New 5-Year Dates and Season Structure


Active Member
Changes include keeping OTC for Resident Archery and changing to Draw for all NR Archery


  • Item.10_Memo_2025-2029 Big_Game_Season_Structure.pdf
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These are propositions to the Commission. So, nothing is final yet and the commission could just say no thanks and keep it all status quo.

I suspect the commission will still limit all archery tags, R and NR because they want to be able to control the pressure. Unlimited R OTC Archery tags don't give the CPW the control they need to regulate the overall pressure (what they are trying to fix in the first place).

What should have happened was:

-Make people burn their points for an A-list Male license.
-Make people apply for OTC during the primary draw.
-Make the OTC tags regional with caps.
-Don't allow people to apply for a point if they get an OTC tag.

Instead, the brainiacs on the draw process working group dismissed most of these ideas this idea right out of the gate and instead moved to an even more complicated system of 50/50 bonus- pef/pref pretty much screwing people who have been waiting in line for the past 20

Making people apply for that OTC during the primary draw would eliminate 20% or more of the people who hunt OTC elk in Colorado.
Although I still support totally limiting all elk licenses, I think this move would be a good first step. And if I lived in CO I would fight for OTC archery tags.

But I am not clear about one thing: Will all areas now be OTC for residents in archery season across the state, or will those areas that are already totally limited remain limited to both res and NR?
Although I still support totally limiting all elk licenses, I think this move would be a good first step. And if I lived in CO I would fight for OTC archery tags.

But I am not clear about one thing: Will all areas now be OTC for residents in archery season across the state, or will those areas that are already totally limited remain limited to both res and NR?
No one in their right mind would turn the limited draw units into OTC.
I agree that what would limit hunters more than anything is require hunters to burn pts if they hunt bull elk in Colo regardless of otc or limited bull elk. That alone would not only be a limiting factor if left otc and also prevent point creep.

I haven’t read options but charging hunters license fees upfront would also help pt creep. I sincerely hope rifle rut season dates are eliminated to help the ailing deer population.
I agree that what would limit hunters more than anything is require hunters to burn pts if they hunt bull elk in Colo regardless of otc or limited bull elk. That alone would not only be a limiting factor if left otc and also prevent point creep.

I haven’t read options but charging hunters license fees upfront would also help pt creep. I sincerely hope rifle rut season dates are eliminated to help the ailing deer population.
Dates are moving back to the previous 5-year structure.
Although I still support totally limiting all elk licenses, I think this move would be a good first step. And if I lived in CO I would fight for OTC archery tags.

But I am not clear about one thing: Will all areas now be OTC for residents in archery season across the state, or will those areas that are already totally limited remain limited to both res and NR?
Only the existing OTC units will remain as OTC.
Well, what "should have happened" was Mandatory hunt reporting! Then and only then the state would know what units people are hunting, how many people are hunting and specific harvest results per unit. Any one disagree with that opinion?

I 100% agree and it would be SIMPLE to have hunters do this with the use of an APP on their smartphone like so many states currently do.

The problem with this idea is that Colorado DOESNT WANT TO KNOW where or how many elk and deer are truly being killed.
Where did you see that? Did I miss it in the above link? It came close to saying that but never saw it for sure. And I’m too lazy to read it again 🤣
It has been discussed though out the past few BGSS Meetings. But you are correct it does not state that in the memo. We were fighting for them to add back some of the units that were lost over the past few years. They just finally made an official statement in this memo. Final vote is next Wednesday.
First regular rifle elk season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 10/15 - 10/19● 2026: 10/14 - 10/18● 2027: 10/13 - 10/17● 2028: 10/11 - 10/15● 2029: 10/10 - 10/14
Second regular rifle deer and elk combined season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 10/25 - 11/02● 2026: 10/24 - 11/01● 2027: 10/23 - 10/31● 2028: 10/21 - 10/29● 2029: 10/20 - 10/28
Third regular rifle deer and elk combined season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 11/08 - 11/16● 2026: 11/07 - 11/15● 2027: 11/06 - 11/14● 2028: 11/04 - 11/12● 2029: 11/03 - 11/11
Fourth regular rifle deer and elk combined season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 11/19 - 11/23● 2026: 11/18 - 11/22● 2027: 11/17 - 11/21● 2028: 11/15 - 11/19● 2029: 11/14 - 11/18
First regular rifle elk season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 10/15 - 10/19● 2026: 10/14 - 10/18● 2027: 10/13 - 10/17● 2028: 10/11 - 10/15● 2029: 10/10 - 10/14
Second regular rifle deer and elk combined season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 10/25 - 11/02● 2026: 10/24 - 11/01● 2027: 10/23 - 10/31● 2028: 10/21 - 10/29● 2029: 10/20 - 10/28
Third regular rifle deer and elk combined season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 11/08 - 11/16● 2026: 11/07 - 11/15● 2027: 11/06 - 11/14● 2028: 11/04 - 11/12● 2029: 11/03 - 11/11
Fourth regular rifle deer and elk combined season shall be the following dates:● 2025: 11/19 - 11/23● 2026: 11/18 - 11/22● 2027: 11/17 - 11/21● 2028: 11/15 - 11/19● 2029: 11/14 - 11/18
I would have thought it would be a week earlier than that. Those are still some pretty good rut dates for the 3rd season.
I could have swore years ago I was hunting 3rd season during Halloween. Maybe I’m getting forgetful and it was 2nd season.
“● 5-day season opening the first Wednesday after October 8th, followed by a 5-day break. Deer and elk combined season, but deer hunting is optional.”

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Even California implemented mandatory reporting. If you don't, there is a $21.60 "fee" to remediate your lack of response.
Was hoping they’d have closer dates to 2015-2019. Guess the rut hunts will continue.

It's obvious that if they implement a new, additional first rifle deer season that they are plainly trying to sell more tags regardless of the dwindling deer population across Colorado.
I’m not going to say it’s worth your time, but it does explain this a bit.

And that is not me agreeing with the decision, just saying that they do talk about it. It will be very limited and the overall tags will not increase. They will be stolen from the other seasons.
And easy seasons will prob only be in “trophy units”, but those are less and less with each year. And purposely so.

Like Ridn, I was hoping they moved the seasons back more. But it’s obvious that their policy on CWD (kill off mature bucks) is still a priority.
The fewer tags issued during the rut and more issued prior to the rut the better! If the CPW really want to sell more deer tags with less impact on the deer herd they would offer more tags during the first season and fewer during the late seasons. My quandary is why even sell 4th season deer tags in units where deer are struggling?

Most of us that live in the hotbed of CWD for the past 40+ years are well aware that using CWD as an excuse to kill off mature bucks is a poor excuse to sell more tags and conduct rut season hunts.

Not to get into it again but mature bucks carry the very best genetics in the herd for surviving disease, predators, and poor conditions. Anyone with a wildlife degree and background is well aware of this! I sures hope that the CWD wake up and figure out that making political decisions to manage wildlife is a horrible mistake!
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Yeah the new deer season would be ok if they took all the tags from 3rd and 4th season. But we all know that CPW will probably take them from archery and muzzleloader. They also haven't been super specific about how limited they are going to be. My other issue is it was that it is nice to have a decent or premium first season elk tag and not having to worry about guys running around chasing deer that will be out the window now in certain units
It seems like the archery and muzzy guys never get a break when it comes to tag allotments even though t's possible to sell more tags with the same % harvest.

I say eliminate late deer rut seasons and convert them to quality elk seasons with less overall hunting pressure during those late elk seasons to increase elk harvest and quality experience.

The deer across Colo definitely need a break or numbers and quality will continue on a downward cycle similar to the rest of the Western US.

The CPW crew seem to have their own views on how to manage hunters and wildlife with disregard to science and public input!
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Public comment to CPW on the BGSS has been open since last year. Telling everyone on MM "what you want" and" how you would do it" is like complaining about politics and not voting.
In regards to that proposed new 5 year season structure:

-Ok so were gonna go ahead and push the seasons up to the former earlier dates
-but wait here we're gonna move the benchmark season (1st rifle) BACK to the 1st wednesday after the 8th (WTF?) and add those 2 more days back into 3rd season so its basically THE SAME THING AS BEFORE.

Ah yes, the old piss on my leg and tell me its raining trick. F'in genius.😳
Public comment to CPW on the BGSS has been open since last year. Telling everyone on MM "what you want" and" how you would do it" is like complaining about politics and not voting.
Too bad the public comment is just a dog and pony show. CPW is going to do what they want to do. The public comment is nothing more than them checking a box on their required checklist
In regards to that proposed new 5 year season structure:

-Ok so were gonna go ahead and push the seasons up to the former earlier dates
-but wait here we're gonna move the benchmark season (1st rifle) BACK to the 1st wednesday after the 8th (WTF?) and add those 2 more days back into 3rd season so its basically THE SAME THING AS BEFORE.

Ah yes, the old piss on my leg and tell me its raining trick. F'in genius.😳

Are there any reasons for changing to larger breaks between the seasons? If my memory is correct there never has never been 5 day breaks since they started the 3 season structure years and years ago? I would be all in favor of 0 day breaks between the seasons since deer numbers and quality are on such a down-swing.
Too bad the public comment is just a dog and pony show. CPW is going to do what they want to do. The public comment is nothing more than them checking a box on their required checklist
We have been fighting to keep OTC Archery for residents, it has been a battle but they switched their recommendation. Having attended most meetings there was little public input to season dates.
It's easy to complain about it on MM. It's also easy to share your opinion were it matters, during public comment.
I go to all the meetings down here and submit public comments. Let's be honest those comments both in person and submitted are largely ignored. CPW has their agenda. To say otherwise over one change is ridiculous
I go to all the meetings down here and submit public comments. Let's be honest those comments both in person and submitted are largely ignored. CPW has their agenda. To say otherwise over one change is ridiculous
I am sure that I must have seen you at the meetings then. I don't recall many comments on season dates. Must have missed it. If the dates are that important to you, it's worth fighting for. or you can just choose to complain, and blame it on everyone else.
Don't get too worked up by debbie downer Orion. He does nothing but complain, here, there, and everywhere. He's all over bowsite, but Its clear, he doesn't even bowhunt. He just likes to get on every forum and p1ss on your parade.

The division must laugh when he show's up. But.......... Sometimes the internet doesn't give you the full perspective on a person. Hopefully, our very own (no matter which forum you inhabit) debbie downer is much better in person, but I have my doubts.
Don't get too worked up by debbie downer Orion. He does nothing but complain, here, there, and everywhere. He's all over bowsite, but Its clear, he doesn't even bowhunt. He just likes to get on every forum and p1ss on your parade.

The division must laugh when he show's up. But.......... Sometimes the internet doesn't give you the full perspective on a person. Hopefully, our very own (no matter which forum you inhabit) debbie downer is much better in person, but I have my doubts.
So question, do you think the hunting is getting better? Do you agree with the direction the CPW has been going the last few years especially with the governors new appointees? Do you even live in Colorado?
Don't get too worked up by debbie downer Orion. He does nothing but complain, here, there, and everywhere. He's all over bowsite, but Its clear, he doesn't even bowhunt. He just likes to get on every forum and p1ss on your parade.

The division must laugh when he show's up. But.......... Sometimes the internet doesn't give you the full perspective on a person. Hopefully, our very own (no matter which forum you inhabit) debbie downer is much better in person, but I have my doubts.
Doesn't bother me. It's easy to complain, you have to do some work if you care enough make a change.
So question, do you think the hunting is getting better? Do you agree with the direction the CPW has been going the last few years especially with the governors new appointees? Do you even live in Colorado?
I don't rifle hunt, so I have no clue how those seasons are going and who, and what they affect. Forums are always a double edged sword as many complain more than they hunt. I'd say you fall into that category of "complaining" as I haven't read a single positive post from you, ever!

Hunting better? I don't like the fact the OTC units have been shrinking down hence packing more and more people into a small area but it looks like NRs could be limited even more. So, that's a net positive if it goes through. OTC units have been crowded as long as I can remember, so the new limits just might make them better.

Aside from that, sure there has been a lot of changes in CO as of late, but for me, personally, the hunting hasn't changed much. The big bad wolf will surely change the environment, but we won't feel that for some years to come. CO is the new CA, expect changes with the government in place many against the sportsman.
Well here's an unpopular take. I like hunting the rut, keep them coming. There are still good ones killed every year, and they will continue to be killed every year.

People were complaining about stuff when it was the 2015 to 2019 structure. In 20 years will be saying, "Man, do you remember when you used to be able to hunt the rut, how awesome would that be!"
I liked it a lot better in the good ole days in the 90's to early 2000's when there was 180 potential in just about every muley unit in Colo. Currently in the very best units a 170 buck is considered a whopper and few/far between!

I would gladly take a 2nd season tag in the 2015 to 2019 years when there was potential for a true buck of a lifetime compared to the top tag in the very best unit today where a 170 buck is considered totally outrageous!
Yeah, but back then DOW didn’t even have enough money to manage the wildlife. It’s a miracle enough survived to get things fixed.

We really need more of these Colorado sucks threads BEFORE the application deadline.
Someone told me last night that after the cpw started the motor vehicle registration state parks pass deal they added millions to their budget. Where is all the $ going if they aren’t doing better now than a few years back?
Someone told me last night that after the cpw started the motor vehicle registration state parks pass deal they added millions to their budget. Where is all the $ going if they aren’t doing better now than a few years back?
I believe they’re still flush. With the TABOR restrictions to growing goobermint, it’s just a matter of time before CPW is in charge of homelessness.
During a couple of the meetings they stated that they are moving away from relying on non-resident license money. So they must be doing OK. I don't see them spending much money on anything anyway. Just new trucks.
Well here's an unpopular take. I like hunting the rut, keep them coming. There are still good ones killed every year, and they will continue to be killed every year.

People were complaining about stuff when it was the 2015 to 2019 structure. In 20 years will be saying, "Man, do you remember when you used to be able to hunt the rut, how awesome would that be!"
Well If you think hunting the rut is such a great Idea, I think you would love hunting montana....
If Colorado keeps the hunt structure similar to the current one, the quality of deer will be equivalent to montana in about a decade or so. I don't hear any positivity about montana mule deer hunting from residents or non residents on public land.
Well If you think hunting the rut is such a great Idea, I think you would love hunting montana....
If Colorado keeps the hunt structure similar to the current one, the quality of deer will be equivalent to montana in about a decade or so. I don't hear any positivity about montana mule deer hunting from residents or non residents on public land.
I understand your point and it's valid. I'm just saying, there are states where they used to hunt the rut like Idaho and Utah. People were complaining. In many places the hunting has not improved when they took those hunts away. Now they're still complaining.
Someone told me last night that after the cpw started the motor vehicle registration state parks pass deal they added millions to their budget. Where is all the $ going if they aren’t doing better now than a few years back?
$41.1 million cashed in for the Keep Colorado Wild Pass. Do they really need to keep selling unlimited non- resident elk tags with this source of revenue stream? I'll assume revenue will only increase.

Well If you think hunting the rut is such a great Idea, I think you would love hunting montana....
If Colorado keeps the hunt structure similar to the current one, the quality of deer will be equivalent to montana in about a decade or so. I don't hear any positivity about montana mule deer hunting from residents or non residents on public land.
Hunting the rut is not the main problem, it is the number of tags alloted and the number of bucks being shot. They just need to better match the harvest with the resource. If the resource is cut in half because of winter, prederators, drought....and they cut harvest by 25% instead of 50% then the age class goes down. Surely hunting late hurts the age class when there are too many tags but the main issue is they are shooting too many deer. This is far from rocket science, harvest less deer by giving out less tags or move the tags to dates where harvest is lower.
I just looked at the dates from 2011-2014 they look almost the same to me.

Regular Rifle Deer and Elk Seasons: (continued)
1st Separate Limited Elk 10/15-10/19
2nd Combined Deer & Elk 10/22-10/30
3rd Combined Deer & Elk 11/5-11/13
4th Combined Limited Deer & Elk 11/16-11/20
1st Separate Limited Elk 10/13-10/17
2nd Combined Deer & Elk 10/20-10/28
3rd Combined Deer & Elk 11/3-11/11
4th Combined Limited Deer & Elk 11/14-11/18
1st Separate Limited Elk 10/12-10/16
2nd Combined Deer & Elk 10/19-10/27
3rd Combined Deer & Elk 11/2-11/10
4th Combined Limited Deer & Elk 11/13-11/17
1st Separate Limited Elk 10/11-10/15
2nd Combined Deer & Elk 10/18-10/26
3rd Combined Deer & Elk 11/1-11/9
4th Combined Limited Deer & Elk 11/12-11/16
The meeting was this morning, anyone have any news how it went? I planned to watch it but got stuck in a meeting.

I have been watching it all morning.

Lot of crybabies who are upset that the OTC elk licenses might be taken away because they feel they won't be able to draw tags.... Which is an ABSOLUTLEY ridiculous statement. If a resident isn't drawing a tag, then it is obvious that they are trying to draw a highly desirable tag. There is no shortage of good tags for residents to get. Especially after going to 75/25.

I hope they vote for full limited.
I have been watching it all morning.

Lot of crybabies who are upset that the OTC elk licenses might be taken away because they feel they won't be able to draw tags.... Which is an ABSOLUTLEY ridiculous statement. If a resident isn't drawing a tag, then it is obvious that they are trying to draw a highly desirable tag. There is no shortage of good tags for residents to get. Especially after going to 75/25.

I hope they vote for full limited.
Are tags OTC were you live?
Just started listening, motion for Alternative 1 failed. (limiting all Archery Elk, no OTC) Discussing Alternative 2 now...
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I suspect that they will start out pretty liberal with limited NR archery numbers. But it’s a start on limiting pressure. Because NRs with have to pick an area and not have the option to move

Seems like the next baby step could be OTC with a cap for residents. That way pressure could be controlled
It’s not a resident crowd you have to worry about. Never has been.

The fact you have to “put in “ will deter some for a bit. There will still be leftovers I’m sure until all of this gets some traction. Then, at some point when people don’t want to stay home, it will eventually be like WY, the demand will sky rocket.
I suspect that they will start out pretty liberal with limited NR archery numbers. But it’s a start on limiting pressure. Because NRs with have to pick an area and not have the option to move

Seems like the next baby step could be OTC with a cap for residents. That way pressure could be controlled
The next step is to go full draw for NR rifle. No reason to cap residents.

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