Wolf War Coordinator Hired


Very Active Member
This is from the WY Sportsman for Fish & Wildlife Website. Thanks to Randy and Coni Brooks at Barnes bullets for making a 6 figure donation to make this happen. What a huge commitment!


Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife hires legal counsel

Sportsmen For Fish and Wildlife (SFW) has taken a significant step forward in our efforts to establish a major presence in wildlife conservation and hunting & fishing preservation in the Western part of North America by hiring Ryan Benson as our new senior business development and legal consultant. The opportunity to hire Ryan resulted from a tremendous six figure donation by a Founding SFW Board Member who desires to support SFW's continued growth. This is yet another example of SFW members stepping up when needed.

First and foremost, Ryan is an avid and passionate hunter who grew up in humble circumstances and spent his days hunting in the West on general season public land units. Recently, on a day off from his patent law firm duties, Ryan showed up for his job interview with muddy boots - having just come in from a coyote hunt with his young sons.

Mr. Benson graduated with a degree in Political Science from BYU, and then worked for a year as the legislative coordinator for the Utah Attorney General's office. He then worked in Washington DC with the staff of US Senator Robert Bennett's Natural Resource committee. From there, he went to Boston where he earned his Law Degree from Harvard University.

Since graduating from Harvard, Ryan has built a flourishing law practice in Patent Law. He also covers business mergers and acquisitions throughout the western US. His most recent deal was the patent work and closing of the sale of Barnes Bullets to the Freedom Group.

Byron Bateman, President of SFW said, "Ryan's willingness to leave a very successful business practice and give up millions in current and future earnings to work for conservation, speaks volumes about his passion and commitment to protecting the future of hunting for current and future generations." Ryan Foutz, SFW VP of Marketing said, "SFW has been understaffed and has relentlessly focused our resources on restoring habitats, and producing abundant game herds. Benson will bring the ability to polish and perfect the way SFW does business and communicate our conservation mission to decision makers, sponsors, our members and help us better connect with the new internet generation."

Don Peay, Founder of SFW said, "We have searched from Alaska to Arizona to find a person with Ryan's passion for conservation and hunting, who also has the unique skill-set to take SFW to the next level." Peay also said, "There is absolutely no question in my mind that Benson will help complete SFW's western North American Conservation infrastructure and in future years will lead SFW into the international conservation arena. Ryan is a global thinker and due to his Harvard contacts and time as a public servant, has a rolodex full of top business leaders from around the world."

Ryan's first duty will be to lead the SFW effort in developing a legal and political solution if Federal Judges rule the wrong way and end up placing wolves back on the Endangered Species List. The SFW Board has determined that the wildlife herds of the west have suffered enough - even if the courts haven't seemed to figure that out yet. Congress must step in and resolve this predicament by restoring the states' rights to protect our ungulate herds. The multi-billion dollar hunting industry is also suffering tremendous long term damage by un-managed wolf populations in the west and the upper mid-west regions. Benson will also be tasked to help in SFW fundraising, public relations, legislative and legal considerations and organizational structure matters.

Mr. Benson said, "The SFW members, sponsors and staff have laid a tremendous foundation for land and wildlife conservation in Utah, the Western States and Alaska. I am honored to join an outstanding SFW team which is driven by measureable results of thousands of restored habitat acres and substantial increases in animal numbers. Hunting is a passion for me and my young children. It is worth fighting for our way of life and our heritage in the West."

Randy and Coni Brooks, owners of Barnes Bullets, the generous contributors to SFW which has enabled the organization to hire such a quality person said, "Ryan is the perfect fit for SFW. He is polished, passionate about hunting and conservation, and comes across in a very unassuming manner. However, we witnessed first-hand, that when it comes to crunch time - just like SFW, he is willing to step into a hornet's nest and deliver a victory for his team."

SFW is one of the most effective sportsmen groups in the Western United States and focuses on land and wildlife conservation for elk, mule deer, bison, moose, wild sheep, mountain goats, antelope, chukar, wild turkey and fisheries - including efforts to restore abundant Halibut and Salmon fisheries in Alaska. SFW has state-run chapters in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada, Alaska and most recently, Montana, with sportsmen from Colorado, Nebraska and other states and provinces requesting help in building the wildly successful SFW model in their states soon.
LAST EDITED ON May-10-10 AT 01:42PM (MST)[p]Coincidence that they "searched from Alaska to Arizona" then hired someone who lives 5 blocks from Don?????

Ryan is a good guy, but really?
so the 6 fig that comes from barns bullets this year takes care of his first year salary. how many tags will they take away from us to pay for next years and the following years?


Nets are for fish!!
I wonder how much money this guy gave up in long-term income to go work on this is another question to ask.

He's a Harvard educated lawyer and he used to do patent law and now he'll be working for SFWSFH. I'm willing to bet he took anywhere from 50-75% paycut.
I find it interesting that already some are passing judgement on a very talented and educated Lawyer that has a passion for hunting.
Very generous business owners Randy and Connie Brooks, who love hunting. They have stepped up to the plate, trying to make a difference, for the future of hunting.

Judgements on a group SFW who is trying to make a difference, willing to fight the hard fights. Coordinating and working with other groups, to win this most important battle.

It's surprizing and amazing to see how some sportsmen can criticize others and sportsmen groups, for their passion to protect what we all love to do, hunt.
Is SFW bashing so 'in' now that we bash them even when they are fighting the fight we ALL agree needs to be won?

"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
no kidding huntin100 think outside the bubble boys the issue at hand right now & the biggest dentriment to hunting is wolves. i don;t care where he's from, this guy swings a big political power loop and is the biggest step made to preserving our hunting heritage and ungulate numbers yet. i do hope he can come to mt and give us a hand with these liberal jack knobs up here. i am excited to see big things and hope he does a great job.
I'm sure it a good use of SFW and Conservation Tag money. Hopefully the new guy helps a lot.

Brian Latturner
First of all, THANK YOU to Randy and Coni Brooks for their very generous donation to make this possible. Regardless of what you think of SFW, you have to admire that they're willing to hire an apparantely talented and connected lawyer to begin fighting this problem on a level it has not been fought to date. Anyone who can find fault withe the Brooks' or SFW on this count is part of the problem, as far as I'm concerned.

Regardless of what you think of SFW, they've now taken up the fight, and we all need to support them on this. I, for one, hope they get a couple extra conservation tags and auction them off for a lot of money, if they're going to use it for stuff like this. That will help all hunters and fishermen in the end, and that is what matters.
Talk about hunters eating their own. Got to have lawyers to fight lawyers.
Some of you are trying to find something negative about it.

Sounds like a good move to me.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Great news! Thanks Randy & Coni. Thanks SFW our wildlife needs all the help it can get in this war.
LAST EDITED ON May-11-10 AT 01:24PM (MST)[p]I had the opportunity to meet Ryan and talk with him at the recent meeting hosted by SFW. I also have a close friend who work's at Ryan's former law firm. Ryan is a good guy and an excellent lawyer. I am sure that he will be an asset to SFW-who quite frankly has struggled to effectively address some very obvious issues as it has grown in size and influence. I wish Ryan and SFW the best of luck in the wolf war!

On a side note, perhaps Ryan can help SFW post the information on its webite that they promised nearly two months ago at our meeting.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Thanks to all that are involved in this, thanks to all those that are members as well, this is a good fight and hopefully one we can win. Me and my wife donate each year to help SFW and I dont get anything in return but am glad to be a part of this and other great things that SFW does.

Hawkeye on a side note I recieved by email last week the data you want, so it is out there, if you want I can email them to you.

Great Job SFW.

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