women judging 101



Ok after the last go around I figured you guys don't get out much and need some lessons on how to judge what a woman looks like under those clothes.

I noticed guys seemed to like the super skinny chicks with pretty faces the best. Well if their jeans look super skinny and are obviously hanging on them then you are looking at this chick when you get that girl to the beach.


Now if she's wearing skinny jeans and really filling them out she probably works out a bit and watches her diet. This would be your run of the mill girl and in my humble opion is always hot in a bikini. Here's what your normal girl would look like in a bikini.


Now if your girl really works out and puts a little extra muscle on and has an impecible diet her body fat will be around 8 percent for a femal (which is the same as 2% for a male) this chick is a fitness model. In pants she will have small jeans. The waist will be extrememly loose, the thighs will be filled out and her back side will look very filled out. Her arms will be very cut and the pic below is what your athletic chick will look like in a bikini.


Now these are your 3 general choices for chicks that men think are in good shape. I won't delve into fat girls since I'm not about to probe for pics like that.

I figured after our last bout with skinny chicks it is obvious the men on here need a little more help judging what they are looking at. So to each his own. Just don't want anyone out there getting suprised when they see a little more than they may want.

Now let the stinky hating begin! ROFL!
Stinky, thats great advice. Always fascinates me how people who know nothing about a subject feel they can give advice.

There are some other factors that I always have to keep in mind. The size and shape of the body is only half the battle if I'm gonna look for the long haul. This may not be something you understand stinky.




my apologies nv u are correct however i think aaron corrected us all. i think he brought to light that we all secretly want balerina wives and not cheerleaders lol.

yes i have stayed at thr hughes place and the hughes son in law is the man!
definitly the girl with the sub in her mouth. is that first pic tara reid from american pie ? she looks awful ! might have cronic wasting syndrome
Uh... Pic number 3 would be like f**king a man! Homos!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
#2 would be first choice but i def would not turn down #3 by any means. Im sure she would put a hurtin on ya for the next day.

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