Sometimes life gives you Lemons

Hey Hossy?

How Bout The SECRET TAG You Hold!

Have You Videoed Yourself Cutting Your SECRET Tag Up Yet?

When They Get All The Rules Converted Over To HELL-F'N-RIGHT You Might Have A Start On Improving The Deer Herd!

The New OPEN SEASON ON LIONS Ain't Gonna Fix It As I Said It Wouldn't!

What Kinda DUMB SSHHITT Should We Try This Year?

Let's Just Try One DUMB Change A Year!

In About A 100 Years You Still Won't See Any Improvements At That Rate!

What'd Your SECRET Tag Cost You This Year?

How about not hunting them from Aug to Nov.? I read in a list of 50 or so things that would help.

You first though, don't tell others to do what you won't. Video submissions are still being taken.
Why is this so hard for you?

It's a simple yes or no proposition.

Either "yes, I actually believe everything I said", and send the vid.


"NO, I was talking out of my azz," and don't.

We don't need pages of drivel of you spinning and deflecting.

Already been pages of Tri spinning and deflecting
I've been Cutting Up One Tag On An Every 3 year Basis Longer Than You Have!

There's Times it's Been More Than 1 Tag CUT THE F'Up In That 3 Year Period!

Your TAG Isn't The SECRET/SPECIAL You Think It Is!

You've Advertised MM Wide For Years!

How Many Video's Have You Collected?

You're A Little Off Topic On This Thread!

Go Shoot Some Predators Or Something Other Than BITTCCHING About Others That Have The Same GAWD-DAMNED TAG That You Have!
Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!

What did HELL-RIGHT say about illegal takes? Tell us what SHOULD have happened to Wade Lemon, Bessy. I’ll wait.
Your Memory Is Fading!

Show Me Where I Have Said Hardly Anything About Wade Lemon!

Hossy Started The Distraction,Not Me!

Back To The Topic Niller & Hossy!

If You Wanna Argue Like We Always Do I Can Think Of Alot Of Threads & Topics We've Had Over The years & It Wouldn't Be Hard To Pull One Up!

Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!

What did HELL-RIGHT say about illegal takes? Tell us what SHOULD have happened to Wade Lemon, Bessy. I’ll wait.
Pay The FUKK Attention Niller!

I Know it's Hard For You To Do!


Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!


Bessy trying to distract from one of his boys violations he used to preach caring about!

What did HELL-RIGHT say about illegal takes? Tell us what SHOULD have happened to Wade Lemon, Bessy. I’ll wait.

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