Lionheart The Film

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Really well done film show casing the love, passion and respect hounds men and women have for wildlife conservation and animal husbandry.

I think every citizen out west who is faced with a vote to ban hound hunting should be forced to watch this film to a least make an informed decision before casting their vote.
Is it just a film showing guys ripping up and down logging roads with their dogs going ape chit in the back? Striking off guys bait barrrls and pulling SD cards in cameras that don’t belong to them? Cuz that’s 99% of “houndsman” can’t stand them. Needs to be severely regulated. But I’ll watch this. Won’t hold my breath on changing my mind
Is it just a film showing guys ripping up and down logging roads with their dogs going ape chit in the back? Striking off guys bait barrrls and pulling SD cards in cameras that don’t belong to them? Cuz that’s 99% of “houndsman” can’t stand them. Needs to be severely regulated. But I’ll watch this. Won’t hold my breath on changing my mind
Damn!! Tell us how you really feel!!!🤣🤣🤣
Is it just a film showing guys ripping up and down logging roads with their dogs going ape chit in the back? Striking off guys bait barrrls and pulling SD cards in cameras that don’t belong to them? Cuz that’s 99% of “houndsman” can’t stand them. Needs to be severely regulated. But I’ll watch this. Won’t hold my breath on changing my mind
that’s bullshit^^^ obviously you don’t know Jack ****
that’s bullshit^^^ obviously you don’t know Jack ****
I think JP is just saying he hopes it is ethical. There are a lot of hunting shows where they aren't, or you think they are until you read un they papers - like Lemon. I thought at ome time if I drew a great tag I might hire him, but nope if He was in a show I would ignore it.
Any jackass can buy a 55 gallon drum and fill it full of dougnuts and try to shoot a bear with their head stuck in it too cry me a river
One of those jackasses in this scenario however are not running a bunch of dumb ass dogs all over the mountain through everyone’s chit all fall long acting like an idiot.

I have zero respect for “houndsmen” because they have zero respect for anyone
One of those jackasses in this scenario however are not running a bunch of dumb ass dogs all over the mountain through everyone’s chit all fall long acting like an idiot.

I have zero respect for “houndsmen” because they have zero respect for anyone
I'm sure they could care less. I know If I hunted the same stuff you did I sure wouldn't
The film doesn't represent most houndsmen I have seen. Or the lot of them that post objectionable footage of hounding on social media. Houndsmen propaganda video in the original post is an attempt to bring the rest of us in to their fight.
The film doesn't represent most houndsmen I have seen. Or the lot of them that post objectionable footage of hounding on social media. Houndsmen propaganda video in the original post is an attempt to bring the rest of us in to their fight.
You think the anti's are going to stop when they get hound hunting banned? Hahaha! You better get a reality check buddy their coming for deer and elk hunting next! And guess what when you weren't there to support the houndsmen in their fight they won't be there to help you in your fight. Let that sink in
The film doesn't represent most houndsmen I have seen. Or the lot of them that post objectionable footage of hounding on social media. Houndsmen propaganda video in the original post is an attempt to bring the rest of us in to their fight.
I will never support or join the fight for hound hunters. They have collectively earned that as a group. And not just from me.

Look at book head here while arguing how wrong I am he throws up a post exhibiting the exact behavior I was talking about. Couldn’t help him self even in a on line forum talking to actual stranger from acting like they do in the woods. How much worse with a box full of mindless mutts you think that guy is?
You think the anti's are going to stop when they get hound hunting banned? Hahaha! You better get a reality check buddy they’re coming for deer and elk hunting next! And guess what when you weren't there to support the houndsmen in their fight they won't be there to help you in your fight. Let that sink in
😂 I’ll take my chances with being able to hunt deer for a while :ROFLMAO:

There’s few states they got rid of you worms. They ban deer hunting there yet?
One of those jackasses in this scenario however are not running a bunch of dumb ass dogs all over the mountain through everyone’s chit all fall long acting like an idiot.

I have zero respect for “houndsmen” because they have zero respect for anyone
Bullshit. I am a houndsman and don't act like that. Don't lump us all together.

Edit to add. There are bad actors. If we lump all people in a group together because of a choice of hunting, then that truly is bigotry.

Call out the bad apples. Encourage the ethical behavior.

Don't call me an unrespecting person because I own hounds and chase lions.
😂 I’ll take my chances with being able to hunt deer for a while :ROFLMAO:

There’s few states they got rid of you worms. They ban deer hunting there yet?
You're a loser man. Just watch what California does. It's coming im sure. What do you think is gonna happen when there is no houndsmen to control the predators?. Go take a sit at your bait barrel and think about it
Always some bad apples in everything!!
Mainly the reason I hunt by myself or with one or two friends or family. Met some great people out hunting. But the other 90% I do not want to be around.
Just like the jack wad on horseback seeing you hiking up into a basin/saddle and beats his horse to death passing you to get there before you.
Just like someone seeing you on a point glassing and set up 100 yards in front of you.
Just like the 10 friends you never meet within arm’s length as soon as you land a fish. And some will even take your spot to keep it warm as you turn around to change lures. Hell, there is a whole river/ lake that is 99% unoccupied.
Let’s talk about duck/goose hunters shooting over your decoys/ flock shooting.
This can go on and on.
I have not ran hounds since the late 70’s. Before all the tracking collars and tech. Spent many night sleeping in the truck waiting for the hounds to come back.
A lot of people nowadays seems to believe they own the whole mountain and don’t have any respect for others.
Think I just saw a thread about California success on deer the other day,weird… and I don’t buy all the predator propaganda from either side. I have that strange ability to read and form my own opinions.

Had another positive “houndsman” encounter last Wednesday. Followed a bugle down the hill, bull going for about 20 minutes or so. Won’t say I was on him cuz I wasn’t yet but we were starting the game. He actually was moving towards a road which is always a bonus. Then, here comes the sxs with two mutts in the back. You could hear them coming a mile away. Non stop barking. And I mean none stop. Must have been a bear or cat every 10 feet to strike on right? These dogs never stopped barking and the sxs didn’t stop either. Just up and down, up and down, bark bark, bark. What a master at his craft. I mean how the hell can you tell you have a strike when your dumb ass dogs bark for 5 miles? It was impressive.

Anyway. Bull shut pretty fast. And that master hounds man never stopped once to let his mutts out. Could hear them barking out the back all the way back down the mountain. What a woodsman
You got triggered because you were hunting on a road and someone else was on that road and his dogs were barking.

Dang old man. Let me know when someone really does stuff to piss you off.

I say triggered? Nope. Just one more actual experience to pile on all the many many others that have formed my opinion. You know, real world examples? Not watching some you tube videos and getting all emotional about it.

Should I ignore my eyes and ears over years of observation? Please. Do tell me what I should think
You saw and heard (presumabldy as you described two "mutts" not "hounds") him. Didn't talk. Didn't stop. Didn't KNOW what he was doing. Formed an assumption from a set of pre determined variables you have in your mind.

While you were hunting on or near a road.

The irony is awesome.

I think I've head of that series before.

"When assholes collide"

I'm a houndsman. Going going on 20 years now. I don't know you. You don't know me. But because I have hounds, if you saw my truck or toyota and saw my hounds, you would assume I'm a POS. I wouldn't have the chance to make any judgements about you because you have already made up your mind about me, and would presumably refuse to talk to me because of my dogs. And I don't know you or would have no other way to identify you to that point.

That my friend, is bigotry.

If I didn't associate with everyone I know is is a registered Democrat or has a Trump sticker on their truck, because of my General distaste for both parties, it would be a pretty miserable life (as am example)

Carry on.
Somebody cue the "this escalated quickly" meme :ROFLMAO:

I have no problem with any method of hunting anywhere so long as it is done within the boundaries of the law set forth for the area being hunted.

Put me in the "we all need to stick together as best we can" camp.

JP, I kinda feel like your anger and frustration is misplaced--what you really wish is that the seasons did not overlap. Maybe not "what you wish" but ya know what I mean--this would fix it at least to some degree. I feel the same way as you when I catch coon hunters on my trail cameras during whitetail season here in IN. Yes, they'd be trespassing but I also accept you gotta get to your dogs when they are treed. I'd rather them get in and get out than the dog be there come shooting light. You know it blew deer at least temporarily out of the area. Frustrating.

And, I grew up chasing coonhouds with my Dad and I've hunted black bear with dogs and I hope to one day kill a mountain lion the same way. So I cast no stones.

TLDR: I wish dog seasons didn't overlap with other seasons.
First of all. I hunt where the elk are. That one took me down hill to a road. I thought that was awesome, I’ve packed more than my share of elk and I’ll take a close road. I’m not too proud to not take advantage of an easy pack.

Second. I know what a hound sounds like. I was of course being derogatory because I’m such a bigot.

Third. I’ll talk to anyone. I’m talking to you right now as a better of fact. I have a few clients who run dogs. Their great guys at work. Invited me out a few times and I politely declined. Doesn’t change my mind at all from Ive actually experienced in the woods

But do continue to tell me about y lying eyes
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This would resolve all conflicts. Ask these considerate hound hunters if they’re willing to compromise to a hound season outside of other take seasons for the good of us all sticking together. I’ll hold my breath
Essentially that would shut down hounds seasons, here in NV, as we have big game seasons from Aug 1 into January.

We have a year round lion season. Very few to none of the houndsmen I know are out during big game seasons ruining other people's hunts. I haven't seen it.

Houndsman are always the ones to have to "compromise" on seasons. We actually had to call out legislators here in NV a few years back because they compromised with a season structure in a populated area. They also promised that was all they wanted.

What happened next session? Yup same legislator wanting to take more and wanting houndsmen to compromise.

One brave soul pulled up the quote from the previous session. Shut that down. Pretty dang quick.

Unfortunately seasons have to overlap. Unless big game hunters want to compromise and only hunt big game from September 1 to October 30? Seems reasonable?

Too.many people. Too many different walks of life. And everyone wants their slice of heaven and not be disturbed by outside forces

I get hunting close to the road because that's where the elk are, but, you can't complain because other people are using the (presumably) public road for their benefit.

Document and report illegal behavior.

Petition to get seasons changed to suit your needs.

Otherwise, such is life that there are many people in the world that do things differently than you.
Petition to get seasons changed to suit your needs
I’d never do that. I’ll just never lend my support for hound hunters. If further legislation comes I think that’s great. You guys fight it. That was after all the original underlying theme of this thread
I’d never do that. I’ll just never lend my support for hound hunters. If further legislation comes I think that’s great. You guys fight it. That was after all the original underlying theme of this thread
Ok. Will you vote against hound hunting if it were on the ballot?

And then trapping?




That's what they go after. One at a time.
. I’ll just never lend my support for hound hunters. If further legislation comes I think that’s great. You guys fight it.
Amen. Hound hunters can fight this one alone. No one is coming after reasonable hunters next. We don't need hound hunters and their archaic method dragging the rest of us down.
Yes I would. And save your hysteria for the YouTube watchers
Unfortunately I've been in the meetings when anti hunters tried to stop hound hunting.

My friends and I have been called animal abusers, animal haters every nasty word in the book. Because we like hunting with hounds. We beat our dogs and force them to hunt and treat them like garbage.

I hope you never get to the point where you have to see it on the ballot.

This video came about because lion hunting is on the ballot in Colorado. Popular opinion.

Anti hunters have made it clear they want more.

There is no hysteria, when I have been called those names by anti hunters, none of which are true. Also been told by anti hunters in meetings they won't stop.

Not hysteria. Truth. Things I have seen and been told by anti hunters.

You got mad because some dogs barked on the road and ruined your elk hunt.

Anyone could have dogs out on public roads any time of the year. Barking their heads off. Happens. Seen that too. But it's public land.

I truly hope you can continue to live thinking hunting is safe.

It's not.
Amen. Hound hunters can fight this one alone. No one is coming after reasonable hunters next. We don't need hound hunters and their archaic method dragging the rest of us down.
The world really doesn't need hunters afterall.

Long range hunting for trophy bucks? Because we need the meat? That argument is by the anti hunters as well as an example.

They want it all.

It's all archaic. We are a civilized society. Afterall
I would like to see some pictures of lions you have treed.
Here's a recent pics of a trip I did with my wife and daughter. Just exercising the dogs, and my old hound wanted to go hunt. Up into a rock pile. We had to go in after her. It's been a couple years since I've treed one. (Health issues have been a pain).






Pretty tuff on the keyboard.

Slob comment is funny coming from a hound “hunter” . I’ve seen the POS trucks you guys drive. Where I guess most of the beer cans on the sides of logging roads come from
I highly doubt you're real tough anywhere. Why don't you go give the next houndsmen you see your opinion next time you're on the mountain. Bet you wake up in the dirt where you just got done kicking in a circle
Pretty tuff on the keyboard.

Slob comment is funny coming from a hound “hunter” . I’ve seen the POS trucks you guys drive. Where I guess most of the beer cans on the sides of logging roads come from
I don't drink beer. There you go stereotyping again.
This is a well done video..liked the mules..very few mulemen left in my part of the country..I hope this helps the houndsmen in Colorado but I don't think it will..the antis won't listen to anything or concede to anything that goes against there agenda which is to stop all forms of hunting..alot of hate going on in this thread and the antis are loving it its part of there agenda... DIVIDE AND CONQUER
This is a well done video..liked the mules..very few mulemen left in my part of the country..I hope this helps the houndsmen in Colorado but I don't think it will..the antis won't listen to anything or concede to anything that goes against there agenda which is to stop all forms of hunting..alot of hate going on in this thread and the antis are loving it its part of there agenda... DIVIDE AND CONQUER
That's correct but good luck telling these dip$hit$ that I've already tried
So all hounds men are married to their cousins?

Tell my wife and daughter that.

You really are pushing this too far.
Go back and read the transcript. I didn’t start the insults on this one. Jump on your hounds man brothers here too?
Go back and read the transcript. I didn’t start the insults on this one. Jump on your hounds man brothers here too?
No. I just take personal insults due to opinions personal.

I know you didn't start it. But you sure as hell aren't doing anything to stop it.

And you are lumping all Houndsmen together. I take offense to that.

I am trying to be civil in these discussions and am getting insulted. By "hunter(s)"

I am saying stop it.

Bottom line is I have been around this block many times over the last few years.

Everyone wants someone else (low hangning fruit, hounds, trapping, etc) to compromise, but offer nothing otherwise.

Hunting is barbaric. And archaic. And truly not necessary in the modern age.

But I like hunting, as do many on this forum.

Hunting in many forms, and I respect the many forms other people choose to use.

And I will (and have)(although not as intense lately as in years past) stand up for all legal forms of Hunting.


But I will not tolerate being lumped in as a slob by other hunters because of a way I chose to legally hunt.
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