Your MM Username!!!!!

Utah Todd = UTodd. Boring name. I want to hear the story about how cowslayer got his name.
I would like to harvest an elk in every state in the u.s. So I figured I would call it my own personal elk slam kinda like sheep super slam.
I take my username from an old calvary fort and lake near the house. Fort Phantom Hill. One of the old calvary forts during the comanche wars.

Phantom Hunter

Up until 2 years ago, I'd never killed a bull elk. I didn't think I was ever going to get that monkey off my back... I also believed I was destined to only hunt and kill cow elk... Also, my initials are CS so... I went with Cowslayer back in the day. I should change it to Bullslayer now.

I'm on a role now and I am dedicated to killing a good bull with my bow this year. If you see someone tailing you or your budies up the hill, pay no attention to the man behind the mask.


"Helping turn good tags, into great ones." - VIP Optics
Quest the name says it all and its a cool name. Well to be honest with you I had another name pick out but some one beat me to it.
TheGreatwhitehunter= The Polar Bear the Greatest white hunter of them all

My original screen name was SoTX. Which stands for South Texas. However Tfinal acused me of being a rasict. Which I am not. I got offended so I did a search of all his post and then pointed out all the rasist comments he had made. Then Tfinal banned me. So I reincarnated my self as 202typical. My good friend had just returned from a hunt in Wyoming with a buck that scored 202 and it was a typical buck.
Tfinal and I are good friends now though ;-)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I am simple and boring with screen names
When I rifle hunt I usually hunt with my 7mm and my last name is Gilbert.
LuckyShot....because in bowhunting, no matter how hard we try to do everything right (spend all of our money on gear, shoot every day, excercise, scout, backpack, strategize, obsess....etc) after all is said and done, the best thing that can happen at that moment of truth is to have Lady Luck smile upon us! Better to be lucky than good. And I have been lucky!!!!!
I've always hunted with some sort of primitive arms, bow or muzzleloader and once in a while rifle. Last year I had an accident while hunting alone. My back was shattered and I had to walk 3 miles back to the vehicle then drive to the nearest town. The doctors looked at me in amazement, they had to replace part of my back bone. My friends started calling me Frontier Fremont, shortened to Frontier.
One time I was at the range with a buddy and he asked, "do you think you could hit the 1000 yd gong?" I went ahead and tried and nailed it on the second or third shot. I have hit it many times since and everyone says that's a "long poke" hence the name.

Mine is pretty simple and not to creative, I have hunted with my Win. Model 70 since I was a kid (about a 100 years ago) so thats what I decided to use for a username..
Mine is lionking...Cuz my last name is Lyon and I am am the king of my territory...well the wife is mostly but I still think I am!!!
Anyway..hence..lionking....Still loking for a real LION one of these days

Zigga is a retarded name that no one else had. That's all.

But I would like to explain D13r. Previously D13er. D is for bra size and 13 is the age where D13er really developed. Therefore D13er. Breasty little teenager.

You are welcome D.
LostinOregon, because my passion is muley hunting and have lived in Oregon my entire life. Couple that with the fact that if you have hunted mule deer in Oregon you have a better chance at getting lost than actually finding a mature deer on public land.
buglinbull2 it was buglinbull but I lost my password and had to reregister. The name is obvious. I love calling in elk. and coyotes, and turkeys and geese. I have the same name on another site, but for some reason I have to reregister every week. This week I am buglinbullturds.

because I worked for the fed (Navy). Retired, now I sit on my can and work as a fatasscivilservant.
I am a big guy, therefore a TROPHY. And I am older than most everyone on MM, that makes me a MOSSBACK.

It's what I do, every day.

Although after watching a Canadian fishing show, I propose a new pronounciation.....PRE-day-TOR....made me giggle.
Well for me its my email address and also because I am from Arizona and hunting coues deer and elk are 2 of my passions.
JakeH, because when I first started comeing on here everyone used there first name,(even Founder/Brian) as MM got more popular there was a couple other Jake's so I started puting my last names intial on so people wouldnt get confused. I then just kept it when they made it a reqirment to sign up.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.

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