Oil Africa


Active Member
Good hunting is hard to find. You only live once and I don’t want to wait forever to get a good tag. I decided to pay the price and go with some friends to SA and try it out. It paid off.



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Limpopo mostly and then the Free state for a couple days
I would have guessed east cape to be honest. That would be a mature warthog for free state not so much limpopo area. Just saying that so you know. I think this was your first africa trip and more info may help you out. Glad you had a great trip
I would have guessed east cape to be honest. That would be a mature warthog for free state not so much limpopo area. Just saying that so you know. I think this was your first africa trip and more info may help you out. Glad you had a great trip
Actually I did shoot it in the free state now that I think about it. The guide said shoot so I did. I wasn’t that excited about shooting a warthog before I went but after seeing a bunch live and on the hoof they were much more interesting.

My first morning out hunting impala, I heard a grunting sound ten yards behind me and swung my rifle around ready to save myself from a charging buffalo or some other deadly beast and it was a warthog that we walked past and spooked out of its hole. It made a terrifying grunting sound and was running away parallel at full speed when I figured out what it was haha
They do make some funny sounds that is for sure. I hope to get over one time to see and hear the impala rut. They say it is amazing to hear the rams and see all the action.
and very easy to kill also...:D my strike rate by catching them by hand is 70%...then a hell of a fight occurs...they are very focus on only 'one thing' when in rut :rolleyes:

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