point system


Very Active Member
Hey fellow MM'ers.

Just a quick question on how the point system works. I have 6 elk points and a buddy has 5 elk points. We were gonna put in for a late season elk hunt this year and try to draw it earlier in life than later. However, my dad just came off the waiting list and has one point. If we all put in for the same hunt as a group, what does that do to our chances? Only reason I am asking is I am not familiar with group applications here in Utah. I know my chances aren't that great. I did draw this same tag back in 2005 with 6 points, but knowing what I know now about the area, I know where to go to find the bigger ones that time of year. Just thought I would pull dad along in any adventure I attempt before he is physically unable to hunt any more.

Thanks in advance for any info.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-18 AT 08:17AM (MST)[p]If you put in as a group, they will take your average points, rounded down to the closest point. So, your 11 combined points will give your group a 3 point average in the draw and your odds will definitely go down.
>If you put in as a
>group, they will take your
>average points, rounded down to
>the closest point. So, your
>11 combined points will give
>your group a 3 point
>average in the draw and
>your odds will definitely go

6+5+1=12, so that gives them an average of 4, not 3.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-18 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]
Plus their app for this year?

So 5 times in the hat?



"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>AT 08:54?AM (MST)

>Plus their app for this year?
>So 5 times in the hat?
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

Yes, that's 7 + 6 + 2 = 15 divided by 3 = 5.0 which is not rounded down.
>>Plus their app for this year?
>>So 5 times in the hat?
>Yes, that's 7 + 6 +
>2 = 15 divided by
>3 = 5.0 which is
>not rounded down.

I've never bothered looking at the Utah application or point system since I don't have any plans to hunt the state, but from what you're saying they use those other points the same year you apply unlike in Wyoming where a point you get isn't good until the draw the following year.
You get a random number for each point, plus the current app. You keep only the lowest number for the draw. The draw reports show applicant points, not their points plus the app.
So are you saying your Dad came off the waiting list in 2016 so he applied and got a point in 2017? A lot of people think that you get a bonus point the first year you apply before the draw happens. This is incorrect. You do not get the bonus point until after you fail to draw. When looking at draw statistics they all reference how many bonus points you have before the draw happens. That is why you see a group that has 0 bonus points in the stats. If your Dad has 1 bonus point listed right now, you have 5 points, and your buddy has 6 points then you average 4 bonus points. If any one of you have 1 point less then you will average 3 points.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-18 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]One other thing, if anyone of you are nonresident, it will make the odds way worse for everyone else even if the other 2 are residents.

If you and your buddy put in together you would average 5 points so putting in with your dad doesn't hurt your odds of drawing that much unless you are right on the bubble of drawing a bonus tag

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