CA. Desert Sheep hunt



A friend of mine drew a California desert sheep permit for the sheephole mountains.I am lucky enough to get to go with him. Has anyone ever spent any time in those mountains? Looking for a good starting point. Its tough to get thru to the biologists right now after the draws. Thanks for any info.
What are you looking to find out? I know the two primary folks in the wild sheep program at Fish & Game. I've scouted in those mountains before. You have your work cut out for you.
Well by now the guides have contacted your buddy . So that's an option . Getting ahold of the biologist is a must . Not sure if Andy is the biologist for that area , but if he is he's a great guy . I've seen video from the guides of the Sheep Hole Mtns. , makes the moon look like an oasis . From what I've heard you guys really have a tough hunt coming up , but a few years ago I saw some photos from the helicopter surveys of some of the rams in there and they were really nice . GOOD LUCK .
There are basically no roads into the sheepholes. I have flown that entire range with the fih & game and it is tough. Sheepshooter is right about talking to the bioligist--Andy. You will have fun but it will be hard work. Plan on a spike camp because you won't want to walk in everyday.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Not sure if a guide is what you're after, but Terry Anderson is one of the best for all of the California desert hunts. His prices vary and are indivdualized depending on your needs. Here's the link: Good luck.

BOHNTR )))---------->
I used to access the Sheep Holes from the south off of Rice Rd (hwy 62). This was before the road closures. All of the roads into the Sheep Holes are closed and barricaded. Water sources are probably key for this hunt. You can't go wrong with hiring Terry. He lives in Morongo Valley just west of the Sheep Holes and probably knows it better than anyone. Good luck. Ed F
....and I dought if anyone despises the sheepholes more than Terry.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
I know one guy. Just mention Sheepholes and he cringes. He had the tag a few years ago. He told me he would not take the tag if it were offered to him again. I belive him.
Huntinnut, i sent you a private message.

I know the Sheepholes well and it is the toughest area you will ever see. I've helped Terry Anderson with hunters in the unit and we killed some good rams and missed better ones. I know of other hunters who spent 30 plus days in the area and never saw a legal ram. Practice long range shooting, 500 yards plus for this unit. Getting within close shooting range of rams is going to be tough.

I wouldn't focus too much on the aerial surveys, because you won't find the rams during the season where they were spotted during the surveys. Terry does a great job and his price is actually cheap once you see the area and get a chance to put some miles on. I may sound biased, because Terry is a good friend. I am being honest though. I'm not sure if Terry wants to book a Sheephole hunter. If your friend does want to book, I would call Terry ASAP. If your buddy waits until later in the year, Terry most likely will not take him due to other sheep hunts that he has going on.

One thing that I will say is that your friend had better be in good physical shape.

D-13'er is also a good friend and he was right on the money about there being no roads into the area.

Good luck...

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