Which is worse?


Long Time Member
having your wife leave you for another man or having her leave for another woman? I see some possible interesting scenarios with the second option
As long as she leaves without taking your toys who gives a chit...

Nice question F-dude,

Is the women in question fat ?
It might make a differance in how I answer this.
All toys would stay with owner. Women in question is about 5-9 110 pounds and better than average looking and seems to be physically fit
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-08 AT 04:06PM (MST)[p]What does the other woman look like and did you get any pictures of them before they left?

Sorry B_F_E. My bad.

It is an interesting question that F-Dude poses (and one that's not even too gay sounding).

Being left for another guy would be rough, but probably "good riddance" is in order. But if she leaves you for another chick is it that she was just always "curious" or did you do something wrong? I'd hate to think I turned a woman into a lesbian. :)
Are we sure that felacio hasn't left her for another "man crush"?

One way or another she's gone...'Oh Happy Day'

I know someone that actually did lose his wife to a woman, and it was not a joke while he was going through it.

However, with much water under the bridge and time to reflect, I'd personally rather lose out to a woman than another man. At least then I could console myself with the idea that it was because I wasn't born with the right equipment, rather than the thought of losing out to someone who was better at using the same type of equipment... ;-)

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