Alpha In The Clink??


You're Telling Me I Can't Even Touch My Woman?

Not Even In A Good Way Which Is The Only Way?

Now She Might Club Me!

Just Sayin!

1. No dude should ever touch a woman.

2. This ain’t the place to discuss the worst moments of a persons life. It’s none of our business and it should stay that way.
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My understanding his wife is a OBGYN. Not just a random person. Pretty horrible if true.

I don’t mean to split hairs here, as no abuse is acceptable and all violence against women is inexcusable, but I kind of view it the opposite. An OBGYN has resources and abilities outside of their relationship. What about the high school education only housewife with nowhere to go and nothing to do? Or in other words, some random person?

Domestic violence is a real problem. It happens all around you. Keep your eyes open and say something if you see something. You just might save someone’s life.
1. No dude should ever touch a woman.


2. This ain’t the place to discuss the worst moments of a persons life. It’s none of our business and it should stay that way.

Does this apply to other guides and their criminal actions? Is this where I should insert a Trump comment to inflame the thread and keep people coming to it?

Also, domestic violence thrives in secrecy and darkness. It is perpetuated because it is “none of our business.” So, I respectfully disagree. We should be shining the light on this scourge on our society every chance we get. Maybe, just maybe, if all these “men” are exposed the problem will decrease.

Does this apply to other guides and their criminal actions? Is this where I should insert a Trump comment to inflame the thread and keep people coming to it?

Also, domestic violence thrives in secrecy and darkness. It is perpetuated because it is “none of our business.” So, I respectfully disagree. We should be shining the light on this scourge on our society every chance we get. Maybe, just maybe, if all these “men” are exposed the problem will decrease.
Here’s my take on this, it’s no longer secret. The bad part is done, it’s just a nightmare for everyone, the wife, the family, him.

Hashing out DV publicly because a party is well known doesn’t help anyone and at this point, that’s what everyone needs IMO help.

I hate these. With every fiber of my being, it’s a self made hell.
I don’t mean to split hairs here, as no abuse is acceptable and all violence against women is inexcusable, but I kind of view it the opposite. An OBGYN has resources and abilities outside of their relationship. What about the high school education only housewife with nowhere to go and nothing to do? Or in other words, some random person?

Domestic violence is a real problem. It happens all around you. Keep your eyes open and say something if you see something. You just might save
It's not an argument. That was my point. A random person may be less likely to report it than a professional. But a professional has the ability to destroy your life beyond the charges. I have hunted with that kid before. Before he was licensed and after. Mega ego.
Also, domestic violence thrives in secrecy and darkness. It is perpetuated because it is “none of our business.” So, I respectfully disagree. We should be shining the light on this scourge on our society every chance we get. Maybe, just maybe, if all these “men” are exposed the problem will decrease.
Here’s my take on this, it’s no longer secret. The bad part is done, it’s just a nightmare for everyone, the wife, the family, him.

Hashing out DV publicly because a party is well known doesn’t help anyone and at this point, that’s what everyone needs IMO help.

I hate these. With every fiber of my being, it’s a self made hell.

Agree to disagree on my end then. I'm all for publicly showing the actions of "men" and how poorly they treat women any time we get the chance. Burying our heads in the sand for generations certainly hasn't helped improve the situation.

And as far as being "well known," I don't even know this guy's name. I don't know who he is, and it doesn't really matter to me. Regardless of the who, it's wrong, and should be called out as such.
Well Niller!

As Long As You've Been Packin That LL & You Don't Know Who He Is?

I Thought You Knew Everything About Everybody!

Agree to disagree on my end then. I'm all for publicly showing the actions of "men" and how poorly they treat women any time we get the chance. Burying our heads in the sand for generations certainly hasn't helped improve the situation.

And as far as being "well known," I don't even know this guy's name. I don't know who he is, and it doesn't really matter to me. Regardless of the who, it's wrong, and should be called out as such.
Agree to disagree on my end then. I'm all for publicly showing the actions of "men" and how poorly they treat women any time we get the chance. Burying our heads in the sand for generations certainly hasn't helped improve the situation.

And as far as being "well known," I don't even know this guy's name. I don't know who he is, and it doesn't really matter to me. Regardless of the who, it's wrong, and should be called out as such.
I’m not sure about this part, seems a little jaded…….. if you’d said “too many men, or some men” treat women poorly, I definitely would agree.

I totally agree with your second paragraph, with one exception, I want to see a guilty verdict before I decide the individual has earned the contempt, whether I know him or not……. which I don’t.

Same as I felt about Wade Lemon.

You Blaming The Liquor?

Or The HoundDawger?

Unfortunate, hopefully everyone can get the help they need, but honestly A liqoured up, heavy handed houndogger getting hit with an assault charge was probably on quite a few a bingo cards.
Best of luck on the upcoming hunts.
Hey Lumpy?

As you Know!

They Are Tried Right Here On MM Long Before They Get Their Next Trial!

I’m not sure about this part, seems a little jaded…….. if you’d said “too many men, or some men” treat women poorly, I definitely would agree.

I totally agree with your second paragraph, with one exception, I want to see a guilty verdict before I decide the individual has earned the contempt, whether I know him or not……. which I don’t.

Same as I felt about Wade Lemon.
I’m not sure about this part, seems a little jaded…….. if you’d said “too many men, or some men” treat women poorly, I definitely would agree.

I accept that friendly amendment! Not all men do this and it was not my intent to suggest they do. I can see how my post could be read that way, however, so thank you for the correction.

I think you’d be surprised how large of a problem this is. Both in domestic violence and sexual assault, the numbers are staggering, and that is only those that report. We know many don’t.
I accept that friendly amendment! Not all men do this and it was not my intent to suggest they do. I can see how my post could be read that way, however, so thank you for the correction.

I think you’d be surprised how large of a problem this is. Both in domestic violence and sexual assault, the numbers are staggering, and that is only those that report. We know many don’t.
It definitely is a big nasty problem. I believe it always has been……. but that doesn’t make it any less disgusting. Offenders certainly deserve whatever it takes to correct their bad behavior.
I Won't Argue With You Niller But It's Not Always The Guys Fault!

I accept that friendly amendment! Not all men do this and it was not my intent to suggest they do. I can see how my post could be read that way, however, so thank you for the correction.

I think you’d be surprised how large of a problem this is. Both in domestic violence and sexual assault, the numbers are staggering, and that is only those that report. We know many don’t.
I Won't Argue With You Niller But It's Not Always The Guys Fault!

What exactly would a woman have to do for you to feel justified in raping her, bess? What should I tell my daughters to avoid so that the sexual assault would not be their fault?

Or, if we want to be a little more relevant to this thread and the case referenced above, what would a woman need to do for you to be justified in pinning her down by the neck on the ground, cocking your other fist back and telling her you are going to put a bullet in her head?
That's Not What I Was Sayin Niller!

Just Meant The Abuse Happens From Both Sides!

And Yes I Know The Abuse Happens Way More From The He Side!

What Amazes Me The Most Is How Many Of Them Make Careers Out Of Family Violence!

I Can't Imagine Kids Having To Grow Up With That Kinda BS!
What exactly would a woman have to do for you to feel justified in raping her, bess? What should I tell my daughters to avoid so that the sexual assault would not be their fault?

Or, if we want to be a little more relevant to this thread and the case referenced above, what would a woman need to do for you to be justified in pinning her down by the neck on the ground, cocking your other fist back and telling her you are going to put a bullet in her head?
And One More Thing Niller!

Them Daughters Will Put Gray Hair On Your Head Quicker Than Sons!

Not Necessarily The Daughters!

But Them Wanna-Be Son-In-laws Can Work On You!


I'm Talkin From Sperience!

But I Got Perty Lucky On That As Well!
Utah outfitters are on a roll this year… keep em coming! 😎
I would love to see them all go away. Throw them all in the clink for their violations and shadiness (just another byproduct of monetizing hunting in this state - these guides and outfitters will do ANYTHING to get their name in the spotlight and to kill the next spider bull.) I get that this specific situation is not a wildlife violation but my point still remains. The big guide and outfitter business in Utah provides ZERO NET benefit for sportsman or the resource.

I wish Casey Snider or others with influence would set their sights here rather than on scopes, trail cams, etc. (no pun intended).
I Won't Argue With You Niller But It's Not Always The Guys Fault!

No, it isn't.

1993 I met this girl. Bessie, she is the movie making girl you and I have discussed.

The night she left, she had accused me of sleeping with another woman (no, I didnt). Things escalated to the garage, where she grabbed a 20 ounce roofing hammer and threatened to crush my skull. I convinced her that trying that crap was incorrect. (Neighbors then called the cops at my request). She again threatened me with another hammer. Same result.

Cops show up, separate us, and immediately start questioning me about the assault. She was in the bedroom being questioned by one deputy. The guy talking to me was pretty certain I was the aggressor. I was 6'1" and about 240; she 5' 4" and about 132. Until I showed him the ever so slightly bleeding bite marks on my arm and suggested that he take a closer look.

He excused himself and after a brief pause, led her off in handcuffs.
No, it isn't.

1993 I met this girl. Bessie, she is the movie making girl you and I have discussed.

The night she left, she had accused me of sleeping with another woman (no, I didnt). Things escalated to the garage, where she grabbed a 20 ounce roofing hammer and threatened to crush my skull. I convinced her that trying that crap was incorrect. (Neighbors then called the cops at my request). She again threatened me with another hammer. Same result.

Cops show up, separate us, and immediately start questioning me about the assault. She was in the bedroom being questioned by one deputy. The guy talking to me was pretty certain I was the aggressor. I was 6'1" and about 240; she 5' 4" and about 132. Until I showed him the ever so slightly bleeding bite marks on my arm and suggested that he take a closer look.

He excused himself and after a brief pause, led her off in handcuffs.
If she was that crazy, she had to have been smoking hot!!
I would love to see them all go away. Throw them all in the clink for their violations and shadiness (just another byproduct of monetizing hunting in this state - these guides and outfitters will do ANYTHING to get their name in the spotlight and to kill the next spider bull.) I get that this specific situation is not a wildlife violation but my point still remains. The big guide and outfitter business in Utah provides ZERO NET benefit for sportsman or the resource.

I wish Casey Snider or others with influence would set their sights here rather than on scopes, trail cams, etc. (no pun intended).
You have no idea how much I agree with this statement. Eliminating guiding on public lands would damn near eliminate most of the social issues we Have right now in utah.
The outfitting industry in Utah is full of winners. Dudes railing clients wife’s, guides beating their spouse, hunting the wrong state, canned hunts, and all sorts of shenanigans. It’s like an episode of jackass mixed with some Jerry Springer. Hopefully she gives him his walkin’ papers and takes his A55 to the cleaners.
You have no idea how much I agree with this statement. Eliminating guiding on public lands would damn near eliminate most of the social issues we Have right now in utah.

Maybe they could make it illegal for "hunters" to bring 10 friends with them to help spot an animal as well......

Every YouTube elk video there is 1 guy with a tag and 10 of his closest buddies telling him where the bull is at over the walkie talkies while he slips in for the kill shot.....It sickens me to know that this kind of behavior is accepted by the majority out west or anywhere for that matter. No wonder MD are in decline.

Rant over.

As far as the woman beater, I say let him have his day in court. I've seen some really good men almost lose everything over a crazy b!tch woman (who should have been the one getting locked up).
I’m not sure about this part, seems a little jaded…….. if you’d said “too many men, or some men” treat women poorly, I definitely would agree.

I totally agree with your second paragraph, with one exception, I want to see a guilty verdict before I decide the individual has earned the contempt, whether I know him or not……. which I don’t.

Same as I felt about Wade Lemon.


You don't get arrested for beating a woman if your innocent. I know Tri will claim otherwise, but you don't. Far too often women out of fear or guilt, won't pursue charges, it doesn't change the fact.

Years ago we did work on a abused women/family housing unit. It was like witness protection. No signs, no advertising, locked gates, card swipe entrance. Those women/kids lived in fear, even when the abuser wasn't there.
Let's be honest, because we all "know" this dude, it's not the first time he's smacked her. This isn't an accident. There's a well worn pattern.

And, sorry Cam, he's a hospitality buisness. Customers and potential customers have the right to know.

You don't get arrested for beating a woman if your innocent. I know Tri will claim otherwise, but you don't. Far too often women out of fear or guilt, won't pursue charges, it doesn't change the fact.

Years ago we did work on a abused women/family housing unit. It was like witness protection. No signs, no advertising, locked gates, card swipe entrance. Those women/kids lived in fear, even when the abuser wasn't there.
Let's be honest, because we all "know" this dude, it's not the first time he's smacked her. This isn't an accident. There's a well worn pattern.

And, sorry Cam, he's a hospitality buisness. Customers and potential customers have the right to know.
But You've Gotta Admit Hossy!

Alot Of NON JACK-MORMONS Try & Hide This Kinda BS Like No Other!



This Wasn't Directed At You!
But You've Gotta Admit Hossy!

Alot Of NON JACK-MORMONS Try & Hide This Kinda BS Like No Other!



This Wasn't Directed At You!

“Mormons,” “Jack-Mormons,” Catholics, Muslims, Jews, agnostics, atheists, and everyone in between.

Like I said above, DV thrives in secret and darkness. Abusers are very good at manipulating and hiding things.

Every single person reading this knows someone in a DV situation, whether you know it or not.

You don't get arrested for beating a woman if your innocent. I know Tri will claim otherwise, but you don't. Far too often women out of fear or guilt, won't pursue charges, it doesn't change the fact.

Years ago we did work on a abused women/family housing unit. It was like witness protection. No signs, no advertising, locked gates, card swipe entrance. Those women/kids lived in fear, even when the abuser wasn't there.
Let's be honest, because we all "know" this dude, it's not the first time he's smacked her. This isn't an accident. There's a well worn pattern.

And, sorry Cam, he's a hospitality buisness. Customers and potential customers have the right to know.
So it’s clear, I’d just as soon run a guy over with a train that’s guilty of this.

One of the bigger regrets I have in life is not pressing charges against a fella I got in a physical altercation with when I stood between him and the woman he had assaulted. I put him down hard, but good nature got the best of me and I declined charges justifying it by saying he’d had a bad day and the mix of prescriptions and booze got the best of him. She pressed charges and I should have been there standing with her.

Bottom line, I had a chance to do something not just talk tough and I did.

Where I get hung up is the kids and family, the fallout is far spread. Everyone that needs to know, knows. The secret is out, and from my perspective the more it gets unnecessarily hashed out publicly the more that innocent victims around him have to relive it. Every social media post is a reminder that dad is gone. Every awkward question that the wife has to field from a distant acquaintance. Each time that grandma and grandpa have to deal with the feeling that they let their daughter or grandkids down.

There’s no winners here. None. If it’s handled correctly the family will step in around her and kids and make sure that they are safe going forward. They’ll act as the shield. If it’s not handled correctly well that’s where horror stories happen.

Ruining the reputation of Garrett might be warranted, but at the cost of further hurting the wife and/or kids? I don’t think it’s worth it personally.
So it’s clear, I’d just as soon run a guy over with a train that’s guilty of this.

One of the bigger regrets I have in life is not pressing charges against a fella I got in a physical altercation with when I stood between him and the woman he had assaulted. I put him down hard, but good nature got the best of me and I declined charges justifying it by saying he’d had a bad day and the mix of prescriptions and booze got the best of him. She pressed charges and I should have been there standing with her.

Bottom line, I had a chance to do something not just talk tough and I did.

Where I get hung up is the kids and family, the fallout is far spread. Everyone that needs to know, knows. The secret is out, and from my perspective the more it gets unnecessarily hashed out publicly the more that innocent victims around him have to relive it. Every social media post is a reminder that dad is gone. Every awkward question that the wife has to field from a distant acquaintance. Each time that grandma and grandpa have to deal with the feeling that they let their daughter or grandkids down.

There’s no winners here. None. If it’s handled correctly the family will step in around her and kids and make sure that they are safe going forward. They’ll act as the shield. If it’s not handled correctly well that’s where horror stories happen.

Ruining the reputation of Garrett might be warranted, but at the cost of further hurting the wife and/or kids? I don’t think it’s worth it personally.

Agree with all except that last paragraph.

If a truck driver gets a DUI it affects his family. Teachers, doctors, lawyers, all can have their licenses pulled for including domestic violence.

He makes his living selling the publics wildlife, the public should get to know, and frankly they should get to end his license.

How many guides are now charged and convicted in the last year? The industry has major problems.
1. No dude should ever touch a woman.

2. This ain’t the place to discuss the worst moments of a persons life. It’s none of our business and it should stay that way.
Strongly disagree. Anyone who beats on a woman should have it plastered on billboards. He SHOULD be in hell. 99% chance it wasn’t the first time. And I’m sure he was “sorry” after the fact. If there is any act that has a ZERO tolerance, this is it.

You talk about the hell the wife and kids go through when it comes out. How about the hell they were going through during it! Especially if it doesn’t get reported and continues….

Much worse than any game law he might have broken.
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So it’s clear, I’d just as soon run a guy over with a train that’s guilty of this.

One of the bigger regrets I have in life is not pressing charges against a fella I got in a physical altercation with when I stood between him and the woman he had assaulted. I put him down hard, but good nature got the best of me and I declined charges justifying it by saying he’d had a bad day and the mix of prescriptions and booze got the best of him. She pressed charges and I should have been there standing with her.

Bottom line, I had a chance to do something not just talk tough and I did.

Where I get hung up is the kids and family, the fallout is far spread. Everyone that needs to know, knows. The secret is out, and from my perspective the more it gets unnecessarily hashed out publicly the more that innocent victims around him have to relive it. Every social media post is a reminder that dad is gone. Every awkward question that the wife has to field from a distant acquaintance. Each time that grandma and grandpa have to deal with the feeling that they let their daughter or grandkids down.

There’s no winners here. None. If it’s handled correctly the family will step in around her and kids and make sure that they are safe going forward. They’ll act as the shield. If it’s not handled correctly well that’s where horror stories happen.

Ruining the reputation of Garrett might be warranted, but at the cost of further hurting the wife and/or kids? I don’t think it’s worth it personally.
It’s worth it if the penalty and humiliation gives any other guys pause. The penalty should be a deterrent. Other guys need to know that their life will be utterly destroyed if they choose to do this.
It’s sad when someone makes a mistake just how quickly “ the perfect few” on here want to plaster that mistake on the internet. It’s like hunting big critters , the persistence on wanting to destroy others is so consuming it’s almost like a hunt in its own right. Imagine if one of your daughters or sons made a big mistake in this world, doesn’t have to be the mistake in this post, but a big mistake none the less. Imagine people that don’t know them, nor the background or the people involved , salivating to post and destroy them. The pleasure felt by others in pointing out someone’s big mistake. Really gotta be a proud moment for the perfect few. Instead of a big buck in the photo the perfect few have a pic of a slain person bleeding at the soul level that they don’t even know anything about. Like their holding a big trophy in their hands.
Pathetic falls short guys. Just pathetic.
Man the perfect few really need to get out in the outdoors more. Get off the computer and spend some time in the woods.
It’s just pathetic how people can annihilate someone when they don’t even know them , or know the facts of a situation.
I know several guys that have been accused of the above post. And it turned out the dude was the one that was actually the one being abused by the women. Not saying this is the case here but before the “ perfect “ jump on the internet with all “ their “ perfectness, trying to slaughter someone they barely know anything about , quite possibly at their weakest time in life, it sure would be nice to see some just look in the mirror and concentrate on their own demons and not someone else’s demons.
I sure am glad I’m not like the perfect few on here. Can you imagine having to walk in the presence of such perfection.
I don’t know the dude at all , never heard of him or his family.
What about his kids. Does anyone think about the family when they post this crap on the internet. What about the kids. Doesnt help the family or the kids to destroy the family more with posting it on the internet. Gotta be one heck of a proud moment for the perfect. What a kill photo for the perfect.
So wife beating is “making a mistake”. You and I have very different definitions of that phrase.

None of us is perfect. I’m not even in the ballpark. But this issue is truly a zero tolerance if there ever was one.

If it was your daughter who was beaten, would you be so understanding?

And you feel sorry for the kids after it comes out. What about those that never get reported/caught? And continues to happen. How are they doing?
CHOOSING to beat a woman, isn't a mistake. It's a major flaw in ones character. Read any statistics, and this isn't a one off. By the time the abused woman finally calls the cops, it's been a pattern.

Are you as indignant about what he's teaching his sons(if he has them) about beating a woman? Are you as indignant about the daddy issues he'll cause his daughters.

GTFO with the "mistake" crap.

As to the rest. If you make your living on the social media sites, I'm guessing he has pages full of kills and client pics, then you get to live by the publicity it creates, both good and bad.

Just imagine, you don't get drunked up and decide to slap around the old lady. The fan boys could still worship.

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I’ll reiterate, domestic violence thrives in silence and darkness. This is a HUGE problem.

Anyone can choose for himself to help establish and enable those breeding grounds if they want. It’s a free country. I refuse to do so myself.

So try to manipulate people and guilt people into sending the issue back into silence and behind closed doors. That oughta help! (Insert sarcasm emoji here…)
If it was my daughter who was possibly beaten I would be def hurt.
My mom was severally beaten by a dude after her divorce with my dad. Black and blue from head to toe. Worst sight to see I’ve ever seen. Just the worst.
But,,,,,,,, it wouldn’t do her any good or anyone involved any good to post it on the internet ruining the dudes life and embarrassing my mom.
None of it does anyone any good involved. From my mom , to her kids , to the dude involved.
There’s tons of mistakes to be made in this world by me or anyone else.
And yes beating someone is a giant mistake in my book along with all the other giant mistakes that can be made in this world by anyone.
It just doesn’t do anyone any good that’s involved in the situation. Making peoples mistakes apparent to all by posting them just doesn’t do anyone any good. Never does. In reality if you really think about it, posting this crap on the internet only makes the poster feel good for a little while for some sick reason ,, while immortalizing the mistake on the internet.
Just doesn’t bode well for any healing for anyone involved whether the kids , the wife , or the husband or his family in general.
Carry on fellas.
October is DV awareness month.

Maybe we should shout that down as well? Maybe if we eliminate any discussion of this topic all together then maybe the problem will disappear?

No one even knows the facts in this case. That’s why no one should post this stuff. At least wait for the facts , isn’t that the mature thing to do?
Without knowing anything about the case or the facts, it’s just not a fair thing to do to anyone.
It’s not about shaming anyone, it’s more about having the facts. I know that the couple guys I know that were accused of beating their women , that it ended up they were the ones being beaten. What if that’s the case here. Not saying it is but what if. That’s why it pathetic to jump on the internet and post this stuff.
The poster didn’t post this for a discussion , you’re lying to yourself that that’s the case. He posted it to destroy the dude because it made him feel better for some reason.
That’s the truth. All the people piling on the guy in this post don’t know the facts yet just like I don’t know the facts. I just think before people pile on someone who made a giant mistake they ought to know the facts first, not just accusations. I would be embarrassed with myself if piled on someone and found out later in my rush to judgment that I was wrong in any way.
No one on here knows the facts.
Embarrassing people doesn’t do any good for healing. For the family or the individuals involved.
The “ discussion “ side of this thread is a rush to judgment , nothing more nothing less.
But ,,,,,,,, it sure does make some feel better about themselves. I call bullshit on the discussion side of things. If it’s just a discussion then post a thread on domestic violence in general and Leave out people you don’t know the facts about or the situation.

Guys get out In the woods and get off the computer. I assure you it will help the inner need to destroy others.
You guys know what your great grandparents and all of their parents called domestic violence??????


I'm not saying we haven't found a better way today but to imagine your own existence above all these people you are proud to internet lynch and call names is childish.
I've Seen A Few Guys In My Day That Get Beat Up By Their Wives Over & Over & Over & Over Again!

I Know!

It's More Common The Other Way Around!

But Where Would You Draw The Line?

I Feel For The Kids Living Around It & Dealing With It!

And Niller?

Before You Ask Me Why I Haven't Turned Them In!

The Cops/Law Are Already There On A Regular Basis!

But It Just Keeps Going On & On & On!
If it was my daughter who was possibly beaten I would be def hurt.
My mom was severally beaten by a dude after her divorce with my dad. Black and blue from head to toe. Worst sight to see I’ve ever seen. Just the worst.
But,,,,,,,, it wouldn’t do her any good or anyone involved any good to post it on the internet ruining the dudes life and embarrassing my mom.
None of it does anyone any good involved. From my mom , to her kids , to the dude involved.
There’s tons of mistakes to be made in this world by me or anyone else.
And yes beating someone is a giant mistake in my book along with all the other giant mistakes that can be made in this world by anyone.
It just doesn’t do anyone any good that’s involved in the situation. Making peoples mistakes apparent to all by posting them just doesn’t do anyone any good. Never does. In reality if you really think about it, posting this crap on the internet only makes the poster feel good for a little while for some sick reason ,, while immortalizing the mistake on the internet.
Just doesn’t bode well for any healing for anyone involved whether the kids , the wife , or the husband or his family in general.
Carry on fellas.


Take your 'concern" and bury it where it belongs.

Your attitude is 100% wrong

Folks like you who saw mom at tge store with sunglasses and "minded your own buisness".

Guys like you who lived in the neighborhood and heard it, but sat on your azz because you don't "want to embarass"

Guys like you who knew what their friend was doing, but didn't want to break some guy code.

Guys like you who have excuses couching it as a "mistake".

Lots of us were kids who watched tge chicken **** adults condone and allow.

A lit of us grew up screwed up deeply because no one had the balls to help.

Scared to be away from home for friends, sleep overs, etc because your little brain knows you have to save your mom.


I wasn't Embarrassed when finally my uncle found out, and showed up with a bat.

But I was sure passed at all the men who knew, and didn't
You guys know what your great grandparents and all of their parents called domestic violence??????


I'm not saying we haven't found a better way today but to imagine your own existence above all these people you are proud to internet lynch and call names is childish.

About what we all expected

Take your 'concern" and bury it where it belongs.

Your attitude is 100% wrong

Folks like you who saw mom at tge store with sunglasses and "minded your own buisness".

Guys like you who lived in the neighborhood and heard it, but sat on your azz because you don't "want to embarass"

Guys like you who knew what their friend was doing, but didn't want to break some guy code.

Guys like you who have excuses couching it as a "mistake".

Lots of us were kids who watched tge chicken **** adults condone and allow.

A lit of us grew up screwed up deeply because no one had the balls to help.

Scared to be away from home for friends, sleep overs, etc because your little brain knows you have to save your mom.


I wasn't Embarrassed when finally my uncle found out, and showed up with a bat.

But I was sure passed at all the men who knew, and didn't
My Friends who were accused were the ones being beaten dude. Not the other way around. I knew they were getting beaten and said nothing. Ya guys like me bro. Did you read my post. The couple guys I referenced were completely innocent. Reading comprehension comes into play here keystone. What was I supposed to do with the guys I referenced , pile on them for doing nothing wrong. Reading comprehension bro.
How do you know I did nothing about my mom’s case. I did when we knew the facts. It’s about facts bro and in your case reading comprehension for sure.
It’s not about sweeping it under the rug or ignoring it keystone, or saying it’s ok. Not at all. It’s about knowing the facts first before piling on. That’s all.
My mom’s case got “dealt “ with for sure , no one sat around and said it was ok. But only after the facts were clearly seen. Reading comprehension keystone., work on it for a little while before you say the things said above.
Calling me some kind of sweep it under the rug or saying it’s ok kinda guy is way off. Reading comprehension bro.

I’m glad we aren’t friends dude. You would have been the kinda friend who would have jumped on one of my accused friends who was completely innocent. Clearly that’s the kind of dude you are. Quick to judge and slay others without knowing the facts.
I’m thankful I was the opposite with my buddy who was accused and was the one himself being beaten regularly.
It’s not about sweeping it under the rug. It’s aboit a rush to judgment without knowing what really happened.
Keystone work on the reading comprehension. And in this case with my mom or my friends referenced above thinking i swept things under the rug or was silent is well, under informed to say the least.
Just like this thread in general. I’m under informed and everyone else on it is under informed of the facts.
I like waiting for facts not just accusations. Clearly you and I are diff. Clearly.
My Friends who were accused were the ones being beaten dude. Not the other way around. I knew they were getting beaten and said nothing. Ya guys like me bro. Did you read my post. The couple guys I referenced were completely innocent. Reading comprehension comes into play here keystone. What was I supposed to do with the guys I referenced , pile on them for doing nothing wrong. Reading comprehension bro.
How do you know I did nothing about my mom’s case. I did when we knew the facts. It’s about facts bro and in your case reading comprehension for sure.
It’s not about sweeping it under the rug or ignoring it keystone, or saying it’s ok. Not at all. It’s about knowing the facts first before piling on. That’s all.
My mom’s case got “dealt “ with for sure , no one sat around and said it was ok. But only after the facts were clearly seen. Reading comprehension keystone., work on it for a little while before you say the things said above.
Calling me some kind of sweep it under the rug or saying it’s ok kinda guy is way off. Reading comprehension bro.

I’m glad we aren’t friends dude. You would have been the kinda friend who would have jumped on one of my accused friends who was completely innocent. Clearly that’s the kind of dude you are. Quick to judge and slay others without knowing the facts.
I’m thankful I was the opposite with my buddy who was accused and was the one himself being beaten regularly.
It’s not about sweeping it under the rug. It’s aboit a rush to judgment without knowing what really happened.
Keystone work on the reading comprehension. And in this case with my mom or my friends referenced above thinking i swept things under the rug or was silent is well, under informed to say the least.
Just like this thread in general. I’m under informed and everyone else on it is under informed of the facts.
I like waiting for facts not just accusations. Clearly you and I are diff. Clearly.
Finally a post that I can get on board with. You want to refrain from condemning until all the facts and conviction is in, fine. But you and others have gone beyond that and tried to defend those that are guilty because they “made a mistake” and even then, this should be kept quiet. I can’t go there.
You guys know what your great grandparents and all of their parents called domestic violence??????


I'm not saying we haven't found a better way today but to imagine your own existence above all these people you are proud to internet lynch and call names is childish.

This is the least surprising post on all the internet today. Tri think the wife being beaten by her overlord is just part of marriage? Yeah, this is my shocked face!
My Friends who were accused were the ones being beaten dude. Not the other way around. I knew they were getting beaten and said nothing. Ya guys like me bro. Did you read my post. The couple guys I referenced were completely innocent. Reading comprehension comes into play here keystone. What was I supposed to do with the guys I referenced , pile on them for doing nothing wrong. Reading comprehension bro.
How do you know I did nothing about my mom’s case. I did when we knew the facts. It’s about facts bro and in your case reading comprehension for sure.
It’s not about sweeping it under the rug or ignoring it keystone, or saying it’s ok. Not at all. It’s about knowing the facts first before piling on. That’s all.
My mom’s case got “dealt “ with for sure , no one sat around and said it was ok. But only after the facts were clearly seen. Reading comprehension keystone., work on it for a little while before you say the things said above.
Calling me some kind of sweep it under the rug or saying it’s ok kinda guy is way off. Reading comprehension bro.

I’m glad we aren’t friends dude. You would have been the kinda friend who would have jumped on one of my accused friends who was completely innocent. Clearly that’s the kind of dude you are. Quick to judge and slay others without knowing the facts.
I’m thankful I was the opposite with my buddy who was accused and was the one himself being beaten regularly.
It’s not about sweeping it under the rug. It’s aboit a rush to judgment without knowing what really happened.
Keystone work on the reading comprehension. And in this case with my mom or my friends referenced above thinking i swept things under the rug or was silent is well, under informed to say the least.
Just like this thread in general. I’m under informed and everyone else on it is under informed of the facts.
I like waiting for facts not just accusations. Clearly you and I are diff. Clearly.

I read just fine

mom was severally beaten by a dude after her divorce with my dad. Black and blue from head to toe. Worst sight to see I’ve ever seen. Just the worst.
But,,,,,,,, it wouldn’t do her any good or anyone involved any good to post it on the internet ruining the dudes life and embarrassing my mom.

Sure would hate to embarass a dude who beat your mom like that.

Better to sit in silence. I'm sure she mistakenly ran into his fist, over and over.

I'm glad we aren't friends either. Enablers are as bad as perpetrators.
Bxhunter50. It’s not about defending anyone’s bad actions, including my own. It’s about the insatiable desire some have to destroy others.
I’ve been in the destroy shoes before and every time I wore those shoes I realized that wearing them didn’t help a single person involved. Basically what I was saying.
It’s never about condoning others mistakes whether giant or small. It’s about knowing that when someone makes a giant mistake destroying them or others around them doesn’t help anyone including myself. Embarrassing others when they make a giant mistake is never the way to go. It just doesn’t help anyone. When someone makes a giant mistake , it’s also about how lost that person might be when they made the mistake.
I’ve watched far more healing in persons lives including the offender and the offended happen when the piling on affect is lessened.
Hurt people , hurt other people.
I never was condoning others mistakes. But,,,,, almost no healing ever comes from destroying others for their mistakes.
Hurt people , hurt others. Shaming others never ever helps the situation.
I can’t stand the fact just how quickly some people want to destroy someone for their mistakes these days, and the hunting world is one of the worst to destroy their comrades regardless of facts, accusations, or mistakes made. . We as a community of hunters literally are some of the worst ourselves to each other.
I wonder why that’s the case????
Ever wonder yourselves why that’s the case?
Keystone how did I enable anyone in my situation. Where did I enable her offender. Are you retarded bro.
I want you to explain to me where I enabled her offender. I did How ever wait for the facts before his punishment came. Was that enabling him.
How did I enable her offender. Be very very specific on your response of enabling her offender.
How did I enable my buddies situation where he’s was 100 percent innocent. Be very very specific please.
Keystone is a prime example of not knowing the facts and a perfect example of what I’m trying to say about knowing the facts.
Keystone be very specific about how I enabled my moms offender.
This ought to be really good to hear. Common keystone tell be how I was an enabler of anyone I described in the situations I described above.
Dude you’re the best example of everything I’m trying to say here.
Keystone spell it out for all how enabled my mom’s offender in her situation. Please prove my point for me with your own words and description of how I enabled my mom’s situation.
I’m all ears bro.
Bxhunter50. It’s not about defending anyone’s bad actions, including my own. It’s about the insatiable desire some have to destroy others.
I’ve been in the destroy shoes before and every time I wore those shoes I realized that wearing them didn’t help a single person involved. Basically what I was saying.
It’s never about condoning others mistakes whether giant or small. It’s about knowing that when someone makes a giant mistake destroying them or others around them doesn’t help anyone including myself. Embarrassing others when they make a giant mistake is never the way to go. It just doesn’t help anyone. When someone makes a giant mistake , it’s also about how lost that person might be when they made the mistake.
I’ve watched far more healing in persons lives including the offender and the offended happen when the piling on affect is lessened.
Hurt people , hurt other people.
I never was condoning others mistakes. But,,,,, almost no healing ever comes from destroying others for their mistakes.
Hurt people , hurt others. Shaming others never ever helps the situation.
I can’t stand the fact just how quickly some people want to destroy someone for their mistakes these days, and the hunting world is one of the worst to destroy their comrades regardless of facts, accusations, or mistakes made. . We as a community of hunters literally are some of the worst ourselves to each other.
I wonder why that’s the case????
Ever wonder yourselves why that’s the case?

At what point does the "community of hunters" get consulted PRIOR to our "brethren" doing illegal ****? Why after the fact are we supposed to close ranks?
Keystone how did I enable anyone in my situation. Where did I enable her offender. Are you retarded bro.
I want you to explain to me where I enabled her offender. I did How ever wait for the facts before his punishment came. Was that enabling him.
How did I enable her offender. Be very very specific on your response of enabling her offender.
How did I enable my buddies situation where he’s was 100 percent innocent. Be very very specific please.
Keystone is a prime example of not knowing the facts and a perfect example of what I’m trying to say about knowing the facts.
Keystone be very specific about how I enabled my moms offender.
This ought to be really good to hear. Common keystone tell be how I was an enabler of anyone I described in the situations I described above.
Dude you’re the best example of everything I’m trying to say here.
Keystone spell it out for all how enabled my mom’s offender in her situation. Please prove my point for me with your own words and description of how I enabled my mom’s situation.
I’m all ears bro.

I read what you wrote, then pasted it. If you don't know how to write, that's on you.

But, according to the facts YOU POSTED, your mom was beaten "head to toe".

Now what "fact"were you waiting for?

Did she fall down the steps? Get hit by a car?

According TO YOU she was beaten.

Plenty of headstones from "waiting".
Hossblur ,, I’m sure you’ve made mistakes just as I have.
Some big and some small just as I have.
When you made or make a mistake do you want others to destroy you for it.
It’s the only way I know how to answer your question.
This would have been a really short thread if no one had come on here saying we shouldn’t bring it to light even if he is guilty. It would already be in the rear view mirror.

And continuing to call beating a woman a “mistake” continues to rub me and others the wrong way. We will always disagree on that choice of words. You “chose” to use it 9 times in your post #84 and again twice in #88. Words do mean things.
Last edited:
This is the least surprising post on all the internet today. Tri think the wife being beaten by her overlord is just part of marriage? Yeah, this is my shocked face!
No, your ancestors did.

"Me fail English? That's unpossible."
Common keystone dont be a coward dude.
You called me an enabler. Pretty a strong words for the situation I described with respect to my mom.
Dont dodge the question I asked.
Im asking you to explain how I was the “ enabler “ you labeled me.
Answer the question keystone.
You accused me of being an enabler , like I just say by and let it happen , After I knew the facts which are always important.
And yes she went through a year or so issue with Xanax and some alcohol. It is possible she fell down the stairs actually. Glad you brought that up , it proved my point even more.
Common key answer my question directly. Don’t be a coward.
Hossblur ,, I’m sure you’ve made mistakes just as I have.
Some big and some small just as I have.
When you made or make a mistake do you want others to destroy you for it.
It’s the only way I know how to answer your question.

As of right now, this morning, I have ratings and reviews on numerous search sites.

You think if I beat the old lady, that wouldn't end up in a review or rating?

I have 2 guys I know that will not drink whiskey. Beer, vodka, whatever, but no brown water.

Both because they say it makes them mean. Meaning they realized a short coming and corrected it.(mistake)

Neither were facing multiple charges of DV, IN FRONT OF THEIR KIDS.

Sorry man, but he didn't call any of the community to give us the heads up that he was planning on getting liquored up and smacking around the wife, so he doesn't get the community support after the fact
Let me clarify my def of a mistake.
When someone does something to themselves or someone else that causes damage to either. There’s massive mistakes and small ones and everything inbetween.
I’m not defending the dude this thread is about.
It just sure would be nice to have the facts first. Charges aren’t necessarily facts. The thought that I’m defending anyone’s actions/ giant mistakes is crazy talk.
Who on here thinks that by airing some families worst laundry somehow does good for the family unit itself. I can’t see how it does,,,, and especially without knowing all the facts and just charges.
After what I’ve been through with my mom’s beating , which was so brutally hard to handle why would anyone think I’m defending an abuser. It’s retarded kind of thinking. It’s downright crazy thinking.
I hope the guy gets what he deserves if it’s true. But it would be nice to know the facts first before labeling him guilty.
Man the happiness others gets inside by jumping to judgment is really scary.
I stress jumping to judgment and not condoning anyone’s mistakes when actually deemed so by the facts.
As of right now, this morning, I have ratings and reviews on numerous search sites.

You think if I beat the old lady, that wouldn't end up in a review or rating?

I have 2 guys I know that will not drink whiskey. Beer, vodka, whatever, but no brown water.

Both because they say it makes them mean. Meaning they realized a short coming and corrected it.(mistake)

Neither were facing multiple charges of DV, IN FRONT OF THEIR KIDS.

Sorry man, but he didn't call any of the community to give us the heads up that he was planning on getting liquored up and smacking around the wife, so he doesn't get the community support after the fact
Maybe they realized it when they beat a woman. Who knows what made them recognize their limits. There's no telling how they realized that. Not all crimes are public record.
Common keystone dont be a coward dude.
You called me an enabler. Pretty a strong words for the situation I described with respect to my mom.
Dont dodge the question I asked.
Im asking you to explain how I was the “ enabler “ you labeled me.
Answer the question keystone.
You accused me of being an enabler , like I just say by and let it happen , After I knew the facts which are always important.
And yes she went through a year or so issue with Xanax and some alcohol. It is possible she fell down the stairs actually. Glad you brought that up , it proved my point even more.
Common key answer my question directly. Don’t be a coward.

I'm sure it was the very first time she'd been hit. Right?

I mean no issue, then "worst I've ever seen"?

So now it's your mom's fault? She deserved it? Maybe he was smacking the addict out of her?


She's bruised head to toe.

How'd his knuckles look?
I should have just said, “ hey guys shouldn’t we all wait for the actual facts before ruining someone’s life”.
The amount of times I’ve seen the rush to judgment in all facets of life backfire to the truth is sad.
The dude is probably guilty but probably isn’t fair to the situation. Because the word is probably.
If probably is true then I hope he learns a very hard lesson and does what your friend did hossblur.
Big time loss in life is usually the best way to learn. As in your friends case I’m sure.
Good luck to all in the field this year.
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