Omission please!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-14 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]100 posts! I don't know if that's good or bad. :)

svshooter, Maybe you are, maybe you are not, but you remind me of guys i know that love to complain and point fingers but never do anything out of their way to try to make things better. I'd rather try.

Most of us here would like it if those who posted pic's of their trophies and hunts, felt more appreciated and less picked on. I can't see how some improvement to that result could hurt. There is no other agenda here so again, "why make more of this than it is?"


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Here is a point to consider or add in. Is it possible that the point of making a shot that is impossible for the average hunter to be able to take and make is so you can tell about it. And possibly add "No brag just fact"..
Joey: worth all 100 post for sure.

A man ask God for a Dragon, GOD says that is really impossible to do, What's your second choice. Man says How about the perfect Hunter,
God reply is What color do you want the Dragon.

Good questions on this posting, some thoughts being passed back and forth.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I think you're onto something JTB. Remember the "old days" before range finders? I know a lot of guys who liked to stretch the distance they shot at. They will claim 400 yards when in actuality it was more like 250.:)

Now days with range finders a guy can claim 576 yards and say range finders don't lie. If you weren't there you have to take his word for it.:)

Just sayin.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Good morning Sage , just got back to my computer after the long holiday weekend . The topic of long shots on game will always be debated both here on MM and around campfires across the country . Im not going to put my horse in that race but I think the reason this thread has stirred up so much controversy is that people don't like to be told what to do .
I think that a lot of people in this thread and out there have misunderstood my intentions in this thread. "people don't like to be told what to do." Sure they don't and i have been trying to not do that by saying, "maybe it would be better..." I do tell my employees what to do, i tell my vendors what they need to do, but here and in this instance, i'm just pretty much just making a suggestion for anyone concerned to take or leave it as they choose.

After going over the posts again, it becomes obvious that the most negative comments come from guys that have the equipment and desire to shoot game at the longer distances. They are adamant in defending what they see as ethical enough and their legal right.

I used to Bow Hunt with the old gear when a young man. I liked the advantage of being able to extend the amount of days i could spend out hunting deer every year. When i gave it up after 5-6 years, i had my reasons and when i first joined here and jumped into a discussion/debate about archery hunting, i shared those reasons and soon found out just how much people will go to defend doing what they want to do and at the same time, lash out attacking others who simply posted their own observations and conclusions. Kind of like a Mother Hen in defense of her chicks. Now i'm seeing Antler gatherers defend their rights to pick up drops in mid winter by methods that break laws they say are not just or fair. Just try getting those guys to slow down, good luck!

Everybody it seems has passion about what they are doing or want to do. I'm not surprised that there were emotions stirred in this thread, that was not my intention but this thread was as good a place as any to vent it out!

Do as you wish. My suggestion is there to take or leave as you may. It's just an idea.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Look, if they didn't want me to use all of them, they wouldn't put 20 cartridges in a box. If it takes a few sound shots and a half dozen or so more to at least get the animal slowed down, no problem! I still have another half dozen to sling until the beast is down and I can claim I made a 9xx yard ethical shot. Whats the big deal?

Divide and conquer. We are our own worst enemy.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
>Man I'm a little torn on
>this one because I usually
>like your posts.
>Most of the hunters that I
>know that are true long
>range hunters rifle or archery
>are more dedicated to their
>passion than your average hunter.
> I don't think this
>has anything to do with
>the distance an animal is
>harvested. Is an animal wounded
>at close range more forgivable
>than an animal wounded at
>long range? I would
>bet a shinny nickle that
>more animals are wounded every
>single season at close range
>than are at long range.
> Bad ethics unfortunately span
>the spectrum of our sport.
>The act of hunting in general
>is offensive to a portion
>of the public. To
>get on a hunting forum
>and ask someone to omit
>part of their story doesn't
>fly with me. Do I
>like to read about bad
>ethics? Not at all.
> I dislike fellow hunters
>passing judgement on other hunters
>even more.
> Shooting beyond your personal
>skill is, regardless of the

very well put..

Lots of these posts have reminded me of the old Sage saying.....opinions are like assholes...everybody has one. Seems to me there might be more of one than the other. Note that this post does not attempt to separate and label any posters as one or the other.

The more I read and think the more I lean towards the premise of the original post.
Until a couple years ago, i had never even thought about long range shooting. Last year that changed. I went to wyoming with a buddy that drew a mulie tag. He scouted all summer and knew where they were hiding. I hiked up the mountain with him and we set up. He scoped the one he wanted, then ranged it at 906 yards. I kept my mouth shut thinking it was impossible. One shot. Mulie down. I was astonished!! Now that was a dam fine mulie, nice rack, big body. The weird thing? When i tell the story to my other buddies, the 906 is the most important part.

I cannot shoot that far. My buddy? He practices year round. Loads his own. Custom Rifle. Puts a thousand times more effort into that one shot than I put in practicing with my bow out to 50 yrds. Is it wrong? I dont know. Was I amazed? Hell yes!

It never even crossed my mind that it might be unethical until I started reading about it on here. Got me thinking-----maybe? But not the shot I saw.
As usual the lack of a proper education shows itself. Unethical and nonsporting are two different things. I believe that the idea behind the post, and I agree with it is that at some point WE are going to have to seperate personality from science. At some point WE are going to have to address the means by which we kill. I read guns and ammo, they were talking about advanced sighting systems. We used to joke about drones in hunting, now they are here. WE are going to have to come to terms with the idea that we are HUNTERS, not KILLERS and there is a difference.
The elk I hunt need some of us to miss. They need some of us to try to get closer and get busted. WE cannot be 100% effective. The 18 buck to doe the DWR is in love with cannot support that.
It is too easy for those who want to dismiss themselves from what hunting is, VIOLENT AND BLOODY, to substitute technology. When you kill something it is VIOLENT. IT IS BRUTAL, and generally it is BLOODY. Doing everything in your power to seperate yourself from this reality, then hiding behind some script about ethics police, or old fuddy duddys is just that, a script. When you rip through something livings body, destroy its inner organs, and cause its life force to end, I think you should at least be able to see that. Does that mean knife or hand to hand, some guys do that. Does that mean bow? Does that mean 100 yrds? I know that with my 9x scope, that means about 300 yrds. Funny thing, I don't ever think I have stretched that far.
Whatever the line is, at some point WE are going to have to draw it, because the technology won't stop. At some point will we be haters if we think you should leave the couch to hunt elk? Why is pushing the trigger button on a controler any difference than pulling it on a rifle? Your either part of a violent, brutal, and often bloody end to a life, or your hiding from it.
Its not personal, you can still have a bigger shlong, hotter chick, bigger truck, nicer house, etc, in short you can still be the man, I wouldn't dare argue that, but talking about what gives an animal a sporting chance, doesn't make me a hater, it makes me a HUNTER.
Lastly, if your some "big time", tatooed up, earinged, flat brimmed hat wearing, possee joining, rice burner owning dumbazz, and you don't like the older guys calling you a dumbazz, TOO DAMB BAD, grow up, you think our dads liked our hair metal and mullets? You want to be men, you get no participation trophy, your self esteem is meanigless, and we are keeping score, GROW A SET!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
+1 hossblur, no disrespect to anyone, but somewhere you have to draw the line, it just keeps going and going!


Hossblur, I know that a lot of that was directed at the video I posted. You're saying that because a guy chooses to shoot long range and wear flatbrims they aren't men. Are you f##king kidding me? Most of these guys that you are saying need to grow up are successful business men that are supporting their families just like you are. It's one thing to not agree with the distance of a shot, but to say that they are not men because they have the abilities and choose to make long range shots is absurd. Also, what is with the hate on the flat brim hats? It is a freaking style!!! It doesn't affect you!

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