Which caliber for pronghorn? 22-250, 308, or 300wsm?


Active Member
I just don't have time to get another gun and sight it in. Which of these are the best for a pronghorn. I shot lots of prairie dogs with the 22-250 and lots of deer with the .308 and the 300wsm is still a virgin but I can hit with it at 200 and 300 yards. Thanks.
I'd go with the 300 WSM and 150 gr. bullets from what you have to choose from. I don't like any .22 cal rifle for game from what I've seen but if you do use it be sure to use the best game bullet you can get, Barnes, partition ect. as the standard varmint bullets are way to fragile.
the 308 or 300wsm in the 150. I used a 270wsm last week and my son along with a couple of cousins used .243's. Son took his lope at 308 yards. My brother used a 30/06 with 150's on his.

I would take the 22-250 along if you find a dog town.

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