WLH going to prison

Yall still gossiping about what yall don't know???

Nobody hunting on a three day weekend?

Nevermind I forgot yall don't hunt.

So nobody answered my question. What if Wade wasn't even there?
I Could not answer that and it's am, Usually I am a little crisper in the morning! So I asked AI for you!

***AI Overview***
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Someone who falsely confesses to a crime they didn't commit is called someone who has made a false confession. There are several reasons why someone might make a false confession, including:

  • Police pressure: People may confess to avoid police detention or to protect someone else.

  • Vulnerability: People who are vulnerable due to age, mental illness, or trauma may be more likely to falsely confess.

  • Interrogation tactics: Law enforcement may use coercive tactics, such as false time pressure, to elicit a confession. hmm I doubt it because of his relationship with Utah's DWR *speculative

  • Psychological pressure: People may confess to avoid the psychological pressure of interrogation.
There are three main types of false confessions: voluntary, persuaded, and compliant. Each type is influenced by different psychological and situational factors.

A confession is only considered evidence in a trial if it is given voluntarily.
Got your answer: If so, he's a complete moron for getting convicted of it.
Yup, agreed. If Tri wants to know or anyone else I am including his info. Only call for questions above or help with their localized food processing game canning kitty industry.
Black Point-Area Millard 2 Wade Lemon 435-795-2299
Can you shed light on how WLH is still currently hunting on a suspension of licenses?
Even if he is using an umbrella under someone else's, he is clearly and openly operating under the WLH brand.
Yall still gossiping about what yall don't know???

Nobody hunting on a three day weekend?

Nevermind I forgot yall don't hunt.

So nobody answered my question. What if Wade wasn't even there?
Nobody answered because wade was in fact there. He knew what was going on the whole time. Did you not read the evidence or chose not to believe it?
Call your lover and find out. You are the only one arguing here.
Can you shed light on how WLH is still currently hunting on a suspension of licenses?
Even if he is using an umbrella under someone else's, he is clearly and openly operating under the WLH brand.
View attachment 156187
Theres proof that each outfit should only be able to use their own permits. Its no surprise they found a way to keep going.
Jake Bess will take the fall when lemons create more illegal issues, happens every year.
Can you shed light on how WLH is still currently hunting on a suspension of licenses?
Even if he is using an umbrella under someone else's, he is clearly and openly operating under the WLH brand.
View attachment 156187

Not sure. The federal judge that made no commercial benefit or hunting on federal lands for a year a part of his sentence might be interested in weighing in, however.

There are certainly ways for a business to keep operating under the same business title/name without the same people involved. It happens all the time. But they better have crossed all their Ts and dotted all their Is, or two months could become a lot more. Hypothetically, of course!
Even considering Tri’s diversion attempt that he wasn’t there, I didn’t know you had to be present at the crime scene to be convicted. Under tri’s theory murder for hire is legal.
Even considering Tri’s diversion attempt that he wasn’t there, I didn’t know you had to be present at the crime scene to be convicted. Under tri’s theory murder for hire is legal.
Actually you are actually getting to my point. Maybe things aren't like what elkslayer and DR H think.
Why dont you just tell us how it was, instead of putting a maybe in there.
Some of us actually have to live close to wade and the guys who work for him. The guys who turned him in arent strangers.
That would be gossip. Not interested in doing that. Too much of that around here already.
I think what Tri might be pointing at in a way is that a bunch of guys coming down on WL are gonna run out and vote for Trump with a blind eye to his felony case because ‘gubment corruption’

They can talk their way into excusing Trumps conviction because it suits their narrative the same as they are happy to hold a double standard to the justice system and Wade lemon because it fits their bias. From that perspective I can see how it could be argued that this is infighting and hate.

Not saying I agree with him or think he’s anything other than bat shi* crazy for dying on this hill, but after 1000 posts, that’s where I’m landing on trying to understand this.

You're Still Voting For KOMMIE HARRIS?

I think what Tri might be pointing at in a way is that a bunch of guys coming down on WL are gonna run out and vote for Trump with a blind eye to his felony case because ‘gubment corruption’

They can talk their way into excusing Trumps conviction because it suits their narrative the same as they are happy to hold a double standard to the justice system and Wade lemon because it fits their bias. From that perspective I can see how it could be argued that this is infighting and hate.

Not saying I agree with him or think he’s anything other than bat shi* crazy for dying on this hill, but after 1000 posts, that’s where I’m landing on trying to understand this.
I think what Tri might be pointing at in a way is that a bunch of guys coming down on WL are gonna run out and vote for Trump with a blind eye to his felony case because ‘gubment corruption’

They can talk their way into excusing Trumps conviction because it suits their narrative the same as they are happy to hold a double standard to the justice system and Wade lemon because it fits their bias. From that perspective I can see how it could be argued that this is infighting and hate.

Not saying I agree with him or think he’s anything other than bat shi* crazy for dying on this hill, but after 1000 posts, that’s where I’m landing on trying to understand this.

If that is what tri is getting at with me, then once again he’d be wrong! Which wouldn’t shock anyone but himself.

But this isn’t about Trump or an election, it’s about a prominent outfitter that has thumbed his nose at the Utah public long enough that some might call all this finally catching up to him “karma.”

But tri is on the record on this forum saying he’s violated taxidermy paperwork requirements so he leaves rational people to wonder what other laws he doesn’t care about. But again, this is just about Wade Lemon and his conviction and 2 months of incarceration.
Deer unit opens Sep 15. Trip to Vegas before that. Until then, reading the TriSaga is one level better than watching paint dry- so hell, why not?
Sitting here drinking my last beer, wishing it was Blues,… Thinking why in the he!! am I reading this nonsense?
Yup, reminds me of the guy on the hill watching two trains running towards each other, then kaaaapooowwww! BAM!!
BOOM! The owner of the trains aka UDWR came out and seen the wreckage and was like what the crap why didn't you do anything? Dang it! What was you thinking! The guy on the hill replied. I thought now that's a stupid way to run the UDWR.
What part of this "CONVICTION" is so hard for you to understand??

Stop with your BS, it's really old.
I understand all of it. Especially the gossip.

You proved you don't know as much as you think you do. At least you were honest enough to ask questions. Too bad it will just lead to more gossip.

Honestly, why would you care if an outfitter is having success and a paying hunter is happy?
I understand all of it. Especially the gossip.

You proved you don't know as much as you think you do. At least you were honest enough to ask questions. Too bad it will just lead to more gossip.

Honestly, why would you care if an outfitter is having success and a paying hunter is happy
Screenshot save for eternity there. That’s a hilarious statement. Top 10 in the history of this place.
I understand all of it. Especially the gossip.

You proved you don't know as much as you think you do. At least you were honest enough to ask questions. Too bad it will just lead to more gossip.

Honestly, why would you care if an outfitter is having success and a paying hunter is happy?
And you just proved your complete lack of integrity with that last statement.
Your character is rock bottom, just like your buddy's.

I know you don't have the mental capacity to understand what I or anyone else here has said, but I will assure you this.....everything I have said is not gossip, it's all coming from the exact same court documents and news articles that you see.
None of which are "gossip", they are hard facts.
I'd still like to know why anyone cares . a dead lion is a good thing, I wish we had more outlaw hounds men. maybe we'd have deer again.

We pawned some wolves off on Colorado, would you like a few thousand lion? let's make a deal.
And you just proved your complete lack of integrity with that last statement.
Your character is rock bottom, just like your buddy's.

I know you don't have the mental capacity to understand what I or anyone else here has said, but I will assure you this.....everything I have said is not gossip, it's all coming from the exact same court documents and news articles that you see.
None of which are "gossip", they are hard facts.
Well yAll already proved the newspapers can't be trusted. Hell Vanilly even said so. And nobody trusts the DOJ.

So are you going to answer the question or not Slam?

Why does it twist your panties if an outfitter is posting succes on the internet and a paying customer is happy?
I'd still like to know why anyone cares . a dead lion is a good thing, I wish we had more outlaw hounds men. maybe we'd have deer again.

We pawned some wolves off on Colorado, would you like a few thousand lion? let's make a deal.
A dead lion that they took almost all protections off of the following year.

Hell the lion ment so little the DWR officers could have stopped the killing but they knew there wouldn't be a cat skin to mail off so the feds could hammer someone.

Honest question, a guy commits 2 wildlife offenses his entire life over thirty years apart and he gets 2 months prison?????????

Guys with 2 robbery convictions don't get jail time. Somebody in the DOJ went trophy hunting.
My reasoning, they alter habitat migration sequences by baiting and "high fences" etc. So when some idiot like me draws for the general either cedar or zion etc. We now have to deal with ok which canyon did the sob bait in and is it all on the paus or some here and there... then the average joe poor ass like me can't spend the time or money running all over the mtn to see what is really going on. Let alone shoot anything significant that they baited... no **** the one year I banged a monster with a massive 8"drop on the side I waited by the highway opening morning in a diff vehicle and waited for a couple local guides to come out of the hills then back tracked them...
A dead lion that they took almost all protections off of the following year.

Hell the lion ment so little the DWR officers could have stopped the killing but they knew there wouldn't be a cat skin to mail off so the feds could hammer someone.

Honest question, a guy commits 2 wildlife offenses his entire life over thirty years apart and he gets 2 months prison?????????

Guys with 2 robbery convictions don't get jail time. Somebody in the DOJ went trophy hunting.
You've completely lost your mind.
Well yAll already proved the newspapers can't be trusted. Hell Vanilly even said so. And nobody trusts the DOJ.

So are you going to answer the question or not Slam?

Why does it twist your panties if an outfitter is posting succes on the internet and a paying customer is happy?
This is the lowest form of a question anyone could ever ask, one that doesn't even require an answer.

It's got to be a joke for sheer entertainment purposes only, no one is really this dumb.
My reasoning, they alter habitat migration sequences by baiting and "high fences" etc. So when some idiot like me draws for the general either cedar or zion etc. We now have to deal with ok which canyon did the sob bait in and is it all on the paus or some here and there... then the average joe poor ass like me can't spend the time or money running all over the mtn to see what is really going on. Let alone shoot anything significant that they baited... no **** the one year I banged a monster with a massive 8"drop on the side I waited by the highway opening morning in a diff vehicle and waited for a couple local guides to come out of the hills then back tracked them...
Quit spending so much time and money on here and go hunting.🤣
This is the lowest form of a question anyone could ever ask, one that doesn't even require an answer.

It's got to be a joke for sheer entertainment purposes only, no one is really this dumb.
I think you are ashamed to answer. People might realize how petty all this is.
Quit spending so much time and money on here and go hunting.🤣
Not everyone just "goes hunting".
You see Tristate, 99% of us do things legally.

We carry this piece of paper called a "permit" that allows a person to harvest an animal as described on said "permit" on the dates as depicted.

Those of us who cannot legally venture out and hunt simply because we want to, have or find something else to occupy us until we "can go hunt".
A dead lion that they took almost all protections off of the following year.

Hell the lion ment so little the DWR officers could have stopped the killing but they knew there wouldn't be a cat skin to mail off so the feds could hammer someone.

Honest question, a guy commits 2 wildlife offenses his entire life over thirty years apart and he gets 2 months prison?????????

Guys with 2 robbery convictions don't get jail time. Somebody in the DOJ went trophy hunting.
Omg, he’s still going…
Not everyone just "goes hunting".
You see Tristate, 99% of us do things legally.

We carry this piece of paper called a "permit" that allows a person to harvest an animal as described on said "permit" on the dates as depicted.

Those of us who cannot legally venture out and hunt simply because we want to, have or find something else to occupy us until we "can go hunt".
I didn't say go killing.

Sounds like you look for excuses not to go hunting.
Good crap almighty fell asleep on the couch for a mid day kitty 🐈 nap and he's still argumentively debating this! Tri sure knows how to keep a canned audience at bay! Tell us the factual evidence that everyone is missing!

He's relentlessly trying to convince one single person that he and his assessment of his buddy are right and that the laws, convictions and pending litigation are merely "gossip".

Ya, you're right ✅😌
You still won't answer the question. Now you just hope no one will notice.
You're too dense to understand what everyone else here is telling you, even with court documents right in front of your face.

Why aren't YOU out hunting?
I took kids hunting Sunday evening. My son killed a hog with my old open site .405. It was cool.

I know what people here are saying. They think some how it absolves them from hateful behavior. Like you thinking if someone gets a misdemeanor conviction somehow all the employees who work honest jobs feeding honest families and paying honest taxes should be penniless and you need Vanilly to explain it to you.
I took kids hunting Sunday evening. My son killed a hog with my old open site .405. It was cool.

I know what people here are saying. They think some how it absolves them from hateful behavior. Like you thinking if someone gets a misdemeanor conviction somehow all the employees who work honest jobs feeding honest families and paying honest taxes should be penniless and you need Vanilly to explain it to you.
"Misdemeanor Conviction"?
Tri, stop gossiping. We are just focused on Wade Lemon’s lawless behavior that resulted in a conviction and was bad enough to result in incarceration.

Please stay on topic and quit gossiping.
We can keep talking about that lawlessness and criminal conviction as long as you’d like though, tri. It seems you are pretty intent on keeping this in the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Wade Lemon, going to the big house. (And I don’t meant to watch a Michigan football game!) And his good buddy Tristate reminding people every hour of every day!
Tri, stop gossiping. We are just focused on Wade Lemon’s lawless behavior that resulted in a conviction and was bad enough to result in incarceration.

Please stay on topic and quit gossiping.
It's impossible for him.

He's to busy wasting everyone's time with his comical denial of facts.
Nah, I think Tri is smarter than that. He and Wade must have had a “falling out” with as hard as he’s trying to keep this thread at the top of the page.

What did he do to ya, Tri? I mean, it had to be pretty bad for you to give him this kind of public beatdown.
Are you really this shallow of a thinker?

Do you not follow along, or just pick and choose what you actually want to absorb?
Yall are still hoping no one will notice Vanilly admitted newspapers don't know ow squat and Slam showed he's gets more angry that honest people still work for a living.
Tri has already said court fines and fees is just a part of the business plan for WLH.

Seriously, he is beating WLH down hard in this thread. Wade must have done him real dirty.
Yall are still hoping no one will notice Vanilly admitted newspapers don't know ow squat and Slam showed he's gets more angry that honest people still work for a living.
Hope you're not trying to refer wade and honest living belong in the same sentence.
When you went on your guided hunt with him, I bet they told you hunting was shooting a deer eating apples placed on the Vernon.
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