FCFS changes

I’m in camp that something is different this year in FCFS. I’m a resident & last year I saw probably 10-15 different tags pop up. This year, I would estimate that I have checked 75–100 random times since this all kicked off & I haven’t seen a single tag show up for residents. Wiszard has seen at least 15 or so. I don’t get it!?!?!
I’m in camp that something is different this year in FCFS. I’m a resident & last year I saw probably 10-15 different tags pop up. This year, I would estimate that I have checked 75–100 random times since this all kicked off & I haven’t seen a single tag show up for residents. Wiszard has seen at least 15 or so. I don’t get it!?!?!
There are a lot fewer tags this year. I think tag cuts in Nevada combined with tag cuts everywhere across the west, COVID dying off and people wanting to keep what they drew have resulted in fewer tags.
I try to research a lot of these units before hand, but this one wasn’t on my radar, especially due to the fact there wasn’t one available to nonresident’s in the draw.
I guess I’m wondering if this would have been worth burning my 18 points???
No. Absolutely not worth any points
If not a sheep tag, I think a short notice hunt would have to be one I have hunted, or at least know is a great hunt. With elk or antelope, not only the points, but the waiting period is a factor. Of course, any nelson ram tag I see would get my click as a nonresident with 27 points, odds are still that I die with however many I have by then.
If not a sheep tag, I think a short notice hunt would have to be one I have hunted, or at least know is a great hunt. With elk or antelope, not only the points, but the waiting period is a factor. Of course, any nelson ram tag I see would get my click as a nonresident with 27 points, odds are still that I die with however many I have by then.
Even as a resident with max points you would only have a 7% chance at a (268) tag. Any sheep tag in hand is worth having to chase sheep. And a lot of the desert sheep hunts (ie. 268) end at the end of the year. Leaving plenty of time to make something work.
Even as a resident with max points you would only have a 7% chance at a (268) tag. Any sheep tag in hand is worth having to chase sheep. And a lot of the desert sheep hunts (ie. 268) end at the end of the year. Leaving plenty of time to make something work.
Absolutely! I have put what I think are going to be the easiest hunts to draw as my 3rd and 4th picks every year in building the 27 NV points. As I do in AZ for my second choice. And in CA, as a max points resident where it's only one choice. I just want a tag, and would be happy with a chance at whatever is available in whatever unit I might get.
Absolutely! I have put what I think are going to be the easiest hunts to draw as my 3rd and 4th picks every year in building the 27 NV points. As I do in AZ for my second choice. And in CA, as a max points resident where it's only one choice. I just want a tag, and would be happy with a chance at whatever is available in whatever unit I might get.
Gotta be careful with that way of thinking or you might end up with just that. A tag… They’re easy to mount but very pricey…
I’m in camp that something is different this year in FCFS. I’m a resident & last year I saw probably 10-15 different tags pop up. This year, I would estimate that I have checked 75–100 random times since this all kicked off & I haven’t seen a single tag show up for residents. Wiszard has seen at least 15 or so. I don’t get it!?!?!
I’ve probably seen 30+ tags pop up. Antelope, Deer and Elk but no sheep most have been Archery. I am retired so I have a lot of time to look especially late, I got my Antelope tag around midnight. I haven’t been on much lately but I’ll start in a couple weeks trying to get a rifle Deer tag.
I’ve probably seen 30+ tags pop up. Antelope, Deer and Elk but no sheep most have been Archery. I am retired so I have a lot of time to look especially late, I got my Antelope tag around midnight. I haven’t been on much lately but I’ll start in a couple weeks trying to get a rifle Deer tag.
oilcan with you on that count.

3Toe if you just pop in and out you won't see a thing....you gotta camp, the tags go within seconds.
Talk about luck.
This is all I have seen the few times I have logged on.
Same. Been logged in quite a bit and haven't seen a tag. I have two buck tags this year so I'm only hoping for another cow elk tag late season. Surprised I haven't seen anything though. Last season I was seeing ALW Bull tags pop up all over the place.
I’m in camp that something is different this year in FCFS. I’m a resident & last year I saw probably 10-15 different tags pop up. This year, I would estimate that I have checked 75–100 random times since this all kicked off & I haven’t seen a single tag show up for residents. Wiszard has seen at least 15 or so. I don’t get it!?!?!
Ok so humor me here… I was contacted this past Sunday by a new member that was looking for some help for a friend that grabbed a FCFS tag for Rifle Bull Elk in unit 262. I happily helped him out, then I started thinking… Wait a minute!!! Last year they only gave out 3 tags to residents & ZERO to nonresidents. So a resident turned in a tag, that tag should have gone to an alternate. I applied for that unit & I was an alternate. I wasn’t given the tag. I’m also certain that out of the other 1000+ residents that applied a few of them had to check the alternate box. Why did that tag end up on FCFS for a non resident???? If it wasn’t rewarded to an alternate resident then it should have popped up as a resident FCFS option. I’m calling bullshit!!! I have been applying in that unit now for years. It REALLY looks to me like NV would rather give the tag to a NR because they get MORE $$$$$$$ that way! BS!!!
oilcan with you on that count.

3Toe if you just pop in and out you won't see a thing....you gotta camp, the tags go within seconds.
Man I look a lot…. I travel for work so I’m even checking at 2-3 AM PST. Check out my post before this one.
It is less than 2 weeks from season start......FCFS happens
Are you saying that they wouldn’t contact an alternate because FCFS has started? Even if that is true, that originally was a resident tag & should have gone to resident FCFS, not non resident.
that horse has been beat to death.....
I haven’t read all 217 posts in this thread, so if that was discussed already I apologize.
I’m just pissed is all… not really, but damn I want that tag. Lol
Ok so humor me here… I was contacted this past Sunday by a new member that was looking for some help for a friend that grabbed a FCFS tag for Rifle Bull Elk in unit 262. I happily helped him out, then I started thinking… Wait a minute!!! Last year they only gave out 3 tags to residents & ZERO to nonresidents. So a resident turned in a tag, that tag should have gone to an alternate. I applied for that unit & I was an alternate. I wasn’t given the tag. I’m also certain that out of the other 1000+ residents that applied a few of them had to check the alternate box. Why did that tag end up on FCFS for a non resident???? If it wasn’t rewarded to an alternate resident then it should have popped up as a resident FCFS option. I’m calling bullshit!!! I have been applying in that unit now for years. It REALLY looks to me like NV would rather give the tag to a NR because they get MORE $$$$$$$ that way! BS!!!
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If its less than 2 weeks before season it goes FCFS
Man I look a lot…. I travel for work so I’m even checking at 2-3 AM PST. Check out my post before this one.
I believe you.
The top tags are only on there for a second or two at most. I have been thinking about this a lot and think Internet speed and lag time play a big part. I upgraded my internet speed before they started popping up, I think that helped and I think anyone who has business speed Internet has a big advantage.
I'm a little shocked that such a limited tag that's only for residents was awarded to a non resident on fcfs. I'm sure there are literally thousands of residents that would have loved that tag. Hopefully the guy had at least a few points. I'm definately happy about the proposed change for next year in regards to that.
I've yet to see any fcfs tags and while I don't check as often as most, I've yet to see a single one. I mean who in there right mind turns in a 262 bull rifle tag. ? Must have been a medical emergency or something.
I've yet to see any fcfs tags and while I don't check as often as most, I've yet to see a single one. I mean who in there right mind turns in a 262 bull rifle tag. ? Must have been a medical emergency or something.
My guess would be the guy/gal that drew with 28 points?
The other one drew at 7 points. They would be an idiot to turn that tag in!
Ok so humor me here… I was contacted this past Sunday by a new member that was looking for some help for a friend that grabbed a FCFS tag for Rifle Bull Elk in unit 262. I happily helped him out, then I started thinking… Wait a minute!!! Last year they only gave out 3 tags to residents & ZERO to nonresidents. So a resident turned in a tag, that tag should have gone to an alternate. I applied for that unit & I was an alternate. I wasn’t given the tag. I’m also certain that out of the other 1000+ residents that applied a few of them had to check the alternate box. Why did that tag end up on FCFS for a non resident???? If it wasn’t rewarded to an alternate resident then it should have popped up as a resident FCFS option. I’m calling bullshit!!! I have been applying in that unit now for years. It REALLY looks to me like NV would rather give the tag to a NR because they get MORE $$$$$$$ that way! BS!!!
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I like to see guys get passionate about this issue. Now channel that passion the right way and make noise until it gets changed. Some might say this is a dead-beat horse but its not dead enough until it gets changed and not another resident tag is given to a NR. That being said, I hold no animosity to the NRs that just want to hunt like the rest of us. I hope they make lots of good memories until we can right the ship.

Write letters, send emails, attend meetings, and SPREAD THE WORD! Lets make 2023 the year when resident tags stay with residents.------SS
I like to see guys get passionate about this issue. Now channel that passion the right way and make noise until it gets changed. Some might say this is a dead-beat horse but its not dead enough until it gets changed and not another resident tag is given to a NR. That being said, I hold no animosity to the NRs that just want to hunt like the rest of us. I hope they make lots of good memories until we can right the ship.

Write letters, send emails, attend meetings, and SPREAD THE WORD! Lets make 2023 the year when resident tags stay with residents.------SS
I have a ton on my plate working out of town right now, but I have every intention of navigating several channels to at least express my own opinion. Maybe if enough residents do so, we will be heard.

As for the guy that picked up that FCFS 262 bull tag, I hope he kills a 380+ in there. Like I said, I was & still am more than happy & willing to help. At this point in my hunting career, I’m just passionate about hunting & I love to see people successful & share the same excitement that I do.

Thanks for your post! ??
I haven’t read all 217 posts in this thread, so if that was discussed already I apologize.
I’m just pissed is all… not really, but damn I want that tag. Lol
I hear you, Brother. I've been putting in for Area 26 for a few years now with no luck thus far. Keep at it! Maybe one year we'll both draw at the same time :)
I like to see guys get passionate about this issue. Now channel that passion the right way and make noise until it gets changed. Some might say this is a dead-beat horse but its not dead enough until it gets changed and not another resident tag is given to a NR. That being said, I hold no animosity to the NRs that just want to hunt like the rest of us. I hope they make lots of good memories until we can right the ship.

Write letters, send emails, attend meetings, and SPREAD THE WORD! Lets make 2023 the year when resident tags stay with residents.------SS
Nicely noted!
Im a nonresident, and I’m just here for the entertainment.
It is interesting how many tags I’ve seen as a nonresident. But I work shift work, and I’m up at crazy hours not doing much…
I appreciate the no hate comment. I’m just trying to take advantage of what “might” be broken. That’s a deeper question for NDOW?
I’m pretty sure I’m going to score on a tag later in the season, as that’s what my schedule will allow. I’ve seen some dang good tags!!
Man I wish my schedule would have allowed that 075 elk tag, I would have burned my 18 points. Good luck to everyone, I’ll be watching for sure.
NDOW had to do it for the increased revenue......I am amazed that it has been allowed to convert R to NR.......

FCFS starts 14 BUSINESS days (not 2 weeks) prior to the start of a hunt. 262 Elk starts Sept. 17th so the tags will automatically goto FCFS if turned in August 30th or LATER.

FCFS starts 14 BUSINESS days (not 2 weeks) prior to the start of a hunt. 262 Elk starts Sept. 17th so the tags will automatically goto FCFS if turned in August 30th or LATER.
Good to know! Thanks for the clarity. I still don’t understand why they would post what was a resident tag & make it available to nonresident in FCFS.
In comparison to other western states and how they treat NRs trying to hunt and draw tags, I think it's cool of Nevada to let the tags go either residency in FCFS. It's not like residents didn't already have the opportunity to hunt the tag first or that NRs have any more of an opportunity to get a tag over a resident in FCFS.
In comparison to other western states and how they treat NRs trying to hunt and draw tags, I think it's cool of Nevada to let the tags go either residency in FCFS. It's not like residents didn't already have the opportunity to hunt the tag first or that NRs have any more of an opportunity to get a tag over a resident in FCFS.
I'm very grateful even if NV decides to change it, the Antelope tag I got last month was my first time big game hunting. I can't seem to draw tags anywhere with low points, but NV rewarded my persistence
In comparison to other western states and how they treat NRs trying to hunt and draw tags, I think it's cool of Nevada to let the tags go either residency in FCFS. It's not like residents didn't already have the opportunity to hunt the tag first or that NRs have any more of an opportunity to get a tag over a resident in FCFS.
I don’t get as fired up as others about the resident non resident thing. But I disagree that residents and non residents have the same opportunity. By law of averages there are simply more people that live outside of Nevada than in Nevada that could watch the page. That could put residents at a disadvantage.
In comparison to other western states and how they treat NRs trying to hunt and draw tags, I think it's cool of Nevada to let the tags go either residency in FCFS. It's not like residents didn't already have the opportunity to hunt the tag first or that NRs have any more of an opportunity to get a tag over a resident in FCFS.
It's totally cool for non residents for sure. It's like a free lunch when you can take the designated amount of the tag allocation, then turn around and snag a bunch more freebie tags too. Helps with point creep for the NR pool without using tags from the NR pool. A real win-win for NR.
Too late to cry over spilt milk. I guess i'll go ahead and spill the beans for that NR that pulled the 262 gem. ??‍♂️
Too late to cry over spilt milk. I guess i'll go ahead and spill the beans for that NR that pulled the 262 gem. ??‍♂️
lol....you are way late to the bean spilling party. The thread a few months ago was whine city.....NR BOTS was the buzzword then
lol....you are way late to the bean spilling party. The thread a few months ago was whine city.....NR BOTS was the buzzword then
The whole robot thing is bull crap drummed up by some crazy guy who has nothing better to do than sit in his trailer, drink, and worry about tags. But I stand by my comment that simply due to more people living out of state it’s going to push tags to non residents. I think last year it was a 150 tag swing in favor of non residents. Nothing absurd but some good tags.
The whole robot thing is bull crap drummed up by some crazy guy who has nothing better to do than sit in his trailer, drink, and worry about tags. But I stand by my comment that simply due to more people living out of state it’s going to push tags to non residents. I think last year it was a 150 tag swing in favor of non residents. Nothing absurd but some good tags.
I wish there was a list available on the fcfs site that gave a tally of what has happened to date....just interesting info
I wish there was a list available on the fcfs site that gave a tally of what has happened to date....just interesting info
A list for fcfs would be nice! NDOW does it for the regular draw with names and location, why not fcfs??? Throw it on the table and let those that play an active part in improving the system see the numbers and have a say?!
As a NR......I love the availability of R tags.......if I was an R, I'd raise hell....
I can honestly say that as a resident that ate tag soup, I just get on fcfs to see what pops and keep my tracker going. Most guys I know are sitting on so many points/alternates that they don't give fcfs the time of day!
But not all residents have the same feelings. I agree with Sparks Shooter and many others in so many ways....improvements can and should be made.
Does anyone know how NDOW handles tags that were resident only in the regular draw such as mountain goat, depredation elk etc. Do these go to fcfs if they are returned within the fcfs timeframe?
Does anyone know how NDOW handles tags that were resident only in the regular draw such as mountain goat, depredation elk etc. Do these go to fcfs if they are returned within the fcfs timeframe?
Not sure about depredation, but if goat tags met the criteria, they would go on the FCFS as well. Goat and Rocky Mountain Bighorns are not eligible for nonresident’s…
Not sure about depredation, but if goat tags met the criteria, they would go on the FCFS as well. Goat and Rocky Mountain Bighorns are not eligible for nonresident’s…
So I saw a unit 115 Elk depredation tag for the first season pop up, I think about 6 weeks ago. I don’t know if Those are good hunts or not so I didn’t jump on it.
Braaap is that a good hunt ?
I don’t know anything about that particular hunt. There is a different depredation hunt I’m interested in and was wondering if those tags would go to fcfs or not because in the draw only residents can apply.

I ended up buying a spike tag on fcfs yesterday. I’ve been able to use fcfs to my advantage and get elk tags last year and this year but in general I really don’t like the system. Residents are at a large disadvantage based on numbers and I don’t like that it requires hours of staring at a screen in hopes of getting a tag.

What if NDOW posted the returned tags for the day before and the next day had a random drawing and you can only apply for the pool of tags based on your residency. Charge an application fee of $1. No points involved for the draw but if you draw you lose points like the current system. That way people aren’t glued to a screen and it’s more fair. People with jobs at a desk are a an advantage over people that are in the trades or truck drivers etc.
So I saw a unit 115 Elk depredation tag for the first season pop up, I think about 6 weeks ago. I don’t know if Those are good hunts or not so I didn’t jump on it.
I saw this hunt yesterday. Not sure if it’s a depredation or not, but this is what it looked like as a nonresident…
I think this would have been a fairly good/easy hunt, I just don’t have any time until later in the year. But still fun to watch!
Not sure about depredation, but if goat tags met the criteria, they would go on the FCFS as well. Goat and Rocky Mountain Bighorns are not eligible for nonresident’s…

says here in the FAQs on the page that rocky BHS and goat tags stay to residents.
I was literally wiping my butt with the phone on top of the roll dispenser when this came up this morning. I'm not sure I could have clicked fast enough anyway.

Absolutely no BS! That came up at 5:45 this morning and that is a screenshot of my phone on the FCFS screen after I tried to get it and someone beat me to it.
This is BS. This is my first alternate choice!!!
Its within the timeframe too close to the season, so it does not go to an alternate. There is also no guarantee you were the next alternate in line. You could have been the 100th alternate and would have never gotten it. Not saying that makes it better for ya, but I wouldnt beat yourself up on it too much since its still a slim chance it could have gone to you.
Its within the timeframe too close to the season, so it does not go to an alternate. There is also no guarantee you were the next alternate in line. You could have been the 100th alternate and would have never gotten it. Not saying that makes it better for ya, but I wouldnt beat yourself up on it too much since its still a slim chance it could have gone to you.
yep....oct 5 sounds like a ways off but when you actually look at the calendar for 14 business days.....
That was my first choice with Alternate also.
But I put in the guide draw I wonder if that has any bearing on FCFS ?
I snagged one of the unit 24 tags. Mine popped up at 10:01AM. Talked to a guide on the unit and it’s not a great year, could be why the tag was returned. But I’ll take a good tag on a bad year any day, beyond excited could hardly sleep last night!
Be happy and enjoy! Getting it that way takes the pressure off.

There had to be opt in alternates. It is the timing of the return that put it into FCFS. I would have gladly traded my 2 nonresident points if I could have clicked fast enough, especially that I'll be close anyway (SW desert muzzleloader general buck). I'm OK not seeing much for weeks on the chance of running into a monster.
Be happy and enjoy! Getting it that way takes the pressure off.

There had to be opt in alternates. It is the timing of the return that put it into FCFS. I would have gladly traded my 2 nonresident points if I could have clicked fast enough, especially that I'll be close anyway (SW desert muzzleloader general buck). I'm OK not seeing much for weeks on the chance of running into a monster.
Oh yeah I’m excited. Having very little time to plan and not investing decades of time and points takes a lot of pressure off despite it being a well known unit. Can’t wait to get out there! Probably will hire a guide and make the most of the unexpected opportunity.
I haven’t seen anything while I have been on there beside a cow hunt popped up. I haven’t had much time to be on with hunting and catching up around the house and family time but I feel like I have had some days with quiet a big of time on it and last year I would see a tag a day at least but this year different story.
I’ve seen a few pop up. None of these hunts I really wanted, I am looking for a late hunt. My problem is by the time I see the tag and identify what it is and decide to add it to my cart it’s gone. So the only way to get a tag is who ever is the fastest to add to cart then decide if you want it or take the 7 day hit and let it go back into the system?



I think you'll need to wait to get a late hunt. The tags that come up are usually hunts that are close to coming up or already going.
Saw a 32 and 34 deer, 161-164 deer and 242-245 deer on the NR side in the last week or so, but ya few and far between compared to last year.
Saw a 32 and 34 deer, 161-164 deer and 242-245 deer on the NR side in the last week or so, but ya few and far between compared to last year.
Music to my ears. I hope this means that more people are returning tags in a timely manner so they can be redistributed to alternates who have been applying and waiting for them. -------SS
I am only interesting in converting a resident sheep tag into my NR name.......with way more than 2 weeks before any sheep season, is it even possible for one to show up now??
Yes, but only if the tag turned in does not have a first choice alternate.
I’ve seen a few pop up. None of these hunts I really wanted, I am looking for a late hunt. My problem is by the time I see the tag and identify what it is and decide to add it to my cart it’s gone. So the only way to get a tag is who ever is the fastest to add to cart then decide if you want it or take the 7 day hit and let it go back into the system?

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I ran into the same dilemma last year. I decided to select a few preferred units for each animal, then if one popped up I wouldn’t have to scramble to look up the unit map or research the unit. Unfortunately it hasn’t worked for me yet, because this year I have only seen one tag available.
I ran into the same dilemma last year. I decided to select a few preferred units for each animal, then if one popped up I wouldn’t have to scramble to look up the unit map or research the unit. Unfortunately it hasn’t worked for me yet, because this year I have only seen one tag available.
I don't think last year was a good example of how the fcfs will work. With COVID issues many more tags were returned than would be on a normal year. How many people return a Nevada tag? Especially NR tags? They are not easy to draw. Tag cut backs have also played a part. This year is probably a better example of how things will typically go.
I don't think last year was a good example of how the fcfs will work. With COVID issues many more tags were returned than would be on a normal year. How many people return a Nevada tag? Especially NR tags? They are not easy to draw. Tag cut backs have also played a part. This year is probably a better example of how things will typically go.
That’s a good point. Maybe only a few minutes after my post this morning, I saw another tag pop up for buck deer / rifle unit 051.
This may be a way the NDOW will get residents to keep the tags they draw. Not sure if this was always a big problem but other than $$, why give resident tags to NR's? I am waiting for the late season deer tags to start showing up. Should be middle of October or so I figure.
I just noticed that the last 2 tags I have seen were yesterday and the tag season started Oct 21st....way more than 14 days before the season starts.....or is it 14 business days?
This may be a way the NDOW will get residents to keep the tags they draw. Not sure if this was always a big problem but other than $$, why give resident tags to NR's? I am waiting for the late season deer tags to start showing up. Should be middle of October or so I figure.
I just noticed that the last 2 tags I have seen were yesterday and the tag season started Oct 21st....way more than 14 days before the season starts.....or is it 14 business days?
I hope you are able to grab one. At the rate you are seeing them, I’m certain you will.
I’m not sure of the number of days. The first tag that I saw posted 2 weeks after opening day. ?
This may be a way the NDOW will get residents to keep the tags they draw. Not sure if this was always a big problem but other than $$, why give resident tags to NR's? I am waiting for the late season deer tags to start showing up. Should be middle of October or so I figure.
I just noticed that the last 2 tags I have seen were yesterday and the tag season started Oct 21st....way more than 14 days before the season starts.....or is it 14 business days?
14 business days. We're they R or NR tags?
I swore I wouldn’t just sit there and watch the page for hours on end, but I got the best of myself. Haven’t seen sh!t. Anyone else see anything today?
I swore I wouldn’t just sit there and watch the page for hours on end, but I got the best of myself. Haven’t seen sh!t. Anyone else see anything today?
NR side is pretty much dead and probably will be from here on out. The regular season deer tags have already dropped and the late season tags have like 1-2 tags per hunt so its not likely one of those tags will make it to turn back given how hard they are to draw, alternates, etcc.

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