OTC archery now (2025) for Residents!

Has anyone wondered how the liberals will make up the lost money by only allowing 25% NR? I mean res tag at 62.00 is a no brainer, buy one and go see if you can get an answer from your truck. I don't know but reading looks like a 15m ish for non res tags. Take away 75% of that and now what?
Parks pass paid mostly by residents. $40 million last year alone.

NR hunting money and granny’s Buick registration is fueling CPW stupidity.
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For those of you who care about such things, you can see how the outdoor recreation pie is split up by taking a look at this report. My apologies for the stupid giant link - yes it’s real.

Unfortunately it doesn’t dive into the almighty NR dollar, but it’s safe to assume a full time resident makes a FAR greater contribution to our States economy.

Take note of the contribution of hunting compared to the other outdoor activities. But remember, most of the wildlife related spending is earned from hunting dollars.

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DENVER - As Colorado gears up to celebrate National Public Lands Day on September 28, Governor Jared Polis and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) are announcing new data underscoring the continued growth and importance of outdoor recreation in the state's economy.

Today, Governor Polis and CPW released an updated economic impact and outdoor recreation participation report highlighting that in 2023, outdoor recreationists in Colorado spent over $52.1 billion dollars on trips and equipment, contributing to a total economic output of $65.8 billion. Additionally, 96% of Coloradans went outside to recreate with 72% recreating outdoors once or more per week.

“Colorado’s incredible public lands attract people from all over the world and provide opportunities for everyone to get outside and explore, while driving our economy, supporting businesses, and creating jobs. From our cities to our rural areas, Colorado economies benefit from outdoor recreation and we look forward to building on our state’s success in outdoor recreation,” said Governor Jared Polis.

The new research by Colorado State University combined with a Southwick Associates study on Colorado’s recreation economy, is informing CPW’s update of the Colorado Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) that will be released this fall.

“Outdoor recreation is a significant contributor to Colorado’s economy. Activities from hiking, boating, hunting and trail running to biking and skiing support businesses, jobs, and government services in both rural and urban communities,” said CPW Director Jeff Davis. “It is an honor and a privilege to support the backbone of the outdoor recreation economy with our 43 state parks, over 960 wildlife species and the State Trails Program that has distributed over $175 million since 2000 for trail grants and capital improvements that benefit outdoor recreation. Federal, Tribal, state, local, and private landowners with recreation access easements all play a critical role in providing and maintaining the lands and waters where people recreate,” Davis said.

According to the report, Colorado’s outdoor recreation sector is larger than construction, finance/insurance, and education/healthcare/social assistance contributing $36.5 billion dollars to the Gross Domestic Product of the state. This economic activity supports over 404,000 jobs in the state, which represents 12% of the entire labor force in Colorado and produces $22.2 billion dollars in salaries and wages.

“This research reaffirms what we know to be true, that the outdoor recreation economy is a significant force in Colorado and critical to our success,” said Conor Hall, the head of Colorado’s Outdoor Recreation Industry Office. "As we look to the future, there’s incredible opportunity to grow this sector sustainably, ensuring that our natural landscapes are preserved while providing access and opportunities for all. By focusing on innovation and partnerships, we can ensure Colorado remains a leader in outdoor recreation for generations to come."

Every five years, CPW updates the Colorado SCORP, conducting research on outdoor recreation participation and economic contributions. This year's studies asked respondents to report on how much they recreate outdoors and how much they spend on these activities. The study also divided Colorado into geographic regions, finding that while consumer spending on the Front Range was the highest at $29.6 billion, the Western Slope region was where the largest proportion of participants recreated, with 67% of Colorado adults taking part in outdoor recreation in that region.

“The Department of Natural Resources is proud to lead efforts critical to the stewardship of Colorado’s land, water, and wildlife which benefit not only Colorado’s outdoor recreation economy, but our quality of life,” said Dan Gibbs, Executive Director of Colorado’s Department of Natural Resources. “This report highlights that properly managed and balanced outdoor recreation will continue to play a central role for individual Coloradans and our local communities for generations to come.”

See the full 2023 Economic Contributions of Outdoor Recreation Report.

CPW is an enterprise agency, relying primarily on license sales, state parks fees and registration fees to support its operations, including: 43 state parks and more than 350 wildlife areas covering approximately 900,000 acres, management of fishing and hunting, wildlife watching, camping, motorized and non-motorized trails, boating and outdoor education. CPW's work contributes approximately $6 billion in total economic impact annually throughout Colorado.
These nonresidents claiming cpw will go broke because they cut their tags are hilarious. That parks pass is a huge cash cow for them. They will also just raise the price of the required license you have to buy to apply, raise the price of the habitat stamp, raise preference point fees, etc.
Sorry, didn't want it to be a missing match. But ok colorado don't need any NR money. Was just wondering is all. There are other things than a license, hotel, food, gas, equipment, etc. Sorry for the dumb comment.
Has anyone wondered how the liberals will make up the lost money by only allowing 25% NR? I mean res tag at 62.00 is a no brainer, buy one and go see if you can get an answer from your truck. I don't know but reading looks like a 15m ish for non res tags. Take away 75% of that and now what?
Who says it’s liberal Colorado hunters that want Colorado to be more fair to us resident hunters? Here’s a clue: resident hunters are most likely not liberals.
You guys are so bitchy about all this. Believe me I get residents should get the best breaks and nr takes 3nf seat. But you guys act like because you live in Colorado no one else should be able to hunt there. What's the biggest ***** of ya? I didn't want this to be a pissing match but I guess it's like walking on egg shells. A resident hunter can hunt for almost 20 years for the price of 1 year for a NR. But because my folks lived in another state and I was born in another state, im scum. I guess if I lived here I would have plenty of honey holes to hunt. Beings it's a missing match why don't ya buy some land and then only you will be able to hunt it. Just sayin
You guys are so bitchy about all this. Believe me I get residents should get the best breaks and nr takes 3nf seat. But you guys act like because you live in Colorado no one else should be able to hunt there. What's the biggest ***** of ya? I didn't want this to be a pissing match but I guess it's like walking on egg shells. A resident hunter can hunt for almost 20 years for the price of 1 year for a NR. But because my folks lived in another state and I was born in another state, im scum. I guess if I lived here I would have plenty of honey holes to hunt. Beings it's a missing match why don't ya buy some land and then only you will be able to hunt it. Just sayin
I'm a resident. I pay taxes all year on basically every aspect of my life to live in this state. Yeah, I should 100% take preference when it comes to hunting here over a NR. No one's saying you're scum but yourself. People are just saying they are tired of non residents thinking they should be entitled to the same rights as residents. Nope. I don't go to Wyoming to hunt and then ***** non stop about my rights to hunt there. The argument we here are calling BS is yall NRs saying that basically everything will die without the NR dollars. Yeah it will be noticed in some areas, but it won't be as catastrophic as yall make it out to be. If that were the case then wyoming would be imploding right now with the cuts they are making.
Your wrong on us thinking colorado will die without nr. We all pay taxes in America. But why is a nr paying 15-20x more than a resident the problem. As I said, I totally get a resident for any state should and does get top priority over and nr....look any where and you will see it. I just dont get how to bring it uo in a way for a res to look on the other side. Colorado has the biggest elk herd in the us.....you think that won't draw the most hunters? In other words I guess if a guy works his ass off all year to save a few bucks to head to the mountains and enjoy himself with his kids is a sin....sorry
So six, not ten plus.

And many of these towns feel little benefit from skiing and snowmobiling. For a lot of those gas stations and restaurants, hunters are #1.
I'm sure hunting is even lower since the most recent list I could find was from 2021. How do those gas stations and restaurants stay open the other 9 or 10 months out of the year? Did Wyoming implode by drastically cutting nonresidents?
The problem with your guy's argument is that you feel your entitled to the same things as residents.
Let me ask you a question what percentage of tags do you think you should get?
Your wrong on us thinking colorado will die without nr. We all pay taxes in America. But why is a nr paying 15-20x more than a resident the problem. As I said, I totally get a resident for any state should and does get top priority over and nr....look any where and you will see it. I just dont get how to bring it uo in a way for a res to look on the other side. Colorado has the biggest elk herd in the us.....you think that won't draw the most hunters? In other words I guess if a guy works his ass off all year to save a few bucks to head to the mountains and enjoy himself with his kids is a sin....sorry
Damb dude you are a victim! Go hunt somewhere else and let colorado wither away without your hard earned ass money
So in the end it was a question. So the answer would be cow will not miss any nr funds. I have a feeling some of you struggle to kill an elk and can't blame it on your shity skills so let's bash the nr! Lmfao
And nr don't get the same as res. As said earlier you can hunt for 20 years at the cost of 1 year. And if you dontbstruggle to fill a tag whats the problem? Good day bud!! Lmao
I have an idea for ya....why don't ypu tell parks to let all residents hunt all gmu in the whole state with no draw. Then make all nr apply and only give out 10 tags per unit. Then you can sleep at night not worrying about a nr walking in a place you like to hunt. Oh wait....1 of those 10 guys will so you will still be but hurt....
Lets just price NRs out of the market? Id happily pay $200 for a resident elk/deer tag every year. The current multiple on R/NR tags is 12.2x ($803/$66). Thats $2440 for an NR tag. Am I crazy? (obviously yes). so basically only 1 out of 4 NRs would have to pay that price to yield the same revenue as current.

Its just like any business, when you become TOO busy, RAISE prices. Youll lose 10-25% of your customers, likely the ones you dont want, and retain the better ones at a higher price. Let the price do the dirty work for you.
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I have an idea for ya....why don't ypu tell parks to let all residents hunt all gmu in the whole state with no draw. Then make all nr apply and only give out 10 tags per unit. Then you can sleep at night not worrying about a nr walking in a place you like to hunt. Oh wait....1 of those 10 guys will so you will still be but hurt....

Did someone on MM, or from Colorado steal your lady or something?? This aggression will not stand, man.

My area was completely blown out this year from NR. Incredible, it was like someone put a broadcast txt out via ONX. It was a place you used to go anybseason and pretty much have it to yourself. Man I had some great years in there, but it is toast now. Not one CO plate seen and very few in the general areas. I have my doubts the CPW will limit tags enough to make a change.

My days of hunting OTC are on borrowed time. It’s just not worth it to me these days like it once was. I think I’ve arrowed very close to 30 elk so I’m not a couch sitter. It’s getting to the point when I see vehicles at every drainage it bugs me regardless if i bump into people in the field or not.

I’ll be burning my 6 points on a good unit next year.
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I do get the frustration, I really do. Honestly I think otc should go away. For the elk stand point it should all be draw
Split it however, I really dont care. 60/40 75/25 even 80/20. I see it's possible for a res to potentially have 3 tags in one season. I mean both party's complain about pressure, just go to draw and limit it however is fit.
My area was completely blown out this year from NR. Incredible, it was like someone put a broadcast txt out via ONX. It was a place you used to go anybseason and pretty much have it to yourself. Man I had some great years in there, but it is toast now. Not one CO plate seen and very few in the general areas. I have my doubts the CPW will limit tags enough to make a change.

My days of hunting OTC are on borrowed time. It’s just not worth it to me these days like it once was. I think I’ve arrowed very close to 30 elk so I’m not a couch sitter. It’s getting to the point when I see vehicles at every drainage it bugs me regardless if i bump into people in the field or not.

I’ll be burning my 6 points on a good unit next year.

That sucks, really sucks. Its weird though how things ebb and flow as far as how many people are pounding an area. The areas I hunt seemed like they were abandoned this year. Took a drive up grouse hunting yesterday up a very popular FS road around here, the road is 12miles long there were only 3-5 trucks and 1 camp on the entire road on a saturday morning. 10 years ago there would have been 15 camps and countless trucks. Same with the area I bow hunted this year, complete ghost town where I used to find hoards of people. Guess ill enjoy it while it lasts, never does. They come and go in waves around here. Currently in a trough rather than a peak.
Had a honey "hell hole" for a couple years. Saw one person in roughly 5 years....then BOOM out of no where. NRs every single year. Was walking in one year and had 7 guys from Missouri back in this valley. Stayed that way for years. Kept an eye on the spot because it basically died. People started crying and btchin about there being no elk???? Weird. Now there's been 1 or 2 guys in there all of archery and the animals are there.
In all seriousness I primarily see nr hunters in my haunts. Most of the guys I’ve ran into have been good. However during deer hunt a few years back. a couple Montana guy trashed the area they killed a buck in (trash).

This year the area I hunted was draw for archery. Which is traditionally otc. It was crazy how many fewer people there were. And how much better the hunting was. I’ll gladly give up otc for the substantially better experience I had this year. It’s just a fact. I put in for other states, and understand I’m a nr in those states. So I do not expect to be treated better at all.
Had a honey "hell hole" for a couple years. Saw one person in roughly 5 years....then BOOM out of no where. NRs every single year. Was walking in one year and had 7 guys from Missouri back in this valley. Stayed that way for years. Kept an eye on the spot because it basically died. People started crying and btchin about there being no elk???? Weird. Now there's been 1 or 2 guys in there all of archery and the animals are there.
I swear it’s because NR have no real attachment to these spots so they will tell strangers hey go to co and hunt here. Next thing you know bubba and his cousins and his friends are hitting it every single year they can and telling all their buddies. I noticed a boat load of people in spots I rarely see anyone in this year
I swear it’s because NR have no real attachment to these spots so they will tell strangers hey go to co and hunt here. Next thing you know bubba and his cousins and his friends are hitting it every single year they can and telling all their buddies. I noticed a boat load of people in spots I rarely see anyone in this year
I believe you're correct. It was very tough to be nice to these people. The amount of times I heard "well a buddy of mine hunted here and he told us so we all got tags." I also remember wanting to smack the guy when he said "boy...this isn't that bit of a valley...I guess you'll want to be moving along then"? I chuckled and said "no thanks. I'll be here every day for almost the whole season...hope you can hike faster than me".
I believe you're correct. It was very tough to be nice to these people. The amount of times I heard "well a buddy of mine hunted here and he told us so we all got tags." I also remember wanting to smack the guy when he said "boy...this isn't that bit of a valley...I guess you'll want to be moving along then"? I chuckled and said "no thanks. I'll be here every day for almost the whole season...hope you can hike faster than me".
That’s the correct answer! Let’s see if the flat landers watched enough Richard Simmons videos to keep up!
You guys acting like elk hunting is some kind of fitness challenge make me chuckle.

Meanwhile, back in Marleyville, He is posting 300+ inch bulls killed by a kid wearing heydude slippers. lol

Bottom line is that most people never get more than 500 yards from a road or trail.
You guys acting like elk hunting is some kind of fitness challenge make me chuckle.

Meanwhile, back in Marleyville, He is posting 300+ inch bulls killed by a kid wearing heydude slippers. lol

Bottom line is that most people never get more than 500 yards from a road or trail.
Well how did your kid do with that great elk tag you supposedly picked up?
Love this thread- on the ban mountain lion thread its, United we stand, united we fall, together we rise or together we fall. Everybody donate, call, or write were in this together.
This thread-
Piss on nonresidents, we don't need you or your money-F--- off.
Leftists don't have to divide us, they just sit back and let you do it.
Divide and be conquered
Look at that list that was posted and ask yourself what percentage of conservatives or leftist engage in those activities.
You're right about one thing, you don't need our money, the state has weaned itself off of the money we brought in and replaced it with all that leftist recreation.
That list is an influence list and you Mr. hunter are just about at the bottom.
Go ahead, keep cutting the tags for nonresidents, keep lessening your influence.
One high I.Q. poster on here wrote "do away with all nonresident hunting, I'll gladly pay more for my tag".
You think your state is going take that money and manage your public lands for hunting?
They're going to use it for leftist recreation because they now have the influence.
I'm 70, hunt the most heavily hunted unit in Colo., unit 62, and have no trouble getting away from residents or nonresidents. For years I've read on here just get a half or mile off the road and you eliminate most people.
These super-hot spots that are on this thread that being run over with nonresidents must be in a parking lot or right next to a road.
You guys acting like elk hunting is some kind of fitness challenge make me chuckle.

Meanwhile, back in Marleyville, He is posting 300+ inch bulls killed by a kid wearing heydude slippers. lol

Bottom line is that most people never get more than 500 yards from a road or trail.
Depends on how a guy wants to hunt and what he's out there for.

If you're the type of dude that wants a pic of your 300 incher in slippers on the internet, then that's who you are.

Some folks want to get all the challenge they can out of their hunts and wouldn't be caught dead on the kind of hunt where you wear your designer slippers for your pictures. Much less ever even wearing the fruit boots.

I guess that notion is lost on certain types of flatlanders.
12 pointer....I thank you, I guess some how I came across as some NR *******. This Orion whoever is a piece of work. Obviously he is entitled to all the public land and all the animals on it. For the guy who's daughter killed that elk.....gives me goose bumps!! Please tell her congratulations from me. So so awesome, and unlike whoever I could careless if it was a calf! She will and should be so proud of it. My first elk still can remember witch way the breeze was blowing. This year my son finally arrowed his first elk, was lucky enough to kill a 6x6 for his first! Not no 350 inches but hey,
About brought tears to my eyes for him. And anyone else that is not so stuck up and but hurt over someone being successful, regardless RES or NR! For that Orion clown, congratulations. You killed some awesome animals. If you are as great as the internet makes you tgen why do you care who or where so.eone hunts? Again as 12 pointer says, we are all in this together and let me tell you, as horrible as you guys say the NR are....we are such a small group together vs the anti., leftist, flower sniffers, whatever you want to call em.
Colorado is always gonna be on the app list for me. Some day.
It nice to see the policy change have a dramatic improvement for the hunting units/ the overall experience in just one year
Love this thread- on the ban mountain lion thread its, United we stand, united we fall, together we rise or together we fall. Everybody donate, call, or write were in this together.
This thread-
Piss on nonresidents, we don't need you or your money-F--- off.
Leftists don't have to divide us, they just sit back and let you do it.
Divide and be conquered
Look at that list that was posted and ask yourself what percentage of conservatives or leftist engage in those activities.
You're right about one thing, you don't need our money, the state has weaned itself off of the money we brought in and replaced it with all that leftist recreation.
That list is an influence list and you Mr. hunter are just about at the bottom.
Go ahead, keep cutting the tags for nonresidents, keep lessening your influence.
One high I.Q. poster on here wrote "do away with all nonresident hunting, I'll gladly pay more for my tag".
You think your state is going take that money and manage your public lands for hunting?
They're going to use it for leftist recreation because they now have the influence.
I'm 70, hunt the most heavily hunted unit in Colo., unit 62, and have no trouble getting away from residents or nonresidents. For years I've read on here just get a half or mile off the road and you eliminate most people.
These super-hot spots that are on this thread that being run over with nonresidents must be in a parking lot or right next to a road.
Yeah the game has changed with “on-X” and the lore of “back country” I rarely hunt within a mile of a road and it’s pretty crowded when you consider animal densities out west.
All arguments aside the new 5 year structure has been set, you can expect little change in the next five years. Archery elk will now be draw only but you can bet there will be so many licences in most units that it won’t really matter. It remains to be seen though. Case in point the removal of otc archery elk licenses in the Grand Mesa DAU for elk three years ago hasn’t changed hunter numbers much. All deer licenses are still by draw only, nothing has changed there. Residents will get 75% of all draw licenses in units that take less than 5 points. Residents will get 80% of all licenses in units that take more than five points. People like 12 Pointer who have been hunting unit 62 with firearms ‘forever’ won’t see much in the way of changes based on this. Those of us who grew up next to unit 62 already know the biggest change is the lack of deer compared to what it had been. Saying that these changes have anything to do with liberal Front Range voters is just plain stupid. Color yourself that way if you like.
Let me put it like this. I'll bet you would love to have all the NR go to the ballots in Nov and help stop some of the, let me see how you said it, oh ya liberal front range voters from eliminating cat hunting? Or how about introducing woles? Or how about back in 2000 when the liberal front range voters shut down foothold traps?? Color my self the way i like but you are one blind selfish sum *****......
Let me put it like this. I'll bet you would love to have all the NR go to the ballots in Nov and help stop some of the, let me see how you said it, oh ya liberal front range voters from eliminating cat hunting? Or how about introducing woles? Or how about back in 2000 when the liberal front range voters shut down foothold traps?? Color my self the way i like but you are one blind selfish sum *****......
Nope…. He is spot on!!!
That is exactly who voted for all this FKN BS!
Why wouldn't his kids be proud? It's meat for the freezer and a memory they enjoy.

It must be sad the measure everything by how big it is. That usually means a deficiency in other areas. Just sayin
His kids aren't shooting dinks and does a grown man is then he complains about NR opportunity. Oh the irony
All arguments aside the new 5 year structure has been set, you can expect little change in the next five years. Archery elk will now be draw only but you can bet there will be so many licences in most units that it won’t really matter. It remains to be seen though. Case in point the removal of otc archery elk licenses in the Grand Mesa DAU for elk three years ago hasn’t changed hunter numbers much. All deer licenses are still by draw only, nothing has changed there. Residents will get 75% of all draw licenses in units that take less than 5 points. Residents will get 80% of all licenses in units that take more than five points. People like 12 Pointer who have been hunting unit 62 with firearms ‘forever’ won’t see much in the way of changes based on this. Those of us who grew up next to unit 62 already know the biggest change is the lack of deer compared to what it had been. Saying that these changes have anything to do with liberal Front Range voters is just plain stupid. Color yourself that way if you like.
Hunted most of my life archery, only a few times with gun.
Lack of deer-absolutely, didn't the libs stop predator control? Now wolves and soon to be lions. If it doesn't pass this time, it soon will. The point of my post isn't about deer numbers, it's about leftist trying to end hunting in your state which many on this thread are concerned. But if it makes you feel better and smarter to change the narrative, fire away. It's not just front range anymore, Vail, Dillon, Edwards, Aspen, Eagle, Telluride and others are and are becoming leftist strongholds. To ask our help on one thread and piss on us on another, now that's stupid.

My best with a bow.

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