15 inch bases

Yea, my foreskin!!! Quit jerking everyone off with what you think you saw when smoking your lunch. or let's hear from some of your "MM buddies" that have supposedly seen the pictures exclusively...
That's a great pic of the second buck addict. Looks like his father was Lyle Lovett!!!
That whitetail is real, it was shot a few years ago, I have seen pictures posted of it at 2 different stores unless this is a son/younger brother of the one shot earlier?


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
That was shot on "Wilderness Whitetails" ranch about 4 years ago.
It's high fence and heavy selective breeding.
I check this one every day for pics and finally we get a pic of
a whitetail. Not a mule deer so whoever made this post must still
be pushing out a 15" turd and has still not posted pics of this
giant 2 point mule deer. High fence? I guess you aint try'en
unless your cheaten
In the original post it said that the buck was taken "this week". When was this deer taken? This week or a few years ago? A few posts back it mentioned this deer was from a few years back. Doesnt make sense to just post pics from several years ago...must be a recently harvested deer.
There are going to be alot of you proven wrong when I have the permission from the hunter to post the pics.
I have been on here long enough to know the crap people catch for bogus stories, I wouldnt say he shot a deer with 15 inch bases unless it was true. Nonetheless, all those who are talking smack, just keep going. I laugh at all your posts and I understand I would be wondering if it was real or not if i hadnt seen a pic yet either.

To catch you all up.
The deer was shot in October of this year, 2007.

His left antler is 15 inches around at the base the right is 14.5.

When he shot the buck I asked him for permission to put a pic up on here. He said that was ok. Then the next day he asked me not to. So I am respecting his wishes and not showing anyone until he says its ok.

It might be one month it might be 6 who knows. But it will happen, GUARANTEED!

So keep the posts coming, some of them are just to funny.

Thanks to the rest of you who are patient.

And by the way, if those of you who dont believe that its real, why do you keep checking this post whenever there is a new post added? Do you jus want to keep talking smack? Or are you "just checking" to see if its real.

Just wondering.
LOL...I believe you, I'm just hoping that one of these days when I check the thread, I'm going to get to see the pic...
Personally I like my 1.6" bases buck better. He was a real stud. And the best part he is still alive and spreading his DNA around.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-07 AT 05:13PM (MST)[p]The photo ws already posted by ADDICT!! Look back like 20 posts!! You guys are hilarious! Is that the buck you are talking about Eastwind?

>There are going to be alot
>of you proven wrong when
>I have the permission from
>the hunter to post the
>I have been on here long
>enough to know the crap
>people catch for bogus stories,
>I wouldnt say he shot
>a deer with 15 inch
>bases unless it was true.
>Nonetheless, all those who are
>talking smack, just keep going.
>I laugh at all your
>posts and I understand I
>would be wondering if it
>was real or not if
>i hadnt seen a pic
>yet either.
>To catch you all up.
>The deer was shot in October
>of this year, 2007.
>His left antler is 15 inches
>around at the base the
>right is 14.5.
>When he shot the buck I
>asked him for permission to
>put a pic up on
>here. He said that was
>ok. Then the next day
>he asked me not to.
>So I am respecting his
>wishes and not showing anyone
>until he says its ok.
>It might be one month it
>might be 6 who
>knows. But it will
>happen, GUARANTEED!
>So keep the posts coming, some
>of them are just to
>Thanks to the rest of you
>who are patient.
>And by the way, if
>those of you who dont
>believe that its real, why
>do you keep checking this
>post whenever there is a
>new post added?
>Do you jus want to
>keep talking smack? Or
>are you "just checking" to
>see if its real.
>Just wondering.

I check because I like the banter. Mostly harmless. You seem to have a thick hide and you'll need it here.

That can't be the same buck because he was saying that a piece of the horn broke off and that was one of the reasons why he couln't show it.



>There are going to be alot
>of you proven wrong when
>I have the permission from
>the hunter to post the
>I have been on here long
>enough to know the crap
>people catch for bogus stories,
>I wouldnt say he shot
>a deer with 15 inch
>bases unless it was true.
>Nonetheless, all those who are
>talking smack, just keep going.
>I laugh at all your
>posts and I understand I
>would be wondering if it
>was real or not if
>i hadnt seen a pic
>yet either.
>To catch you all up.
>The deer was shot in October
>of this year, 2007.
>His left antler is 15 inches
>around at the base the
>right is 14.5.
>When he shot the buck I
>asked him for permission to
>put a pic up on
>here. He said that was
>ok. Then the next day
>he asked me not to.
>So I am respecting his
>wishes and not showing anyone
>until he says its ok.
>It might be one month it
>might be 6 who
>knows. But it will
>happen, GUARANTEED!
>So keep the posts coming, some
>of them are just to
>Thanks to the rest of you
>who are patient.
>And by the way, if
>those of you who dont
>believe that its real, why
>do you keep checking this
>post whenever there is a
>new post added?
>Do you jus want to
>keep talking smack? Or
>are you "just checking" to
>see if its real.
>Just wondering.

I got that same pic in my email last year! Definitely not killed this year for sure!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-07 AT 11:15PM (MST)[p]along with the 15" turd..

You guys crack me up....
I vote keep it going too

Maybe if you'd post a pic of that turd with the 15" base, we'd be sure to keep the post going!!!!
LMAO....too funny
Woah, Woah, Woah!!!!.....I don't need a dog that can dump a 15" turd! I got enough to do with a Lab and a Brit.

I'll have to back off on the "Shed Huntin' Dog" if it produces that kind of residue!

Maybe "Turtle Hounds", yeah, that's it!
This post is hilarious. To be a record it would have to beat the one from about 5 years ago regarding a guy deciding whether to go on a planned hunt or his honeymoon. Who remmbers that one?? It was great, the counselors came out of the wood works and it was so funny you had to check it daily.
I actually killed this buck about 65 million years ago. He had 15" bases with a total mass amount of 84 1/2" plus length of right horn of 56 5/8" with the left 56 1/2" plus inside spread credit of 33 3/8" for a grand total of 230". This buck was taken in what would be now the state of Utah.
Right now I don't want to give the exact location of the kill because I just sold the rights of this story to a magazine.


Ransom: Clearly the buck was taken in Utah, anybody can see the sphincter on the side of the head. But 230? no effen way that's 230.
Well, to be sure, the beak looks a whole lot like a turtle, but the rest of it ain't furry....It smacks of being "ranched", probably bred by Barry Bonds for sale to Michael Vick.....I have no doubt it could generate a 15" turd.
>Right now I don't want to
>give the exact location of
>the kill because I just
>sold the rights of this
>story to a magazine.


Hey Ransom..

Do you suppose you could pm me the location?? I promise I won't tell anyone.. I know how "those magazine guy's" are.. You sell them a story and they think they own you..
I shot a similar critter but mine was greener and maybe we were hunting the same area..
>>Right now I don't want to
>>give the exact location of
>>the kill because I just
>>sold the rights of this
>>story to a magazine.
>Hey Ransom..
>Do you suppose you could pm
>me the location?? I promise
>I won't tell anyone.. I
>know how "those magazine guy's"
>are.. You sell them a
>story and they think they
>own you..
>I shot a similar critter but
>mine was greener and
>maybe we were hunting the
>same area..


Man your putting me in a tight spot with reguards to the location. I really need the money from the magazine company. Let me think on it. Probably shouldn't have posted his photo just yet.

What does every one think he will get for his story, a box of bullets, maybe a couple pair of tube socks, or how about a sent lock shirt.

I guess it all depends on if it can split a tuna can or not. Ha ha
How about some respect for an old guy please. Okay if you gotta know my buctle ( half buck/ half turtle ) will be the feature story in TurtleMax III. Wait till it hits the news stands! This buctle is right now being measured officially as a possible world record. Will post results.
And Mossback wasn't even born when this buctle was taken.

Let's review.

We have no REAL photos of the mythical "15 inch bases.

We do have however, some really creative photoshop work on here and it absolutely begs the question....how can we ever believe ANY photo on this site ever again?

I know it will be a real leap of faith for me......I will have to have Dude review EVERY photo that is posted. He is inheritantly skeptical and will be sure to spot bogus attempts.

You guys that have mastered this form of...... fraud...LOL...need to have a contest.

Here is a photo, original no photoshop I assure you, of this years Zeramaroo I took in Utah. He had 15" bases.


Thats the thing that escaped from the zoo..

i heared a hunter tagged it, glad its gone, can you imagine the cross breeding problem he posed!
That's too funny, Overton. As long as there's photoshop, this post will go on forever. Who can create the best creature? Keep in mind it has to have one thing...... you got it...15" bases!!

finally we found the culprit who's d#$% grew and grew with this
post. I still cant show you guys the pic of my 15" based turd.
The Mossback team said they wanted to put it in their next video
so I cant post a picture until Doyle tells me I can. They got
some awsome video of me killing it though.
This post is great.

I think im going to be an a## and just PM the picture to those people who have not made a smarta## remark on here. Yeah Im going to do that, that should make this even better to keep reading.
I haven't made a smart ass remark, but I will if you don't PM me the pics. I'm warning you I've been practicing my smartassism all week, it will be brutal!!
>This post is great.
>I think im going to be
>an a## and just PM
>the picture to those people
>who have not made a
>smarta## remark on here. Yeah
>Im going to do that,
>that should make this even
>better to keep reading.

So if I've read this correctly your not emailing me the photo.

Shummy, yeah ill PM you one. But dont expect it til anytime soon I talked to the taxidermist today and he said he is super busy and wont finish the mount until the spring, which sucks, but when hes done and i have the new pics I will def PM you.

overton, i went back and read your comments, they are pretty funny Ill PM you one. Its those guys who crossed the line that im going to be an a## to.

The taxidermist is one that has his link here on MM.

They other guide has still been looking for the other piece of antler up on the mountain, probably with his shed hunting dog too! ha ha

so yeah ill PM you two the pics, just not those guys who crossed the line.
.............Oh well, I guess I don't really deserve the 15" base pics.....but how about the shed dog, I'm still on about the shed huntin' dog with the 15" turds.

I continue to think it is a "low rent" thing to do....advertise something and then don't unveil the product till next spring!

You work for GM....OR WHAT?
I knew you would repost those photos. Just a matter of time. I had it as a three way race you, Beefy and JB. You won.

Look at the breast on that thing. You know their going to be tough.Thats why i like legs and thies.
HEY Beefy!!!



Your not going to post pics for the people that made fun of your
B.S. post. Dont you get it! we dont want to see any pictures,
because its a lot of fun to give you crap.
That is the same turtle that I was hunting here in utah this
year. Didnt get him though Doyle and his cronies scared him away.
I've been ignoring this thread, but I just felt like there had to be a good reason to check it out, and I found it from the thanksgiving posts! That was worth scrolling down to....
I can't belive this post is still going everytime i see it at the most recent post i think im going to see some crazey 15 inch bases and all i see is stupid posts!
this is great reading to do at work. I would be pissed though if I wold have wasted my time and read this mile long post on my time.
hehe i dont crap on my time and donk work on your time. I allways wanted to say that to an ahole customer
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-07 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-07 AT 08:35?PM (MST)

EASTWIND , Are you TIMBER HUNTER using a differant screen name ?
>>using a differant screen name
>Ha!!! :-(


I don't think it is Timber as he would have posted photos and gave us a story to go along with it.
I just posted a picture of what a 15 inch base my look like. It's a blurry picture but you can kinda get the idea. Looked like a summer squash growing out the side of his head with no other horn on that side and a four point on the other. Look at Utah Muleys
i want in on this post! um, where to start, I WANT TO SEE PROOF, and um, NOW! and uhh, did i say NOW???

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
Here is one I was sent. Maybe from the same place Timberhunter found the elk he was photographing.


Here's a picture of the new world record whitetail. It was taken by the cousin of a co-worker's sister's, uncle's, best friend's, son-in-law's cousin. Reportedly it will score 603 1/8 by B&C standard and was shot in West Texas. Supposedly, this deer had killed a bull, two Landrovers and six hunters in the last two weeks alone. They said he was in a fierce fight with Bigfoot when he was shot.
Well He probably would have scored better if he didn't have those trashy stickers.. ya know..
That whitetail buck looks just like the one I took at Ely, Nevada. Probable twin brothers. Timber was my guide.

I shot this one last year and couldn't find him. a teacher of mine found him later...or was it.....somebody else shot him...oh I can't remember. All I know is I'm not fibbin' !
Looks like you have a few people a little Messed up o well Good for you. I have Been out of town for a while just looked at your post today.I have time, so if you get a chance to post send me one if not thats cool.Sounds like an awsome buck

Ya know I was wondering... I couldn't help but notice that poor young girl in the photo looks so distraught not even smiling and here it is the holidays... a time for famliy, friends, holiday cheer. I think it's because of her affliction... I know this is a bit off topic as we are supposed to be disussing this "deer" with 15" bases but I just feel so bad for this poor afflicted dear.. hmmm.. so sad..
>That whitetail buck looks just like
>the one I took at
>Ely, Nevada. Probable twin brothers.
>Timber was my guide.

we should have a pool going on how long this will go...

April 18 2008.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
this post is great

i hope it goes on and on and on.

well i talked to the taxi a few weeks ago and asked him when he would be done with the mount so i can get those pics and show ya. He said that he is pretty busy and wont be done until spring.
Thats good news, that means this post will at least keep going until then.

when the taxi is done you will all see it
overton......did you say 200??

BigSky....obviously your holding those antlers way out in front of you to make em' look bigger. Geezzz....some people.

Yes I did and I won. Now for the next contest let's see who comes closest to the actually posting date of the Buckzilla.
I say April 22 2008 at 6:12 PM MST.


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