How would you spend 10k?


Active Member
I’ve been diligently saving every month for a while now with the idea to go on a sheep hunt some day. I’ve realized that those prices have quickly outpaced what is realistic for me and I could not stomach that kind of money for one hunt. My true love is mule deer and I think that’s how this money should be spent.

I’m planning for the longer haul here, 2025-2027 realistically and I’ll have 10k +/- to spend on an experience. I’m a good hunter and have killed a 190” buck and hunted several others in that caliber on otc type tags. The opportunity to hunt 180” deer is what trips my trigger. I hunt mule deer 4-6 weeks of the year and will continue hunting regardless; but this money has been set aside with a purpose and will get spent on a deer hunt regardless.

So, how would you spend 10k for the opportunity at 180” deer? I’m considering LO Nevada/colorado tags, Canada archery hunts, something guided? The experience matters to me; I’d rather have hunted hard and not harvested than roll onto an alfalfa field and shoot some buck from the road. I can hunt with any weapon and am good at scouting and working hard.

Feel free to PM ideas if you’d rather not post here.
Idk if you can get a tag, but i know the guide i went with in colorado unit 40 said they do archery buck tags in an awesome awesome location apparently. Said it was about 10kish
Horse packing trip with an outfitted camp is my vote. I feel like it would feel like a vacation when you got back from hunting and there is food ready.

Most likely a Wyoming wilderness hunt
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Just a thought here. It sounds like you can hunt 180 inch mule deer without spending the $10k.

Why not go for a unique experience that you haven’t already had and likely won’t have again?

It’s your money, do what you want with it. I would be looking at doing something different if it were mine. Grab yourself an elk tag, or a bison hunt. Or get some equipment you’ve always wanted but never thought you could afford and go on those deer hunts you already seem to have figured out with some better binos, etc in hand.

Or go on the deer hunt and have a heck of a good time! It’s your money, enjoy it how you want to.
Not trying to sound like a jerk. But the way the economy is going if you continue to save until you have let’s say 20k. That 20k will most likely buy you way less than the 10k today.
Top end optics & tripod, some camp gear, few tanks of fuel will eat up most of that 10k. Boy times have changed.
I prefer DIY, but if I was going to spend it on a hunt it would be doing something that I can not do myself. A wilderness horseback hunt would get my nod. Either deer or elk, maybe somewhere in Wyoming.
Never mentioned what state you lived in or how old you are. Those answers might nail down a better answer.
Depends on what style of hunting you prefer. Horseback hunts, like mentioned above are great, or Alberta hunts are great as well, but a lot of time spent in a truck.
I have zero idea what an outfitted pack in trip for mule deer costs but I don't really have much interest in any other outfitted or guided experience. Really don't have too much interest in the outfitted pack in trip. Drop camp horse trip would be more up my alley.

Don't know what the landowner tags in CO cost these days but one of those in a good quality unit that I could hunt all public.

Probably what I would personally do us spend it on optics first if I didn't have everything that I desired in that department. That will eat it up fast! And impact far more hunting experiences.
Some good ideas so far..

I’m in my early 30s live in CA. I am set already on gear and optics. This money would specifically be to experience something I normally would not/splurge a bit.

Nevada is appealing to be able to hunt all the seasons and it’s the shortest drive.

Wilderness pack in hunt would be interesting..I’ll have enough points for at least region H by then which could give me a shot at bigger deer in the wilderness with a guide. Could also think about wilderness elk but they do not get me as excited as a big deer..
Depends on what style of hunting you prefer. Horseback hunts, like mentioned above are great, or Alberta hunts are great as well, but a lot of time spent in a truck.
As long as it’s a lot of time glassing deer and planning stalks I’m not opposed to some window time
Keep saving.
Someday you may be able to afford a Jarbridge wilderness hunt.
Deer or elk? Would require a draw unless an outfitter there has access to LO tags..and that is very much a luck thing in Nevada no matter the points level. hunted that general area before and do like it not sure if it’s 180” buck country although I’m sure there are some.

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