unit 13 Muzzy bull hunt questions


I have a unit 13 Muzzy bull tag. the Hunt is Oct 12 to 16. I have access to private land for this hunt. there is water on the property. We set up trail cams on the water and we are seeing lots of really nice Bulls coming into it. At first it was Bulls only, now its bulls with their little herds. it appears the same bulls are using this water hole for several weeks, and they continue to do so. Can I expect them to remain until my hunt? this property is surrounded by private. it appears that not many people hunt anywhere near it. Did not see any camps or traffic during the archery season.
will they still be herded up? will the big bulls leave the herd? what do you think I can expect.
I wouldn't "expect" anything. It's still hunting. What you have said is encouraging and would have me optimistic, but it's not a guarantee these elk stick to their current pattern. I would plan on targeting the area, given all of the activity you have seen.
some of the big bulls could move on by the time of your hunt. I know I would hunt that area though if you have that much info on it. There will be bulls around cows in oct still for sure. Pressure those elk got will decide more if there still doing the same thing. JUst dont blow them out by hunting with wrong wind or something stupid and you should see elk by the sound of what you posted here
some of the big bulls could move on by the time of your hunt. I know I would hunt that area though if you have that much info on it. There will be bulls around cows in oct still for sure. Pressure those elk got will decide more if there still doing the same thing. JUst dont blow them out by hunting with wrong wind or something stupid and you should see elk by the sound of what you posted here
thanks for the reply. We are starting to see busted up bull on trail cam as of this weekend. so far 3 of the bigger ones are busted up good.

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