WLH pinched by the fuzz

there really is a comfort to just having basic integrity isn't there. and as you've pointed out in your story its not even that hard a thing to do. even for a 16 year old

I'll admit, I was tempted! I really wanted to shoot a swan that day. But I knew it was wrong and I didn't do it. I'm certainly far from perfect, but I've found life is a lot easier when you are honest and do your best to follow the rules so you don't always have to be looking over your shoulder.

Some prefer to live a different way, and it always seems to catch up to them eventually.
there really is a comfort to just having basic integrity isn't there. and as you've pointed out in your story its not even that hard a thing to do. even for a 16 year old

Thing is, he knows he's being watched.

He has a reputation with DWR.

And he STILL can't control himself.
He knew where he was trespassing, it's Millard County. He's lived there 40+ years.
Well hell, get a rope then Susie. Why do we even have a judicial system anymore when we have you?

Yall don't know one single detail of this. Nothing.

Hell one of the guys attacking claims little birds talk to him.
I have hunted and fished in numerous states for nearly 40 years and have never been accused, cited, or charged with any wildlife violation. Not a single one, not even accused a single time.

I've been checked a bunch of times for licenses, creel surveys, etc., and I've managed to walk away without a criminal record. The closest I think I've come to being accused of wrongdoing by wildlife officers was when I was 16-17 years old out waterfowl hunting. I also had a swan tag in my pocket that year. About 15 minutes before legal shooting light a single swan came flying right directly at us. I sat there and watched it fly directly over my head close enough to feel the air rush by. It could not have been more than 10 feet over us. I could have come close to hitting it with my shotgun. I let it go. After we had finished up a pretty good morning hunt on ducks, but without a swan to show for it, we packed up and hit the trail to walk out. When we got out of cover and onto the tracks there was a DWR officer sitting there waiting for us. He asked if I had a swan tag, I said yes. He asked why I didn't shoot the swan that flew right over our heads (he was watching...we didn't know). I said it was before legal shooting hours, and asked if I did would I have got a ticket. His response is burned into my memory forever. "Oh yes, you'd have got a ticket. But I was shocked you didn't shoot." He thanked my brother and me for following the law and sent us on our way.

Living a life without criminal accusations every couple years really isn't that hard.

Yep. I have zero wildlife convictions myself.

Now try running a company with a couple of dozen employees scattered all over the state that you are trying to answer for. Oh and do it for 4 decades.

Try comparing an apple to an apple and quit being so self-righteous.
Yep. I have zero wildlife convictions myself.

Now try running a company with a couple of dozen employees scattered all over the state that you are trying to answer for. Oh and do it for 4 decades.

Try comparing an apple to an apple and quit being so self-righteous.

Charges were filed against Wade Lemon in Millard County on April 4, 2022 in two separate cases.

WADE was charged. Not random employees.
Wish Juab county would’ve thrown the book at old Wade, like they did for my cousin’s ex mother-inlaw… Dinged her for Public urination and Possesion with intent to distribute just out back of the honey buckets during the Ute Stampede Rodeo.

Bet she was a good time back in the day?

Attorney not near as "unconcerned" at Jericho this weekend for sure.

Course 18 yr old kids don't have their husbands multi million dollar bank accounts backing them
Charges were filed against Wade Lemon in Millard County on April 4, 2022 in two separate cases.

WADE was charged. Not random employees.
I'm not talking about now. Everybody is talking about decades of never getting in trouble with the law. That's what I am talking about.

Quit talking to the birds and keep up.
Sorry I am late. Please continue. I got enough for everyone ???
I'll admit, I was tempted! I really wanted to shoot a swan that day. But I knew it was wrong and I didn't do it. I'm certainly far from perfect, but I've found life is a lot easier when you are honest and do your best to follow the rules so you don't always have to be looking over your shoulder.

Some prefer to live a different way, and it always seems to catch up to them eventually.
EXACTLY! Good post. Temptation is always there! It’s what we do when nobody is looking that makes us who we are, makes our character.
I’ve seen what Wades been able to accomplish with a rag tag bunch of in bred Utah bear Hounds and I think he’d be a big upgrade at replacing Kamala Harris as VP, Let’s get behind these boys and get em on the ballot… Who’s with me.

I wish I was turkey hunting. Instead I am sewing up a quail.
Big game hunts have been closed for roughly 3 months and you’re already working on a quail?? Geez, that tells me all I need to know about your taxidermy quality if you have run out of projects and are scraping by working on a quail already.

Good news is that once you run out of all work in a couple weeks, every fast food place in America will hire anyone that has a beating heart right now. Better news is, you’ll be able to maintain your roundness even better! Win/Win
I remember these kinds of conversations, amongst friends:

Third grade, marble game……

“He fudged….. hey, you fudged!”
“Did not”
“Huh….., ya did!”
“He did, I saw him too.”
“Shut up, snot nose.”
“You’re a jerk!”
“Yer the jerk!”
“You’re always the jerk!”
“Shut you’re fat mouth!”
“You’re the fat one, not me!”
“Ya, well you’re Mom’s an idiot!”
“She’s smarter than your old man!”
“YOU’ER the idiot!”
…to be continued, tune in next week….
Guides should and probably are held to a higher standard since it's a professional license they have to carry.
You must not be very familiar with the guides in utah and Arizona if you believe that. Many times they look the other way when certain guides are involved
I remember these kinds of conversations, amongst friends:

Third grade, marble game……

“He fudged….. hey, you fudged!”
“Did not”
“Huh….., ya did!”
“He did, I saw him too.”
“Shut up, snot nose.”
“You’re a jerk!”
“Yer the jerk!”
“You’re always the jerk!”
“Shut you’re fat mouth!”
“You’re the fat one, not me!”
“Ya, well you’re Mom’s an idiot!”
“She’s smarter than your old man!”
“YOU’ER the idiot!”
…to be continued, tune in next week….
Yes sir, when you have to resort to personal attacks you’ve already lost.
Sad to hear that the recent “Modern day Teddy Roosevelt” award winner for his wildlife conservation and preservation of our hunting heritage would get caught up with anything like this. I’m not going to jump to conclusions until we hear from the cedar city dwr office janitor like the Nebo sheep debacle.

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I find it hard to believe he's guided 2500 people too cougars. Said he started guiding in 1978. 1978 to 2018 is 40 years. That would be 62.5 lions a year!!!!!! If he did, he must be tougher that Boiled Owl Chit!! Just saying.

I don't care about the other stuff. Looks like the possies after him. Bad Boys, Bad Boys what you going to do. What you going to do when MM's possie comes for you.

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I'm pretty sure he is accused of breaking the law.

By the way I know a boat load of hunters that have unintentionally trespassed. That kind of stuff happens. I would think more than likely you have done it if you have truly hunted for a lifetime.
Here’s what I’m speculating happened. Wade is very familiar with the laws in utah regarding trespassing. He knew of a piece of property that isn’t posted “properly” per the utah definition of trespassing and properly posted ground. This piece he was caught on was most likely NOT posted properly, as are most of utah private lands. Most landowners only post what’s visible from a road or access area, and not the stuff on the other side bordering BLM, FS, etc. he got busted once by someone, LEO or land owner and it was documented. He got caught the following year on the same ground and charges were filed after the 2nd offense.

Just like what the flaming douche canoe ginger from MuleyFelon did. Accessed property from a public access point, got to the section where he knew the property was not properly marked on one side of the boundary, Got caught, told to leave. Got caught again on the same ground a year later. Charges were filed on him for trespassing.

Purely speculation, but im suspecting it’s something along those lines.

If you’ve hunted in utah, you’re almost certainly guilty of being on private land that wasn’t marked. Until onX or apps like it, you wouldn’t know any different. It’s all over the place. It’s only trespassing if it’s clearly and properly posted OR you have been stopped and notified by the land owner and told to leave and not come back. Until then, it’s not trespassing, going off the states definition.
Here’s what I’m speculating happened. Wade is very familiar with the laws in utah regarding trespassing. He knew of a piece of property that isn’t posted “properly” per the utah definition of trespassing and properly posted ground. This piece he was caught on was most likely NOT posted properly, as are most of utah private lands. Most landowners only post what’s visible from a road or access area, and not the stuff on the other side bordering BLM, FS, etc. he got busted once by someone, LEO or land owner and it was documented. He got caught the following year on the same ground and charges were filed after the 2nd offense.

Just like what the flaming douche canoe ginger from MuleyFelon did. Accessed property from a public access point, got to the section where he knew the property was not properly marked on one side of the boundary, Got caught, told to leave. Got caught again on the same ground a year later. Charges were filed on him for trespassing.

Purely speculation, but im suspecting it’s something along those lines.

If you’ve hunted in utah, you’re almost certainly guilty of being on private land that wasn’t marked. Until onX or apps like it, you wouldn’t know any different. It’s all over the place. It’s only trespassing if it’s clearly and properly posted OR you have been stopped and notified by the land owner and told to leave and not come back. Until then, it’s not trespassing, going off the states definition.

So you think Wade tried to exploit a grey area?

He's got no history of that??????
Can't speak to any of this but my daughter drew a CWMU antelope permit for her first Utah hunt. Wade let us hunt before his 2 paying customers came in. Then he invited us over for lunch with the family. Treated us first class. Her buck is still the largest ever taken off that CWMU.
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Can't speak to any of this but my daughter drew a CWMU antelope permit for her first Utah hunt. Let us hunt before his 2 paying customers came in. Then he invited us over for lunch with the family. Treated us first class. Her buck is still the largest ever taken off that CWMU.

Share the name.

Good folks deserve recognition
He wouldn’t be the first guy that’s set foot on private land that is legal to set foot on…… in his mind.

So……. I’m speculating and I know that’s dangerous…… I’m speculating he knows the specifics of the law, the fine print, so to speak, he’ll most likely claim it wasn’t posted according to the specifics of the law. The DA will claim it was. Someone will sort it out. Won’t speculate who the someone is or who the someone will side with. Regardless, this isn’t Mr. L’s first cougar hunt…. Neither is it the DA’s first day trip.

A lot folks all play the game…….. close to the edge.

A friend’s highly regarded father in law played the game so close to the edge, for so long, he no longer could tell when he was a quarter inch over the line or a quarter inch behind it. He was always found behind the line, until one day……. when he was in his seventies he was found, by a jury, guilty as charge. At 71, he spent 18 months behind bars and lost his law license. To the day he died, he claimed he never crossed the line. He did, he just couldn’t tell where the line was anymore. Too many times he got to close to tell, for sure.

No, I’m not saying Mr. L is guilty or innocent but I am saying he “seems” to be working pretty close to the line. Don’t seem like a place you should stay. But that’s someone else’s responsibility to decide, not mine. Not my pay grade, so to speak.

So…….. I played marbles with the rest of you…… again.
Can't speak to any of this but my daughter drew a CWMU antelope permit for her first Utah hunt. Wade let us hunt before his 2 paying customers came in. Then he invited us over for lunch with the family. Treated us first class. Her buck is still the largest ever taken off that CWMU.

I not sure anyone here is saying he's a unfriendly guy. The thread is about his illegal doings.
He wouldn’t be the first guy that’s set foot on private land that is legal to set foot on…… in his mind.

So……. I’m speculating and I know that’s dangerous…… I’m speculating he knows the specifics of the law, the fine print, so to speak, he’ll most likely claim it wasn’t posted according to the specifics of the law. The DA will claim it was. Someone will sort it out. Won’t speculate who the someone is or who the someone will side with. Regardless, this isn’t Mr. L’s first cougar hunt…. Neither is it the DA’s first day trip.

A lot folks all play the game…….. close to the edge.

A friend’s highly regarded father in law played the game so close to the edge, for so long, he no longer could tell when he was a quarter inch over the line or a quarter inch behind it. He was always found behind the line, until one day……. when he was in his seventies he was found, by a jury, guilty as charge. At 71, he spent 18 months behind bars and lost his law license. To the day he died, he claimed he never crossed the line. He did, he just couldn’t tell where the line was anymore. Too many times he got to close to tell, for sure.

No, I’m not saying Mr. L is guilty or innocent but I am saying he “seems” to be working pretty close to the line. Don’t seem like a place you should stay. But that’s someone else’s responsibility to decide, not mine. Not my pay grade, so to speak.

So…….. I played marbles with the rest of you…… again.

Well said lumpy!
He wouldn’t be the first guy that’s set foot on private land that is legal to set foot on…… in his mind.

So……. I’m speculating and I know that’s dangerous…… I’m speculating he knows the specifics of the law, the fine print, so to speak, he’ll most likely claim it wasn’t posted according to the specifics of the law. The DA will claim it was. Someone will sort it out. Won’t speculate who the someone is or who the someone will side with. Regardless, this isn’t Mr. L’s first cougar hunt…. Neither is it the DA’s first day trip.

A lot folks all play the game…….. close to the edge.

A friend’s highly regarded father in law played the game so close to the edge, for so long, he no longer could tell when he was a quarter inch over the line or a quarter inch behind it. He was always found behind the line, until one day……. when he was in his seventies he was found, by a jury, guilty as charge. At 71, he spent 18 months behind bars and lost his law license. To the day he died, he claimed he never crossed the line. He did, he just couldn’t tell where the line was anymore. Too many times he got to close to tell, for sure.

No, I’m not saying Mr. L is guilty or innocent but I am saying he “seems” to be working pretty close to the line. Don’t seem like a place you should stay. But that’s someone else’s responsibility to decide, not mine. Not my pay grade, so to speak.

So…….. I played marbles with the rest of you…… again.

What's marbles?????
"Pat" is the county attorney, genius.

That wasn't the pic you posted? Post the one you did so we can be sure?????

How far out you want to get dragged?
yep and he lives four blocks from me which is about as far away as you can get from someone in this town. He's also my son's little league soccer coach.:)
How is asking one of just a few people in the entire world that can add something of substance here dodging?

Says the guy that has made the most posts on this thread. Thanks for saying you offer nothing of substance. Not that any of us needed you to say it to know it.

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