Birddogger, you're so full of $hit! I saw that post of your bro in-law on UWN. One guy made an innocent joke and you got all butthurt and took your ball and went home.
Everyone else including me congratulated your BIL on an awesome trophy. Nobody dragged your bro in-laws name through the mud or anything close to that.
Give me a fricken break.
Thanks for the update Trophymuley!

Ya know, we all wanted Justice in this case. Maybe we got it, maybe not yet, and maybe we never will, but we are all Brothers for a common cause, the ability to freely go and pursue our passion, hunting.

Even though most of my participation could be construed as defense of the accused, i feel no victory or as if i was proven right. I do though, generally stand up for a person's rights and against those who would unfairly condemn without due process. That's just me, i hope there are no hard feelings!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
This is where common sense and non sense finally go their separate ways. Post 200 makes the best sense of the DWR's stance on this case. I knew all along the DWR never had enough credible evidence do to squat with this case. In all reality all those that claimed to have seen this buck a few days after the season closed, had their hopes all washed away by those that saw this buck over thanksgiving. There really isn't two of the lynch mob on the same page." Damn it Sam you shot yourself in the foot."
I don't know if this buck was shot legal or not. Nor could I care any less. But ones things a fact. This didn't happen yesterday. It happened almost 4 months ago. And at this very second NOTHING above circumstantial evidence has been brought up yet. I know I know vanilla. That's EVIDENCE! Evidence that hasn't meant ##### in 4 months!
I was at the sports expo today. Thought I'd be the only one there! Holy crap was I wrong, that place was packed!
BFD! So a little misspoken legal vocabulary changes the dynamics of the whole case? WRONG! Topturd, the only reason your name even comes up in this thread is because you were DEAD WRONG from the start and now you're trying to use misspoken legal vocabulary to make yourself look smart. Let's look again at how you are wrong!

1) There are people claiming to have seen this deer after the season closed. (enough evidence to prosecute according to you)

2) The DWR halts the investigation due to lack of evidence meaning that the eyewitness evidence wasn't enough for a prosecution.

Will you FINALLY be a man and admit that you were wrong and apologize for all the stupid name calling PM's to myself and others?

Since I know you aren't man enough, I'll move on...

Huntin50 claims to have more knowledge than what he has shared with us but did say he would share it if the case is resolved. It sounds like there won't be much more going on in the investigation so what do you know 50?

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