WLH pinched by the fuzz


Long Time Member
Charges were filed against Wade Lemon in Millard County on April 4, 2022 in two separate cases. Both are "Trespassing During a Wildlife Related Activity" under 23-20-14. One offense was from January of 2021 and the other is 2/25/22. Both filed the same day in Millard County, both class B misdemeanors.

Case numbers:

Is there anyone in here, say, maybe from Texas, who is "good friends" with WLH that might shed some light?
Did tri just admit he doesn't have an answer?

And they say we are not living in a day of miracles...

I've never claimed to have answers to yalls witch hunts. I've just always claimed yall didn't know anything worth convicting someone. Just like now.

We're one of yall there when this alleged misdemeanor took place? If so fill me in. If not then all you can do is gossip.
I haven’t commented about this situation at all. But I do remember the situation where you tried to convince your fake attorney friends told you at a dinner that didn’t happen that I was wrong and you argued for weeks that was the case.

Until the dirt bag was convicted. You’d do well to talk less and listen more on issues you don’t understand.
I haven’t commented about this situation at all. But I do remember the situation where you tried to convince your fake attorney friends told you at a dinner that didn’t happen that I was wrong and you argued for weeks that was the case.

Until the dirt bag was convicted. You’d do well to talk less and listen more on issues you don’t understand.
And you'd do well not to tell lies to the person that knows the truth.

Do you even remember what my "fake attorney friends" told me?????? Do you really want to smear that egg on your face again?
Sad to hear that the recent “Modern day Teddy Roosevelt” award winner for his wildlife conservation and preservation of our hunting heritage would get caught up with anything like this. I’m not going to jump to conclusions until we hear from the cedar city dwr office janitor like the Nebo sheep debacle.


"Sad to hear that the recent “Modern day Teddy Roosevelt” award winner for his wildlife conservation and preservation of our hunting heritage would get caught up with anything like this. "

Like what?
The Utah Wildlife Code 23-20-14 states that "While taking wildlife or engaging in wildlife related activities, a person may not: (1) without permission of the owner or person in charge, enter upon privately-owned land of any person, firm or corporation., (2) refuse to immediately leave the private land if requested, or (3) obstruct any entrance or exit to private property
Non of us are Wades "good friend"

I know if my "good friend" was being smeared on this forum, I'd step up for him.

I'm just a knucklehead. Your in tight.

I already stepped up. You don't know anything about this just like you didn't know anything about all the other stories yall have acted so offended about.
I already stepped up. You don't know anything about this just like you didn't know anything about all the other stories yall have acted so offended about.

He, Wade Lemon, is charged with a crime....fact. What else is there to know? I guess we still have to wait and see what evidence the state has against him. I wonder if the janitor excuse will work again. Time will tell...

Another fact for you. WLH and client killed a sheep in a closed area. Just because he was never charged doesn't mean it wasnt illegal.....fact. For a guy who's been outfitting since the 1970s he knew exactly what he was doing hunting that sheep/unit.
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He is charged with a crime....fact. What else is there to know? I guess we still have to what and see what evidence the state has against him. I wonder if the janitor excuse will work again. Time will tell...

Another fact for you. WLH and client killed a sheep in a closed area. Just because he was never charged doesn't mean it wasnt illegal.....fact. For a guy who's been outfitting since the 1970s he knew exactly what he was doing hunting that sheep/unit.

The state of Utah took responsibility publicly for the sheep killing. THAT IS THE FACT.

As for what else there is to know, I'm pretty sure that was my question and nobody here knows anything. Just like all the other times.
The state of Utah took responsibility publicly for the sheep killing. THAT IS THE FACT.

As for what else there is to know, I'm pretty sure that was my question and nobody here knows anything. Just like all the other times.

Of course, you're sidestepping as usual. Again, no matter what the state took responsibility for the sheep was killed illegally in a closed unit.....fact. The state obviously knew they couldn't convict so they never charged.....fact. It happens all the time in our criminal justice system.
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I'm sure you hear this alot so it should come as no suprise.....you're an idiot. I belive the smog from being a city boy has made you dumb...er.

It never fails to amaze me how emotionally attached someone can become to a bullspit narrative about an animal and people they have zero attachment to and cost them nothing.
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And you'd do well not to tell lies to the person that knows the truth.

Do you even remember what my "fake attorney friends" told me?????? Do you really want to smear that egg on your face again?

Yes, let’s do it Bilbo Baggins!

There has never been egg on my face on this issue. I remember very well how that conversation went. I’ve forgotten more about this topic in the last 30 minutes than you’ll ever know, because you’re too ignorant to just listen.
It’s a weird feeling people with morals and ethics get. Too bad it’s not contagious and you could catch it.


Says a guy gossiping on an internet sight?

I am doubting from your behavior, you understand anything about morals and ethics.
Yes, let’s do it Bilbo Baggins!

There has never been egg on my face on this issue. I remember very well how that conversation went. I’ve forgotten more about this topic in the last 30 minutes than you’ll ever know, because you’re too ignorant to just listen.

I sure notice you're still talking trash instead of quoting me.

You're dodging. You can't remember

That's what I thought boy.

Says a guy gossiping on an internet sight?

I am doubting from your behavior, you understand anything about morals and ethics.
I didn’t post the original link nor did I comment on your Blaaamm history. You should learn to read.
I didn’t post the original link nor did I comment on your Blaaamm history. You should learn to read.

I'm sorry. You are so right. You are the really moral person that went straight to name calling and belittling people.

I can't believe I didn't recognize your superiority over the gossip crowd.?‍♂️
The state of Utah took responsibility publicly for the sheep killing. THAT IS THE FACT.

As for what else there is to know, I'm pretty sure that was my question and nobody here knows anything. Just like all the other times.

I knew this, months ago.

I'm not alone. Lots of little birdies chirping.

Makes you wonder, maybe I know more?

Time will tell.
"Makes you wonder, maybe I know more?

Time will tell."

Actually I don't wonder. Your a gossip queen. Just like all the other times. You don't know anything.
"Makes you wonder, maybe I know more?

Time will tell."

Actually I don't wonder. Your a gossip queen.

Not a single word of untruth was posted.

Feel free to call the Millard county attorney.

You'd think after I crushed your BLAAAMMM
post by actually talking to the FISHERIES biologist in Price, you'd of learned to shut up.

Here's a hint. Best shut up.

Birdies are chirping real loud.
Not a single word of untruth was posted.

Feel free to call the Millard county attorney.

You'd think after I crushed your BLAAAMMM
post by actually talking to the FISHERIES biologist in Price, you'd of learned to shut up.

Here's a hint. Best shut up.

Birdies are chirping real loud.


You literally haven't posted anything true?

The fish biologist in Price??????? Care to share his name? Care to quote him?

I bet you have the county attorney on speed dial right? He probably calls you up for advice on this case, right?


I believe you think birds are talking to you.

Hossblur, you really need help. Talk to a Dr please.

You literally haven't posted anything true?

The fish biologist in Price??????? Care to share his name? Care to quote him?

I bet you have the county attorney on speed dial right? He probably calls you up for advice on this case, right?


I believe you think birds are talking to you.

Hossblur, you really need help. Talk to a Dr please.

Don't worry. I kept a copy of that pic you took down

Patrick S. Finlinson
765 S Highway 99, Suite 3
Fillmore, UT 84631
Phone: 435-743-6522
Fax: 435-743-6923

Are you really wanting to get drug into the deep end, AGAIN?

Your 9 days behind, the filling alone

Imagine how far you are behind the actions and the investigation.

Call your "good friend", I'm sure he's on your speed dial. He might need a hug

Don't worry. I kept a copy of that pic you took down

Patrick S. Finlinson
765 S Highway 99, Suite 3
Fillmore, UT 84631
Phone: 435-743-6522
Fax: 435-743-6923

Are you really wanting to get drug into the deep end, AGAIN?

Your 9 days behind, the filling alone

Imagine how far you are behind the actions and the investigation.

Call your "good friend", I'm sure he's on your speed dial. He might need a hug

View attachment 74038

So what's Pat's quote? Post it up.

By the way that isn't the pic I posted. Nice try.

Anything else you want to make up?

How does someone get nine days behind a "filling"?

As for imagining an investigation, I don't. I'm not a soulless hack hoping to get satisfaction out of daydreaming about other people's business.
"Pat" is the county attorney, genius.

That wasn't the pic you posted? Post the one you did so we can be sure?????

How far out you want to get dragged?
You’re innocent until proven guilty unless you’re O.J. Simpson, and a jury found him Not Guilty, doesn’t mean he’s innocent.
Sad to hear that the recent “Modern day Teddy Roosevelt” award winner for his wildlife conservation and preservation of our hunting heritage would get caught up with anything like this. I’m not going to jump to conclusions until we hear from the cedar city dwr office janitor like the Nebo sheep debacle.

View attachment 73996

View attachment 73997

WLH couldn't pack TR's jock strap.
WL is a taker. plain and simple. He's never given anything back to wildlife in his life.
"Pat" is the county attorney, genius.

That wasn't the pic you posted? Post the one you did so we can be sure?????

How far out you want to get dragged?

Then get ol Pat on here. He can tell us all about birds chirping and dragings.

I guess you didn't want to "drag" out the mystical Price fish man??????

Hossblur, how many times now have you tried to pleasure yourself to this type of stupid hate porn now? And damn near everytime nothing happens the way you and your imaginary birds say it will.
Sometimes your Guilty, but the DWR doesn't want the bad PR of charging the gov tag buyer with poaching.

Really??? Do you have a bad idea bag you can't keep from reaching into?

You think the state only had 2 choices???? Charge someone? Don't charge someone??????

Your forgot the third choice which is what the DWR picked. You know, the DWR. The guys who don't get their info from little chirping birds.???
Really??? Do you have a bad idea bag you can't keep from reaching into?

You think the state only had 2 choices???? Charge someone? Don't charge someone??????

Your forgot the third choice which is what the DWR picked. You know, the DWR. The guys who don't get their info from little chirping birds.???


DWR doesn't CHARGE anyone for anything.

The Juab county Attorney didn't bring charges. Mostly, because we're a smaller rural county, and the Waldrips are gazillionaires.
Wade donating a coues or lion hunt every now and then isn't really helping, considering how much his outfit takes from the state of Utah every year. He must be struggling since he applied for and got $500k+ in PPP money. He's been doing shady things for a long time.

Come on!!!

We all know that hunting practically disappeared during Covid, that was tough times???

DWR doesn't CHARGE anyone for anything.

The Juab county Attorney didn't bring charges. Mostly, because we're a smaller rural county, and the Waldrips are gazillionaires.

I didn't say the DWR did charge anyone.

Do you know how to read?

You still talking to birds. DARE to say no to drugs little fella.
I didn't say the DWR did charge anyone.

Do you know how to read?

You still talking to birds. DARE to say no to drugs little fella.

"You think the state only had 2 choices???? Charge someone? Don't charge someone??????

Your forgot the third choice which is what the DWR picked."

It makes me laugh.

The majority, if not all of the dudes who go after WLH, came around after the Nebo sheep illegal killing.

Want a laugh, go back and read that. Rumors of a new state record. No one knew much, just conjecture on who, and where.

Then, Tri, in his rush to be "the man" published the infamous BLAAAMMM pic. Funny thing, that pic, was what identified, for the public, it was a closed unit.

Imagine being WLH. You just pulled off a 6 figure paydays. You "got over " on the DWR. No one knew anything, then some dude you guided years ago, steps in and screws you.

Fast forward. Some internet "anti hunter", gets tipped off months ago that WLH is going to have charges brought. Same anti, waits, and after charges are filed, posts it.

Now, instead of a fine, and a quiet wrist slap, it's become news, which will make it hard for the DA to let it go.

NONE of this, would be possible, without the help of a Texas Taxidermist making WLH famous, and directing a lot of unwanted attention their way.

Funnier yet, that same guy, in Texas, thinks he "helping" yet again.

Only one shoe dropped. A thinker might say, "is more coming"? Tri, obviously don't think much????.

Everyone "needs" friends like that.
"The majority, if not all of the dudes who go after WLH,"

This is the most profound statement so far on this thread.

The dudes that go after WLH????????

Its sad that this statement doesn't sound like crazy talk to anyone that reads it.

Its sad that you aren't ashamed for saying it publicly.

And the rest of your post was BS

Serious question.

You're damn good at your job. Not some hack. No hidden meaning.

How much does a successful business, usually budget for criminal defense Attorney?

I budget none. How about you?

Serious question.

You're damn good at your job. Not some hack. No hidden meaning.

How much does a successful business, usually budget for criminal defense Attorney?

I budget none. How about you?
It varies with the business. Some businesses have entire legal defense teams built into their company.

My business has an emergency fund which if needed I could allocate to a criminal defense attorney.
Agreed, many companies have lawyers on retainer. When I was working I had the backing of lawyers and an insurance “umbrella” policy to cover me in case of a lawsuit.
"The majority, if not all of the dudes who go after WLH,"

This is the most profound statement so far on this thread.

The dudes that go after WLH????????

Its sad that this statement doesn't sound like crazy talk to anyone that reads it.

Its sad that you aren't ashamed for saying it publicly.

And the rest of your post was BS
Not so sad because it's true. The people that live in utah that have to deal with his company doing whatever they want and getting away with it has gotten old, long ago. Every year there's numerous actions that come to light about wlh trying to beat the system to stay top dog. Bait was taken away, look at the season they had compared to previous years. Now thermals, cameras and not being able to have a bunch of spotters for each "hunter" are out the door too. I'm anxious to see how they do without all that stuff.
Not so sad because it's true. The people that live in utah that have to deal with his company doing whatever they want and getting away with it has gotten old, long ago. Every year there's numerous actions that come to light about wlh trying to beat the system to stay top dog. Bait was taken away, look at the season they had compared to previous years. Now thermals, cameras and not being able to have a bunch of spotters for each "hunter" are out the door too. I'm anxious to see how they do without all that stuff.
Actions that come to light????????

You mean childish gossip.

I think they'll be okay. The company existed before that "stuff".

"doing whatever they want":rolleyes:

SO dramatic.
Actions that come to light????????

You mean childish gossip.

I think they'll be okay. The company existed before that "stuff".

"doing whatever they want":rolleyes:

SO dramatic.
Nothing lasts forever. It'll get sunk faster when wades not around and kalan takes over.
Wade held your hand and got you a big buck years ago, you feel the need to defend them. If you hadn't given him money, he wouldn't care anything about you. He probably doesn't anyway.
Nothing lasts forever. It'll get sunk faster when wades not around and kalan takes over.
Wade held your hand and got you a big buck years ago, you feel the need to defend them. If you hadn't given him money, he wouldn't care anything about you. He probably doesn't anyway.
I knew Wade long before I killed that buck.

I feel the need to defend any person that is lynched on the internet. Even people like you that may not deserve it.
its funny seeing these threads/stories about these "super hunters" "icons" "top guides" getting jammed up with the law. ive hunted my whole life, never been indited, accused or investigated for a thing, so i know its possible. WTF is these guys problem?
No problem. The price of having a large company in a highly regulated industry.
I knew Wade long before I killed that buck.

I feel the need to defend any person that is lynched on the internet. Even people like you that may not deserve it.
If I did half the shady things wlh did/does, I'd deserve to be lynched. I wouldn't want you helping me anyway. Thanks though.
is breaking the law? you sure?
I'm pretty sure he is accused of breaking the law.

By the way I know a boat load of hunters that have unintentionally trespassed. That kind of stuff happens. I would think more than likely you have done it if you have truly hunted for a lifetime.
Agreed, many companies have lawyers on retainer. When I was working I had the backing of lawyers and an insurance “umbrella” policy to cover me in case of a lawsuit.

I'll have to look, but I doubt highly my liability ins includes providing lawyers to represent me in criminal court.
Nothing lasts forever. It'll get sunk faster when wades not around and kalan takes over.
Wade held your hand and got you a big buck years ago, you feel the need to defend them. If you hadn't given him money, he wouldn't care anything about you. He probably doesn't anyway.

I'm betting otherwise.

Tri caused him a lot of problems.

I'm sure he cares, just not how Tri thinks he does
I'm pretty sure he is accused of breaking the law.

By the way I know a boat load of hunters that have unintentionally trespassed. That kind of stuff happens. I would think more than likely you have done it if you have truly hunted for a lifetime.


It's the guides JOB to know boundaries.

Not same as Joe average.
its funny seeing these threads/stories about these "super hunters" "icons" "top guides" getting jammed up with the law. ive hunted my whole life, never been indited, accused or investigated for a thing, so i know its possible. WTF is these guys problem?

I have hunted and fished in numerous states for nearly 40 years and have never been accused, cited, or charged with any wildlife violation. Not a single one, not even accused a single time.

I've been checked a bunch of times for licenses, creel surveys, etc., and I've managed to walk away without a criminal record. The closest I think I've come to being accused of wrongdoing by wildlife officers was when I was 16-17 years old out waterfowl hunting. I also had a swan tag in my pocket that year. About 15 minutes before legal shooting light a single swan came flying right directly at us. I sat there and watched it fly directly over my head close enough to feel the air rush by. It could not have been more than 10 feet over us. I could have come close to hitting it with my shotgun. I let it go. After we had finished up a pretty good morning hunt on ducks, but without a swan to show for it, we packed up and hit the trail to walk out. When we got out of cover and onto the tracks there was a DWR officer sitting there waiting for us. He asked if I had a swan tag, I said yes. He asked why I didn't shoot the swan that flew right over our heads (he was watching...we didn't know). I said it was before legal shooting hours, and asked if I did would I have got a ticket. His response is burned into my memory forever. "Oh yes, you'd have got a ticket. But I was shocked you didn't shoot." He thanked my brother and me for following the law and sent us on our way.

Living a life without criminal accusations every couple years really isn't that hard.
I have hunted and fished in numerous states for nearly 40 years and have never been accused, cited, or charged with any wildlife violation. Not a single one, not even accused a single time.

I've been checked a bunch of times for licenses, creel surveys, etc., and I've managed to walk away without a criminal record. The closest I think I've come to being accused of wrongdoing by wildlife officers was when I was 16-17 years old out waterfowl hunting. I also had a swan tag in my pocket that year. About 15 minutes before legal shooting light a single swan came flying right directly at us. I sat there and watched it fly directly over my head close enough to feel the air rush by. It could not have been more than 10 feet over us. I could have come close to hitting it with my shotgun. I let it go. After we had finished up a pretty good morning hunt on ducks, but without a swan to show for it, we packed up and hit the trail to walk out. When we got out of cover and onto the tracks there was a DWR officer sitting there waiting for us. He asked if I had a swan tag, I said yes. He asked why I didn't shoot the swan that flew right over our heads (he was watching...we didn't know). I said it was before legal shooting hours, and asked if I did would I have got a ticket. His response is burned into my memory forever. "Oh yes, you'd have got a ticket. But I was shocked you didn't shoot." He thanked my brother and me for following the law and sent us on our way.

Living a life without criminal accusations every couple years really isn't that hard.
there really is a comfort to just having basic integrity isn't there. and as you've pointed out in your story its not even that hard a thing to do. even for a 16 year old

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