You Decide

> x why did you remove
>the video from this site

The video was removed because it was causing way more bad then good.

There has been a lot for me to take in since posting the video and there has been some very good points that has made me think differently about some of my opinions about all this. Now that I look back on it there were a bunch of ways I should have done differently. Posting threads is just another thing I'm just not very good at. All I wanted to do by starting this thread and posting the video was to encourage hunters this off season to do as much as they can so that when it comes time to pull the trigger they are ready. I thought by posting a video of this nature people would be more motivated to make sure this doesn't happen to them and that they might think twice before making a questionable shot and to try to get as close as they possibly can before taking aim. Even though it might have seem this way I never wanted to start your average long range range debate however I did want to see if others thought there ever should be a limit on how far a hunter should shoot at an animal. And not if a guy can consistently make a 1000 yard shot or not but ask ourselves at what distance if any would a shot be consider not fair chase? From my experiences I thought that anything over 500 yards could be considered in the realm of not fair chase but since making this thread there have been numerous post that say otherwise so my opinions on the matter have changed somewhat. Sorry for causing as much tension as I did that was never my intention in starting this thread.
HunterX---All in all, after you made the explanation as to what was actually going on and repeated your reasons for posting it, I personally feel that the thread probably did a lot of good. You have now stated you would have done some things differently after our discussions here, so that's great. It got us and a lot of the other MMers thinking about how to go about our preferred methods and maybe improving on them. I think all of us just want to ensure quick, humane kills even though the way we go about it differs. Different strokes for different folks, as the old saying goes. I, for one, will try in the future to keep a more open mind on the way others do their thing, that's for sure! If it makes one or two people that might not have been doing something quite right and they change in a positive way, then I think the thread more than served it's purpose.

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