Would you rather poll?

Keep hunting or shut it down for 2 years

  • Skip 2 years

    Votes: 30 37.5%
  • Keep it how it is

    Votes: 50 62.5%

  • Total voters


Very Active Member
My son asked me an interesting question this weekend, Would you rather keep hunting the way things are or be willing to give up 2 years of closed hunting for everyone then hunt ?
Im not a fan of antler point restrictions or closures. Honestly, I want to hunt every year. I won't have a Utah general season deer tag in 2024 because I notched both of my dedicated hunter permits in the first two years of the program. That's why I am relying on my 22 elk points and 20 mountain goat points in Utah, as well as my points for deer, elk, and antelope in Colorado and Wyoming to keep me busy over the next few years. I might get lucky and have another general season permit in Utah in 2026.

I'm also entering the period of life where my kids are finally getting old enough to hunt. If I don't have a permit, I'll simply take a back seat to them. They have great draw odds.

I hear people complain about the "quality" of bucks all the time, but I'm still consistently finding mature bucks every year. I saw a 28-30" non-typical on Saturday night, but my daughter is new to hunting and couldn't find him in her scope before he entered the trees. Sure, the bucks we typically see may not be big on average as they might have been back in the '60s when there were less people and they used what we now consider to be low tech equipment - but, that was three decades before I was born. I'm still very happy with the quality of deer that I see when I hike the steep canyons and dark timber. I rarely see anything big from the road. When we talk "quantity" of bucks that is a different story. After the winter of all winters, we lost almost all of the fawns from spring 2022 and many of the fawns from 2023. I'd say that I saw about a 40% reduction this year in the quantity of bucks and does, but the quality was still there. The next few years will be rebuilding years in many western states and that's okay because nature is brutal.
If you skip two years, gonna be some AWESOME road hunting opening weekend of the third year!!

In my local zone we were essentially closed for an entire season due to fire. The next year all those forkies and spikes that would have been chased from the roads and educated were hammered.
I get to hunt my favorite unit every fifth year or so. With two or three years between hunts, the average hunter would kill bigger bucks, but it would be too crowded to enjoy. I guess I would rather hunt with fewer people less frequently, so long as I can tag along with my son when he hunts the over-the-counter units.
Even With A 2 year Closure It Wouldn't Bring It Back Enough To Let Everybody Hunt!


You only restrict, reduce, and postpone where it makes sense. Not every unit and state is the same (since this is in the General Hunting forum and not state specific).
Which State Are You From Muleman1?

I Don't Know Of One State In The West Where Mule Deer Are Not Suffering!

You only restrict, reduce, and postpone where it makes sense. Not every unit and state is the same (since this is in the General Hunting forum and not state specific).
That’s not the question ? maybe read a little more carefully nowhere does it ask that

That may not be a direct quote, but that is exactly what it is asking. And quite frankly, closing hunting for two years does absolutely NOTHING to help deer herds. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

So roll your eyes if you must. I promise anyone that understands how this works rolled theirs at your poll.

I like hunting. I like you hunting. So I’m picking keep hunting and not end hunting, even if just temporarily. But I’m a hunter, so there you have it.
That may not be a direct quote, but that is exactly what it is asking. And quite frankly, closing hunting for two years does absolutely NOTHING to help deer herds. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

So roll your eyes if you must. I promise anyone that understands how this works rolled theirs at your poll.

I like hunting. I like you hunting. So I’m picking keep hunting and not end hunting, even if just temporarily. But I’m a hunter, so there you have it.
I love hunting, as well you’re saying if they closed hunting for 2 years nothing would happen to the deer hears? your out of your mind if you don’t think it would help them.
I love hunting, as well you’re saying if they closed hunting for 2 years nothing would happen to the deer hears? your out of your mind if you don’t think it would help them.

Actually, I'm not out of my mind. A 2 year closure would do absolutely NOTHING to build a deer herd. Nothing. It may make you feel better that there are some older bucks on the mountain to chase, but that doesn't do anything for the herd. That isn't my opinion, that is simple biology. You can disagree with it, that is fine, but you'd be wrong.

I have zero desire to screw hunters over so some can try and chase bigger bucks. Let me and you hunt. Forget all the other crap that does nothing to benefit a deer herd.

When hunting becomes the limiting factor in deer herd management, we can talk about closing hunts. But until then that is a stupid idea that won't work and only hurts hunters. I'm not an anti-hunter, so count me out on that idea.
Actually, I'm not out of my mind. A 2 year closure would do absolutely NOTHING to build a deer herd. Nothing. It may make you feel better that there are some older bucks on the mountain to chase, but that doesn't do anything for the herd. That isn't my opinion, that is simple biology. You can disagree with it, that is fine, but you'd be wrong.

I have zero desire to screw hunters over so some can try and chase bigger bucks. Let me and you hunt. Forget all the other crap that does nothing to benefit a deer herd.

When hunting becomes the limiting factor in deer herd management, we can talk about closing hunts. But until then that is a stupid idea that won't work and only hurts hunters. I'm not an anti-hunter, so count me out on that idea.
It’s a simple question has NOTHING TO DO WITH NOT HUNTING !!!!
HELL NO to shutting it down for 2 years, you might not be around in 2 years, your dad might not be around in 2 years, your kids might not be around in 2 years, you might not have the health that you have in 2 years. Absolutely not. Plus if they shut it down for 2 years that could lead to dangerous things like shutting it down for longer because of the antis. It is scary the 40% of people are agreeing to shut it down. I mean no offense but if you are voting to shut it down for 2 years I feel like you do not completely understand a deer herd. Or you are voting with feelings. Pretty much you're acting like a liberal?. But honestly we have to hunt when we can hunt and make the best of it and make memories.
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HELL NO to shutting it down for 2 years, you might not be around in 2 years, your dad might not be around in 2 years, your kids might not be around in 2 years, you might not have the health...

If you're not around in 2 years, really doesn't matter, does it.

As for the others - they are part of life. It happens, you can't plan against it, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it; no different than all the other stuff in life that would have an impact by 2 years of not doing something with someone.

Anti's getting a foothold is more of a real threat that has negative results. Well crafted legislation can do that on its own.

If you don't properly manage, you may not have a choice but to shut it down as there won't be viable populations left in areas affected most.

Also depends on the reason to "shutdown". It is not a cut and dry, black and white thing. Saying leave it open because you like to hunt is about as a sophomoric comment someone could ever make...
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Elkassassin. You’re wasting your time trying to help the herd with this bunch of crazy’s. How in anybody’s right mind would they think closing it down would do nothing for the herd. What the hell.
I Mentioned Cutting 10 Tags On The Henry's & Niller Had A Come Apart! (The DWR Had Already Cut The 10 Tags!)

I'm Waiting To See What He Does With The Idea Of Closing The Whole State Down For 2 Years!


It's A Good F'N Thing It Wasn't Me That Mentioned It!

Elkassassin. You’re wasting your time trying to help the herd with this bunch of crazy’s. How in anybody’s right mind would they think closing it down would do nothing for the herd. What the hell.
If you're not around in 2 years, really doesn't matter, does it.

As for the others - they are part of life. It happens, you can't plan against it, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it; no different than all the other stuff in life that would have an impact by 2 years of not doing something with someone.

Anti's getting a foothold is more of a real threat that has negative results. Well crafted legislation can do that on its own.

If you don't properly manage, you may not have a choice but to shut it down as there won't be viable populations left in areas affected most.

Also depends on the reason to "shutdown". It is not a cut and dry, black and white thing. Saying leave it open because you like to hunt is about as a sophomoric comment someone could ever make...
So you're saying close it down? What units for how long? I would love a higher buck to doe ratio with older bucks and more deer. However, I believe they're already out there. Yeah it's hard, there's not a lot, but I would take it any day over sitting home. So I guess you ripped up your tag this year because you're not hunting? If you didn't you still may have time. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is.
You guys all forgot. They shut the bookcliffs down years ago for two years. When they opened it up it was fantastic. I know cause I drew the archery tag. It works but I know you selfish bastards want to hunt every year even if it means shooting a two pointer.
Like I Said:

Good Thing I Didn't Mention It!

That The Best You Can Do Niller?

You want to cut hunts away from other so you can try to chase a big buck and others are the selfish bastards?

Good hell some people don’t have a clue!
So you're saying close it down? What units for how long? I would love a higher buck to doe ratio with older bucks and more deer. However, I believe they're already out there. Yeah it's hard, there's not a lot, but I would take it any day over sitting home. So I guess you ripped up your tag this year because you're not hunting? If you didn't you still may have time. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is.

Didn't say "close it down". I did say it depends on the unit, the state, the mountain range, the...

It's not a one size fits all. Some areas thrive, while others struggle. It's the struggling areas that need addressed. States adjust tag numbers all the time. WY did it this year, as did UT. CO probably as well. It's prudent and responsible.

Like I said, it's a sophomoric mindset to say, "keep it open at all expense, damn what makes sense where it applies".

You liked the comment from the guy that has that whiney and sophomoric mindset because of the beehive blinders that many tend to wear. Those people are the ones that don't have a clue.

I don't give a damn about big horns and record book score. I care more about the ability to go hunting because it's properly managed as it should be, even if it means tags are cut from time to time because it's necessary where it applies...
Hey Whoopi, I’ve now got someone monitoring who likes my posts! Should I start paying rent?

I have an idea guys. It’s novel, something I think wildlife agencies across the west should definitely give a try. We should cut buck tags to help the deer herds. I bet that will make numbers boom!!!!
Hey Niller!

You Need To Carry On To The WB!

I Wanna See You Make GOOD Changes!

It's Past Time!

Hey Whoopi, I’ve now got someone monitoring who likes my posts! Should I start paying rent?

I have an idea guys. It’s novel, something I think wildlife agencies across the west should definitely give a try. We should cut buck tags to help the deer herds. I bet that will make numbers boom!!!!
Didn't say "close it down". I did say it depends on the unit, the state, the mountain range, the...

It's not a one size fits all. Some areas thrive, while others struggle. It's the struggling areas that need addressed. States adjust tag numbers all the time. WY did it this year, as did UT. CO probably as well. It's prudent and responsible.

Like I said, it's a sophomoric mindset to say, "keep it open at all expense, damn what makes sense where it applies".

You liked the comment from the guy that has that whiney and sophomoric mindset because of the beehive blinders that many tend to wear. Those people are the ones that don't have a clue.

I don't give a damn about big horns and record book score. I care more about the ability to go hunting because it's properly managed as it should be, even if it means tags are cut from time to time because it's necessary where it applies...
I'm all for giving a unit a break if it needs it. For example the Cache unit needed tag cuts. I'm fine with that. But to shut it down for 2 years is ridiculous. The question here is should we shut it down for 2 years. And my answer is absolutely not.

I'm all for a slightly higher buck to doe ratio as well. Say 22 to 24 bucks on our general season units. However, I'm also aware that that's going to limit hunting, so I am fine with the way it is.
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You guys all forgot. They shut the bookcliffs down years ago for two years. When they opened it up it was fantastic. I know cause I drew the archery tag. It works but I know you selfish bastards want to hunt every year even if it means shooting a two pointer.
It was great for buck hunting and diffently an increase in mature bucks, but how was the health of the doe herd?
Increase in bucks is not the answer for hitting herd objective.
So not don. As far as I know we arnt hunting does and the population is way down from the bad winter we had plus road kill and so on. So let’s just shoot what’s left and call it a day. I really want to go up on the mountain and hunt your two pointers.
I'd personally take a break for a year or two... frankly, I already miss more hunts than that just on general units due to point creep.

If I thought we could get accurate deer numbers, I could see shutting an area down, not the whole state though. Accurate numbers would tell us what difference it makes. But I don't think we get accurate numbers.
We For Surely Don't get Accurate Numbers On The Deer Count!

But We Can Manage For BUCK To DOE Ratio's Which Is The STUPIDEST Management Ever Dreampt Up!

Look Over There At The North Slope Hossy!

We've Only Got 100 Head Left!

Ya,But BY GAWD 16 of Them Are MOTL Bucks!

This is the same ole’ controversial topic. Surfaces a dozen times a year, every hunter has an opinion, we all fight over it, nothing happens, we all move on to accept the “only” possible outcome, which is to give the dnr as much tag money as possible each year for less opportunity.

Personally, all of Northern Utah should have been shut down for the next few years. Then when reopened, all tag numbers should be cut in half statewide. Dwr can raise the price of tags for those few years to maintain their income. The people that want to hunt bad enough will pay. The rest can wait or hunt elsewhere while we let the herd recover. The gamble being, we don’t know what the next few winters will be like. But hey, I’m a low income peon, so my opinion amounts to my wasted time to write this. (Taking a break from annual preventive maintenance on the cummins. So not a complete waste of my time?)
Just Leave It As Is!

The Last 51 Years & Counting Management Hasn't Been Worth A RAT'S ASS Or Have You Noticed?

But We've Got The BS Buck To Doe Management & Most SUCK This BS In!

So, which is the best management ever dreampt up?

Leave it alone and let me hunt without restraint?
Hey BLooD?

What'Ya Doing To The CUMMINS?

This is the same ole’ controversial topic. Surfaces a dozen times a year, every hunter has an opinion, we all fight over it, nothing happens, we all move on to accept the “only” possible outcome, which is to give the dnr as much tag money as possible each year for less opportunity.

Personally, all of Northern Utah should have been shut down for the next few years. Then when reopened, all tag numbers should be cut in half statewide. Dwr can raise the price of tags for those few years to maintain their income. The people that want to hunt bad enough will pay. The rest can wait or hunt elsewhere while we let the herd recover. The gamble being, we don’t know what the next few winters will be like. But hey, I’m a low income peon, so my opinion amounts to my wasted time to write this. (Taking a break from annual preventive maintenance on the cummins. So not a complete waste of my time?)
Hey BLooD?

What'Ya Doing To The CUMMINS?
Battery maintenance. Cleaning up batteries, replacing connections at the post, pulled battery mounts, neutralized the acid and cleaned everything to get her ready for winter. I don’t like battery probs when it is cold outside lol! Also, fuel filter change and tire rotation. All the fair weather maint activities??
You Washing Any BLooD Out Of It This Year?

Battery maintenance. Cleaning up batteries, replacing connections at the post, pulled battery mounts, neutralized the acid and cleaned everything to get her ready for winter. I don’t like battery probs when it is cold outside lol! Also, fuel filter change and tire rotation. All the fair weather maint activities??
Just Leave It As Is!

The Last 51 Years & Counting Management Hasn't Been Worth A RAT'S ASS Or Have You Noticed?

Out of those 51 years, how many of them had tag cuts overall?

In that 51 year period, what percentage of tags have been cut?

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