Cool lunch


Long Time Member
With all this heat wanted something cool for lunch. Smoked elk and kale.
Kale cut up and marinated in honey balsamic dressing overnight and topped with smoked elk.
It’s pretty good.
LIK2HNT, what hunts you draw this coming season. I still go to Norms either for breakfast or lunch depending on what time I get up.
LIK2HNT, what hunts you draw this coming season. I still go to Norms either for breakfast or lunch depending on what time I get up.
Good to hear from you Brian.
Don’t think I have ate at Norms since I last saw you there. Draws did not work out as planned this year. Was in the running with some really good odds on a few great hunts. But I struck out, Lady Luck had other plans for me. 😎😎 Did get an AZ late muzzy elk tag and will try to pick up a Colorado tag or two.

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