Uintah West Goat Hunt



I'm going to help a friend on a goat hunt tomorrow. I've never been on a goat hunt before. He is not selective as he is using a long bow. Any tips would be appreciated.
really ? the fact that you post this on the eve of the hunt speaks volumes ! a long bow , no knowledge ,and waiting for the last minute to seek help ? wow I smell FAIL ! wasted goat tag ! for your sake I hope I am wrong !
You didn't note whether he had been on such a hunt before. Am I right in assuming antelope vs. Mtn. goat?

Well you had your hunt by this post, but in case you go out again...

Prairie goats are a blast to hunt with the bow. Many set on water. I've never been a setter. Spot and stalk. Knee pads and good gloves are a must as he'll spend some time belly crawling through the sage. Take a magnifying glass and some tweezers to pick out the cactus spines after.
I'd bet He's Talkin Mountain Goats!
Quite a few of them around!
They seem to be on the move alot in that Unit!
Does he have a White Monster Billy Goat Suit?

Good luck to you and your friend hope he gets one with his long bow... I have a tag just to the west of ya, I have glassed a few on his unit PM me if you need help!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 10:46PM (MST)[p]Get a Goat Suit! n Try n sneak up on em, just make sure no one is filming you.

I hope your hunt is going/went well. It was a bitter sweet - like most hunts. He hit one with the long bow, but finished the job with a rifle. It was a 9" dry nanny. I saw a red fox at 10,000+ elevation. Didn't know they are that high. I haven't been in the Uintahs for a long time. It was good to see the pikas and all the bare peaks. Those goats are amazing animals. It was the first time I have seen them.

Let me know how your hunt goes.

Congrats to you and your friend on his goat, sounds like it was a success. Thats funny you mention the fox. I filled my tag yesterday and as I was watching my goat tumble 300 ft. and yes that made me sick to watch, guess what comes out from under one of the boulders???? yep a red fox at about 11,550. Here is a pic. of mine I'll post some more in a new thread.


GOOD JOB!!!! I bet you're stoked.


They are on my friends camera. I'll see if he doesn't mind them posted.

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