Let's See Some Photos! Win Stuff!


Founder Since 1999
We need to see more pics around here! We've now got a monthly photo contest going on, sponsored by Bad Ass Outdoor Gear. Each month we'll be giving away a sweet piece of gear to one of you who shares great photos. What am I looking for? Cool pics! Scouting photos, success photos (even those from past years), buck and bull photos. Just fun stuff to look at. We all enjoy seeing photos of bucks and bulls.

At the end of each month (or about), I'll pick a winner based on which photo I think is the coolest, best, funnest to look at. Maybe it'll be a big bull elk one of you find scouting, or maybe it'll be an old days photo of your grandma with a monster muley. Obviously, they've all got to be of trophy western big game.

So I'm hoping you all will participate each month. You can post the photos here in this thread or email them to me at [email protected]. Please accompany any photos with a little detail. And please, let's keep this thread about photos. No back and forth chit chat talk. We can do that in another thread. Cool?

Let's see some photos!

The June winner will receive a Badlands Point Daypack in Max-1 Camo from our giveaway sponsor, Bad Ass Outdoor Gear. Please, when you're in the need of upgrading gear, shop Bad Ass Outdoor Gear and if they have a price you like, give them a chance to earn your business.

Brian Latturner
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I know I've already shared these photos before. I need to get on the mountain soon and get some goat photos to share. But these photos are of a big buck from Wyoming. Not sure if anyone took him that year or not.



Brian Latturner
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One of the Sybille Canyon bulls at Tom Thorne/ Beth Williams research facility near Wheatland, Wy.

This moment was the highlight of my hunting career and one of my all time life highlights. Watching my son lay the smack on this big heavy bodied buck from 550 yards was an adrenaline rush.
Here ya go Founder. Maybe I have a winner, maybe I don't.

Whats for lunch?

When a 210 typical, and a 230 NT lock up in late Jan, you got to put the camera on them.

800 inches of velvet.

Bloody antlers.

You pick.

Two racks from the same buck.




Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Found this buck scouting for elk in 2014. Killed by another hunter in 2015 and scored 232".

Here's one that Cory Doyle sent over. Read his adventure in the Hunt Adventure Challenge forum ... HERE

Cory writes, "The Utah bear I just killed with my bow a week ago last Saturday on May 27th (see my HAC thread for a LOT more details). Don?t have an official score on him yet, but he has a big noggin on him. It was a cool experience hunting this bear with hounds and seeing those dogs do what they do best!!"


Brian Latturner
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Cary Edwards sent these pics. The top photo is from December, 2014. The lower photo is the same buck taken in September 2015 by his some, Jade Edwards.


Brian Latturner
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Corey Larsen sent over this photo. Cool..........


Brian Latturner
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Here's one Evan sent over. He wrote, "This ole boy decided to pay a visit to the county jail. He was waiting on Jane Doe to be released after she was picked up for running in front of cars. Gotta love Colorado!"

Zac Robinson wrote, "Opening day I shot this heavy 184 inch buck. Not to be out done, my daughter shot this 188 inch buck with the help of a friend. My dad, not a hunter anymore, cut the throat on her deer ruining the cape and she didn't get any good field pic's because it was dark by the time they found it. Both bucks are 27 inches wide. Hanging on the wall next to each other, she's sure to remind me who got the bigger buck."


One of our Goose hunts this year. Was pretty epic.

The kids thought this was the best hunt ever.
Here is the shot placement of my Utah OTC archery bull. He went 50 yards and then piled up in sight.

And here is the pack out pic. Well worth the extra weight and multiple trips.




My 12 year old son Brandon with some success pictures from his 1st and only year hunting...We lost him to cancer June 1st 2012
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-17 AT 07:25AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-17 AT 07:20?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-17 AT 07:19?AM (MST)

My 2015 buck with my nephew. Nephew holding the buck!!
Jason Castagno shared, "Here is my boys 2016 Vernon rifle buck. I mentored him the tag. Great hunt for him."



Brian Latturner
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Will Pierce wrote, "This rack was tucked up in the trusses of my grandparents barn for the better part of 5 decades. He measures right at 230 inches. So after 50 years he finally made it to the wall LOL!"



Brian Latturner
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Gregory Lewis wrote, "Brittany Lewis Turner took this stud on the 3rd day of the 2015 general season hunt. Taxidermist says he was on the decline, at least a 9 year old buck."


Brian Latturner
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Aaron Vanoli writes, "2016 Wyoming goat, wife and three kids went with me. Wasn't concerned about trophy quality just a good camp/ hunt with kids trip. Got lucky on a great buck and had a blast."


Brian Latturner
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Saw these goats on Friday. Good day on the mountain, as most usually are.

Brian Latturner
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Forrest Zink wrote, "This buck was my first Washington state buck back in 2015. I was huntin with my wife, buddy, his dad and sister. The first couple days of our hunt we saw nothing but does. On the third morning of our hunt my buddy and I were sidehilling at different elevations and we both saw the same meadow. He told me about it when we got back to camp for lunch, and I told him I saw it too and knew how to get there. So we made a plan with everyone on how to hunt it. There was a spur road that we had to hike to the end of and his dad and sister sat there. While my wife, buddy and I dropped in and crossed the creek so we were at the base of the meadow. My wife went off to the right side towards a rock she could watch the tree line from. My buddy and I went left. He went higher up in the meadow and we sidehilled, following the contour of the mountain. Within 5 minutes there was movement and we were close enough to talk. It was a bunch of cow's that had been set loose due to the fires that were all over eastern Washington that year. So he runs up and down to spook the cow's away from the direction we're headed. Once that was handled I found and old road that had a a few year old burn on the left and the tree line that lead to the meadow on the right. As I kept following the road I started to get hot so I took my back off to shed some layers. As soon as I took my pack off I looked up and see 2 deer staring at me. I raised my rifle to check for legal points. I get to the head of the first one and only see 2 as I went to check the second deer the first moved his head and I saw the 3rd point. I bring my rifle down and shoot. MISS! Apparently I shouted ##### because I missed. I readjust and boom the buck drops. He's still moving (I had a high back shot) I run up and shoot twice thru the brush with my .45. After a couple minutes I get a hold of my buddy (who thought I got attacked) to tell him buck down. He asked a how big and I told him 3 on one side; I'm a meat Hunter so if it's legal I don't look to long after iding it as legal. Turns out it was a 4x3 so even better than I thought. Once gutted we decided to cut him I'm half after a failed attempt to pack out using a stick. On the way back my buddy's sister made the comment that good thing he's a muley because black tail lives matter. Due to the fact I had him strapped with his hooves up by his head."


Larry Claxton (aka Aceman) shared this pic. He wrote, "I took this picture during the 3rd season in Colorado and the buck was actually in my back yard - I also had a 3rd season buck license but the buck was in the city limits and I couldn't fill my tag. I found out later from the game warden that the buck was killed just out of the city limits - the warden said he measured 205" - oh well sure was hard taking the picture with a tag in my pocket."

Here's a few photos that Brent White (aka ParadiseHunter) shared. That's his boy, Talon, enjoying the buffalo dad took a few years back.




That is really cool how you used a second photo for the sky!

I've never seen that before. I love it!
Garrett Kearley writes, "So, the buck with no velvet was my rifle tag from the 2016 season. We got up to our camp 3 days before the hunt just so we could pattern the deer. On the 2nd day I got sick, it was bad enough that I didn't even go hunting the opening day(which is saying something because it takes a lot to make me not want to go hunting, especially on the opener). Then the second day I went out but didn't really hunt that hard. On the 3rd day(even though I felt like crap) I decided I had to go get me a buck. My dad and I hiked over this little hill and this buck was bedded at 100 yards, and the rest is history.

The buck with velvet was my first "good buck". I had just got a new bow and was eager to test out my new broad heads ( http://www.huntsmanarchery.com ). The first day I did not have good luck at all. I missed 4 times and lost all 4 arrows, it just so happened that every decent buck I saw was anywhere between 48 and 55 yards. I didn't have my 50 pin sighted in, and I shot right under all 4 of them. That night I was determined to sight it in, and I skipped my arrow across the ground 3 or 4 times. The next morning at about 7:45, my dad spotted this buck. We stalked in to 50 yards and I took the shot. I didn't realize how low the canopy was so it hit some branches and again hit low. The buck spooked a bit but didn't go far. I had 1 more arrow (the one I skipped across the ground while sighting in my 50 pin), I had to make it count. We snuck in to 30 yards and I drew back when it was behind a few trees and I waited for it to step out and when it did, I shot. It was a great double lung shot (I had to shoot at the middle of the body because of the tall grass). Even with a mangled up Siege broadhead, my buck only ran 20 yards before tipping over."


Heres a couple pics I pulled from my camera last weekend. First time I had a camera in this area. I guess right place right time.


[font size=+2 color=darkred]Winner Picked![/font]

Some great shots shared and it was tough picking a winner. Those kids with big smiles are hard to beat, as is the screaming bulls up top. But, this photo is really cool and a rare shot.
YELUM is our winner this month with this photo.

I'll have a new giveaway going in a week or so, so be on the watch. The pics are fun to see and thanks to all of you who shared.


Brian Latturner
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LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-17 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]Here's my friend JR's Super Moon Rising Bull from the late hunt last year here in Utah.


You can see all the action including the kill shot and the actual Super Moon Rising here !!!


Looking forward to some more hunts like this, this fall.

Cheers, Pete

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