Fishlake Muzzleloader


Active Member
I put in for this tag on the recommendation of a guide that I wanted to hunt with. (A specific guide, not a general outfitter.) I drew the tag. That was the good part.
The bad part is now the guide has just notified me that he has a family situation that has come up and can not take me.

If anyone would like to share some info on this particular season I would be grateful to hear it. At this point I have decided to just hunt it by myself.
Depending on the species and unit, I can reciprocate with info in Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and Arizona.
Thanks for your time.
You don't need a guide. Start at fishlake and work south. Make a scouting trip or two to learn the area and roads then show up a couple days early and find where the elk are hanging out. they should still be pretty vocal. The biggest issue you will face is going to be all the deer hunters. They will usually tell you where they have seen the elk though.
We watched a herd Sunday evening that was close to 90 head..
The elk on Fish Lake are looking pretty good to me.

Help an old grandma out...

I hoped that might get some attention :)

In all seriousness, my 65 yo mom who stands 4'11'' but tougher than nails bit the bullet and cached in her elk points on a fishlake muzzleload tag. She is not a trophy fact she's never killed an elk but is as excited as anyone I've ever seen to give it a try.

She had the opportunity to hunt goats above her house on the Beavers a few years back and it was one of our best memories together. She shows her mount off to everyone that walks in the door. Although she can get around some, we both know the flatter the ground the more days she'll be able to hunt without her knees giving her fits.

Looking for someone who might be willing to PM me, if they know some "senior" spots for a bull...not a monster. I live in Wyoming and haven't hunted the FL plateau for years. Any PM help would be great. By the way, she has a buck tag as well!

I'm looking forward to this hunt more than any other this year, and I've got some good ones! Thanks everyone.
BBB, I do not have any info on the area, but your mom sound like a hell of a lady. Good luck on her hunt and be sure to post some pics of the hunt, even if unsuccessful. I wish I could hunt with my mom once again !!
They start to get fired up right about then. I bet you can call grandma in a nice bull. Should be a fun hunt. She should enjoy all of the bugling elk. Good luck !
Thanks to those that have replied. Because of what my mom means to me, I think she deserves the biggest bull on the mountain :) But the hunt will be successful...not matter the outcome.

Any more advice is welcome. Mbogo, PM if you're interested in keeping in touch during the hunt and we can exchange contact information being that we will be up there at the same time.


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