WLH going to prison

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Thanks for letting us know you have low moral character.

You mean like running others blood trails, radio scanners, and purposely fukin up DIY hunters and other outfitters..

Oh wait that the lemon crew, Lance came in and fuked up a stalk for my buddy this year absolutely on purpose. Another time that brought in 4 rigs on my buddy when his spotter radioed him he’d seen his target buck.. No way to see if from anywhere.

I have no character, luckily they didn’t pull that **** on me, or I’d have burnt the whole mf’er to the ground.

At some point they’ll run out of crew that can hold an outfitters liscense.. Aren’t dad and son already on timeout for poaching crimes?
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Poaching convictions made those less regulated????
You don't "know" WLH other than you hunted with them and took a great buck, therefore you know what you "know" from that experience and nothing more.

You don't reside in Utah, you have zero personal knowledge of these forum spoken incidents from Utah residents who "know facts", allegations and numerous incidents like the Nebo sheep, Antelope Island and illegally treed bears and cats, let alone numerous deer and elk incidents.

Why do you even comment if it doesn't affect YOU, like it does US, the Utah citizens?

It's OUR state, OUR animals, OUR problems, not YOURS.

If you don't want to listen, STAY OUT OF IT, PERIOD!
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You mean it's illegal if a guy buys a bike part and sends his friend to the store to make sure the part is good before he gets there?

I’m not sure about any of that, but it’s illegal to tree a cat without a hunter, keep it in the tree while you call a hunter to the scene, release a couple more dogs with the hunter so they are none-too-wise of the canned hunt, and then have the hunter kill that cat.

It’s also illegal to do that again a second time. And a third. And a…well, you get the point.

I know those acts are illegal, because Wade is in currently prison for them.

And his lapdog must seriously miss him!

Yes they can go to prison for sending motorcycle parts. I’d it is part of a criminal conspiracy, yes Rico could apply. It also depends on the criminal history of the offender. Some people go to prison for minor offenses based upon their prior criminal history. Your grasping at straws and again show you know nothing.
As I was headed muzzy hunting while Tri sat in Houston waiting for his next booking with whatever guide, I saw something that perhaps he'd like to reminisce about
You don't "know" WLH other than you hunted with them and took a great buck, therefore you know what you "know" from that experience and nothing more.

You don't reside in Utah, you have zero personal knowledge of these forum spoken incidents from Utah residents who "know facts", allegations and numerous incidents like the Nebo sheep, Antelope Island and illegally treed bears and cats, let alone numerous deer and elk incidents.

Why do you even comment if it doesn't affect YOU, like it does US, the Utah citizens?

It's OUR state, OUR animals, OUR problems, not YOURS.

If you don't want to listen, STAY OUT OF IT, PERIOD!
Do you hear yourself. Some how you "know" how much time I have spent with Wade and how often and for what reasons I am or am not in the state of Utah??????

Are you nuts? You make statements like this and then expect people to believe all the other gossip and lies you post?????

I mean this because I actually care. The internet has hurt you. It's probably best if you step away for awhile.
I’m not sure about any of that, but it’s illegal to tree a cat without a hunter, keep it in the tree while you call a hunter to the scene, release a couple more dogs with the hunter so they are none-too-wise of the canned hunt, and then have the hunter kill that cat.

It’s also illegal to do that again a second time. And a third. And a…well, you get the point.

I know those acts are illegal, because Wade is in currently prison for them.

And his lapdog must seriously miss him!
So why is that illegal?

Seriously, answer this question.

Yes they can go to prison for sending motorcycle parts. I’d it is part of a criminal conspiracy, yes Rico could apply. It also depends on the criminal history of the offender. Some people go to prison for minor offenses based upon their prior criminal history. Your grasping at straws and again show you know nothing.
Please point to a single case where a bike part getting shipped to Montana landed a dude in federal prison for 60 days. One time just one. Name it.
So can you tell me why mailing a cat part across a state line is worth puting someone in prison for 60 days then? Because they aren't going to do it over a motorcycle part.

It’s not. And that isn’t why he was put in prison.

He’s in prison because he’s a serial poacher.
So can you tell me why mailing a cat part across a state line is worth puting someone in prison for 60 days then? Because they aren't going to do it over a motorcycle part.
No, but there are laws I don't understand that I have to live with. Like if I'm at a red light and there are no cars for miles, but I still have to wait for the green light. With the climate crisis I don't understand spewing CO2 into the atmosphere for no reason.
Because the law says so. Same reason anything else is illegal.
You are a robot.

If people like you run the world this would still be a British colony.

So do you want to try and have a deep thought and answer why is it illegal to turn dogs out before the client is there? Answer the question.
It’s not. And that isn’t why he was put in prison.

He’s in prison because he’s a serial poacher.
He wouldn't be in prison if the cat hadn't have been shipped to Montana. Even the latest articles have pointed that out.
No, but there are laws I don't understand that I have to live with. Like if I'm at a red light and there are no cars for miles, but I still have to wait for the green light. With the climate crisis I don't understand spewing CO2 into the atmosphere for no reason.
I get what your saying. When you finally make an executive decision and exercise judgement, and drive through the light do you get sent to prison for 60 days?
He wouldn't be in prison if the cat hadn't have been shipped to Montana. Even the latest articles have pointed that out.
That’s how investigations work. It’s called evidence and sometime evidence from one issue helps uncover another. You know, those investigators aka evil cops are sneaky buggers sometimes.
That’s how investigations work. It’s called evidence and sometime evidence from one issue helps uncover another. You know, those investigators aka evil cops are sneaky buggers sometimes.
Shipping a cat skin to Montana is evidence of where a person was when a dog was turned loose. Rrrrrrrrrrrright.
He never said that.
Then I guess shipping a cat skin to Montana is evidence of shipping a cat skin to Montana. Which is what I have said is a crime sometimes. This being one of those times.

Look if you want to say that the dead cat, the license, the spent shell, the witness testimony, etc.... are all evidence in the Lacey act violation I can agree with that, even though they are not necessarily crimes themselves. But to think they mentioned shipping a cat skin to Montana is evidence of a crime OTHER THAN SHIPPING A CAT SKIN TO MONTANA, is silly.
Then I guess shipping a cat skin to Montana is evidence of shipping a cat skin to Montana. Which is what I have said is a crime sometimes. This being one of those times.

Look if you want to say that the dead cat, the license, the spent shell, the witness testimony, etc.... are all evidence in the Lacey act violation I can agree with that, even though they are not necessarily crimes themselves. But to think they mentioned shipping a cat skin to Montana is evidence of a crime OTHER THAN SHIPPING A CAT SKIN TO MONTANA, is silly.
I’m just using a point you often use, “I never said that”. It’s can work against your arguments too.
You are dodging the question because you realize having a law about when a dog gets turned out on a cat is stupid and hypocritical in the state of Utah.

Just because you don’t like the answer, lil lapdog, doesn’t mean it wasn’t answered.

Wade is in prison because he is a serial poacher. Nothing more, nothing less. You know it as well as anyone else. You can keep fighting it, but that won’t change a thing. You and I both know well why things are the way they are now. Only one of us is man enough to answer it honestly, however.

Wade Lemon is a poacher. It finally caught up to him.
Just because you don’t like the answer, lil lapdog, doesn’t mean it wasn’t answered.

Wade is in prison because he is a serial poacher. Nothing more, nothing less. You know it as well as anyone else. You can keep fighting it, but that won’t change a thing. You and I both know well why things are the way they are now. Only one of us is man enough to answer it honestly, however.

Wade Lemon is a poacher. It finally caught up to him.
You know and I know the law never gave a damn about a cat or the rules or conservation. You don't get to say when a dog gets turned loose decides ethics when someone can shoot the same cat legally with his foot tied to the ground. It's called hypocrisy and you proudly join it. Not because there's a great cause but because you hate people and enjoy screwing them.

I get what your saying. When you finally make an executive decision and exercise judgement, and drive through the light do you get sent to prison for 60 days?
Probably because I will cuss the officer out and refuse to obey his commands. He will have to drag me out of my truck kicking and screaming. He will call for backup and then they will abuse me verbally and physically. Then I'll be on YouTube and you can post it in the Campfire Forum.

Man Gets Abused and Arrested For Defending The Climate

Running a red light, assaulting two police officers, resisting arrest will probably get me 60 days.

Just messing with you, Tri. :)
Probably because I will cuss the officer out and refuse to obey his commands. He will have to drag me out of my truck kicking and screaming. He will call for backup and then they will abuse me verbally and physically. Then I'll be on YouTube and you can post it in the Campfire Forum.

Man Gets Abused and Arrested For Defending The Climate

Running a red light, assaulting two police officers, resisting arrest will probably get me 60 days.

Just messing with you, Tri. :)

You know what's sad? I bet you still don't get 60 days. Seriously. Do you know how pi55ed off the gubmint has to be at you to get 60 days.
You don't get to say when a dog gets turned loose decides ethics when someone can shoot the same cat legally with his foot tied to the ground.

Finally you say something accurate. You are correct, I do not get to say that. But the state legisature and the wildlife board, who make laws regarding wildlife in Utah, do.

And unfortunately for your buddy, they said what he was doing quite often was against the law. And Wade full well knew it! If he didn't know it, why would he turn extra dogs loose with the hunter so they wouldn't be aware the cat was already treed?

I really don't care if you like the laws or not. All of us know that wildlife laws to you are less than suggestions anyway. You admitted in this very thread that you don't follow the law on taxidermy documentation. Wade broke the law, and has broken the law many times before this, and it caught up to him. He's in prison, and you are missing your lap to sit on.

Don't worry lil buddy, big buddy will be out soon enough for you.

You know what's sad? I bet you still don't get 60 days. Seriously. Do you know how pi55ed off the gubmint has to be at you to get 60 days.
Unfortunately, we don't make the laws or the sentencing guide lines. I'm with you though.

Sometimes I think sentences are handed out due to how high profile the case is but that still doesn't make it right. Sometimes it depends on who the prosecutor is and who the convicted person is. They're past record, etc. They have minimums and maximums that the judge can use at his or her discression. Sentences get appealed quite often too.

You know what's sad? I bet you still don't get 60 days. Seriously. Do you know how pi55ed off the gubmint has to be at you to get 60 days.
60 days is the lightest federal sentence I have ever heard of. The judge had no idea how high you put Wade on that pedestal before he sentenced him. Wade wasn’t targeted and made an example of like you are implying.
Finally you say something accurate. You are correct, I do not get to say that. But the state legisature and the wildlife board, who make laws regarding wildlife in Utah, do.

And unfortunately for your buddy, they said what he was doing quite often was against the law. And Wade full well knew it! If he didn't know it, why would he turn extra dogs loose with the hunter so they wouldn't be aware the cat was already treed?

I really don't care if you like the laws or not. All of us know that wildlife laws to you are less than suggestions anyway. You admitted in this very thread that you don't follow the law on taxidermy documentation. Wade broke the law, and has broken the law many times before this, and it caught up to him. He's in prison, and you are missing your lap to sit on.

Don't worry lil buddy, big buddy will be out soon enough for you.
Then you don't care that you are a hypocrite and you use the law as a cop out justifying your bad behavior.
Unfortunately, we don't make the laws or the sentencing guide lines. I'm with you though.

Sometimes I think sentences are handed out due to how high profile the case is but that still doesn't make it right. Sometimes it depends on who the prosecutor is and who the convicted person is. They're past record, etc. They have minimums and maximums that the judge can use at his or her discression. Sentences get appealed quite often too.
For sure.
60 days is the lightest federal sentence I have ever heard of. The judge had no idea how high you put Wade on that pedestal before he sentenced him. Wade wasn’t targeted and made an example of like you are implying.
That's the lightest sentence you've ever heard of?????

Piles of people get sentenced in federal courts to no prison time at all. Happens every day.
I had to hit reply just to make sure you didn’t put this in your signature line.

I believe he plead guilty? The only reason I can think to do that is you ARE guilty, AND you are flea bargaining for a lighter sentence.
Like most things the reasons can be a wide spectrum. Not everyone acts thinks and reacts just as you do. Just the reality of things.
I believe he plead guilty? The only reason I can think to do that is you ARE guilty, AND you are flea bargaining for a lighter sentence.
Are you nuts? He plead guilty because there is a vast conspiracy against him, all the way to the Governor- hell, maybe the President! He plead guilty to support the common man, improve wildlife habitat, and the betterment of apple pie.

I'm shocked at your willful ignorance BH.
Are you nuts? He plead guilty because there is a vast conspiracy against him, all the way to the Governor- hell, maybe the President! He plead guilty to support the common man, improve wildlife habitat, and the betterment of apple pie.

I'm shocked at your willful ignorance BH.
Just adding to a thread full of willful ignorance. It’s the best kind.
Have yall been watching the social media? WLH has been stacking up monster bucks again this year.

I am impressed how a great family run business can overcome the weight of an over zealous government and hate, and succeed again and again.

That is testament to how great a fella Wade actually is.
If you run radio scanners it’s pretty easy to swoop in on others.

The ones they don’t fuk others on come from petting zoos.

At least feeders are legal there.
By the way one of the great things about some of these latest news articles is they actually say back at the time of the Nebo ram debacle there were actually state documents saying the Nebo was open to the governor's tag holder.
By the way one of the great things about some of these latest news articles is they actually say back at the time of the Nebo ram debacle there were actually state documents saying the Nebo was open to the governor's tag holder.

You’re misremembering what happened. I get it. You outed WLH on that whole deal. Chances are nobody knows about that cluster if not for you and your seemingly “in your face” BLAAAAM post. So I understand how you are trying to re-write history.

But again, there are some around here that know everything about that case, and you are not one of them.
So you think if someone else does something it proves you are righteous??????

Now this is about being righteous?

I’m not the one that will judge Wade Lemon in the end, but I can easily identify him today as a poacher that is in prison. No conjecture. No hearsay. No gossip. Just cold hard facts on that one. If that makes me righteous, in your words, so be it.
You’re misremembering what happened. I get it. You outed WLH on that whole deal. Chances are nobody knows about that cluster if not for you and your seemingly “in your face” BLAAAAM post. So I understand how you are trying to re-write history.

But again, there are some around here that know everything about that case, and you are not one of them.
I guess that one really bit you.

You have these complete alternate universe you live in.

The truth is coming out. The state supplied documents that were incorrect and the news sources even talk about it now. Kind of goes against your "call the janitor" narrative.

The more you talk about what you know the less you know.

Do you ever wonder where I got the Blaaaaaaaam Pic? I suppose you "know" that.🤣
Now this is about being righteous?

I’m not the one that will judge Wade Lemon in the end, but I can easily identify him today as a poacher that is in prison. No conjecture. No hearsay. No gossip. Just cold hard facts on that one. If that makes me righteous, in your words, so be it.
Did you miss the "you think" portion of that sentence. I guess you did.

Let's play the Vanilly game.

Why would you admit you are a gossiping poacher? Your words.
I guess that one really bit you.

You have these complete alternate universe you live in.

The truth is coming out. The state supplied documents that were incorrect and the news sources even talk about it now. Kind of goes against your "call the janitor" narrative.

The more you talk about what you know the less you know.

Do you ever wonder where I got the Blaaaaaaaam Pic? I suppose you "know" that.🤣
You mean the guidebook that expressly disclaims being authoritative and tells hunters to look at the actual statutes and regulations, that for whatever reason that particular year did not state that the Governor's and Sportsman's tags alternate years for which one was allowed to hunt on that unit?

Yeah, it was a bullshit cop-out excuse back then and it isn't new or any better today.
The truth is coming out. The state supplied documents that were incorrect and the news sources even talk about it now. Kind of goes against your "call the janitor" narrative.

You think this is new information? That was all debated in the BLAAAAM thread and was known all along that the DWR sent a letter to Waldrip with incorrect information. That is why WL called a random DWR employee to confirm it was correct when he knew it wasn't, ran up on the mountain as quickly as possible to kill that sheep, and then the poop hit the fan at the Division when they realized what had happened.

Tri, this was all out in the public at the time. And there is a lot more to this that was not out in the public at the time and still has not been out in the public.

I think it's cute that you noticed something in an article all these years later that you think is your smoking gun, however, like I said, there are some that know all about what happened in this (might even be able to name names...), but you are not one of those people.

I'm happy to revisit any illegal operation WL has carried out here in this thread that you want to bring up though. Again, with a friend like you, I can't understand why Wade Lemon would ever need an enemy! The state was fully content in the Nebo sheep incident dying a cold, private death without the masses knowing about it. Well, some idiot taxidermist trying to play "in your face" on the internet ruined that one! Well done Tri! What else will you reveal about Wade's illegal activities for us?

Yes, the DWR made giant mistakes in that one, but if you actually know what has happened all along with this, you might be questioning why that was. Some people know, and if you know where to look, you might be able to know as well. I'm not going to do the homework for you, however. And maybe in 5 more years you'll come back with some of the stuff I'm referring to now and act like you discovered it again.

Keep talking. We like it! All it does is highlight Wade Lemon as a poacher and sitting in prison for it. Be my guest!
You mean the guidebook that expressly disclaims being authoritative and tells hunters to look at the actual statutes and regulations, that for whatever reason that particular year did not state that the Governor's and Sportsman's tags alternate years for which one was allowed to hunt on that unit?

Yeah, it was a bullshit cop-out excuse back then and it isn't new or any better today.
Not an excuse. It's reality. The government doesn't get to print a guidebook and then say it's not a guidebook we lied.

Would you be happy if your son saw what dates the season was in the guide book went and hunted literally to the letter of the law and then got the book thrown at him and everyone on here calling him a poaching POS and threatening his home family and livelihood while the state tries to incarcerated him? Would you look your soon in the eye and tell him he has nothing but a "bullshit cop out excuse"?

Get real the state doesn't get to use their authority to trick people into breaking the law.
You think this is new information? That was all debated in the BLAAAAM thread and was known all along that the DWR sent a letter to Waldrip with incorrect information. That is why WL called a random DWR employee to confirm it was correct when he knew it wasn't, ran up on the mountain as quickly as possible to kill that sheep, and then the poop hit the fan at the Division when they realized what had happened.

Tri, this was all out in the public at the time. And there is a lot more to this that was not out in the public at the time and still has not been out in the public.

I think it's cute that you noticed something in an article all these years later that you think is your smoking gun, however, like I said, there are some that know all about what happened in this (might even be able to name names...), but you are not one of those people.

I'm happy to revisit any illegal operation WL has carried out here in this thread that you want to bring up though. Again, with a friend like you, I can't understand why Wade Lemon would ever need an enemy! The state was fully content in the Nebo sheep incident dying a cold, private death without the masses knowing about it. Well, some idiot taxidermist trying to play "in your face" on the internet ruined that one! Well done Tri! What else will you reveal about Wade's illegal activities for us?

Yes, the DWR made giant mistakes in that one, but if you actually know what has happened all along with this, you might be questioning why that was. Some people know, and if you know where to look, you might be able to know as well. I'm not going to do the homework for you, however. And maybe in 5 more years you'll come back with some of the stuff I'm referring to now and act like you discovered it again.

Keep talking. We like it! All it does is highlight Wade Lemon as a poacher and sitting in prison for it. Be my guest!
SO THE STATE SENT ACTUAL LETTERS WITH INCORRECT INFORMATION AND THE GUIDEBOOK HAD INCORRECT INFORMATION AND A STATE EMPLOYEE GAVE INCORRECT INFORMATION???????? That's 3 state resources. What else do you expect someone to do? At some point a hunter is going to believe what 3 resources are telling him and go hunt. Was he supposed to say he knows better than 3 different state resources????? Get real.

With all those things you say you know and remember you keep forgetting to tell these people the fact that the DWR took responsibility for what happened at Nebo. So nothing illegal, no crime. Just a bunch of internet haters. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!
With all those things you say you know and remember you keep forgetting to tell these people the fact that the DWR took responsibility for what happened at Nebo.

Nope, I haven’t forgotten that at all. I knew that from the beginning and still know it today. I might even be able to tell you things that weren’t allegedly printed in an article many years later that you’re just discovering about things the DWR did to cover this up. But then you’d be educated, and we can’t have that!

And I wouldn’t hang your hat on that “guidebook” stuff. Again, you’re misremembering. But I’m not going to keep doing the work for you on this one to clean up your inaccuracies.
Cat must have got Try's tongue. As the best thread on MM I was hoping for at least 1500 posts. Surely Try has more to whine about?
Nope, I haven’t forgotten that at all. I knew that from the beginning and still know it today. I might even be able to tell you things that weren’t allegedly printed in an article many years later that you’re just discovering about things the DWR did to cover this up. But then you’d be educated, and we can’t have that!

And I wouldn’t hang your hat on that “guidebook” stuff. Again, you’re misremembering. But I’m not going to keep doing the work for you on this one to clean up your inaccuracies.
Cover up🤣🤣🤣🤣

By the way other people on here and news sources are hanging their hats on the guidebook.

So how many state resources must one check before you think it's safe from prosecution and internet lynching before you should go hunt?
Cover up🤣🤣🤣🤣

By the way other people on here and news sources are hanging their hats on the guidebook.

So how many state resources must one check before you think it's safe from prosecution and internet lynching before you should go hunt?

I don’t know what “news source” you found that you trust more than an official press release from the DOJ, but are you really sure you want to hitch your wagon to that narrative? How confident are you in it?

Here is something I’m very confident in: Wade Lemon is a convicted poacher that is currently in federal prison for it.

I’d stake a lot on that knowledge. Are you willing to do the same with all the claims you have made, particularly this one above?

Yes they can go to prison for sending motorcycle parts. I’d it is part of a criminal conspiracy, yes Rico could apply. It also depends on the criminal history of the offender. Some people go to prison for minor offenses based upon their prior criminal history. Your grasping at straws and again show you know nothing.
RICO is not a crime just ask AOC. She got in an argument during a congressional committee hearing and kept saying that RICO isn’t a crime. Dumb beotch needs to go back to bartending
Thats exactly my point. You've hitched your wagon to news sources here right up until you admitted they weren't accurate finally.

You are still hitched to a DOJ report which is put out by a group that murders people in their cells and is weaponized against certain politicians. But hey you trust them

My whole point her is you don't "know" anything that you actually weren't witness too.

So quit dodging the question.

How many state resources must a hunter check before he goes hunting????

What if these resources contradict each other? Does the hunter need a court ruling then? What if the guidebook prints something incorrect about the general mule deer season? "I'm sorry nobody hunts until the courts settle this"????? At some point you realize people are doing the best they can with an imperfect government, so go hunt.

No great conspiracy. No serial law breaking. Just regular dudes trying to have a good time in a country that used to be free.
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Thats exactly my point. You've hitched your wagon to news sources here right up until you admitted they weren't accurate finally.

When did I admit the DOJ report was inaccurate? Why do you keep making up stuff and lying? I think there is a term for your type of person, and it begins with pathological…
No serial law breaking. Just regular dudes trying to have a good time in a country that used to be free.

Actually, serial law breaking is exactly what there has been, and that’s why he’s in prison. The last time we didn’t have game laws we nearly eliminated all our game. I’m sure that’s the paradise you’re looking for, ya moron! Keep talking. I’m glad you wouldn’t double down on the comment I asked you about and just changed the subject. (Like normal) Classic tristate spineless trolling.

You keep saying I don’t know anything, yet I know Wade Lemon is a convicted poacher that is in prison for it. Prove me wrong!
I'm sure there is smoke there is a fire close by.
Waiting to see if the fire is growing or if the smoke goes away.
How do you end up in a cell you get caught.
When did I admit the DOJ report was inaccurate? Why do you keep making up stuff and lying? I think there is a term for your type of person, and it begins with pathological…

Actually, serial law breaking is exactly what there has been, and that’s why he’s in prison. The last time we didn’t have game laws we nearly eliminated all our game. I’m sure that’s the paradise you’re looking for, ya moron! Keep talking. I’m glad you wouldn’t double down on the comment I asked you about and just changed the subject. (Like normal) Classic tristate spineless trolling.

You keep saying I don’t know anything, yet I know Wade Lemon is a convicted poacher that is in prison for it. Prove me wrong!
You literally quoted me and said I said something that has nothing to do with the quote and then accuse me of lying. That's some looney crap.

You want me to prove you wrong. Okay shipping a lion skin isn't poaching. There you are wrong.
He plead guilty. FFS man, this isn't some conspiracy.

I feel like you don't understand how laws work. You can argue good laws or bad laws but they are what they are and if you completely disregard them, you are going to be in trouble.
You mean it's illegal if a guy buys a bike part and sends his friend to the store to make sure the part is good before he gets there?
I feel sorry for you Tri.
You could be doing so much good in the world if you were not hung up on this stuff so much.
I am going to go help my neighbors now, I hope you have a great day also.
You want me to prove you wrong. Okay shipping a lion skin isn't poaching. There you are wrong.

Except for he’s still in prison, and many, many people that have shipped lion skins are not.

Point- Vanilla.

“Tri” again.
He plead guilty. FFS man, this isn't some conspiracy.

I feel like you don't understand how laws work. You can argue good laws or bad laws but they are what they are and if you completely disregard them, you are going to be in trouble.
Never said it was a conspiracy.

I do understand how laws work.
Except for he’s still in prison, and many, many people that have shipped lion skins are not.

Point- Vanilla.

“Tri” again.
My point exactly. In fact I don't know a single other case where someone has been sent to prison for shipping a lion skin. Thanks for making my point for me.
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