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    Arizona sheep on ebay

    D-13'er... I'll give you half the asking price for your desert sheep with one condition. Include that pesky little mutt of yours in the bargain and it's a done deal...
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    CA. Desert Sheep hunt

    Huntinnut, i sent you a private message. I know the Sheepholes well and it is the toughest area you will ever see. I've helped Terry Anderson with hunters in the unit and we killed some good rams and missed better ones. I know of other hunters who spent 30 plus days in the area and never...
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    Claude Dallas is walking!!

    You can lead a horse to water, and in your case you won't drink. Since you want to clear Darner's name, you should take the initiative and contact B&C on your own. Call the man in charge (Jack Reneau) and ask him for the skinny on Darner. I can guarantee you that he'd be happy to speak to you...
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    Claude Dallas is walking!!

    RLH, you are way out there. You defend Darner like you really know him. Well, let's start by looking at Darner's last problem with the law. He was guiding a hunter in a different unit than he should have been. They then shoot at a mechanical bull elk. Guess what? It was a sting and they got...
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    Claude Dallas is walking!!

    LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-05 AT 10:47PM (MST)[p]RLH, you are out of your mind, aren't you?!!!! First you defend Darner till the end. Darner is a pleasant fellow to speak to, and i do know the guy, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a poacher. Just like it doesn't change the fact that...
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    need help

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-03 AT 11:44PM (MST)[p]Good one JB, finally the truth. Thats what some well known guys are doing all over that country, flying it. They then stage it like they just happen to stumble upon those sheds. This sells their videos to guys who don't know any better. Wake up...
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