WLH going to prison

Tri is bringing a lot of attention to his friend, people are hearing about all the buzz and jumping on here like it's the New York Times.
I've seen comments from names I've never seen in all my decades here and a lot of "New Members".

Great traffic pays the bills and keeps the light on.

I'm sure WLH appreciates the additional spotlighting as well 🤑
Ok, never mind i can tri again.

"Honesty" didn't land your BFF in the pokey with felony charges.
News flash! You still won't answer the question of what's wrong with WLH posting a hunting success picture.

Imagine a group of haters getting together and screwing a man over thinking somehow it would shut down a good business they hate and low and behold the business just keeps doing awesome.
News flash! You still won't answer the question of what's wrong with WLH posting a hunting success picture.

Imagine a group of haters getting together and screwing a man over thinking somehow it would shut down a good business they hate and low and behold the business just keeps doing awesome.
If you cannot understand what "loss of licenses and permits to operate" means, then there really is no further point to any of your comments and "challenges".
Tri is bringing a lot of attention to his friend, people are hearing about all the buzz and jumping on here like it's the New York Times.
I've seen comments from names I've never seen in all my decades here and a lot of "New Members".

Great traffic pays the bills and keeps the light on.

I'm sure WLH appreciates the additional spotlighting as well 🤑
Who got on? Earlier you claimed everyone already read this.

You ever noticed that we've been talking about WLH for a decade and all that time everyone claimed it was bad for him and his company just grew and grew and grew and grew and grew.

Like I told you before Slam, maybe things don't work the way you think they do. Maybe if you started questioning the crap you hear in this echo chamber hate you might realize very few people care.
If you cannot understand what "loss of licenses and permits to operate" means, then there really is no further point to any of your comments and "challenges".
If you can't understand the difference between a corporation and an individual then it looks like the reason for your hate is ignorance.

Again maybe things don't work the way you think they do and you are believing BS from people who don't know what they claim they do.
If you can't understand the difference between a corporation and an individual then it looks like the reason for your hate is ignorance.

Again maybe things don't work the way you think they do and you are believing BS from people who don't know what they claim they do.
Oh I see now......your speculations are the only thing right here.
You ever noticed that we've been talking about WLH for a decade and all that time everyone claimed it was bad for him and his company just grew and grew and grew and grew and grew

Goodness gracious man, he has plead guilty to felonies and is going to jail. He lost his business license. It sounds pretty bad.
Oh I see now......your speculations are the only thing right here.
You need to slow down and think. This isn't about who's right. Once you get past that and your fear of being labeled by someone else as wrong you might start to see a picture with real value and not hate.

You are seeing things that contradict your understanding but still trying to file things under right and wrong from whatever gossip you can get from totally unreliable sources.

Look at what happened when you saw the bad hunting picture. You asked a known liar for clarity because you though he was going to most likely give you information that would affirm your hateful prejudices.
Well, I think people are just sick of WLH and Tribaby. This is not a normal poaching case IMO.
The pattern of illegal acts is crazy. He is a serial offender.
Tri can look in the mirror and know he in part started this with his online support of WLH. It really kept it in the open for all to ponder.
Jail/prison is not for the average one off offender, but fits in well on this one.

And yes I hope whatever happens in prison shows him the error of his ways and puts him on the right track.
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I think this is TRI's whole point. Mob mentality and the wishing/ hoping for harm, sodomy etc.. for a poacher? I hate wanton poaching as much as anyone but man some of you guys are rough.
Tri's point has been he is innocent and falsely accused when in reality he was convicted by a jury and was sentenced to federal prison.

No mob mentality. If Tri would STFU it might keep Wade from another charge and prison stay.

Now that he is a convicted felon, his state charges might end up in county jail.

It will be a domingo effect now. More charges will come and as a repeated convicted criminal the time served will increase.
I think this is TRI's whole point. Mob mentality and the wishing/ hoping for harm, sodomy etc.. for a poacher? I hate wanton poaching as much as anyone but man some of you guys are rough.
Yes totally agree. This is rough as it gets. The only thing that would be similar is if they lit a fire under the btm bunk at low light then canned him up on top bunk and barked at him all night 🌙 until the guards come in the morning to get him down...
Anybody ever been convicted of anything where you work??? I guess after that you and your work were dishonest? Now you are going back to being a hypocrite.
Yes in the medical field we had a doctor that took everything he could get his hands on.. snort or sniff etc... medical board did the usual no no etc...
What about the family's lives that he botched their surgeries on, how fair is that what about the fact he finally killed someone and eventually got off!! Argued high azz a kite with the count control and left a medical item in them and a few weeks later the patient died! Guess what they still let his azz off. Blamed it on the control count and the supervisor!! Ruined 2 perfectly innocent medical people's carrers, they were turned down for better positions etc!! How's that for moral ethics or not! This wasn't counting the dip stick he killed and who knows how many long term patients he made!!
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Ha, that made me laugh.

Just to get us back on track: Wade Lemon’s wildlife violations finally resulted in a felony conviction and he got sentenced to 2 months incarceration for that.

Tri is mad at Wade and is giving him an epic public beat down, wanting and ensuring this topic stays at the top of the page for a long time.

I think it’s overkill Tri. But we all know once you get an ax to grind, you don’t ever stop, no matter how irrational you are in the process. So keep beating Wade down. Keep kicking him while he’s down. You’ve already insinuated many things in this thread while gossiping about him that nobody else did, so I don’t expect you to stop now.
Well, I think people are just sick of WLH and Tribaby. This is not a normal poaching case IMO.
The pattern of illegal acts is crazy. He is a serial offender.
Tri can look in the mirror and know he in part started this with his online support of WLH. It really kept it in the open for all to ponder.
Jail/prison is not for the average one off offender, but fits in well on this one.

And yes I hope whatever happens in prison shows him the error of his ways and puts him on the right track.
Being sick of something and wishing prison sodomy on someone isn't even close to rational behavior.

And calling someone a serial offender when all he has is two convictions over 30 years apart isn't even close to rational either.

This is all emotionally driven hate.
Tri's point has been he is innocent and falsely accused

Actually that has never been my point.

No mob mentality. If Tri would STFU it might keep Wade from another charge and prison stay.
You actually believe that what I say here decides whether people get charged or end up in prison??????

That is complete horse crap. Nobody in a court of law gives two spits what gets said here.
Yes in the medical field we had a doctor that took everything he could get his hands on.. snort or sniff etc... medical board did the usual no no etc...
What about the family's lives that he botched their surgeries on, how fair is that what about the fact he finally killed someone and eventually got off!! Argued high azz a kite with the count control and left a medical item in them and a few weeks later the patient died! Guess what they still let his azz off. Blamed it on the control count and the supervisor!! Ruined 2 perfectly innocent medical people's carrers, they were turned down for better positions etc!! How's that for moral ethics or not! This wasn't counting the dip stick he killed and who knows how many long term patients he made!!
So every single person that worked at the hospital was let go and the hospital closed down?????? You were canned????

Ha, that made me laugh.

Just to get us back on track: Wade Lemon’s wildlife violations finally resulted in a felony conviction and he got sentenced to 2 months incarceration for that.

Tri is mad at Wade and is giving him an epic public beat down, wanting and ensuring this topic stays at the top of the page for a long time.

I think it’s overkill Tri. But we all know once you get an ax to grind, you don’t ever stop, no matter how irrational you are in the process. So keep beating Wade down. Keep kicking him while he’s down. You’ve already insinuated many things in this thread while gossiping about him that nobody else did, so I don’t expect you to stop now.
Vanilly is still mad that his news papers were shown to be gossip.

By the way it wasn't a felony.
Being sick of something and wishing prison sodomy on someone isn't even close to rational behavior.

And calling someone a serial offender when all he has is two convictions over 30 years apart isn't even close to rational either.

This is all emotionally driven hate.
---- no wildlife was harmed on the making of this meme, WLH speculative hearsay not factual court appointed documents. Facts of the matter are not always 💯 even if the court convicts him.

Something else that’s kind of flown under the radar in this cluster is Tri’s repetitive insinuation that Wade is being held to an unjust standard due to him simply shipping the hide of the Lion.

The statute is specifically for the shipment or sale of ‘wildlife taken unlawfully’. Which Wade admitted to in his guilty plea. The shipping of the hide was not actually a problem, it was the shipping of a hide of an animal that was by definition poached.

Just so we are clear, what made the shipping a problem was the actual admission of guilt in the ‘canned hunt’ part of the case.

If I am reading federal code correctly, that was the part of the case that elevated it from misdemeanor to felony, and so that was what the US attorney’s office pursued.
Something else that’s kind of flown under the radar in this cluster is Tri’s repetitive insinuation that Wade is being held to an unjust standard due to him simply shipping the hide of the Lion.

The statute is specifically for the shipment or sale of ‘wildlife taken unlawfully’. Which Wade admitted to in his guilty plea. The shipping of the hide was not actually a problem, it was the shipping of a hide of an animal that was by definition poached.

Just so we are clear, what made the shipping a problem was the actual admission of guilt in the ‘canned hunt’ part of the case.

If I am reading federal code correctly, that was the part of the case that elevated it from misdemeanor to felony, and so that was what the US attorney’s office pursued.

Yes sir, that is correct.
Sounds bad but that's how gossip is supposed to sound. To bad it ain't reality.

Nothing I stated was gossip. It was all public information and part of his guilty plea.

I do agree wishing harm on someone is wrong and goes too far. However, you denying he participated in a crime (that he admitted to) does not help your creditability or his situation.
Something else that’s kind of flown under the radar in this cluster is Tri’s repetitive insinuation that Wade is being held to an unjust standard due to him simply shipping the hide of the Lion.

The statute is specifically for the shipment or sale of ‘wildlife taken unlawfully’. Which Wade admitted to in his guilty plea. The shipping of the hide was not actually a problem, it was the shipping of a hide of an animal that was by definition poached.

Just so we are clear, what made the shipping a problem was the actual admission of guilt in the ‘canned hunt’ part of the case.

If I am reading federal code correctly, that was the part of the case that elevated it from misdemeanor to felony, and so that was what the US attorney’s office pursued.
The US Attorney can pursue felony or misdemeanor with the Lacey act. And anyone can be charged with a Lacey act violation if an animal part crosses a state line no matter how insignificant the state violation is. And the person shipping the skin didn't actually commit a state violation is still guilty of the federal charge when he ships the skin.

Why didn't the state charge him with canned lion hunting and fraud??????

You don't actually have to break the state law yourself to get charged and convicted of the federal charge.


Vanilly uses a deer tag twice on a deer in Utah. He wants to get it mounted in Wyoming. You are on your way to Wyoming to pick up your finished shoulder mount and offer to drop his deer off for him. You can now be charged with a Lacey act violation even though you may have had nothing to do with the poaching itself.
Nothing I stated was gossip. It was all public information and part of his guilty plea.

I do agree wishing harm on someone is wrong and goes too far. However, you denying he participated in a crime (that he admitted to) does not help your creditability or his situation.
I haven't denied that. I never expect my words to help his situation. I just expect people here to slow down and think.
The US Attorney can pursue felony or misdemeanor with the Lacey act. And anyone can be charged with a Lacey act violation if an animal part crosses a state line no matter how insignificant the state violation is. And the person shipping the skin didn't actually commit a state violation is still guilty of the federal charge when he ships the skin.

Why didn't the state charge him with canned lion hunting and fraud??????

You don't actually have to break the state law yourself to get charged and convicted of the federal charge.


Vanilly uses a deer tag twice on a deer in Utah. He wants to get it mounted in Wyoming. You are on your way to Wyoming to pick up your finished shoulder mount and offer to drop his deer off for him. You can now be charged with a Lacey act violation even though you may have had nothing to do with the poacing itself.
You literally said, what I said wasn't reality. That sounds like denial.
If you read a public record it isn't gossip. Once it gets put on the internet circus it becomes gossip.

The original post that has the DOJ talking about fraud and canned hunting is spin. Public record yes but spin also. The feds don't want to look like they are putting people in prison for mailing cat skins when they aren't even putting people in prison for mailing narcotics that kill several hundred thousand people a year.
The US Attorney can pursue felony or misdemeanor with the Lacey act. And anyone can be charged with a Lacey act violation if an animal part crosses a state line no matter how insignificant the state violation is. And the person shipping the skin didn't actually commit a state violation is still guilty of the federal charge when he ships the skin.

Why didn't the state charge him with canned lion hunting and fraud??????

You don't actually have to break the state law yourself to get charged and convicted of the federal charge.


Vanilly uses a deer tag twice on a deer in Utah. He wants to get it mounted in Wyoming. You are on your way to Wyoming to pick up your finished shoulder mount and offer to drop his deer off for him. You can now be charged with a Lacey act violation even though you may have had nothing to do with the poaching itself.
The answer to that is because the fed’s took the case which made it redundant with the state.

It would be a waste of the courts time IMO.

I can see how you could get your panties in a bunch arguing that both entities would have gone after him if it was a big deal, and in the bigger scheme of things wildlife crimes don’t hold the weight that violent crime and capitol offenses do. So in a justice system that is flawed and burdened they picked their battles.

Doesn’t change the simple fact Wade was charged with federal offenses for participating in and facilitating crimes against wildlife and the processing of it. He pled guilty to those charges and was sentenced for the crimes.
If you read a public record it isn't gossip. Once it gets put on the internet circus it becomes gossip.

The original post that has the DOJ talking about fraud and canned hunting is spin. Public record yes but spin also. The feds don't want to look like they are putting people in prison for mailing cat skins when they aren't even putting people in prison for mailing narcotics that kill several hundred thousand people a year.
OMFG! Here we go again with being convicted over mailing a cat skin. You are such a tool.
Thanks for proving my point to Slam. Entire business don't get shut down when one employee gets convicted of something.
a heck no, apples are not in fact bananas! you sir are a banana! Not even the same realm. They were reprimanded and gave probation. The Dr denied any part of it lied about it and his attorney paid a big chunk to the family and he still practices to this day. Point in case WLH was found guilty of a few crimes. They really shouldn't allow him to guide or even be in a guide camp like another guide I know of... End of story.
The answer to that is because the fed’s took the case which made it redundant with the state.

It would be a waste of the courts time IMO.

I can see how you could get your panties in a bunch arguing that both entities would have gone after him if it was a big deal, and in the bigger scheme of things wildlife crimes don’t hold the weight that violent crime and capitol offenses do. So in a justice system that is flawed and burdened they picked their battles.

Doesn’t change the simple fact Wade was charged with federal offenses for participating in and facilitating crimes against wildlife and the processing of it. He pled guilty to those charges and was sentenced for the crimes.
You could be correct but there is an equal chance that the state had nothing on him specifically and turned it over to the feds.
a heck no, apples are not in fact bananas! you sir are a banana! Not even the same realm. They were reprimanded and gave probation. The Dr denied any part of it lied about it and his attorney paid a big chunk to the family and he still practices to this day. Point in case WLH was found guilty of a few crimes. They really shouldn't allow him to guide or even be in a guide camp like another guide I know of... End of story.
Maybe end of story for you because that's not what Slam is talking about. Who said Wade is guiding or going into a guide camp. I don't think you understand that WLH is a viable and legal company with multiple employees that operate independently from Wade the individual.
So what does he get charged with if he hadn't mailed the cat skin???
Oooh I think I know the answer to this question.

I would hazard a guess that it would have been a state charge ‘unlawful take’ which is a class a misdemeanor that can apply to both hunter and guide/outfitter.

Speaking from personal experience on that one.

Again though, if the federal prosecutors communicated with the state that they were pursuing felony charges, the state probably doesn’t feel obligated to proceed.
Just my opinion there tho.
He actually could have been charged in both state and federal court for the exact same crimes. It’s not common but can happen…even in Utah. In most instances, if the prosecution goes into federal court, the state will drop charges. I have seen cases where the state holds the case and after conviction, the feds charge a person with the same facts. Rare…but it can and does happen.
Oooh I think I know the answer to this question.

I would hazard a guess that it would have been a state charge ‘unlawful take’ which is a class a misdemeanor that can apply to both hunter and guide/outfitter.

Speaking from personal experience on that one.

Again though, if the federal prosecutors communicated with the state that they were pursuing felony charges, the state probably doesn’t feel obligated to proceed.
Just my opinion there tho.
This might be a very accurate hypothetical scenario.

So where is the fraud?

It is just as reasonable for the state to contact the feds and say they can't prove someone involved in the initial crime but they know he shipped an illegal animal part across a state line and since people have claimed here the DWR aren't friendly towards Wade and would be picking their lips to see anyone hammer him.
He could have been charged in both state and federal court for the exact same crimes. It’s not common but can happen…even in Utah. In most instances, if the prosecution goes into federal court, the state will drop charges. I have seen cases where the state holds the case and after conviction, the feds charge a person with the same facts. Rare…but it can and does happen.
Correct it can happen that way but in this case the feds don't have a law against a hunter not being present when a dog is turned loose after a lion. So it's not possible in this instance.
This might be a very accurate hypothetical scenario.

So where is the fraud?

It is just as reasonable for the state to contact the feds and say they can't prove someone involved in the initial crime but they know he shipped an illegal animal part across a state line and since people have claimed here the DWR aren't friendly towards Wade and would be picking their lips to see anyone hammer him.
Tri. Tri. Tri. Listen closely cause you said it but missed it.

What made the animal part illegally shipped was the admission of guilt in its take. There is no problem with the shipping unless it was unlawfully taken.
True…but there is that pesky Lacey Act thing. Carry on. Just trying to give a little criminal justice info. A lot of people are unaware of the Separate Sovereigns Doctrine. They believe double jeopardy would protect them. Not necessarily.
So Tri, let me see if I've got it straight.

WL plead guilty and was charged.
He loses his guiding and outfitters privileges.

But, WLH LLC didn't lose anything and are perfectly fine to continue operating as usual.

In a nutshell, as long as WL himself stays out of the business end of things, WLH LLC legacy is alive and prosperous.

Am I close?
Something else that’s kind of flown under the radar in this cluster is Tri’s repetitive insinuation that Wade is being held to an unjust standard due to him simply shipping the hide of the Lion.

The statute is specifically for the shipment or sale of ‘wildlife taken unlawfully’. Which Wade admitted to in his guilty plea. The shipping of the hide was not actually a problem, it was the shipping of a hide of an animal that was by definition poached.

Just so we are clear, what made the shipping a problem was the actual admission of guilt in the ‘canned hunt’ part of the case.

If I am reading federal code correctly, that was the part of the case that elevated it from misdemeanor to felony, and so that was what the US attorney’s office pursued.

It hasn’t really been under the radar. It’s been pointed out a handful of times in the last 1100 posts. Easy to overlook, for sure.

These are the types of posts Teri has avoided, and once it was shown his “shipping a skin” narrative was wrong, you’ve seen him move off that to something else. Now it’s the newspapers are gossip.

Actually, it was MY newspapers that were gossip. I still don’t even know what newspapers he’s talking about, but it doesn’t matter. His worthless yapping has only continued to keep his “good buddy” and his criminal actions in the limelight. Who am I to tell him to stop kicking the man while he is down?

edit: not sodomy at all! just showing wade, tri, shirley dwr all in bed together... also some random bear entered the chat!

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Being sick of something and wishing prison sodomy on someone isn't even close to rational behavior.
Nobody on here (probably) actually knows for certain whether or not Wade wants to be sodomized. That is equally true for whether or not he wants to be sodomized while in prison for the felony conviction he received or when he's not in prison for felonious actions.

Pretty bold of you, Tri, to take offense on Wade's behalf at a suggestion that you don't have any knowledge as to how Wade would feel about as a participant
So Tri, let me see if I've got it straight.

WL plead guilty and was charged.
He loses his guiding and outfitters privileges.

But, WLH LLC didn't lose anything and are perfectly fine to continue operating as usual.

In a nutshell, as long as WL himself stays out of the business end of things, WLH LLC legacy is alive and prosperous.

Am I close?
Well, there is a point to saying that a company might not pay the price for a CEO breaking the law, even when the CEO was executing something for the company. If the Boeing CEO brokered a deal to sell an airplane to Vladmir Putin, was caught and convicted, should Boeing, the company, no longer sell airplanes around the world? Let's say the Boeing CEO owned the company, would that then be the right answer? I dunno...

Seems like the gov't could pursue sanctions against the company as well as the individual. In the case above, the government would likely do something to Boeing as well, but doubtful they would kill the company entirely.

That said- I have no idea if WLH LLC is entirely an individual or holds multiple positions capable of executing the business. Guessing it's the latter.

Least not forget what WLH called normal sized average joe hunters. On older cases where he was caught breaking the law.​


Feb 15, 2020

Doesn't look like he was complaining about "regular hunters". Looks like he is talking about people who complain about the ram. Which by the looks of the title the state of Utah took responsibility for. Thanks for clearing that up.

Next time don't be all butthurt about being called a knucklehead. Especially when you are acting like a knucklehead.

My offer to retain services.
Tri, I need to get with you about some issues on the pauns, couple non-knuckle head hunter / above average lower upper upper class guides working for the CCO guide service could really use your input! How well do you clean up, maybe we could even get you up on the stand as a semi- TRI - TRIal lawyer quazii expert on hunting legalities & weapons.
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