How would you spend 10k?


Active Member
I’ve been diligently saving every month for a while now with the idea to go on a sheep hunt some day. I’ve realized that those prices have quickly outpaced what is realistic for me and I could not stomach that kind of money for one hunt. My true love is mule deer and I think that’s how this money should be spent.

I’m planning for the longer haul here, 2025-2027 realistically and I’ll have 10k +/- to spend on an experience. I’m a good hunter and have killed a 190” buck and hunted several others in that caliber on otc type tags. The opportunity to hunt 180” deer is what trips my trigger. I hunt mule deer 4-6 weeks of the year and will continue hunting regardless; but this money has been set aside with a purpose and will get spent on a deer hunt regardless.

So, how would you spend 10k for the opportunity at 180” deer? I’m considering LO Nevada/colorado tags, Canada archery hunts, something guided? The experience matters to me; I’d rather have hunted hard and not harvested than roll onto an alfalfa field and shoot some buck from the road. I can hunt with any weapon and am good at scouting and working hard.

Feel free to PM ideas if you’d rather not post here.
Idk if you can get a tag, but i know the guide i went with in colorado unit 40 said they do archery buck tags in an awesome awesome location apparently. Said it was about 10kish

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