
Long Time Member
I'm Sure You Can Find Ever What You Wanna See & Believe If You Look Long Enough!

Looks Like Pulling Trailers Might Take A Little More Time If You're Traveling Very Far?

Kinda Funny How The Older Diesel Pick-Ups When In Tune Could Get Way Better Mileage Pulling Than They Do Now!

The Energy Savers Screaming We've Gotta Conserve,Right?

I Think I'd Lean Towards The Ford POWERBOOST or Something Similar!

With A Little Wiring You Could Run Most of Your House If You Lost Power Supply To Your House!

Another Nice Thing About The POWERBOOST Is How Quiet Professional Road-Hunters Can Sneak Around In It at Slow Speeds!:D

I Think I'd Lean Towards The Ford POWERBOOST or Something Similar!

With A Little Wiring You Could Run Most of Your House If You Lost Power Supply To Your House!

Another Nice Thing About The POWERBOOST Is How Quiet Professional Road-Hunters Can Sneak Around In It at Slow Speeds!:D

There used to be a guy out of grand junction, he had some filming/guiding business called Bears Ears Production… He would run around on elk ridge with the early version of electric golf cart… He was a pioneer of quiet road hunting….
They are gonna have to quadruple the range of EV trucks before they will be practical universally. Imagine towing a travel trailer with an EV out in the back country. No chance today.

Not to mention their issues with cold weather!

Of course, half of trucks sold today are seldom used for their larger intended purpose (city trucks for the cool of it).
This Keeps Popping Up In My Mind:

Ev's are not going away because people want them. and if you commute back and forth to work withing their range they make perfect sense for millions of people.

But using them for towing makes about as much sense as a 4 wheeler for a school bus. they simply don't work for it and I doubt they ever will. but that doesn't mean the technology is worthless or it's going away.

They'll never work for what I do and where I live but for those who can use them knock yourself out, it just makes oil cheaper for me.
Ev's are not going away because people want them. and if you commute back and forth to work withing their range they make perfect sense for millions of people.

But using them for towing makes about as much sense as a 4 wheeler for a school bus. they simply don't work for it and I doubt they ever will. but that doesn't mean the technology is worthless or it's going away.

They'll never work for what I do and where I live but for those who can use them knock yourself out, it just makes oil cheaper for me.
They don't work in super cold climates also. In some places the battery is used to run a heater to keep it serviceable.
I imagine battery technology will overcome that, look how much batteries have improved just in the last 15 years. we're still in the kitty hawk stages of development.

Biggest problem I see is they take electricity, nobody seems to acknowledge our production and grid are not up to the task. but with new nuclear plants and grid upgrades it could be a win win for everyone. we'll see if that happens.
This Keeps Popping Up In My Mind:

View attachment 134722

When a Tesla breaks down, they call a Ford


I still foresee someday I'll own an electric vehicle in addition to an ICE pickup. Probably 90% of my driving is around town or close enough I wouldn't need to recharge on the road. There is value and benefit to EV in maintenance, power, comfort, running cost, etc...

I don't know that the technology will ever work for pulling a fifth wheel 800 miles to camp and hunt for a week, but for driving around town or the occasional trip to SLC, they're great.
I haven't priced it, but I heard insurance is quite a bit more expensive for an EV than a ICE. A slight damage to the battery and it's totaled.
I imagine battery technology will overcome that, look how much batteries have improved just in the last 15 years. we're still in the kitty hawk stages of development.

Biggest problem I see is they take electricity, nobody seems to acknowledge our production and grid are not up to the task. but with new nuclear plants and grid upgrades it could be a win win for everyone. we'll see if that happens.
Like a lot of things they have their place and purpose. They are NOT the solution for everyone or everything. Son had an internship with Tesla in Fremont a year and a half ago. Guess what they hauled the Teslas with??

Long nose Peterbilts.
How Bout Saving Energy@ 2.5 MPG?

No Doubt HEAVY Loads!

But 2.5 MPG?

Might As Well Buy You A Semi!

But Semi's Have The Same Kinda BS On Them As Pick-Ups!

You'd Be Wishing They Had Even Bigger Fuel Tanks at 2.5 MPG!

Biggest problem I see is they take electricity, nobody seems to acknowledge our production and grid are not up to the task. but with new nuclear plants and grid upgrades it could be a win win for everyone. we'll see if that happens.
Tog you are right about the grid not supply enough power to charge the EVs. That is a big problem here in CA. during peak hours. The big problem with that is our radical enviros are dead set on getting rid of nuclear power plants and even dams that supply hydro electric power. Wind mills and solar will not keep up with the demand for electric power. The idiots put the cart before the horse on clean electric power.
I also read where Ford and General Motors are shutting down on making EV's as they can not sell them. Hertz is selling off their rental EVs as no one wants to rent them.
GE locomotives have been towing with electric motors for decades. The power is supplied by on-board diesel generators. So we know that the capability is not the issue, its developing a power plant that can supply sufficient electricity for an acceptable amount of time. -----SS
The grid may be a problem, but so are the recharging stations. Each EV have their own proprietary plugs and I’m not sure how compatible Tesla are with the other makes. If you need a charge for Tesla, I think you have to find one of theirs. I put a few chargers at businesses and they had to have adapters to make the charge work for different cars. With gasoline, we only have one way to fill a car and that works at every gas station. We don’t have to pull out a different filler to complete the task. We already have a universal, three prong plug in most places, why not come up with EV cars that take those since you have a few already in the house or most places you go? It seems like it would be more convenient.
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My sister put diesel in her toyota…….I can’t wait to see what she does with a pile of adapters.

Ferd made our stealership put in a charging station before they would send them anymore cars. I’ve never seen anyone use it.
Ferd made our stealership put in a charging station before they would send them anymore cars. I’ve never seen anyone use it.
Ford split their EV division from ICE vehicles and the dealerships got to choose whether they carried the Electric line or not. Those that wanted to sell EV (just over 50% of dealers) had to make certain improvements, one of which was a fast charger. Now 86% of Americans live within 20 miles of a Ford dealership with a fast charger, but it was the individual dealers choice.
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Each EV have their own proprietary plugs and I’m not sure how compatible Tesla are with the other makes. If you need a charge for Tesla, I think you have to find one of theirs.
Tesla vehicles (NACS plug) have adapters to charge at CCS stations (the common plug used by everybody else). Now many of the manufacturers (Ford and GM, among others) have signed agreements to allow their vehicles to also charge on Tesla's network. There are 19,000 Tesla chargers compared to 10,000 non-Tesla chargers.

NACS is smaller and lighter, but CCS has more juice.

It's a bit of a race to see which plug wins, kind of like BluRay vs HD-DVD of yesteryear.

Right now, it looks like NACS will be the ongoing standard plug.
Ford split their EV division from ICE vehicles and the dealerships got to choose whether they carried the Electric line or not. Those that wanted to sell EV (just over 50%) had to make certain improvements, one of which was a fast charger. Now 86% of Americans live within 20 miles of a Ford dealership with a fast charger, but it was the individual dealers choice.
yeah, but why does it seem that “progress” always comes at the end of a gun?

I sat in meetings with grant writers who were literally giddy at the excercise of dreaming about where to put the charging stations so that the EV people could get from Abq to SLC and make tourism great again.

EV’s are a dumb business for our goobermint to be in, and would be a colossal failure were it not for the subsidies. Or you could say are a colossal failure.

And I’m pretty sure ford feeds at the same subsidy trough.

But by God, Elon got to ship one into space in the worst possible example of subsidized billionaire vanity.
I read somewhere that a fast charger pulls enough power to supply 35 average homes.

The first order of business is to destroy the fossil fuel industry. We'll worry about the rest of it later. We gotta get this climate under control.
I read somewhere that a fast charger pulls enough power to supply 35 average homes.
Charging speed and draw is really just a math equation. A battery can hold a certain amount of power, it can either get that power slowly or quickly... but it's still the same amount of power as the battery can hold.

I'm running 50A breakers to locations in my garage for future chargers in case I ever want an EV because it takes literally days to charge a car off a normal 120v plug (that's why the idea of hooking your EV truck up to a Honda 2200 generator while camping doesn't really work).

The new controllers are smart enough to time the charge during off-peak hours when power is cheaper too.

I could foresee a day when we have an EV, my wife really likes the Mustang Mach-E, but the technology just isn't there yet for how we use our vehicles. For much of the country that live on the coasts, that day is today.
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Ya- it's been the better part of two decades and still the EV biz requires massive subsidies to stay afloat.
And the true cost of the industrial waste stream won’t be known for decades.

The hole we dug to get the unobtainium for the super-duper magnets will be there forever. And that’s the clean part.

And careful wishing for that nukular stuff. We spent a fortune cleaning those places up enough that it could be contained safely under a pile of government paperwork behind a chainlink fence.
And it doesn’t take a kindergarten degree to see the environmental mess they make mining precious metals
Ain't seen nothing yet- wait till China decides to further clamp down on rare earth metals used in those EVs. States like Wyoming will be high on the list for massive mining...
I would be interested in an electric motorcycle. I know cars are more practical in the weather, but a motorcycle looks like more fun. I watched a few videos in the past and like what I see. It kind of seems to me the battery could be more user friendly. If they made a battery in the shape of the fuel tank or another removable part, then you can carry a fully charged one in the backpack and have others on the charger ready to go at work or home since they’re quick and easy to change, kind of like the new heavy duty battery powered tools.
Hey grizzly?

They Gonna Let You Have A 400-500 AMP Panel Box?

Charging speed and draw is really just a math equation. A battery can hold a certain amount of power, it can either get that power slowly or quickly... but it's still the same amount of power as the battery can hold.

I'm running 50A breakers to locations in my garage for future chargers in case I ever want an EV because it takes literally days to charge a car off a normal 120v plug (that's why the idea of hooking your EV truck up to a Honda 2200 generator while camping doesn't really work).

The new controllers are smart enough to time the charge during off-peak hours when power is cheaper too.

I could foresee a day when we have an EV, my wife really likes the Mustang Mach-E, but the technology just isn't there yet for how we use our vehicles. For much of the country that live on the coasts, that day is today.
Why does it take 30 weeks Grizz- all red tape or some other labor/product supply issue?
Idk. Just supply shortages on higher amp components. The electrician said he's been waiting a year for a 1000A panel for a commercial project.

They said it used to be hard to get 400A but they're caught up on those so it's just 600A+ that are delayed
You are running 600 amps to your house, or a business? I know the power company told a business owner over here that they will not supply any more to the business because the grid can not handle it. Not sure how true that is.
I’m sitting in a house wired with all kinds of useless phone lines and coax. This EV wiring gives me the same vibe.

My RV plug sounds very contemporary though.

Shut up!!

I just got rid of my landline last year.

It was important for the car warranty people to be able to reach me!!
They keep adding stuff and complain that there is no "Affordable" housing!


They would never allow a 800ft house with a single bath, single ply windows, 15 yr shingles, 60% efficient furnace and a swamp cooler like the ones the boomers bought.

Government always helping folks out

They would never allow a 800ft house with a single bath, single ply windows, 15 yr shingles, 60% efficient furnace and a swamp cooler like the ones the boomers bought.

Government always helping folks out
We had our current house built for $24,000 back in 1975. 2 bedroom 2 bath 1100 sq. ft. (11% interest rate, btw). Inflation has skyrocketed of course, but all the government required stuff, I bet $24,000 would just barely cover the permits and required "up grades" today. Affordable housing is just a pipe dream.

$24K is now a decent down payment on a Cybertruck.
Don’t you love how the EC charger plugs look like a gas pump nozzle!
It’s like the EV engineer wanted to pretend they were still filling up at the gas station.
Plus, with an EV vehicle you have no reason to go to gas station to buy a white Monster and flirt with cute girl filling her convertible.
There's a moratorium on new construction in parts of northern CA because of the electricity shortage. Too many people up here running grow houses? My friend pays over $1000/month for his little house. He lives there alone too.
I Read A Story Where A Guy Pulling A Trailer Drained The Batteries Quicker Than Expected!

Had To Un-Hook & Park The Trailer!

Hooked Up To That E-Nozzle!

Got A Room For The Night!

Got Up The Next Morning & The POS E-Nozzle Had So Much Wear & Slop It Didn't Make Connection Too Long After He Plugged It In!

He Still Wasn't Going Anywhere & He Was TICKED!

Don’t you love how the EC charger plugs look like a gas pump nozzle!
It’s like the EV engineer wanted to pretend they were still filling up at the gas station.
Plus, with an EV vehicle you have no reason to go to gas station to buy a white Monster and flirt with cute girl filling her convertible.
I Read A Story Where A Guy Pulling A Trailer Drained The Batteries Quicker Than Expected!

Had To Un-Hook & Park The Trailer!

Hooked Up To That E-Nozzle!

Got A Room For The Night!

Got Up The Next Morning & The POS E-Nozzle Had So Much Wear & Slop It Didn't Make Connection Too Long After He Plugged It In!

He Still Wasn't Going Anywhere & He Was TICKED!
I've heard stories about that too. People having a hard time finding a plugin that works. Or the app on their phone won't connect. And no attendant there to help. What a mucking fess.
AZ news just covered a bunch of this recently. ADOT is going to make sure there is an EV charging station at least every 50 miles! Privately owned and operated!!

Even if you get stranded in the middle, you'll never have to walk more than 25 miles. :)
If it hasn't already been done- there will be companies that specialize in quick charging stranded EVs, for a nice chunk of change. Ya know, a biga$$ fossil-fuel generator in a tow-truck like configuration? Your EV "app" will come pre-programmed with this number on speed dial.
I’m sitting in a house wired with all kinds of useless phone lines and coax. This EV wiring gives me the same vibe.

My RV plug sounds very contemporary though.
Buddy is a big financial guy in oil and gas in Denver, he says ev will be looked on in the future like 8 track tapes… there is some alternative fuels being researched I think Toyota is going in big on hydrogen and there may be some stuff in the future that surprises us
Buddy is a big financial guy in oil and gas in Denver, he says ev will be looked on in the future like 8 track tapes… there is some alternative fuels being researched I think Toyota is going in big on hydrogen and there may be some stuff in the future that surprises us
Maybe, or we're in the infancy of a whole new technology. None of us know for sure.


If you're talking to somebody that can predict future transportation technology, you're talking to a future billionaire. Or trillionaire.
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For sure I would love to look into that crystal ball….
Flying cars! Hahahaha... Oh, wait...

Flying cars! Hahahaha... Oh, wait...

The NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) is going to get quite busy is my prediction.
If the government is going to mandate it, we better save all those wild horses. We're going to need them.

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