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  1. H


    TOP GUN , FOUNER thanks for the debate if you would like to speake personally with me ,PM me and we will talk ! Best regards ! Doug
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    LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-16 AT 08:24PM (MST)[p]Listen , FOUNDER ,! You are not hearing what I'm saying I'm not upset about anything in regards to the hunt , I'm replying to a guy asking if anyone hunted with them and what they harvested ? On the web site they say they use the highest quality gear...
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    LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-16 AT 03:51PM (MST)[p]Yes there are two sides to every story but if you got the story from them they would say the same thing I did not embellish one bit that is the way it happened every ounce of that story is the complete God honest truth and I'll and yes waivers were...
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    Mike , I fully understand the liability of dealing with stock , I grew up in idaho and on the back of a Shetland pony pushing cattle on our national forest lease and moved up the ranks over the years to riding a lot of very fine finished horses up to owning my own string of fine ride , drive ...
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    I hunted with them in the last week of the season , talk about a major disappointment my hunt ended on the mourning of the second day after both my guide and I were ejected from both our horses in the dark on a steep slope after my guides horse spooked and my horse followed suit ! I burned my...
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    Non-Typical Outfitters??

    PM sent !
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    unit 36 or 48 rifle deer

    36 holds bigger more mature deer and a hole lot less people 48 is just to dang accessible and the pressure is much more than 36 IMO !
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    2014 Idaho gen season buck

    Hell ya ! Great buck , congrats !
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    Nevada unit 081

    LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-15 AT 07:55PM (MST)[p]Hunted the late season elk rifle with a buddie this year , and had the deer archery tag in 2011 and killed a 165 ish buck on the 2nd to last day . This year we saw a lot of rutting deer and one 170 type buck rutting hard ! No whoppers and a load of...
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    WY Elk for 2015

    I hunted 7 in 2011 with Wagonhound , fantastic hunt tons of bulls I hunted the late season , a lot of broken bulls due to the high bull to cow ratio ! Overall experience was fantastic you will kill a good bull , if you would like shoot me a PM and we'll talk !
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    ATV Help Please!

    Jets are gummed up ! Clean and it'll run !
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    Thinking of moving to Idaho

    I'll answer several of your questions with a couple of responses , first , that is correct there is no point system in idaho , resulting in fewer applicants due to the fact you must purchase the entire license and tag fee , a lot feel that it's a poor investment with no point system ! General...
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    081 elk

    My buddie killed an old regressed bull , biggest bull we could find ! Hunted deep in the China Jim mountain area , where where you guys when you killed ? North part of unit south part , general mountain range ?
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    081 elk

    How did all you 081 elk hunters do this year? My buddie and I hunted the late rifle hunt , we were disappointed in what we saw and found. The outlook from all the hunters we had contact with was negative for the most part, looking for some others feedback , wondering if the unit has taken a...
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    Nevada 081 elk

    How did 081 elk hunters do this year ? My buddie and I were disappointed in what we saw and found ! Just looking for some others feed back ? We hunted the last rifle season . We found a lot of negative outlooks from the hunters we ran into , wondering if the unit has taken a dive ? Thanks for...
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    swaro. range vs. lieca range

    I'll catch some grief for this , but here is my 2 cents : I ran swaros for years every thing binocs ,spotters,riflescope and rangefinder ! After hard use afield I have been left high and dry several times by swarovski , not only me but friends and my brothers ! Swaros are made to keep in the...
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    Nightforce spotter

    Anybody out there know of an after market scope cover for the nightforce spotting scope ? I've looked and have not found anyone offering one ! Any suggestions ?
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    Idaho Mtn Goat 36A-2

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-14 AT 02:39PM (MST)[p]I have extensive knowledge about the hunt myself, brother and good friend have had the same hunt PM me I know all the best camp spots , glassing points ect,ect .
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    Idaho Controlled Spring Bear

    Unless you are really fond of Grizzlies stay away from Island Park those suckers are running amuck there ! And I am not saying that to keep you away I haven't hunted there in years , but have a buddy that does and the trail cam pics of his bait sites would scare the $&@? ! Out of most grown men...
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    My 44 buck

    Money ! It was a great season ! Hope we can do it next year !
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    Relocating - East coast to Rocky Mountains- Who's done it?

    >Curious if there is anyone here >that has made the big >move from the eastern half >of the country to the >be closer to hunting opportunities >in the rockies? Pros/cons? Obstacles, >the good/bad, I'd like to >hear about it. > >Some pending personal changes in my >life might enable me...
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    broad heads for bears

    Keep in mind expandable heads are not legal in ID , also the biggest head that you can shoot accurately help with a blood trail , bears have a lot of fur and fat that block small exit holes and the fur soaks up a lot of blood best of luck to you !
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    hunted it for 20 + years now it is over run with folks if I were you I would stay away !
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    Hunting etiquette

    You just gotta love hunting public land ! turns it into more of a competition than an outdoor experience ! what a bummer ! unless a guy loads up his pack and heads miles into the back country this is going to be the norm !
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    Harris Bipod?

    Don't bother with the harris , I am currently useing an Atlas bipod and absolutely love the thing in my opinion it is better made and much more versital !they are on the spendy side but well worth the money !
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    Uintah West Goat Hunt

    really ? the fact that you post this on the eve of the hunt speaks volumes ! a long bow , no knowledge ,and waiting for the last minute to seek help ? wow I smell FAIL ! wasted goat tag ! for your sake I hope I am wrong !
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    mountian goat info

    The fact of the matter is that we have a f&g employee on here defending the department once again , if they would have done things rite in the first place there would be no need for that ! if you have ever drawn a goat tag in Id before the information packet tells you to explore Montana's web...
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    Conservation groups without public tags

    you screwed up rite off the bat when you said (I believe)! your belief does not make you a better person ! your behavior does ! really stop and think about that !!!
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    Huntin Fool hunt raffle

    I won the 2008 Mexico mule deer hunt, very eye opening flew into hermisio Mexico and talked a Buddie into going with me he paid full price for the the hunt. we stayed rite next door to a pig farm ! the smell is something I WILL NEVER FORGET ! my Buddie harvested on the the 3rd day an average 25"...
  30. H

    81 muzz tag

    had the archery tag last year , harvested a nice p&y buck ! hit me up if you want any info ?
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