Tell us what SHOULD have happened to Wade Lemon, Bessy. I’ll wait.
Your Memory Is Fading!

Show Me Where I Have Said Hardly Anything About Wade Lemon!

Hossy Started The Distraction,Not Me!

Back To The Topic Niller & Hossy!

If You Wanna Argue Like We Always Do I Can Think Of Alot Of Threads & Topics We've Had Over The years & It Wouldn't Be Hard To Pull One Up!

Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!

What did HELL-RIGHT say about illegal takes? Tell us what SHOULD have happened to Wade Lemon, Bessy. I’ll wait.
Pay The **** Attention Niller!

I Know it's Hard For You To Do!


Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!


Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!

What did HELL-RIGHT say about illegal takes? Tell us what SHOULD have happened to Wade Lemon, Bessy. I’ll wait.
I've been Cutting Up One Tag On An Every 3 year Basis Longer Than You Have!

There's Times it's Been More Than 1 Tag CUT THE F'Up In That 3 Year Period!

Your TAG Isn't The SECRET/SPECIAL You Think It Is!

You've Advertised MM Wide For Years!

How Many Video's Have You Collected?

You're A Little Off Topic On This Thread!

Go Shoot Some Predators Or Something Other Than BITTCCHING About Others That Have The Same GAWD-DAMNED TAG That You Have!


You cut it AFTER you hunt it for 3 months.

That's not the option you advocate for.

Cutting tags, and not hunting them for three months.

I read it in Hell F'n right. Are you insinuating that it's bullshit?
Guys, even if you find an example that matches this one exactly, in every way, except the guy's name is Lade Wemon... you'll still get the "its not the same thing" argument. 🤣😆🤣
So Hossy?

Year One In To The SECRET Tag Hunt!

I Notch A Tag!

Year Two In To The SECRET Tag Hunt!

I Notch A 2nd Tag!

Year Three I'm Wishing I Was Going Hunting On The SECRET Tag Again, But I'm Not!

I'm Not Able To Cut That 3rd Tag Up In Front Of Your Face But It Was Cut Up In A Roundabout Way!

You Happy Now?

Now Why Would I Ask That?

You Ain't Never Happy!

It Leaves You Nothing To BITTCH About!


You cut it AFTER you hunt it for 3 months.

That's not the option you advocate for.

Cutting tags, and not hunting them for three months.

I read it in Hell F'n right. Are you insinuating that it's bullshit?
So Hossy?

Year One In To The SECRET Tag Hunt!

I Notch A Tag!

Year Two In To The SECRET Tag Hunt!

I Notch A 2nd Tag!

Year Three I'm Wishing I Was Going Hunting On The SECRET Tag Again, But I'm Not!

I'm Not Able To Cut That 3rd Tag Up In Front Of Your Face But It Was Cut Up In A Roundabout Way!

You Happy Now?

Now Why Would I Ask That?

You Ain't Never Happy!

It Leaves You Nothing To BITTCH About!
What? You said you got a tag this year. They don't send tags if you have already filled 2 tags on pisscutters. Something doesn't add up

I Know It's Hard For You To Do!

This Is Year # !!

I Used What I Posted As An Example Since Most Of You Are So BRAIN-DEAD You Can't Figure Sshhitt Out!

What? You said you got a tag this year. They don't send tags if you have already filled 2 tags on pisscutters. Something doesn't add up
What should happen to Wade Lemon, a now convicted poacher Bessy?

(Actually, I think it’s multiple convictions now. There is an old one back in the day if I’m not mistaken…)
You Forgot What You Read In HELL-F'N-RIGHT Already I Take It?

You'd Be More In THE KNOW Of What Might Happen!

I'm Not On Here To PRAISE Nor THRASH Wade Lemon!

He Doesn't Much Like Me & That's OK!

What should happen to Wade Lemon, a now convicted poacher Bessy?

(Actually, I think it’s multiple convictions now. There is an old one back in the day if I’m not mistaken…)
Help me out. Tell us clearly what should happen. C’mon, don’t make me believe it only applies to the average knucklehead and not your hero celebrity hunters you hob-knob with at the expo.

I Already Told You He Doesn't Much Like Me!

Do I Need To Repeat It For A 3rd Time?

Nobody Liked HELL-F'N-RIGHT Consequences Now Did They?

Help me out. Tell us clearly what should happen. C’mon, don’t make me believe it only applies to the average knucklehead and not your hero celebrity hunters you hob-knob with at the expo.
I Go To The EXPO To See Friends From Utah & Different States That Show Up!

I Don't Have Any FLAT BRIMS From The People You Speak Of!


Did You Not Hear Wade?
I don’t know Wade, but I wish I did. I would like to hear prison stories when he gets out. In construction, I love talking to some of the ex cons about their time in prison. I hear some interesting things that most people never hear. He might have a hard time since he is kind of well off and sort of well known. It would be funny if he came out with a bunch of tattoos and the place turned him into a thug. I hope he shares with us some of the highs and lows.
Obviously what Lemon did was wrong, but when he gets out he's welcome to come to Oregon and kill as many cats as he can and I don't give a FF how he does it. then start on the wolves. I'd like to see more deer tracks than lion tracks again. maybe if you had more cats it would temper the outrage. to me this ranks up there with overdue parking tickets.

And I don't understand how the driver at a bank robbery goes to jail and the one who gets the money gets to keep it and walk away. does anyone here really think the clients were too stupid to know what they were buying? com 'on, if they're that dumb they shouldn't be handling firearms. so they should be Wade's cellmates', or nobody should go. let's be fair about it.
I don’t know Wade, but I wish I did. I would like to hear prison stories when he gets out. In construction, I love talking to some of the ex cons about their time in prison. I hear some interesting things that most people never hear. He might have a hard time since he is kind of well off and sort of well known. It would be funny if he came out with a bunch of tattoos and the place turned him into a thug. I hope he shares with us some of the highs and lows.
Ha. I have ex brother in laws that did time. For bad stuff. I know the stories. mtmuley
Hey 440?

If you Don't Care About Breaking Laws Why Don't You Just Start Thinning The Cats & Wolves Out Yourself?

Alot Of Almighty Deer Hunters Wouldn't Have A Clue What's Going Down On A Lion Hunt!

That Doesn't Mean All Outfitters Are Doing It Illegal!

Obviously what Lemon did was wrong, but when he gets out he's welcome to come to Oregon and kill as many cats as he can and I don't give a FF how he does it. then start on the wolves. I'd like to see more deer tracks than lion tracks again. maybe if you had more cats it would temper the outrage. to me this ranks up there with overdue parking tickets.

And I don't understand how the driver at a bank robbery goes to jail and the one who gets the money gets to keep it and walk away. does anyone here really think the clients were too stupid to know what they were buying? com 'on, if they're that dumb they shouldn't be handling firearms. so they should be Wade's cellmates', or nobody should go. let's be fair about it.
Bessy unwilling to throw his expo hero under the bus by applying his HELL-RIGHT standards? This is my shocked face

And then someone mentions thinning cats to help mule deer? Dang, this is a rough day for ole cat!!!
We can kill lion almost year round on a cheap over the counter tag. but we can't use hounds. why don't I thin them myself? because too many people want use deer and elk for dog and cat food and I'd get caught. look at the freaking out over it here.

I didn't say the laws shouldn't be enforced even though I don't care on this one. I said everyone who knowingly participated should face the same charges. and yes, they knew. and if they didn't stupidity is no excuse for any crime. let's be real.

And we shouldn't forget the jealousy factor. Wade has taken a lot of great animals and he's competition . how many were taken where laws were broken? I can't say. but if he gets knocked down and we can say he's a cheater and a scum bag that makes us feel better about how his clients consistently outdo us right? oh no I wouldn't do that! sure you wouldn't.

If there's proof he broke laws where deer/elk/sheep or such were the target then I would join the lynch mob. until then, whatever.
You'd Best Wake The **** Up & Start Listening!

I Told You Wade Doesn't Much Like Me!

You Hear That?

Can You Get It Through Your THICK F'N Head?

I Said:

If You're In Doubt About What's In HELL-F'N-RIGHT Go Re-Read It!


Bessy unwilling to throw his expo hero under the bus by applying his HELL-RIGHT standards? This is my shocked face

And then someone mentions thinning cats to help mule deer? Dang, this is a rough day for ole cat!!!
We can kill lion almost year round on a cheap over the counter tag. but we can't use hounds. why don't I thin them myself? because too many people want use deer and elk for dog and cat food and I'd get caught. look at the freaking out over it here.

I didn't say the laws shouldn't be enforced even though I don't care on this one. I said everyone who knowingly participated should face the same charges. and yes, they knew. and if they didn't stupidity is no excuse for any crime. let's be real.

And we shouldn't forget the jealousy factor. Wade has taken a lot of great animals and he's competition . how many were taken where laws were broken? I can't say. but if he gets knocked down and we can say he's a cheater and a scum bag that makes us feel better about how his clients consistently outdo us right? oh no I wouldn't do that! sure you wouldn't.

If there's proof he broke laws where deer/elk/sheep or such were the target then I would join the lynch mob. until then, whatever.
So 440?

You Don't Comprehend/Acknowledge The Latest Charges/Conviction?
There's More To A PISS POOR Deer Herd Than Lions!

Do I Need To Repeat It?

Or Buy You A Hearing Aid?

Bessy unwilling to throw his expo hero under the bus by applying his HELL-RIGHT standards? This is my shocked face

And then someone mentions thinning cats to help mule deer? Dang, this is a rough day for ole cat!!!
Why do you keep trying to talk about other things than a law breaker? Why are you afraid to say what should happen to him?
Did you Forget What Was Posted In HELL-F'N-RIGHT?

I'm Not The Judge In The Case Now Am I?

I'd Bet HELL-F'N-RIGHT Would Have Stiffer Consequences Than Anybody Will Ever Receive!

And BOY!

Did Alot Of People On This Site BAWL About HELL-F'N-RIGHT!

Why do you keep trying to talk about other things than a law breaker? Why are you afraid to say what should happen to him?
A Question For You Nilly:

Why Does It Take Years To Convict Somebody?

I'll kinda Tell You Why!

The Whole Entire System Is A MILKMAN Factory!

Let's Milk The System For Millions!

Let's Take Years To GIT-R-F'N-DONE!

It's Beyond A F'N JOKE!
Obviously what Lemon did was wrong, but when he gets out he's welcome to come to Oregon and kill as many cats as he can and I don't give a FF how he does it. then start on the wolves. I'd like to see more deer tracks than lion tracks again. maybe if you had more cats it would temper the outrage. to me this ranks up there with overdue parking tickets.

And I don't understand how the driver at a bank robbery goes to jail and the one who gets the money gets to keep it and walk away. does anyone here really think the clients were too stupid to know what they were buying? com 'on, if they're that dumb they shouldn't be handling firearms. so they should be Wade's cellmates', or nobody should go. let's be fair about it.
Quit voting for liberals and you may get what you want. That Biden/Harris ticket didn’t get you much? What will that Harris/Big Mike ticket get you? Some grizzly bears perhaps. You are allowed to do Heroine in public. Is that not good enough? Maybe you need a new governor, senators and congressman as well. We saw your politics 4 years ago now go lay in your bed that you Sh!t in.
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I don’t know Wade, but I wish I did. I would like to hear prison stories when he gets out. In construction, I love talking to some of the ex cons about their time in prison. I hear some interesting things that most people never hear. He might have a hard time since he is kind of well off and sort of well known. It would be funny if he came out with a bunch of tattoos and the place turned him into a thug. I hope he shares with us some of the highs and lows.
He will get turned out on the yard.
What should happen to Wade Lemon, a now convicted poacher Bessy?

(Actually, I think it’s multiple convictions now. There is an old one back in the day if I’m not mistaken…)
Not Bessy but I’ll answer. Wade Lemon should be banned for life in all states from hunting and guiding. If this guy gets off easy it’s a green light to poachers and azzholes everywhere.
Not Bessy but I’ll answer. Wade Lemon should be banned for life in all states from hunting and guiding. If this guy gets off easy it’s a green light to poachers and azzholes everywhere.
He definitely deserves a minimum punishment of what Ryan Hatch was given. But I’m ok with a lifetime ban, they are the Biden crime family of the hunting industry.
I'll Bet You A Benjamin The Said Outfitter Carries On With A New/Different Owner/Name Or Maybe Even The Same Name!

You Gamblin?


I’ll make that bet if you bet me $1,000 that the sun won’t come up tomorrow, and I get to say it will.

You gamblin or pussin out?

I’ll even double or nothing it that the sky is blue too!
I've been Cutting Up One Tag On An Every 3 year Basis Longer Than You Have!

There's Times it's Been More Than 1 Tag CUT THE F'Up In That 3 Year Period!

Your TAG Isn't The SECRET/SPECIAL You Think It Is!

You've Advertised MM Wide For Years!

How Many Video's Have You Collected?

You're A Little Off Topic On This Thread!

Go Shoot Some Predators Or Something Other Than BITTCCHING About Others That Have The Same GAWD-DAMNED TAG That You Have!


You cut it AFTER you hunt it for 3 months.

That's not the option you advocate for.

Cutting tags, and not hunting them for three months.

I read it in Hell F'n right.
What? You said you got a tag this year. They don't send tags if you have already filled 2 tags on pisscutters. Something doesn't add up

I'm still trying g to figure out, like the rest of us, WHY the author of the ground breaking Hell F'n right, which bashed both DH, and long seasons of chasing deer, HAS A DH TAG TO START WITH.

But yeah, elkhunter is right.
Once Again You Pay No F'N Attention!

One tag Outa 3 Gets Cut!

I Hunted The First Year & Notched A Tag!

I Hunted The Second year & Notched A Tag!

The 3rd Year I Cut Up A Tag For You But You're Still Not F'N Happy!

Go Ahead & Post All The CUT TAG Video's You've Collected!

I At Least Admit To Cutting One Tag Up Or More In A 3 year Period!

And Some Of Them Were On The 3rd Year Where I Didn't Go Hunting!

Is There A Difference Of Me Cutting The Tag Up Versus The DWR Cutting That Tag Up?

You Turned In To An OPPORTUNIST!

I Remember When You Wasn't One!


You cut it AFTER you hunt it for 3 months.

That's not the option you advocate for.

Cutting tags, and not hunting them for three months.

I read it in Hell F'n right.

I'm still trying g to figure out, like the rest of us, WHY the author of the ground breaking Hell F'n right, which bashed both DH, and long seasons of chasing deer, HAS A DH TAG TO START WITH.

But yeah, elkhunter is right.
Once Again You Pay No F'N Attention!

One tag Outa 3 Gets Cut!

I Hunted The First Year & Notched A Tag!

I Hunted The Second year & Notched A Tag!

The 3rd Year I Cut Up A Tag For You But You're Still Not F'N Happy!

Go Ahead & Post All The CUT TAG Video's You've Collected!

I At Least Admit To Cutting One Tag Up Or More In A 3 year Period!

And Some Of Them Were On The 3rd Year Where I Didn't Go Hunting!

Is There A Difference Of Me Cutting The Tag Up Versus The DWR Cutting That Tag Up?

You Turned In To An OPPORTUNIST!

I Remember When You Wasn't One!
If you Notch 2 tags they don't send you a 3rd one. Do you get special rules. How do you cut up a tag you don't get. Maybe that's why you won't say anything bad about wade, maybe he showed you a loophole
I Don't Bad Mouth People On The Internet Unless They're Right Here Starting Their BS First & Joining In!

You're Another Person That Doesn't Listen Too Well!

Wade Doesn't Much Like Me!

And That's OK!

Just Because He Doesn't Much Like Me Mean That I'm Gonna TRASH Him On MM!

You Get That F'N Picture Or Do I Need To Go In More Detail?

If you Notch 2 tags they don't send you a 3rd one. Do you get special rules. How do you cut up a tag you don't get. Maybe that's why you won't say anything bad about wade, maybe he showed you a loophole
Once Again You Pay No F'N Attention!

One tag Outa 3 Gets Cut!

I Hunted The First Year & Notched A Tag!

I Hunted The Second year & Notched A Tag!

The 3rd Year I Cut Up A Tag For You But You're Still Not F'N Happy!

Go Ahead & Post All The CUT TAG Video's You've Collected!

I At Least Admit To Cutting One Tag Up Or More In A 3 year Period!

And Some Of Them Were On The 3rd Year Where I Didn't Go Hunting!

Is There A Difference Of Me Cutting The Tag Up Versus The DWR Cutting That Tag Up?

You Turned In To An OPPORTUNIST!

I Remember When You Wasn't One!


Did you call for tag cuts, but only after the hunter hunts, then cut tags?

You hunt deer for 9 months during your DH contract

According to Hell right, that's a major problem
I Don't Bad Mouth People On The Internet Unless They're Right Here Starting Their BS First & Joining In!

You're Another Person That Doesn't Listen Too Well!

Wade Doesn't Much Like Me!

And That's OK!

Just Because He Doesn't Much Like Me Mean That I'm Gonna TRASH Him On MM!

You Get That F'N Picture Or Do I Need To Go In More Detail?

That's worse than a trisate dodge!

Quit duckin and dodgin and answer an Eff'N question!

Ha. This is entertaining.
Hey Tough Guy!

Get Wade Himself On Here & We'll CHAT!

You Wanna THRASH & TRASH Wade I Say Get After It!

(((You're Probably Smarter Than That Though.........?)))

That's worse than a trisate dodge!

Quit duckin and dodgin and answer an Eff'N question!

Ha. This is entertaining.
Hey Hossy!

You're Hunting The Same Tag I Am Only Mine Is Not As SECRETIVE As Yours!

Depending On How It All Goes?

I Might Notch A Tag The First Year!

I Might Possibly Notch A Tag The 2nd Year!

If I Do?

The 3rd Tag Was CUT!

If it Makes You Feel Any Better?

I'd Only Be Hunting 6 Months If It Worked Out In That Order!

Or I Might Hunt 9 Months & Not Take A GAWD-DAMNED Buck During That Time Frame!

Now It's Fine & ******* Dandy If You Hunt For 9 GAWD-DAMNED Months,But You Don't Want Anybody-Else Doing It,Do You?

How Bout Niller?

Is He Gonna Save A F'N PISSCUTTER By Not Using His LL?



Did you call for tag cuts, but only after the hunter hunts, then cut tags?

You hunt deer for 9 months during your DH contract

According to Hell right, that's a major problem
Now It's Fine & ******* Dandy If You Hunt For 9 GAWD-DAMNED Months,But You Don't Want Anybody-Else Doing It,Do You?

Now your arguing with yourself?

Post Hell F'n Right.

Let's see what it says about dedicated and hunting deer half the year.

Post it
Hey Hossy!

You're Hunting The Same Tag I Am Only Mine Is Not As SECRETIVE As Yours!

Depending On How It All Goes?

I Might Notch A Tag The First Year!

I Might Possibly Notch A Tag The 2nd Year!

If I Do?

The 3rd Tag Was CUT!

If it Makes You Feel Any Better?

I'd Only Be Hunting 6 Months If It Worked Out In That Order!

Or I Might Hunt 9 Months & Not Take A GAWD-DAMNED Buck During That Time Frame!

Now It's Fine & ******* Dandy If You Hunt For 9 GAWD-DAMNED Months,But You Don't Want Anybody-Else Doing It,Do You?

How Bout Niller?

Is He Gonna Save A F'N PISSCUTTER By Not Using His LL?

@elkassassin YOU have changed words
Once Again You Pay No F'N Attention!

One tag Outa 3 Gets Cut!

I Hunted The First Year & Notched A Tag!

I Hunted The Second year & Notched A Tag!

The 3rd Year I Cut Up A Tag For You But You're Still Not F'N Happy!"

YOU cant even keep your story straight. that's why we are all confused.
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Well, it looks like Wade Lemon was finally charged and will get some prison time. My question is why does Ryan Hatch receive a worse punishment than Wade Lemon? I wonder if another guy named Wade will get some time as well for his wildlife violations? I’ll get ready for someone we all know to tell us the alternating facts.

My guess is a slap on the hand, a little fine to make them all feel like they can show the public yo we care about poaching don't do it! And a refreshment course for appropriate hunting etiquette. Way too much money to shut down the pauns, management unit.
I've been in the hunting industry for 32 years. Do you know how many times I have seen an anti-hunter or politician use an illegal act to influence an anti-hunting bill????????

Never. Not once. Not one single time. That's not the tactics they use.

How about non-hunters?????? They don't do it either because it's stupid. Somehow they all know this but you don't.

They did in Oregon with the measure 16 campaign using video of guys running hours on cubs and chewing on them.
Just gonna leave these right here...


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