Senate File 69: allocation on Big Game License (change to 10% for NR)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-15 AT 04:24PM (MST)[p]#200. Yeah.

Edit... just saw the vote already happened.

Kind of have to see Buzz's point, most of the non residents seemed to be deeply concerned with the DFG budget in regards to reducing trophy tags, now let's see if they have the same concern when it comes to the special draw split.

Buzz, I know we've had our share of squats over the years but I would like to offer you one bit of constructive criticism and advise. Several of the items mentioned in this post came back and literally bit this bill in the butt. One thing I would recommend in the future is possibly crank it down 2 or 3 volumes...take a deep breath, and think about what others recommend or post. It almost seems like it's the Buzz way or the highway most of the time. It may pay off in the long run and we would likely get a lot more accomplished!
>Buzz, I know we've had our
>share of squats over the
>years but I would like
>to offer you one bit
>of constructive criticism and advise.
> Several of the items
>mentioned in this post came
>back and literally bit this
>bill in the butt.
>One thing I would recommend
>in the future is possibly
>crank it down 2 or
>3 volumes...take a deep breath,
>and think about what others
>recommend or post. It
>almost seems like it's the
>Buzz way or the highway
>most of the time.
>It may pay off in
>the long run and we
>would likely get a lot
>more accomplished!

Ya think, LOL! It's always been his way or the highway!!! Now he got his azz handed to him on a platter today and he's already talking retaliation and that the 60/40 to 40/60 flip he's going to support is a done deal. All that's needed to get the G&F in decent shape financially is for this "majority" of residents that are worried about it is to get off their butts and contribute the amount they should have been for a long time. That's what got the G&F in the hole they find themselves and the easy way to get them out of it instead of continually pounding it to the NR! And he tells me all the time that I don't know when to shut up, LOL!
Topgun, I tend to agree with you but sometimes it's better to sit back, let things settle for a while, think about things, and figure things out sensibly rather than taking pokes at each other!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-15 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]floppy,

Some have the stones to enter the arena, others type from Michigan.

I'm not the one that is financially supporting to 440sixpack.

He sold you out, and will either force you to pay more for your NR antelope tag, or suffer longer waits and worse draw odds.

WYOGA doesn't care about you.

Matter of fact, when Senator Hicks turned around today and told WYOGA that he was going to run the 50/50 bill, the WYOGA lobbyist shrugged her shoulders. They don't care about the long-time NR applicants, they only care about the next client. Makes not a spit of difference if its a first year applicant or a max point holder, as long as they get their business. That's all you are to them as a NR hunter, a dollar sign.

They've made sure to feather their own nest further with the most restrictive access law in the lower-48, the wilderness guide law.

To take it up another notch, they want to force 60% of the NR's to pay more for tags. Reducing draw odds for those without extra money to apply, and getting their clients more tags. They will use the Trojan Horse of a $424,000 increase to GF revenue. It will pass, as there is no incentive for a Resident hunter to fight it. Doing whats right, doing whats fair, that's a pipe-dream. Its screw you, and heres to me.

If you think this bill today was about anything personal, you're dead wrong. I have the points to draw 90% of the moose areas in this state, as well as some of the sheep areas. I'll get my tags, that's never been in question. As its been pointed out countless times by Sebastian, "its not that many tags".

This is about much more than that, wayyy more than that.

I rarely feel sorry for anyone, but in this case, I really do feel sorry for you.
>Topgun, I tend to agree with
>you but sometimes it's better
>to sit back, let things
>settle for a while, think
>about things, and figure things
>out sensibly rather than taking
>pokes at each other!

Sorry man, but if we sit back when this 60/40 to 40/60 Bill has already been introduced in the Legislature under HBO149 we'll be under the bus with tired treads down our backs before you know it! We need to attack this Bill on all fronts with letters, email, and phone calls to the Legislators just like we did on this 90/tag split if there is any chance to keep things where they are. I'm starting tomorrow and I hope all the other NRs do the same!

I cant defeat a 60/40 bill brought by WYOGA when members on this board cut them checks and support them.

If you have a suggestion, I'm all ears. Even better, if you want to fly to Cheyenne and make a difference, save your own hide.
Pi$$ing in the wind...

The group you helped is now kicking you in the nuts.

You cant have it both ways, you're either with em or again' em.

Sold your soul...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-15 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]>Topgun,>
>You're 100% wrong, a majority of
>sportsmens groups here in Wyoming
>are only worried about funding
>the GF. Its just a

***You and your FACTS again, huh? If they are as you say, then tell all of them to get off their collective butts and step up to the plate to get a Bill through so they'll pay a fair share of the G&F budget instead of continually pounding it to the NRS!

>I cant be the 1 guy
>that is looking out for
>equity and the average hunter,
>until the GF is fully
>funded. I just cant do
>it, and no other group
>is willing to do it

***Can't argue at all with that and nobody asked you to! Each of us is looking out for ourselves and since the NR can't vote we're hamstrung on most things other than sending in letters, emails and making phone calls like I do on things that matter to me. However, if you are what you say you are, you'll tell all the groups you're involved with exactly what is fair. You've stated many times that the residents aren't carrying their fair share of the weight, so why not take the bull by the horns and get them to get into their pockets instead of attacking the NRs on all fronts like you now are doing?!!!

>So, no matter what legislation is
>introduced, as long as it
>doesn't TAKE resident opportunity, my
>hands are tied to support

***BS! Again, if you are what you've been telling all of us for years and it doesn't take away from residents, there was no reason to make that comment!

>Exactly why I will support the
>60/40 flop on special VS
>regular tag fee structure. It
>will raise more revenue and
>that's the focus.

***And you're the one who kept using the words selfish and fair about things you'll stand up for! What a joke!

>Welcome to the new world of
>$1k elk tags, $600 deer
>tags, and $500 antelope tags.

***If it happens, it happens, but just remember you've been the biggest touter of the NAM and now that appears to be out the window and no concern of yours!

>If any of you NR's want
>to show up to fight
>WYOGA on this, theres an
>interstate that runs East/West called
>I-80. It will take you
>to Cheyenne, where you can
>fight your own battle.

Thanks for the directions, but I'll just fight from here at home like I always have and if I end up paying more for my licenses it'll still be cheaper than running out to Cheyenne trying to fight a bunch of cheap residents every time I turn around! It's really a shame because I'm more than well enough off in my life to pay whatever it takes to do what I want, but not so for many that you're going to price right out of the game. When that happens, and it will happen, sooner or later the residents are going to have to step up and start carrying their fair share of the G&F budget. Too bad that you now have your panties in a wad and are willing to change your whole conservation and NAM philosophy just because you didn't get your way. Sad, very, very sad and pretty much what I had you pegged for all along since, as you stated, you have your tags close at hand and all your speeches in the past were just mere rhetoric!!!

>I'll be the guy on the
>other side of the aisle
>supporting getting the GF fully
>See you there!

Have fun, but you won't see me there. I'll just continue as I have forking over 10 times or more than what most residents spend every year out there to have my fun so you can continue raping Wyoming with your cheap resident fees!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-15 AT 07:34PM (MST)[p]>floppy,
>Some have the stones to enter
>the arena, others type from
>I'm not the one that is
>financially supporting to 440sixpack.
>He sold you out, and will
>either force you to pay
>more for your NR antelope
>tag, or suffer longer waits
>and worse draw odds.
>WYOGA doesn't care about you.
>Matter of fact, when Senator Hicks
>turned around today and told
>WYOGA that he was going
>to run the 50/50 bill,
>the WYOGA lobbyist shrugged her
>shoulders. They don't care about
>the long-time NR applicants, they
>only care about the next
>client. Makes not a spit
>of difference if its a
>first year applicant or a
>max point holder, as long
>as they get their business.
>That's all you are to
>them as a NR hunter,
>a dollar sign.
>They've made sure to feather their
>own nest further with the
>most restrictive access law in
>the lower-48, the wilderness guide
>To take it up another notch,
>they want to force 60%
>of the NR's to pay
>more for tags. Reducing draw
>odds for those without extra
>money to apply, and getting
>their clients more tags. They
>will use the Trojan Horse
>of a $424,000 increase to
>GF revenue. It will pass,
>as there is no incentive
>for a Resident hunter to
>fight it. Doing whats right,
>doing whats fair, that's a
>pipe-dream. Its screw you, and
>heres to me.
>If you think this bill today
>was about anything personal, you're
>dead wrong. I have the
>points to draw 90% of
>the moose areas in this
>state, as well as some
>of the sheep areas. I'll
>get my tags, that's never
>been in question. As its
>been pointed out countless times
>by Sebastian, "its not that
>many tags".
>This is about much more than
>that, wayyy more than that.
>I rarely feel sorry for anyone,
>but in this case, I
>really do feel sorry for

You again have to talk down to anyone you respond to and all it gets you is more people knowing what you truly are, and that's one big bag of wind! You seem to think you're the only one that knows what's going on with the WYOGA and what they stand for. Just a clue Bro---it's a not a deep, dark secret, LOL! Don't blame 440 for anything other than trying to stand up for what he thought was fair and whether he or anyone else donated money would make no difference in what WYOGA intended to do down the line to further their cause. Just like there was nothing you could do to get this Bill passed today.
I've had the chance to sit back and reflect on the 60-40 deal. The first thing that comes to my mind if this deal goes through is that Wyo nonres will have a larger piece of the pie supporting the WG&F fish. If Wyo res aren't willing to step up and help support Wyo wildlife the nonres will!

The 2nd thing that comes to mind is that it will be even tougher for the Wyo legislature to cut nonres tags in future years because nonres would be supporting that much more of the WG&F revenue. Buzz, you may want to sit back, take a breath, and think about this!
>Pi$$ing in the wind...
>The group you helped is now
>kicking you in the nuts.
>You cant have it both ways,
>you're either with em or
>again' em.
>Sold your soul...

I didn't send anything but letters and emails getting that Bill defeated today, so I didn't sell my soul to them or anyone else, LOL!
jims, you're 100% correct.

This would be the same as Walmart asking for more muggers outside the front door. you can't help anyone too dumb to see what this is about.

Stay thirsty my friends
>jims, you're 100% correct.
>This would be the same as
>Walmart asking for more muggers
> outside the front door.
> you can't
>help anyone too dumb to
>see what this is about.
>Stay thirsty my friends

Nice try smart guys, but these are elk, deer & antelope tags, not under the radar.
How may NRs put in for sheep goat and moose compared to deer elk and antelope? Outfitters will love the switch, a lot more profitable than the 80/20 for sheep etc.
>How may NRs put in for
>sheep goat and moose compared
>to deer elk and antelope?
> Outfitters will love the
>switch, a lot more profitable
>than the 80/20 for sheep

Deer, elk, and antelope easily represent 95% or more of the NR fees the G&F takes in each year with the small number of the other tags that are issued. Sure the outfitters would love to see anything that would make it easier to fill all their spots in camp and this Bill would do it, especially in hard to draw units. Flip flopping the percentages like the Bill would do would certainly be a big benefit to them as many have been pushing their customers to put in for the higher priced tag ever since the drawing percentages came into place so they can fill all their hunting slots.
Here is BuzzH comment to NM residents on March 24 2014.
When the TERK ruling got overturned and put Ibex,Oryx and Bighorn sheep under quota.


Yep,full refund of all fees

I'll be asking for my pronghorn fees to be refunded as well...I'm in full boycott NM mode.

Spineless residents stuck it to NR's with SB196

Then this.

I wont be applying in NM again unless the Residents grow a set of balls.
Big difference there sport.

I wasn't asking to take 100% of the tags for Residents with a 90/10 split.

NM did...

NM also reduced the NR DIY quota for deer, elk, and antelope to what 5-6%?

NM residents don't have balls, they don't even try to fight for their own wildlife resources, they give them to outfitters and landowners (some get transferable LO tags with a single acre).

Also, I wasn't upset that Residents took a bigger piece of the quota, they deserved it.

But, you're going to have a tough time convincing me that you're serious about getting more Resident opportunity by not going after the LO and OF quotas...

You took the easy way out.

Absolutely full refund of fees, which is what NM gave me, and rightfully so. I'll pay for 1/3000 odds...but shouldn't have to pay when my odds are 0/0.

Get the difference?
This is to funny. After all of that it got one vote. Buzz it's time to buzz off lol. I can't stop laughing. Not at the bill not passing but at Buzz lol.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 00:33AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 00:32?AM (MST)

I wondered if this would end up happening after WYOGA got involved, lol. Buzz assured us all he would almost single handedly get this passed as he charmed the pants off every politician he talked to and he was the end all be all authority on the subject. Today it goes down in flames and suddenly emperor Buzz has no clothes.

If I was to guess, I would bet the politicians he thought he had charmed found him as charming as most in this thread did....about as charming as a rattle snake.

Like I originally thought, Wyoming has always been a cupcake state for big money large $ ranchers and outfitters. No way were they going to kick them in the nuts no matter what the residents said. It is true in all politics these is king.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 07:53?AM (MST)


Research what happened in NM, get back to me.

Applications were already in, and overturning terk reduced NR DIY draw odds for sheep to zero.

That's why NM offered full refunds.

Any other questions?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 07:55AM (MST)[p]You're right Marburg, its all about the money. Now NR's are going to get to pay higher fees on another 20% of their antelope, elk, and deer licenses.

Cash is king.
Hasn't passed yet, and still has a long rd.

BTW...even if it does, we have 2 years to cash the points.

To bad guys go against their morals.
Fun to see Buzz and his merry men go home with their tail between their legs but we all know it's not over. poor Buzz life just ain't fair is it?

When can this be tried again? I assume it has to wait until next year? with oil revenues tanking it will only get harder to screw with state revenues.

I don't give a FF about the 60/40 split , you pay to play . it's all about money WTF do you think this bill failed. it's all good.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]It might be "all about the money" but I'd like to think there was a sense of "fair play" at work here too!

I think Wyoming has been fair, and then some, to the NR hunter and surrounding States are not! Mine included!

There's no ill will from me for what the residents are trying to do. The NR got lucky this round but like Buzz said, it's a marathon and the State will keep chipping away until eventually we see a tag allotment change.

No one's gone home 440, some of us choose not to run our mouth like you do.

It will all work out in the end.

Kyle, I think you're a classy guy. You ever get to Casper, look me up! I mean it...
That's funny, seems you and Buzz were pretty mouthy lately. I can imagine if you had won.

I love WY and have no ill will against the residents they've been great to me. I don't think you speak for the majority of residents and that's why you lost. the system works. even at that it's nothing personal with me, this is just a game and we each have our axe to grind .

You'll win in time I know that. but it might not be as soon as you hope.

Stay thirsty my friends
Looks like Buzzkill lost all his credibilty on this one. But that assumes he had any to begin with. I love how he portrayed himself as the almighty powerful one that would push this through just to spite us.
>No one's gone home 440, some
>of us choose not to
>run our mouth like you

You can't be serious.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
>>No one's gone home 440, some
>>of us choose not to
>>run our mouth like you
>You can't be serious.
>"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."

As a heart attack...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 11:57PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15
>AT 07:55?AM (MST)

>You're right Marburg, its all about
>the money. Now NR's are
>going to get to pay
>higher fees on another 20%
>of their antelope, elk, and
>deer licenses.
>Cash is king.

Oh well, like I said before change is the only certainty. All of Wyoming is for sale to the highest bidder if you have not noticed....why would wildlife be any different? Wyoming is a deeply conservative state, if the world has learned anything about conservatives over time it is that they would sell their mom for a couple bucks and everything has a price.
jm77, nobody doubts you're serious, it's your effectiveness in question.

Stay thirsty my friends
Well at least Wyoming has the wolf tourist dollars. That's a good baseline.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-15 AT 10:26AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15
>AT 11:57?PM (MST)

>>LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15
>>AT 07:55?AM (MST)

>>You're right Marburg, its all about
>>the money. Now NR's are
>>going to get to pay
>>higher fees on another 20%
>>of their antelope, elk, and
>>deer licenses.
>>Cash is king.
>Oh well, like I said before
>change is the only certainty.
> All of Wyoming is
>for sale to the highest
>bidder if you have not
>noticed....why would wildlife be any
>different? Wyoming is a
>deeply conservative state, if the
>world has learned anything about
>conservatives over time it is
>that they would sell their
>mom for a couple bucks
>and everything has a price.

Wildlife isn't any different. Marburg your post is spot on...and it's all of us hunters that suffer the consequences.
Marburg I disagree with your post. Only a few make it worse for everyone else.

(Oh well, like I said before change is the only certainty. All of Wyoming is for sale to the highest bidder if you have not noticed....why would wildlife be any different? Wyoming is a deeply conservative state, if the world has learned anything about conservatives over time it is that they would sell their mom for a couple bucks and everything has a price.)

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