Pacific Crest Trail

Small milestone today. I'm camped about six miles up from Sonora Pass. I hope to make it down to Highway 108 first thing tomorrow and hitch a ride to Walker for breakfast!

Any recommendations for Walker?

Man walker is a bit of a bust but walker burger might be open! There was a “coffee shop” a few years ago no idea if it’s in business. Going west used to have lots to offer but the fire wrecked it. Maybe Kennedy meadows is open? I’ll check for you!
Edit: They are open but I can’t figure out if they serve breakfast! It’s a damn good place and great people!

Grover hot spring! If you can make it there for a zero day rest those bones!

Your In my home stretch of the Sierra and I am incredibly home sick at the moment lol!
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Man walker is a bit of a bust but walker burger might be open! There was a “coffee shop” a few years ago no idea if it’s in business. Going west used to have lots to offer but the fire wrecked it. Maybe Kennedy meadows is open? I’ll check for you!
Edit: They are open but I can’t figure out if they serve breakfast! It’s a damn good place and great people!

Grover hot spring! If you can make it there for a zero day rest those bones!

Your In my home stretch of the Sierra and I am incredibly home sick at the moment lol!
I think we've talked about this before Riebread......but he's a full 200 miles past the Kennedy Meadows I'm familiar with......
There is a Kennedy Meadows South and a Kennext Meadows North. The KMN is an option, but my app is giving higher hiker reviews for the motel in Walker, so that's why I'm heading there.
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There is a Kennedy Meadows South and a Kennext Meadows North. The KMN is an option, but my app is giving higher hiker reviews for the motel in Walker, so that's why I'm heading there.

Are you using FarOut? Or is there another app that you would recommend.
Man walker is a bit of a bust but walker burger might be open! There was a “coffee shop” a few years ago no idea if it’s in business. Going west used to have lots to offer but the fire wrecked it. Maybe Kennedy meadows is open? I’ll check for you!
Edit: They are open but I can’t figure out if they serve breakfast! It’s a damn good place and great people!

Grover hot spring! If you can make it there for a zero day rest those bones!

Your In my home stretch of the Sierra and I am incredibly home sick at the moment lol!
Didn't have any luck trying to hitch to Walker, but a guy who's supporting his wife on the PCT offered me a ride to Kennedy Meadows North, so that's where I ended up.
Mammoth to Kennedy Meadows North: I keep hoping the trail will flatten out just a little bit but so far it's not really cooperating. From Mammoth, the trail took me through the Ansel Adams, Yosemite, and Emigrant Wilderness Areas, and I've lost count of how many passes I've gone over. Still hiking a lot in snow, but at least for this stretch I did not have to ford any sketchy rivers. The last couple days I've been hiking with a couple women that had already teamed up a couple weeks ago for the Sierras. They are definitely an odd couple, one being from Taiwan and the other from the Netherlands, one being dark and less than 5' tall and the other being light and over 6' tall. Throw me into this mix and we make quite the oddball group. It's interesting to me how thru
-hiking builds camaraderie in people with such diverse backgrounds.









Hey mozey?

Did Y'all Sleep In The Same Tent To Stay Warm?:D

(((RAZZIN Ya!:D)))
First, I'm happily married, and hope to stay that way, so nothing like that is going on with me. Also, I snore like a bear, so I try to do everyone else a favor by keeping out of their earshot... 😊
You Know I'm RAZZIN Ya mozey!

Stay Safe Out There!

First, I'm happily married, and hope to stay that way, so nothing like that is going on with me. Also, I snore like a bear, so I try to do everyone else a favor by keeping out of their earshot... 😊
Damn impressive, thanks for taking us along!, ran across a guy last year on the pct, up by Humboldt summit, guy was looking bad, he had gotten girdia 3 days earlier...was going to pick him up when I came back over the top, and get him down to town, but some other guys gave him a ride. Be safe man, give a holler if you need anything when you get up towards hwy 70 to hwy 36 country.
Kennedy Meadows North to South Lake Tahoe. For a moment there I thought I was back in the desert. Trail is finally starting to flatten out a little, but still dealing with some snow at elevations above 8,000 feet. But miles per day are starting to creep back up. I did a 26 two days ago followed by a 27 yesterday. I was tempted last night to go for 33 to get to the paved road, but I knew my odds of getting a hitch after dark were probably zero, so I opted to camp up on the mountain and leave six for this morning.

Mosquitoes are starting to become an issue. Have to spray myself down if I want any peace when ever I stop for a break.

I'm 1,090 miles in.








Great pictures Moz. The lakes certain enhance the environment and beauty.

Have you encountered any hikers making the trip north to south yet?
Great pictures Moz. The lakes certain enhance the environment and beauty.

Have you encountered any hikers making the trip north to south yet?
Lots of section hikers doing southbound (we call them SOBOs as opposed to us NOBOs). But I haven't met any SOBOs yet that are doing the entire PCT.
Kennedy Meadows North to South Lake Tahoe. For a moment there I thought I was back in the desert. Trail is finally starting to flatten out a little, but still dealing with some snow at elevations above 8,000 feet. But miles per day are starting to creep back up. I did a 26 two days ago followed by a 27 yesterday. I was tempted last night to go for 33 to get to the paved road, but I knew my odds of getting a hitch after dark were probably zero, so I opted to camp up on the mountain and leave six for this morning.

Mosquitoes are starting to become an issue. Have to spray myself down if I want any peace when ever I stop for a break.

I'm 1,090 miles in.

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That’s my home stretch of the pct ! Love that volcanic landscape
The mosquitos can be bad this time of year in the high country especially after a wet winter and spring. I feel for you.
Austria hauf or the burgers spot near the village. I’m gunna guesss there are some good new spots since iv been there.

But your next stop is Tioga pass and despite being a gas station the Mobile restaurant is quite good. The long lost tioga pass resort used to have the best food in a hundred miles but alas is closed
Burger spot is called “Bugers”…great food
South Lake Tahoe to I-80. This part of the trail took me through the Desolation Wilderness, Tahoe Rim Trail, and Donner Pass. I normally would not be making a town stop after just 2.5 days and 63 miles. But Desolation Wilderness was the last area on the PCT that requires food to be stored in a bear cannister, and after packing that thing the last 400 miles, I'm anxious to be rid of it and mail it home.









I-80 to Quincy: The stretch of trail took me by Sierra Butte and through a large burn scar. From what I can gather from my navigation app the fire was three or four years ago, but it's still a fairly hazardous area. There was a lot of negotiating around deadfalls and overgrowth, and I lost the trail a couple times before accidently stumbling onto an old logging road the I was able to follow a couple miles to where it intersected the PCT about three miles before the PCT crossed the Feather River.

With all the deadfalls, I did not feel comfortable about camping in that burn scar, so I hiked the last couple miles with a headlamp to get across the Feather River to an area that was safer to camp. I ended doing 33 miles that day, which is the most I've done on this trail so far.

Over my first week back from the cruise, I hiked 159 miles. Since the Sierras, the trail has flattened out a little, so I hope I can maintain that pace for the next four weeks when I'll be getting off trail again for a dall sheep hunt.










Nice of you to share. I read every post and look at all the pics with envy and some awe too. What do you think your destination date might be ?
I watched Homemade Wanderlust videos. Still amazed at how She finished many miles in deep fresh snow in running shoes.

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