Arizona sheep on ebay

People like that should not even be allowed to put in for sheep. :-(

Bret M.
AMEN brother.

"we just don't have room for it in our new house"


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
I agree, what's up with that? Built a big new home apparantly on a golf course and can't afford to house a once in a lifetime trophy. He and his wife should never be allowed to hunt again, ever...
Thats a 1/3 of the price of a Mexico hunt ? Just my opinion but I would never have somebody else's animal in my house. All in all, a nice ram for sure.
I don't understand how anyone could go through all the time, trouble and money to get a trophy like that and have it mounted, then sell it. They could afford the new house and a full body mount, obviously there is some cash in the bank. If there truly is no space in the house, time to go back to the taxidermist and convert to shoulder mount. Selling a trophy would be like selling a family member to me.
D-13'er... I'll give you half the asking price for your desert sheep with one condition. Include that pesky little mutt of yours in the bargain and it's a done deal...

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