What caliber did you take?


Active Member
As I do the countdown and get things ready just curious as to what caliber you took for plains game? What was your average shot distance? Not asking for advice but more just curious is all, thanks.
First trip took 270 and 300 Win Mag; our second trip bigger plains game 375 and 300 Win Mag. Smaller plains game our average has been 100 to 150 yards and larger plains game last trip 175 to 325 yards. Most important is being accurate, know where to shoot Africa game further forward, and having a great bullet and not a soft.
I have used a 257 weatherby alot 100 grain barnes ttsx

270 win with 130 grain barnes ttsx and 300 win mag 180 grain ttsx.

A good bullet is more important then caliber and hitting the right spot.

Ranges can be 50 yds to 400 normally depends on what area you are hunting. I tell anyone going only shoot what range your ok with. You wounded an animal your paying for it so dont be afraid to say no to a Ph if you dont think you can make the shot
Multple trips. Plains game...7mmRmag with 175gr Swift Aframes, great bullet and success.

Buffalo ..375 H&H with 300gr swift Aframes and Swift 300 gr solids . One shot kills.

ride low in the saddle and stay off the ridge tops
I’ve had good success with a 270 and 150 grain Nosler Partitions on game up to Zebras. With good 150 grain bullets the .270 is a solid choice for any plains game.

Normally though, when taking 2 rifles it’s my .338 Winchester & .416 Hoffman. The .338 is good for pretty much everything except elephant & hippo, even though not legal in most places for large dangerous game. With solids, it’s good for the small stuff like Klipspringer. Had a bad experience though with a 250 grain Partition on a klippie once; stick with solids on the little guys.
If it is strictly a plains game hunt, you really don't need a cannon. I returned this April from RSA and took a 6.5 Creedmoor and 300 Win Mag. The Win Mag was used on an eland, but I have killed them before with 30.06 several times. The creedmoor handled everything from kudu, to wildebeest to spring buck and bushpig. I have used .270 Win and 30.06 and 300 WSM on many other plain game hunts. My boys shot .257 Roberts when they were smaller.

Most shots will be well under 200 yards, and often less than 100 yards. Use quality heavy for caliber bullets and don't sweat the actual caliber. Take whatever "deer rifle" you already shoot well.

When going for the dangerous game my advice is quite different.

Update--the 7mm PRC and the 160 grain copper dropped everything from 80 to 180 yards--all but one were pass through on kudu, zebra, hartebeest, wildebeest, warthog and oryx. I found one round on far shoulder of oryx on a slight quartering to shot.

7mm PRC 160gr Hornady CX reduced.jpg

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