WLH going to prison

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Count Em Up in This Thread Niller!

Trigger alert! Bessy is now interested in this topic. Trigger warning!

If berrysblaster can get Tri and Bessy crying like babies in the same thread that will make Founder happy. More clicks!
Well. In the spirit of letting it burn.

Wade is the representation of what has destroyed Utah hunting.

A corporate buisness model in which the operators contribute zero to the wildlife that they extract huge profit from. Wade will clear high 6 or low 7 figures this year, a $10k fine is a write off, his mini me will simply run things for a bit until the ban ends. The state, won't put him out of business no matter what law he breaks. And he's not alone in that buisness model, he's just the most blatant.

The wildlife is the product that brings the revenue yet in Utah we've allowed buisnesses to not just exist on an even playing field with the rest of us, but to dominate us, to exploit the resource to an unbelievable level.

Semi loads of cams, semi loads of bait, 365 day harassment, FLIR, paid informants, etc, etc, etc.

But that wasn't enough. It wasn't/isn't enough that corporate interests who contribute nothing to the resource push all the boundaries, they willfully and knowingly break the law and they do it knowing that we are weak in Utah when it comes to wildlife law.

And why? What has Wade, or any other outfitter contributed to the resource? The hunter pays the freight. The hunter writes those big checks. The outfitter leaches off the resource.

One simply needs to look at the list of currently operating outfitters/guides and look at how many have faced charges or been charged to see it's not a one off with Wade, it's the entire industry.

We could outlaw outfitting on public land in Utah tomorrow, doing so would only improve hunting.
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you showed your true colors! You can hang out with BuzzH

You seem upset about something.

Who cares who someone else will vote for or not vote for? Isn’t voting one’s conscience the very essence of American liberty? Or do we only care about freedom so long as it appeases our sensitive feelings?

People vote differently from me all the time. Sometimes it even puts terrible candidates into office, but that is how our system works. I don’t get upset at people for how they vote. It is their own business, not mine. But it seems our society has turned into the biggest bunch of cancel culture snowflakes on both sides of the isle these days.

Kind of embarrassing.
You seem upset about something.

Who cares who someone else will vote for or not vote for? Isn’t voting one’s conscience the very essence of American liberty? Or do we only care about freedom so long as it appeases our sensitive feelings?

People vote differently from me all the time. Sometimes it even puts terrible candidates into office, but that is how our system works. I don’t get upset at people for how they vote. It is their own business, not mine. But it seems our society has turned into the biggest bunch of cancel culture snowflakes on both sides of the isle these days.

Kind of embarrassing.

Vanilla- I doubt heywouldya is upset. He's stating an opinion about political leanings (unless you personally view hanging out with Buzz as something terribly negative).

It's crazy how folks on the left claim "cancel culture" when someone on the right states an opinion. Nobody is trying to cancel camstrawberry- he is allowed opinions as much as ever on this forum, along with everyone else. When you open up on politics, those who disagree will probably make it known though. That's the way of US politics for all the time I've been around anyway...
Vanilla- I doubt heywouldya is upset. He's stating an opinion about political leanings (unless you personally view hanging out with Buzz as something terribly negative).

It's crazy how folks on the left claim "cancel culture" when someone on the right states an opinion. Nobody is trying to cancel camstrawberry- he is allowed opinions (No matter how wrong he is ) as much as ever on this forum, along with everyone else. When you open up on politics, those who disagree will probably make it known though. That's the way of US politics for all the time I've been around anyway...
There, I fixed it for you. 😎😎😎
Sorry, I could not resist. 🤣🤣🤣
It's crazy how folks on the left claim "cancel culture" when someone on the right states an opinion.
There are members here who literally comb the Internet reading grievance hustler websites so they can get offended and run to MM chasing a bunch of 👍 from people trying to "fight woke" about Tractor Supply or Harley Davidson or whomever else made them upset that day.

That's snowflake cancel culture, no matter what side of politics it's on.
There are members here who literally comb the Internet reading grievance hustler websites so they can get offended and run to MM chasing a bunch of 👍 from people trying to "fight woke" about Tractor Supply or Harley Davidson or whomever else made them upset that day.

That's snowflake cancel culture, no matter what side of politics it's on.

Ya, that happens. Maybe a little snowflaky, but not cancel culture. Big difference between being offended by something and stating an opinion- versus literally shutting down someone. NOBODY is being shut down on this site. If they were, I know a few folks who would no longer be posting :cool:. (I'm definitely not talking about you sir).

But you escalated the argument with something that did not happen here- heywouldya was called out for simply stating someone's political leaning and suggesting he hang with a likeminded person. If you called me out for being conservative and told me to hang out with (name one of a thousand MM contributors)- I certainly would not feel "cancelled". Rather, I'd laugh about it, retort some stupid thing that came to mind, and move on.
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Ya, that happens. Maybe a little snowflaky, but not cancel culture. Big difference between being offended by something and stating an opinion- versus literally shutting down someone. NOBODY is being shut down on this site. If they were, I know a few folks who would no longer be posting :cool:. (I'm definitely not talking about you sir)
I disagree.
Oh- I know the leaning of the site. Totally agree. I'm part of that as well. But cancel culture is being terribly misused in my opinion.

I'm no fan of dictionaries (since, as a conservative, I'm quite aware that they are all from liberal institutions)- but even they would not call heywouldya's comment "cancel culture". Its being co-opted by my more liberal friends to shame conservatives. Here is what cancel culture is, according to MerryWebber:

For those of you who aren't aware, cancel culture refers to the mass withdrawal of support from public figures or celebrities who have done things that aren't socially accepted today. This practice of "canceling" or mass shaming often occurs on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

And I'll go a step further- the term was coined by conservatives who were literally being cancelled from speaking at Universities. Not just disagreed with. Hell, if it's what heywouldya did, I've personally been cancelled 100 times on this site by just one or two of our more vocal MM participants. No names of course...
If cancel culture really worked, nobody here would drive a GM, anything with a Cummings, or own a S&W. But it’s all bullroar.
Vanilla- I doubt heywouldya is upset. He's stating an opinion about political leanings (unless you personally view hanging out with Buzz as something terribly negative).

It's crazy how folks on the left claim "cancel culture" when someone on the right states an opinion. Nobody is trying to cancel camstrawberry- he is allowed opinions as much as ever on this forum, along with everyone else. When you open up on politics, those who disagree will probably make it known though. That's the way of US politics for all the time I've been around anyway...

The cancel culture comment is of general observation, not specifically the post I replied to. That’s my mistake for not making that clear. The snowflake comment applies, however.

It's crazy how folks on the left claim "cancel culture" when someone on the right states an opinion.

I’m a leftist, alright!!! 🤣

I feel like I’m the only damn real conservative left in this place. But I love my country more than a party, the constitution more than “winning,” small government, liberty for all (not just those that agree with me), free enterprise, and actual law and order. Yep, super leftist!
I also really love to hunt and despise people when they try to ruin it for me like WL has so many times. Dude has broke the law so many times, two months in prison is likely a vacation from all the covering up he’s had to do. (Just so we can get back on track here…)
I’m a leftist, alright!!! 🤣

I feel like I’m the only damn real conservative left in this place. But I love my country more than a party, the constitution more than “winning,” small government, liberty for all (not just those that agree with me), free enterprise, and actual law and order. Yep, super leftist!
My apologies- my comment about lefties was general in nature, not pointed at you specifically. I should have made that clear. :cool:
Ya, that happens. Maybe a little snowflaky, but not cancel culture.
It wasn't the liberals that invented the term, "Go woke, Go broke"

That's 100% conservative cancel culture.

Certainly liberals do it too. But it's not only one side of the aisle that gets their feelers hurt and tries to punish the corporations for it.
But you escalated the argument with something that did not happen here
You may be confusing me with somebody else. I didn't escalate anything and the examples I gave literally have threads on MM about them.
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You may be confusing me with somebody else. I didn't escalate anything and the examples I gave literally have threads on MM about them.
No confusion- my comment about not being cancel culture was limited to the post in this thread. You broadened it to all the grievances on MM. That was the "escalation" I referred to. No worries- we can disagree on what cancel means.
A SouthPaw Leftist Conservative HUH?

I also really love to hunt and despise people when they try to ruin it for me like WL has so many times. Dude has broke the law so many times, two months in prison is likely a vacation from all the covering up he’s had to do. (Just so we can get back on track here…)
Vanilla- I doubt heywouldya is upset. He's stating an opinion about political leanings (unless you personally view hanging out with Buzz as something terribly negative).

It's crazy how folks on the left claim "cancel culture" when someone on the right states an opinion. Nobody is trying to cancel camstrawberry- he is allowed opinions as much as ever on this forum, along with everyone else. When you open up on politics, those who disagree will probably make it known though. That's the way of US politics for all the time I've been around anyway...
Thank you HikeHunt. Vanilla is out of his lane. I'm not upset about anything political, I'm too darn busy for that. I have thick skin and teach my kids great values, and they all shoot deer. But, I do call 'em as I see 'em. I guess we figured out where 'Nilla stands;)
Why have we become so weak?


I stand for freedom and not being a giant baby. If that isn’t clear, I’ll make it clear for everyone.
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Im mostly here to watch the world burn, so here goes:

The amount of dudes here who are hanging wade for a felony conviction while rushing out in November to vote for Trump is something else.
Last I checked Donald John Trump doesn’t hunt and has absolutely no desire to. So what does a Trump vote have to do with his boy and WLH. If Don Jr. knew exactly what he was buying. Then yes he should be held accountable. But the Waldrips did much worse they shot a sheep. So that’s why I feel the outfitter should be 100% accountable for all the F##kery that goes into guiding. Go ahead vote for Harris the US will experience a Great Depression like no other.
Last I checked Donald John Trump doesn’t hunt and has absolutely no desire to. So what does a Trump vote have to do with his boy and WLH. If Don Jr. knew exactly what he was buying. Then yes he should be held accountable. But the Waldrips did much worse they shot a sheep. So that’s why I feel the outfitter should be 100% accountable for all the F##kery that goes into guiding. Go ahead vote for Harris the US will experience a Great Depression like no other.

I've never in my life seen a homeowner hire an electrician and when the electrical doesn't meet code, it's the homeowners fault.

People hire the professional to KNOW. If the professional cheats, or messes up, the fault is on them
I've never in my life seen a homeowner hire an electrician and when the electrical doesn't meet code, it's the homeowners fault.

People hire the professional to KNOW. If the professional cheats, or messes up, the fault is on them
Not in law.

The entire Trump pay off trial was because Trump paid an attorney to handle. The attorney was supposed to know what was legal. Turns out it wasn't.

Not knowing the law and paying someone else who should know will never save you.
Not in law.

The entire Trump pay off trial was because Trump paid an attorney to handle. The attorney was supposed to know what was legal. Turns out it wasn't.

Not knowing the law and paying someone else who should know will never save you.

That's not exactly correct.

The Trump thing was bullshit.

But he didnt "pay" to handle it, he paid off his lawyers personal loan.

As to this case, the fact WLH is headed to prison, shows your wrong, yet again

Because Most Americans Have Become PUSSYFIED!

Alot Of The Younger Americans Couldn't Get Their-selves Out Of A Wet Paper Bag!

Let Alone Getting Drafted & Fighting A War!

Why have we become so weak?


I stand for freedom and not being a giant baby. If that isn’t clear, I’ll make it clear for everyone.

Because Most Americans Have Become PUSSYFIED!

Alot Of The Younger Americans Couldn't Get Their-selves Out Of A Wet Paper Bag!

Let Alone Getting Drafted & Fighting A War!

After watching the neo cons(who are now liberals) chew up our kids in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, it's not the kids not committing to the military, it's their parents. Myself included

Someone hits this country me and my boys will be in line.

Going to kill folks so the Cheney's and Pelosis can make bank, F THAT.

My neighbor who got his brain scrambled by an IED and struggles to keep his 7-11 job, is a lot more capable of getting out that wet bag, than any Trump, Biden, Cheney or Pelosi
That Wasn't Directed At Your Kids Hossy & You Know That!

We Are Getting Out-Numbered By The Other Types!

That Deal With BIDEN & Afghanistan Touches A Nerve Every Day Of The Week/Year With Me!

Of All the Chicken-Sshit Deals I've Seen In A While That Was A Dandy!

After watching the neo cons(who are now liberals) chew up our kids in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, it's not the kids not committing to the military, it's their parents. Myself included

Someone hits this country me and my boys will be in line.

Going to kill folks so the Cheney's and Pelosis can make bank, F THAT.

My neighbor who got his brain scrambled by an IED and struggles to keep his 7-11 job, is a lot more capable of getting out that wet bag, than any Trump, Biden, Cheney or Pelosi
That Wasn't Directed At Your Kids Hossy & You Know That!

We Are Getting Out-Numbered By The Other Types!

That Deal With BIDEN & Afghanistan Touches A Nerve Every Day Of The Week/Year With Me!

Of All the Chicken-Sshit Deals I've Seen In A While That Was A Dandy!

Kids ain't stupid, they see the big picture
After reading through this entire thread, I think it was a contest to see who could out-idiot the other idiots.
I was taught never to argue with idiots because they’ll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. Tri likes dragging others down the rabbit hole.
I've never in my life seen a homeowner hire an electrician and when the electrical doesn't meet code, it's the homeowners fault.

People hire the professional to KNOW. If the professional cheats, or messes up, the fault is on them
You must have missed the second sentence. If he knew then he should pay for the crime. If a contractor does work that doesn’t meet code then the client goes after the contractor . Usually the client wins. Because we live in the Information age and once everyone knows your a sleazy contractor and enough 1 star reviews come out you are out of business or changing your business name.
Are you suggesting that Wade Lemon breaking wildlife laws in the future is so obvious it is trivial that people would bring it up? Seems like a mean thing to say about your buddy, Tri!
Always love when someone asks a question followed by an assumption without an answer.
Tri will have 500 posts himself on this one before it’s done.

All to tell us that “OF COURSE Wade L is going to break the law again.”

Pretty messed up to throw him under the bus like that Tri.
This just in. Previously unknown film of Vanilla and Hossblur meeting at a bar.

I'll let yall guess which one is a pathological liar and which one smoked a whole bunch of dope.🤣
I didn't read four full pages of nonsense, but you guys realize no one goes to prison for two months, right?

That's 60 days jail and will likely be released on some type of community supervision for most of it.
My perspective may be all out-a-whack, having never been arrested or in jail, but 2 months behind bars would certainly be a game changer for me!!
I didn't read four full pages of nonsense, but you guys realize no one goes to prison for two months, right?

That's 60 days jail and will likely be released on some type of community supervision for most of it.
Federal conviction. If he truly does serve time, it will be club fed prison, not a county jail.

It's the ban on blm and fs that hits him.

The states now been embarrassed by letting him off for over a decade.

I'm guessing court next week won't be as friendly as has been in the past
A Name Change Has Probably Already Happened!

You ever Think Of That?

It's the ban on blm and fs that hits him.

The states now been embarrassed by letting him off for over a decade.

I'm guessing court next week won't be as friendly as has been in the past
You do know sitting in the get away car as your buddy robs the bank you will get the same time in the big House.
Why, because I didn't make a comment?
I just find it interesting that bear bait is much more criminally important than violent crimes.

It's okay I think you'll see most of your state is preoccupied with wildlife crimes so much they are willing to forget about public safety.
Slamdunk gets all internet lynchy for one and turns a blind eye to the other. Just interesting how little importance a beaten woman can be to Slam.
Wow, just wow.
Is this all you can come up with to mend your broken heart over Wade?
C'mon man.....
Slamdunk gets all internet lynchy for one and turns a blind eye to the other. Just interesting how little importance a beaten woman can be to Slam.

Says the guy that spent most of a week trying to convince everyone DV wasn’t a big deal, and then once he realized what a piece of garbage he was and it didn’t work as desired, full on tried to distract from it.

I’ve got no patience for cowards. Grow a pair and take a stand on something for once in your life.

For the record, serial poaching and also domestic violence are both wrong.
Says the guy that spent most of a week trying to convince everyone DV wasn’t a big deal, and then once he realized what a piece of garbage he was and it didn’t work as desired, full on tried to distract from it.

I’ve got no patience for cowards. Grow a pair and take a stand on something for once in your life.

For the record, serial poaching and also domestic violence are both wrong.
I actually never spent anytime telling anyone domestic violence wasn't a big deal.

I have no patience for liars. Grow a pair and take a stand for the truth.

Do you realize you've never done anything but shamefully lie your ass off about me for years now? You talk about cowards but I've never seen anyone so scared of facts in all my life.

All this coming from a person who made a threat of violence using people that owed him favors instead of being a man and handling it himself.
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I used to think that Tri was so over the top with his doggedly irrational responses that folks would simply tune him out.

But now I get it. The entertainment value is too much to resist. Tri has become an institution here at MM (along with another vaunted poster). Everyone knows that no matter what rationale response is made, Tri will have an awesomely contrived and twisted comeback, and the show will go on. And on.

Kind of like the cycles of the sun and moon- it's guaranteed...
I do wonder why Tri inserted the DV conversation into Wade Lemon’s law breaking thread. What are you implying about Wade? I think that’s a really low blow by you, to be honest. I don’t feel comfortable with what you’re insinuating here. Let’s keep this to his poaching where we have facts, please.
I do wonder why Tri inserted the DV conversation into Wade Lemon’s law breaking thread. What are you implying about Wade? I think that’s a really low blow by you, to be honest. I don’t feel comfortable with what you’re insinuating here. Let’s keep this to his poaching where we have facts, please.
He's struggling with separation issues.
One thread is about a guy actually incarcerated for his crime (past tense), the other is about a current litigation in progress from today, August 19th 2024.

Not sure why Tri wants me to make a statement on something that already took place, but I'll give it my input simply to apeaze him.....here goes.

Now, onto my post today about an ongoing and current litigation with today's date and time for the publics eye to see........
I just find it interesting that bear bait is much more criminally important than violent crimes.

It's okay I think you'll see most of your state is preoccupied with wildlife crimes so much they are willing to forget about public safety.
Well when you are a repeat offender the law frowns on that.
Tri, it's been 3 days. I thought we was exchanging pics, why'd you get so quiet. For the record, we were out by Willard Bay on the training area. Tri, training is what us sportsmen and guides do, while triggers sit in Houston. Willard Bay is pretty much what it sounds like, but your welcome to google.

Now, onto the subject. Does a federal inmate wear leg irons and waist cuffs when he comes to state court?

I'm sure that means a lot to a beaten woman
Both dudes are POS’s. Ask the NFL why Tom Brady got punished harder for taking air out of a football than Ray Rice laying his old lady out in an elevator? Let me know what the reason is there cause I’d like to know as well. Bottom line your friend Wade breaks a bunch of laws and has for a long time. Go listen to this podcast at around the 37-40 minute mark for some great advise on ethics. It’ll tell you what category your buddy Wade is in.

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