WTH is everyone ???

Maybe everyone is tired of the b.s or just watching The Big Game

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Gosh Red,
Can you rub my head?
almost a year with no Dew & I've got a 1 litre Dew Thumper to the brain,
And F'er,
We are still waiting for the better half pics,
CUPSY doesn't let anybody in for free!
hey Red,
Remember the reminder up in the top right corner of the chat?
I think D13er forgot to pay the 9.00 rent,lol!
For those that are worthy check your pm if you need the link pm me

This is temporary till jb is back
What are you guys talking about? the Chatroom is working fine. You may have to remember your password and the Lackey's Only room password, but it's not blowed up. I promise!
Feleno...Thats funny chit...

Just remember chatroom rule #1... There is no chatroom...:)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-10 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]If there was a chat, and Im not saying there is, its still not working. hmmmm
If i was invited, If there was a chat, and I'm not saying there is, and its still not working, I wouldnt know.
LMAO Felano I f there was a chat and there isn't I would say you should be invited. We could use some humor in there, if there was such a place.
"Access restricted"

Damnit, guess i have been banned out of the chatroom as well.....SNAP!!!!!!

And i though Jenn really loved me this whole time :-(


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