Where's everybody?

The Obama administration was very good at covering up scandals and crimes and making sure the evidence was destroyed. It was a concerted effort by many members of the administration to complete the coverup as Obama surrounded himself with people that would do his bidding and cover for each other.
Hillary is one example.
Fast and furious is another where the idiot in charge was not fired or demoted, but instead promoted to the ATF Washington D.C. office after a border patrol agent was killed.
Lois Lerner was another scandal coverup and instead of firing her, she was allowed to retire on her tax payer pension for the rest of her life.
Obama himself sees that the "CORE" 350 million dollars goes to a certain company and that companies publishing house gives Obama 65 million for a book deal after he leaves office. Do you really think that they will sell enough books to cover that 65 million and publishing costs? They were smart the way they laundered that deal to avoid criminal action, unlike Biden who was stupid enough to admit his bribery while being video taped RELH.
Maybe Griz can answer some questions for us. Why was the dishonorably discharged, drug using, coke snorting, dead brother's wife dating, stripper impregnating, refusing to pay child support while driving a $150K Porsche Panamera and living in a $12k per month Beverly Hills mansion, son of the sitting VP and current front runner for the democrat Presidential nomination hired by a foreign company with zero experience or qualifications for the job he was hired for? Maybe griz can tell us how Biden Jr. somehow managed to land a no show job earning $80k + per mo. & multi millions while sitting on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian gas company, owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch while having no experience in the gas or oil business without the ability to speak the Ukrainian language? Maybe Griz can answer this for us? Could it be that the company was seeking to curry favor and influence with the then sitting V.P. of the US and the father of the coke snorting, deadbeat, stripper impregnating son? Perhaps Hillary, Obama & a whole slew of other corrupt democrats taught him that YES politicians are indeed for sale to the highest bidder while using our taxpayer dollars. Would investigating foreign corruption fall under the job description & purview of the President of the United States? Seems to me that these would be things that the American taxpayer has a right to know. Maybe quid pro quo Joe can answer some of these questions. I'd like to see the transcripts of all the phone calls that set his deadbeat son up with such a sweet gig. You Griz?

I'll make this very easy. If H. Biden is guilty, lock him up. I've never defended him. If Biden is guilty of something, lock him up or disqualify him from running. I already said they could open a separate investigation into Biden. I don't care. I want all the corrupt politicians out, Trump is one of them. How so many if you guys think that being anti-Trump means you're pro-Biden or pro-Hillary is mind boggling to me.

As to your investigation falling under purview of the POTUS question - nope. Even the GAO said Trump violated the law on that one. The Constitution gave us Separation of Powers for a reason, Trump can't override Congressional spending. And if this is about Ukrainian corruption, then how do you feel about Trumps buddy being convicted for crimes directly related to Ukraine... and Trump said nothing but support about that. Your argument doesn't hold water.
that's the way it works grizz.....are you denying the legitimacy of privilege???
Unlimited privilege such as Trump argued, in a failed attempt, before a federal court... yes.

Even SCOTUS required Nixon to turn over the Watergate tapes saying privilege is not absolute. Clinton didn't prevent anybody from testifying in his impeachment either.
Actually a quick list of ignored subpoenas-
Mick Mulvaney, Michael Ellis, Robert Blair, Brian McCormack, Rudy G, Pompeo, and of course the documents subpoenaed from the white house which of course have been refused. Many of the subpoenas that were actually complied with were required to get people to come in after the white house told them not to comply with requests for voluntary depositions.
The house democrats made a lot of mistakes- they should have subpoenaed Bolton- he dared them to, and for whatever reason they did not- probably because he said he wouldn't appear unless a court said it was valid. They should have put it on the record anyway. They also should have filed all the contempt charges for those that ignored subpoenas. They got in a hurry (then sat on them anyway).

You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts.

You do realize that they were subpoenaed before there was an official impeachment inquiry, so any of those subpoenas are null and void right??
Some are easily fooled. I'm beginning to see a pattern.
Yep. And the science shows they vote for Trump at unprecedented levels. They can't even pass basic quizzes at levels equal to average Americans. Sad.
You do realize that they were subpoenaed before there was an official impeachment inquiry, so any of those subpoenas are null and void right??
Totally wrong! Go read Wilkinson v. United States. They don't need an official impeachment to investigate virtually anything they want to investigate. They have very broad subpoena power, even greater than the court system.
grizzly, why would the House try to subpoena someone knowing they didn't have a legal leg to stand on? So low information voters would think Trump was trying to hide something.

What makes you think the Iran deal is over? Do you have some inside information you'd like to share?
And if this is about Ukrainian corruption, then how do you feel about Trumps buddy being convicted for crimes directly related to Ukraine... and Trump said nothing but support about that. Your argument doesn't hold water.

What was the crime grizz? And when did it take place?
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I guess the real question begs: whom do you want to pick the next SCOTUS? Who would best select the deciding vote in the SC that may stand for the constitution as written? You have the bleating, braying liberal livestock threatening to trample our weakening rights, or you have some maverick waving his finger toward the established, re. entrenched liberals. Trump is not my cup o’ tea, but so far, The GOP hasn’t come up with anyone better. I want something more Reaganesque. Just me I guess. Question to Grizz and CF, who do you have in mind? Who is going to stand for the 2nd so the other 26 amendments as written?
What was the crime grizz? And when did it take place?
Actual convictions were for two counts of bank fraud, five counts of tax fraud and one count of failing to declare a foreign bank account.

There are also at least three recorded instances of Giuliani working, at Trump's behest, with Manafort's legal team beyond his arrest in 2017 to continue the smear campaign against Ukrainian officials critical of Trump. At the same time Giuliani was trying to frame Biden in Ukraine (for something with no actual evidence) he was working in Ukraine to save Trump's friend... whom was actually guilty and ultimately convicted and sentenced to federal prison. Trump's so-called corruption hunt, which the GAO ruled was unlawful, extended only to his political rival. There are no other instances of Trump or his team rooting out corruption of anybody EXCEPT his political rivals.

A wise man would realize how devoid of information he is and expand his reading beyond Alex Jones. But then he wouldn't be a LIV.
JimNV, I'd like to see Jeff Flake, Jon Huntsman Jr, or John Kasich as possible examples.

As to the SCOTUS, the two worst rulings in recent years, Obamacare and Citizens United, both came from conservative courts. There are plenty of good judges all over the country that could fill in nicely.
Well said Wyosam I agree that Congress' most potent weapon would have been to issue inherent contempt charges. Not sure if there are enough jail cells in the basement ; )

Pursuing criminal intent or civil enforcement given the AG and DOJ are compromised and how long the administration dragged out McGhan's testimony made the Dems shift gears using the refusals as further evidence of a cover up in future litigation.

Problem is it leaves citizens helpless while criminals still commit crimes as litigators craft future cases.

As for reality, we don't talk about Lil Kim firing missiles or our injured soldiers that paid the price for Trump's failed hit job. At first, no soldiers were injured, then 11, then 34, and now 50. Traumatic Brain Injury or as dear leader calls them, "headaches" are the signature wound Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no update for the 8 casualties that have been airlifted back to the states. As for the 3 rocket strikes at the embassy compound in Baghdad, around here it did not happen. Odd, no word of injuries or headaches reported so far from that attack.

Ad hominem attacks, deflection, conflation, denial, kgb trollaganda, it is all the intellectual equivalent of waving a white flag of surrender. When facts and common sense become the enemy it's really the only defense in one's arsenal. This fish rots from the head down and we ain't seen nothing yet. There is a reason the Doomsday clock just advanced. I would not put it past him to launch, then declare martial law while he and his family are protected in a bunker.

Now that McConnell does not have the votes, there are no grown ups in the room, and impending doom lurks for Co-Conspirator 1 on every news cycle we live in dangerous times.
No offense but you are cherry picking your arguements a bit, the arrests made against Trump associates were in connection with the now Debunked Russian probe, they had nothing to do with Russia and were charged to put pressure on them to testify against Trump. In the end nothing related to Trump and Russia, or Trump influencing or working to influence an election came about. Then there is Ukraine, which Joe Biden admits to getting a prosecutor fired or they would withhold money and Trump wants that investigated and somehow that is bad. What I havent seen anyone say is Ukraine and Russia hate each other yet they both wanted Trump elected???That Tony Podesta was linked to Ukraine, who was the brother of John Podesta who worked on Hillary's campaign. This issue is not as clear cut, and just cant be fully understood without going into labyrinth of information.

You are also confusing charges/convictions with crimes committed. Hillary absolutely 100% broke the law with her email server and classified information, the issue is Comey added "intent" and the original record was change to careless instead of negligent. The law doesn't protect either. If anyone of us had classified information on a server, we would be in jail. But I think this goes to your larger point that there are two sets of rules in today's America.

I would like them to get rid of all of the corruption in politics, but my honest opinion is that Trump is not one of the corrupt ones, he already has his money and what would there be to gain. He is brash and impulsive, neither are trademarks/traits of a corruption politician.

As far as why I will support Trump, my 401k is higher, my taxes are lower, and the supreme court is more conservative. This isnt derangement, this is an objective look at it. Jeff Flake and John Kasich are spineless, and though I liked Kasich at first, I very glad he lost. Huntsman would probably be ok, I heard a lot of Democrats say they really like him but that they would vote Democrat anyway.

Also, I believe you said your preferred candidate Tulsi dropped out in December. It is hard to believe she is your preferred candidate when she did not drop out in December and is technically still in the race. She just hasn't qualified for the debates.
You do realize that they were subpoenaed before there was an official impeachment inquiry, so any of those subpoenas are null and void right??
Actually, no I don't believe that because I rely on factual information. Go look up some dates. I just had a quick look, and found a bunch of those subpoenas issued in early October. Closest I found to "before" was Pompeo on 9/27, which was 3 days after the inquiry began. If'm not looking them all up because i've already spent too much of my time on this. Strike two.
Actual convictions were for two counts of bank fraud, five counts of tax fraud and one count of failing to declare a foreign bank account.

There are also at least three recorded instances of Giuliani working, at Trump's behest, with Manafort's legal team beyond his arrest in 2017 to continue the smear campaign against Ukrainian officials critical of Trump. At the same time Giuliani was trying to frame Biden in Ukraine (for something with no actual evidence) he was working in Ukraine to save Trump's friend... whom was actually guilty and ultimately convicted and sentenced to federal prison. Trump's so-called corruption hunt, which the GAO ruled was unlawful, extended only to his political rival. There are no other instances of Trump or his team rooting out corruption of anybody EXCEPT his political rivals.

A wise man would realize how devoid of information he is and expand his reading beyond Alex Jones. But then he wouldn't be a LIV.

Wyosam, they didn't follow the rules to be able to legally originate the subpoenas.......It was a political stunt to make the people think they were legitimate........It's all political theatre......... Try to look at the reality of what's going on in this fiasco. The stunts they're pulling wouldn't be allowed in any court of law and they denied Trump due process in the house no matter what they claim on TV. When attorney's are up there telling you right's were violated in the process you honestly think they weren't aware? How many times in any legal proceeding would ANY judge allow an attorney to make up the narrative he wanted to use to incriminate the guys when there wasn't any basis in fact?

Then they all know the president has the right to claim executive privilege and are standing there telling you he doesn't when every single President in our nations history is afforded that right? Obama used it and Republicans knew he had it but didn't play the he can't claim it card....... Hillary actually destroyed evidence and being a licensed attorney knew full well she was breaking the law to avoid being prosecuted. How many other computers were compromised and destroyed on Obama's watch? Obama's attorney general resigned rather than face the music... It's all just a current version of the old Potomac Two Step.

If you or I did what these guys did before any judge we'd be prosecuted. Look at how many folks in high level positions resigned in the DOJ, FBI, State Department and were'n't covered on the nightly news........

Grizzly eyes are as clouded as the guys on CNN & MSNBC.......who all had 100% conclusive proof Trump was Guilty of conspiring with Russia and yet he was cleared by their own investigation. Yet some of the people he shows as proof were accused of crimes UNRELATED to the investigation.......an investigation that originated with false evidence by some of those same people who resigned from the agencies I mentioned........It's a damn mess but stop believing the political theatre it's nothing more than an exercise to damage Trump and cover up the crimes members of their own party committed. You know the guys that saw the evidence that they had on Trump that they illegally originated then planted to start the boondoggle.

They're politicians they lie, cheat, steal as a matter of course of daily business and give your tax dollars to foreign governments while getting a little back off the top as a perk for serving the people........all while being immune under the law in the biggest ponzi scheme in the world. Then just to make it better they give out your hard earned tax dollars to folks who don't want to work in exchange for their votes to stay on their 3 day a week jobs.....making far more than average taxpayers.........

Yes it's a fine kettle of fish they've got us in.... They've compromised and corrupted our law enforcement agencies, DOJ, IRS, and our own political system to manage to get into power to control we the people and you think Trump avoiding a few subpoena's the constitution gives him the power to avoid is the issue........ Well welcome to the NEW America comrade it's working out just as they planned and you're firmly on the team. All you have to do now is quit your job and fill out the form to get your check and enjoy all the benefits socialism has to offer. Come on Wyo & Grizz, you two have to be smarter than that!!
She gets to the heart of the matter grizz.

She gets to the heart of the matter grizz.

A Letter to the Editor from a no name group in Fargo, ND? Seriously? I can't imagine which part of the far right extremist web you spend your time trying to drudge up somebody else's memes and obscure letters that you then rely upon as relevant in your life. It's sad that it takes that type of commitment to maintain ones ignorance.
The bottom line that Wyosam, FTW, and Nemont must get used too is the fact that Trump will be re-elected. If he is able to stump for enough GOP congressmen and wins a majority in both houses. Then and only then we will see some true Hope and Change in this country and not the B.S. crap fed to us by Obama and his dirty Democrats.
A Letter to the Editor from a no name group in Fargo, ND? Seriously? I can't imagine which part of the far right extremist web you spend your time trying to drudge up somebody else's memes and obscure letters that you then rely upon as relevant in your life. It's sad that it takes that type of commitment to maintain ones ignorance.

I didn't expect you'd get it.
We forgot to mention that the uneducated Trump supporter sees the climate change push for the complete hoax that it is. Every time I hear a Democrat candidate start whining about climate change it makes me laugh.
America has functioned with the ebb and tide of a two party system that managed to make us the greatest country on earth. Both parties actually contributed to making us the nation we are today. But why the shift in not working within the two party system that actually made us the envy of the world? Divisional politics isn't done to bring us together it's done to drive us apart. Trump has been derided and abused before he even sat in the chair in the oval office. He was the wrong choice and needed to be impeached and the talk and antics that have been done to him are disgraceful and far from being being what this nation was founded on.

Trump hasn't been a threat to the Ukrainian people or the people of our great nation. He's simply done what he was elected to do protect the people he serves and improve our nation for all our citizens.

The only THREAT he's posed is to the Dems, the elite, and the socialists who wish to oppose him to get into power to control your lives by any means possible. This is exactly what all this crap is about and those of you foolish enough to believe it's about other things need to wake the hell up. It's been that way since the day he was elected and Good old Hillary and the Dems started the rhetoric about TRUMP not accepting the results of the last election. Yet the reality of today exposes all of them for the damn liars they are since it's them that has never accepted the choice of the people and the millions of lies and deeds they've done to try to remove him from power every single day he's been in office, aren't exactly a testimony to their benevolence and acceptance of our electoral process, let alone our constitution.

It's all about removing the threat he poses to their plan of control and instilling their will upon the people............since the people aren't wise enough to make the choice for themselves.........sounding more like socialism every day isn't it.........
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A Letter to the Editor from a no name group in Fargo, ND? Seriously? I can't imagine which part of the far right extremist web you spend your time trying to drudge up somebody else's memes and obscure letters that you then rely upon as relevant in your life. It's sad that it takes that type of commitment to maintain ones ignorance.
Grizz you are so blinded by fear of the "What If" you can not see the "What Happened" If we do not learn from history we are bound to repeat history.
Most pepole are not saying Trump is a moraly good man or that he does not make mistakes, Hell who doesn't make mistakes when pepole say "What would Jesus do" I say " I am not Jesus that is why I am here on earth making mistakes".
I do believe Trump wants the USA to be the beast it can be and we are the best but the last 30 years or more we have dropped considerably. One thing no one can denied about Trump anything he is associated with he wants it to be the best, the greatest and that includes America.
Grizz you difently missed the point of Karen Vaughn she does not sound like a right wing crazy, she sounds like a mom, a mom of an Amercan soldier that died for yours mine and all Americans freedoms.
I could not agree more than with this mom of a falling Hero that was a Navy Seal. We do not elect the President of the USA to lead us at Sunday school or to sing in the church choir we elect them to lead the nation under the governing of the Constitution. Yes I expect my President to take off the jacket and roll up the sleeves of his shirt and is willing too get dirty and fight for what America stands for and at this point of decay in America society it takes someone of great conviction to stand for all Americans not just for the groups that are the loudest and most threatening. I truly believe it takes someone like Trump to stand up too all these self interest groups of the likes of the We Too, Me Too, Black Lives Matters and the LBGQ. I was on vacation a while back and was talking to a African American man (aka a black man) that I did not know and his wife started texting him telling him what he needed too do, he said to me.
"it is terrible being a black man in America today with all this We Too and Me Too and Black Lives Matter crap we are never right".
And Grizz that is exactly why we needed Donald Trump as the President at this time of moral decay of the country it sometimes takes FIRE TO FIGHT FIRE.
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The bottom line that Wyosam, FTW, and Nemont must get used too is the fact that Trump will be re-elected. If he is able to stump for enough GOP congressmen and wins a majority in both houses. Then and only then we will see some true Hope and Change in this country and not the B.S. crap fed to us by Obama and his dirty Democrats.

You mean like the first two years of Trumps Presidency when he didn't build the wall, didn't balance the budget, didn't stop abortion, didn't legalize suppressors, didn't end Obamacare, didn't fix Social Security, didn't preserve Republican hold of the House, didn't save the coal industry, didn't help steel prices, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't, didn't...
DW, you're putting a ton of weight on that mom. Her son should be honored and respected for his sacrifice. I think we all agree. That doesn't, however, make his mom a genius.

Too bad Trump doesn't have more respect for soldier's sacrifice, saying about a famous soldier who gave his health and never recovered from the torture he endured in captivity by calling him a "dummy." Saying, "I don't like losers. He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured? I like people that weren't captured."
Actually a quick list of ignored subpoenas-
Mick Mulvaney, Michael Ellis, Robert Blair, Brian McCormack, Rudy G, Pompeo, and of course the documents subpoenaed from the white house which of course have been refused. Many of the subpoenas that were actually complied with were required to get people to come in after the white house told them not to comply with requests for voluntary depositions.
The house democrats made a lot of mistakes- they should have subpoenaed Bolton- he dared them to, and for whatever reason they did not- probably because he said he wouldn't appear unless a court said it was valid. They should have put it on the record anyway. They also should have filed all the contempt charges for those that ignored subpoenas. They got in a hurry (then sat on them anyway).

You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts.
The house had no authority for those subpoenas......the house had yet to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry....

You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts.
DW, you're putting a ton of weight on that mom. Her son should be honored and respected for his sacrifice. I think we all agree. That doesn't, however, make his mom a genius.

Too bad Trump doesn't have more respect for soldier's sacrifice, saying about a famous soldier who gave his health and never recovered from the torture he endured in captivity by calling him a "dummy." Saying, "I don't like losers. He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured? I like people that weren't captured."

You mean the one who gave us obama? The one who crashed several jets? The one who ran from the flight deck while his buddies burned in their jets? The one who delivered the fake dossier? The one who helped give us obamacare? I could go on but what would be the point?
Keep the faith boys the reality is they violated Alinski's rule number seven in that any tactic that goes on too long becomes a drag on the party........well it's gone on too long and it's pulling them down on numerous fronts.......
The house had no authority for those subpoenas......the house had yet to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry....

You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts.

So first in this thread, the argument was that no subpoenas were issued. Strike one. Then it was that they were issued to early. Now its more blah blah blah...Here's the thing. As Grizzly mentioned, congress has a very broad subpoena power. Believe it or not, there is no part where they require the authorization of internet conspiracy theorists. Truth is, none of it matters anymore, because whether he did it isn't even the question anymore. Even the republican senators are starting to realize the only thing they can say with any credibility is that they don't believe it is impeachable. Which of course they can, and will say. They will almost certainly acquit him. That has never been in doubt. That is the only argument that is left. Its pretty much just the mouth breathers left claiming he didn't withhold aid legally appropriated by congress (in a rare bipartisan moment even) to pressure a foreign government to announce an investigation into a political rival.

You can say you're ok with that- I dont give a damn, its a free country. A lot of people aren't- and some of them happen to have a majority in the body tasked with being the check on the executive branch. What is that phrase? Elections have consequences? Maybe if he'd been more effective in his first 2 years, he'd have not squandered the majority.

I'd assume it is time for more Hillary/Obama/derp state whataboutism and calling me a bent wrist liberal or whatever clever misspelling of my screen name you think is cute. Well, why don't we get something beyond internet conspiracy theories and lock Hillary and all of them up? Everyone is so convinced they are guilty- quit letting them outsmart you and do something about it.

As to the actual question in the title of this thread, I'd say people are bored of the grade school level echo chamber this forum is. I'll probably continue to get bored enough to stick my head in from time to time, but don't stop patting each other on the back for whatever low brow meme someone decided to copy and paste just because there is no one there to call you an idiot.
In answer to some of our TDS people on above posts. Trump kept more campaign promises then any President before him up to Reagan. He did this with the Democrats fighting him the entire time from day one. Makes you wonder what he could have done if he had a majority in both houses.
Obama had a majority of both houses in his first two years and gave us squat and his "Hope and Change" went out the window when the change became more socialism.

So first in this thread, the argument was that no subpoenas were issued. Strike one. Then it was that they were issued to early. Now its more blah blah blah...Here's the thing. As Grizzly mentioned, congress has a very broad subpoena power. Believe it or not, there is no part where they require the authorization of internet conspiracy theorists. Truth is, none of it matters anymore, because whether he did it isn't even the question anymore. Even the republican senators are starting to realize the only thing they can say with any credibility is that they don't believe it is impeachable. Which of course they can, and will say. They will almost certainly acquit him. That has never been in doubt. That is the only argument that is left. Its pretty much just the mouth breathers left claiming he didn't withhold aid legally appropriated by congress (in a rare bipartisan moment even) to pressure a foreign government to announce an investigation into a political rival.

You can say you're ok with that- I dont give a damn, its a free country. A lot of people aren't- and some of them happen to have a majority in the body tasked with being the check on the executive branch. What is that phrase? Elections have consequences? Maybe if he'd been more effective in his first 2 years, he'd have not squandered the majority.

I'd assume it is time for more Hillary/Obama/derp state whataboutism and calling me a bent wrist liberal or whatever clever misspelling of my screen name you think is cute. Well, why don't we get something beyond internet conspiracy theories and lock Hillary and all of them up? Everyone is so convinced they are guilty- quit letting them outsmart you and do something about it.

As to the actual question in the title of this thread, I'd say people are bored of the grade school level echo chamber this forum is. I'll probably continue to get bored enough to stick my head in from time to time, but don't stop patting each other on the back for whatever low brow meme someone decided to copy and paste just because there is no one there to call you an idiot.
if you written had the subpoenas wyosam....they would have had as much weight.....so...they don't count

You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts.
Wyosam congress cannot issue subpoenas without a vote and they didn't have that when they issued them. Then when it got exposed they went in and voted on it but that was against policy since they had already issued them. then is their haste they forgot to reissue new subpoenas after the vote in their haste to change the rules and forge their sham investigation. By the way Trump went to the correct office to see if the subpoenas were valid since he didn't want to try to skirt the law and that's when they told him they were invalid and they wrote the letter telling them they wouldn't be honoring their subpoenas.

Since you seem quite intent of believing the crap the liberals forums want to opine it may give you a better perspective to actually do a little more research. Then you may actually want to question why in your haste you always seem to go with the sources that are complicit in the schemes to tarnish Trump. They have missed the boat more than they've managed to put a foot on board the impeachment express and Russian Collusion Express piloted by your Captain Schifty Schiff.

Nobody in Congress has been wrong more often than him and your questionable sources since this whole mess started and you were being led down the path to perdition. But then again we're not trying to overturn the will of the people like your party ......... we could go on but then we digress and make no mistake about it Trumps got a better chance of getting into heaven in spite of all his faults than your downtrodden Satan loving prophet Adam Schifty Schiff.........

Who's theme song is I'm a believer......sung by a bunch of Monkeys......quite fitting for his Darwinian leftist ideology and all the benefits it promises that drives it's followers banana's. The only echos you're hearing are the ones your failed party keeps telling you that lacks substance and truth but keep you hanging on since you too are a believer......and Trumps still not going to be removed from office in spite of your parties numerous hatched foiled plots to remove him.......TSK TSK TSK...... You know what's the most interesting aspect of all of this.

IF Trump had actually committed the hundreds of crimes your party has accused him of he would have been gone long ago...........but for some reason all your attempts lacked PROOF.........Now go reflect on that for a while and maybe it will dawn on you why he's still in office and who actually lied to you........see that....... projection thing......isn't really all it's cracked up to be when you don't have the facts to back it up! LOL
The Know Nothing - Low Information Voter garbage spewed here by the poor TDS folks is mindboggling. I provided the case, Wilkinson v. United States, that absolutely refutes all the subpoena BS people keep typing, but those that spend their days listening to extremist talk radio won't spend 10 minutes and research the actual case law as they are so committed to their predetermined outcome they're blind to reality! Mitch McConnell-lite.

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 provides:
The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.
In 1989, Walter Nixon was impeached and went to SCOTUS to say that the impeachment testimony was held in committee and not on the Senate Floor and therefore was invalid (very similar to the wafer-thin argument y'all have bought into). The Supreme Court unanimously tossed the case, saying, courts "were not chosen to have any role in impeachments" and that courts were not to second-guess impeachment proceedings. I'm certain the same ruling would be handed down today regarding the House and their SOLE POWER to impeach.

There is no case of a White House's trying to block the testimony of a former official by asserting executive privilege. And there is certainly no instance of a president's citing executive privilege to block testimony or withhold evidence in an impeachment trial before the Senate. But the poor TDS folks will still repeat Trumps lie that he is the most transparent administration in history. They probably also believed him when he said he was the most effective leader in history and was openly mocked at the UN by the World Leaders :LOL::LOL::LOL:

But the LIV's suffering from TDS will not read actual legal precedent in either Walter Nixon or Wilkinson, instead they'll copy and paste a thoughtless meme so rife with errors it borders on indecipherable. The best thing that has come from this thread is the absolute proof and confirmation of the Low Information Voter's fall-over worship of an absolute buffoon.

Here's one of the meme's the LIV TDS-sufferers like so much. And in case you're wondering, Carlin considered Trump a "misogynistic racist" according to his daughter; so we know which half of America he was referring to as "stupider."

IF Trump had actually committed the hundreds of crimes your party has accused him of he would have been gone long ago

None of us know that. The official DOJ position is a sitting President can't be indicted. For all any of us know, there are sealed indictments waiting for him to leave office before he's arrested. And no, I'm not predicting that because I don't know. But neither do you.
In answer to some of our TDS people on above posts. Trump kept more campaign promises then any President before him up to Reagan. He did this with the Democrats fighting him the entire time from day one. Makes you wonder what he could have done if he had a majority in both houses.
Obama had a majority of both houses in his first two years and gave us squat and his "Hope and Change" went out the window when the change became more socialism.


He did have a majority in both houses for the first two years. Lets hear more about how stupid other people are.
He did have a majority in both houses for the first two years. Lets hear more about how stupid other people are.

The Congress wasted their time trying to overturn Obamacare during those 2yrs, only to be sabotaged by a rino that grizz calls a war hero.
Grizz, open your eyes when a former attorney general is on TV laughing about how the dems screwed the pooch I'll listen to him rather than you. When several other legal scholars support his argument I'll believe them rather than you. When my neighbor who happens to be a sitting judge on a federal court is laughing at them I'll believe him.

When Ted Cruz says the party with the crayolas is now on the sidelines I'll believe him. There are reasons why they knowingly violated the procedures but I'll leave that to you to try to surmise why.....LOL

Let's face reality the dems never had the goods did they? The fact they knew they didn't have the goods, shows why only you and a few of your cohorts are believing them. IF they had the goods this would have been over since everybody knows the GOP usually plays by the rules and the dems have exploited that for decades with their off the wall attacks and sham witnesses boondoggles.

The GOP would have been on board the impeachment express and it would be bipartisan. The only bipartisan support for this mess has been against the guys trying to pull off the sham......isn't reality a *****!!! So you and Cry O SAM will be sobbing when this is done and Trumps Teflon has saved him again........

The fact you two can't fathom why is remarkable but only reinforces the fact your TDS is overriding your common sense. It's not us salivating at removing him from office it's you and your foolish ilk that the dems managed to completely dupe once again........What's that old saying fool me once ........ well it's been more than a few times now and he's still there.....and you two are still believing the tripe. You two got TRUMPED again by the Dem party......... and you think we're dumb.......but then we're not the believers and for some reason Trumps still there........
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Wyosam this is for you and your vastly inadequate echo chamber mentality.

"This is why the media are constantly demanding censorship of the internet. The ability of the public to escape the media’s sleazy, dishonest ecosystem and get the truth elsewhere is a mortal threat, as it is to all totalitarian regimes." a quote from a ditzy blonde that actually predicted trump winning the election on national tv and was ridiculed for it........by your like minded echo chamber conditioned, racially diverse, yet unforgiving Schifty little liberal comrades.......
Wyosam this is for you and your vastly inadequate echo chamber mentality.

"This is why the media are constantly demanding censorship of the internet. The ability of the public to escape the media’s sleazy, dishonest ecosystem and get the truth elsewhere is a mortal threat, as it is to all totalitarian regimes." a quote from a ditzy blonde that actually predicted trump winning the election on national tv and was ridiculed for it........by your like minded echo chamber conditioned, racially diverse, yet unforgiving Schifty little liberal comrades.......

Do you know what an echo chamber is? This forum is a perfect example. I stuck a definition at the bottom of this. There are many of them, representing all political and other ideologies all over the internet. The regulars in here see nothing outside their beliefs. Anyone not in perfect lockstep is immediately labeled as a liberal/commie/bent wrist liberal etc. The fact is that that vast majority of those people are anything but those things. Trump's republican party allows no independent thought whatsoever. Lifelong conservatives who have been republicans for decades have been cast aside as Rhino's, liberals, etc.. That fact is hilarious to me, since Trump was a Democrat about 8 years before he ran for president. He supported Hillary for president in 2008. He's given a ton of money to democrats over the years, yet to those who follow him blindly, he is the one and only true OG republican. The blindly following of anyone is scary, and I don't care which side or who it is. This election will be a matter of no good choices again. I'm generally moderate, with a few topics falling way off center to both directions. I certainly wouldn't consider any of the "moderate" candidates the democrats are running anywhere near moderate, at least not out loud. In the current climate we'll never see a true moderate elected nationally. Anyone who could even remotely be considered moderate among republicans has been ostracized by the party, and will likely never be relevant again.

ech·o cham·ber
/ˈekō ˌCHāmbər/
noun: echo chamber; plural noun: echo chambers

  1. an enclosed space where sound reverberates.
    "purpose-built echo chambers allow the addition of natural-sounding reverberation to the recordings"

  2. an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.
    "people are living in partisan and ideological echo chambers"
Paul Crawford, were you trying to be funny or was that an attempt at a homophobic slam? Either way, it failed miserably.

Wyosam, you bring up an interesting point that I'd like the TDS-Trumpeters to answer...

Whom do you guys think is "middle of the road" politically?

Who's a "moderate" in your eyes?
The reason it seems like an echo chamber to you wyosam is we proved the left leaners wrong so many times down here they got sad and went away. Some like ftw come around on election years and never post anywhere else on the forum. Grizz popped in awhile back, got butthurt and left but now he's back to show us how little he knows, and you. The fact you and grizz think all we watch is fox and listen to Rush and cruise obscure right wing websites tells me you underestimate us and will get frustrated and leave before long. Most of us have formulated our opinions because we do pay attention to the lame stream media and we can see how things have gone the past 40+yrs and we can see what has worked, and what hasn't, and the direction the left wants to take us doesn't work. Grizz is just frustrated cause he lives in a state run by Republicans that beat the sell the public lands drum the loudest and assumes thats all Republicans. He's angry because he belonged to a group that many of us told him wasn't what it appears and he finally realized we were right. He'll get the same lesson down here in time, he's slow to see the light so it'll be a bit
Wyosam it was you that has claimed numerous times the dems and many federal employees did nothing wrong.........It was the echo chamber that tried to tell you otherwise.......It's not us that's afraid to face the facts it's you. We're not under any illusion it's you that can't seem to be able to see the forest thru the trees. We all have admitted Trump has faults and does things we don't like.

Why is it you can't seem to find the words or strength to admit the dems have done many things wrong and have been completely biased against Trump and blinded by their hatred? Most of us are far better informed about Trump than you and that's exactly why we voted for him to get us back on the right path. It had to be a nonconformist from the outside to fix some of the issues confronting our country. An insider would only walk the same path and line the same pockets that's been going on far too long.

I realize your feeling a little down right now, but look at the bright side
Trumps delivering on many things he campaigned on in spite of what many believe. Jobs are great, the economy is doing well and America isn't on the world apology tour under a stronger President and millions upon millions of Americans are feeling great about their country again. He's actually working for America instead of against it like Obama did.

Many of us that support Trump have business backgrounds and understand what was needed to fix many of our countries woes. Trump has succeeded where scores of democrat economist's predicted he'd fail, time and time again. America is doing well and millions of households have seen the merits of good leadership as opposed to the naysayers predictions of doom and gloom they seem to project daily. Many folks are off welfare and realizing they have potential not despair to look forward to and what's not to like about that.

So while i see some of your points I choose to embrace leadership that thinks this nation hasn't reached it's peak and gives folks a reason to get up and go to work and be able to put some money in the bank as opposed to telling them get used to it, it's not going to get better and the jobs are never coming back while regulating many businesses out of existence with needless regulation. I also support a party that's accepted a two party system of governance not the one trick pony the dems keep trying to jam down our throats when their sordid little plan to get control of the people, by any means necessary.

The fact you're not intuitive enough to see, comprehend, or admit what they're doing is your issue not ours in the echo chamber. We all have clear eyes and clear hearts about what we want for our nation and won't be shushed since we helped build this nation with years and years of hard work and our tax dollars along with a big helping of blood and treasure that goes back generations. We understand what free speech is and and why our bibles and our guns won't be sacrificed for a failed ideology that many of those you seem to support have in mind for us.

Come November those loud screams of agony you'll be hearing won't be coming from us they'll be coming from many of those fragile little snowflakes you seem to like to consort with who wear their tender little emotions on their sleeves. I'm sure you'll be right there patting them on the back giving them comfort over this tragic setback in their lives............and my friends like Bluehair, Eel, RELH, Homer, DW, and many others will be whooping it up knowing we've got 4 more years to appoint judges and set back their plans for socialism a few more decades.......Isn't America great....... that's what you get when the people control the process just like our founders intended!!!!
I was quizzin Grizz awhile back about his business, tryin to peal the layers back, askin if his business gets government contracts, to try and figure out why he's unhappy with the current administration. But he cut it short and I didn't solve the riddle.
Wyosam it was you that has claimed numerous times the dems and many federal employees did nothing wrong..

Why is it you can't seem to find the words or strength to admit the dems have done many things wrong and have been completely biased against Trump and blinded by their hatred? Most of us are far better informed about Trump than you and that's exactly why we voted for him to get us back on the right path.

Trumps delivering on many things he campaigned on in spite of what many believe. Jobs are great, the economy is doing well and America isn't on the world apology tour under a stronger President and millions upon millions of Americans are feeling great about their country again. He's actually working for America instead of against it like Obama did.

I don't recall saying the democrats and federal employees did nothing wrong, although people assume I did because it fits the narrative. I recall saying many times that if they are as crooked as everyone says, then the republican party is completely inept at doing anything about it other than bitching about it on the internet and at rallies.

I think a lot of dems have hated him from the start, and have spent more time focusing on the hate than they should. I was disappointed when it became clear he would be the nominee- I didn't like the guy as a game show host or any of the other crap he has done. I didn't vote for president in 2016- mine doesn't matter anyway, but I thought both were horrible choices. When Trump was elected, I tried really hard to give him the benefit of the doubt, and it pissed a lot of people around me off. It didn't last long.

I'm not feeling down at all- rarely do. My life is great, and I worked hard to make it that way.

The economy is doing well- as it should be. We poured a pile of money (tax changes) into an already good economy. I don't know why we're growing the deficit as much as we are in a strong economy, but that seems to be what we do now. My investments are doing well- they've been on a steady climb since about 2010. I was smart enough to have some liquid cash when everything fell apart- it was easy to see coming. I'm starting to tuck some away to invest when things tank again, which I think isn't far off. That isn't even based on politics or policies, we've been growing for 10 years, it is time to correct. Not to mention lending is getting stupid on homes again which I think will bring another dip, though not as good as last time around.

I think his foreign policy is dangerous, but a lot of people don't. I can see the arguments both ways. I do think there is far too much potential for foreign interference in our elections, and I wish someone would take that seriously. While we are on the topic I think there should be voter ID across the board, and I think the push to restore voting rights to felons is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

You think we disagree on everything under the sun, but I bet you we aren't the world apart you think we are politically. There are a few places we differ considerably on, but I bet it isn't as many as you think.
Wyosam show us the proof your investments have been growing since 2010 under Obama's adminstration. Ours took a dip under him and everyone else we have talked too also said theirs took a good dip after Obama came into office. Don't give me the B.S. that our money manager is not doing a good job, as he is very good with a proven track record. In fact he pulled us out of several things just before they took a nose dive in the market and put the money in a safer place.
I think you are outright lying about your steady climb on your investment since 2010, so show us the proof with your finance records. OOH! under Trump they have improved and more money coming in on the interest.
Wyosam show us the proof your investments have been growing since 2010 under Obama's adminstration. Ours took a dip under him and everyone else we have talked too also said theirs took a good dip after Obama came into office. Don't give me the B.S. that our money manager is not doing a good job, as he is very good with a proven track record. In fact he pulled us out of several things just before they took a nose dive in the market and put the money in a safer place.
I think you are outright lying about your steady climb on your investment since 2010, so show us the proof with your finance records. OOH! under Trump they have improved and more money coming in on the interest.
I'm not going to be posting my financials on the internet, thanks. The market absolutely tanked with the housing crash in 2007-2009. Look at the chart- those are very simple numbers, and if you didn't make money from 2010 to present you were doing something very wrong. If you bought any property at the bottom, the last 10 years have been very good. Now if you were cash poor and had recently purchased a home, it is certainly possible that you spent most of that time getting back what was lost in 2008. I don't credit him with the recovery, nor to do I credit Bush with the crash, but note that the bottom was the month Obama took office. Draw a straight line from the bottom to where we are today. The market is doing well, but it has been doing well for 10 years. That big nose dive in the market was the tail end of Bush's second term. The market and job growth have been on a steady climb for 10 years. Now that chart just shows the dow, but feel free to look up charts for unemployment and wage growth as well. A lot of people got crushed in 2008, but a lot of people saw that mess coming a mile away and did quite well.
Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 9.51.47 PM.png
Actually I heard they dug some gal up that said Trump raped her 30yrs ago and she still has the dress with his DNA. Sure that'll be next.
Yeah, that one is pretty hilarious. Maybe Ken Starr will decide to take that on?
I'm not going to be posting my financials on the internet, thanks. The market absolutely tanked with the housing crash in 2007-2009.

Housing crash? Never quite heard it described that way. If you do post your "financials" hold them way out front so they look bigger. ;)
It's a two way street Sam and It's nice to see you're making an attempt now. Trumps foreign policy isn't any more dangerous than others we've had in the past. The fact the press keeps telling folks it's bad is the real issue. Trump has done many good things while being in office but why is it we never hear about them? Why is it all we hear is doom and gloom and constant attacks about how bad he is? That's exactly why you never heard much about what was done against him. If the same things had been done to Obama it would be front page news 24/7 just like the constant harassment Trump faces daily.........Are you starting to see a pattern here? See how we're being led down a path where the news isn't really the news......it's prepared talking points parroted on most of the major networks. How many bombshell reports were broadcast daily that Trumps going to be impeached in the last 3 years? We finally have the goods on him this time he went too far. Well the reality is this most recent attempt will fail just like all the others.

See we're being led not informed and many of us on here are wise enough to know the difference. You completely missed my meaning about your echo chamber comments above when I clearly pointed out what was wrong with the echo chamber that really counts. Why is news being manipulated along with the factual content to present a different image to the viewers. Americans are smart people and yet the major networks are involved in editing the content to suit somebody's agenda. Who's agenda is it? Who's calling the shots and why are so many stories using the same terms and talking points?

So see when you come on here and try to tell many of us things we know aren't right, it's you not us that is a little misinformed. See we all know Comey lied, McCabe lied and isn't that a little suspect when the two top guys in the greatest law enforcement agency in the world violated their own code of ethics for some reason? Why is it many American's don't know about that? Why is it you didn't know about that or at least see a pattern of behavior that needed to be questioned?

We also know that when Admiral Mike Rogers said people we not following proper procedure and many Americans were being surveilled without proper authorization that isn't a good thing. It's clearly a violation of their rights and why was it being done? He informed a newly elected President that he was being watched and surveilled isn't something anyone in this country should take lightly and then come to find it it was done illegally? What in the hell is up with that and then we find out contractors had access to the system and were doing it? Well it's a conspiracy theory alright, trouble is the conspiracy was against you and me and everyone on this forum.

Who in the hell authorized it and why in the hell was it being done? See I realize you think we're not as educated as you are and in some cases you'd discover your credentials are the ones lacking in that regard. But you keep looking down your nose at us and saying we don't understand is really more of a reflection on yourself, and I'm not saying that to insult you because frankly millions of Americans are unaware too.

We managed to connect the dots and can associate the fact that Washington will cover up anything they want to protect themselves and then when you factor in illegal spying on folks and sanitized dialogue on the nightly news it's not a good thing. I know you may disagree with this but we can only make you aware not open your mind. If anything you have to admit it appears some major irregularities exist in how things were being done and why at the top levels within agencies who are there to protect us......... this isn't a positive development. When your law enforcement agencies are breaking the law to perform illegal activity, while abusing our constitutional rights and our laws, it's not something any of us should accept of condone. Then when your news agencies are hiding the facts it further complicates the issue doesn't it.

So I'm glad to see we're all having dialogue now and it's a big step in the right direction but please understand the echo chamber on here doesn't wear tin foil hats and are concerned about where this nation is headed for all our family's just like you. Our eyes are open and we can clearly see that what's going on isn't a reflection of the same values this nation was founded upon and that right there is why we elected Trump to save us from the globalists and those that seek to transform this country to socialism under the guise of more equality and better lives when history has shown us it's clearly not the case.
Changes in Americans' Satisfaction With Issues Since Start of Trump Presidency
January 2017January 2020Change since 2017
%%pct. pts.
Increased satisfaction
The state of the nation's economy4668+22
The nation's security from terrorism5068+18
The nation's military strength and preparedness6681+15
The state of race relations2236+14
The nation's policies to reduce or control crime3847+9
The position of blacks and other racial minorities in the nation3746+9
The way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S.3543+8
The opportunity for a person in this nation to get ahead by working hard6672+6
Satisfaction steady
The overall quality of life8084+4
The influence of organized religion5659+3
The nation's energy policies4144+3
Our system of government and how well it works4043+3
Government regulation of businesses and industries3841+3
The size and influence of major corporations3941+2
The moral and ethical climate3132+1
The quality of medical care in the nation52520
The nation's laws or policies on guns42420
The nation's efforts to deal with poverty and homelessness2322-1
The role the U.S. plays in world affairs4543-2
The size and power of the federal government4038-2
The amount Americans pay in federal taxes3937-2
The availability of affordable healthcare3937-2
The quality of public education in the nation3735-2
The acceptance of gays and lesbians in the nation5956-3
The Social Security and Medicare systems4743-4
Decreased satisfaction
The quality of the environment in the nation5246-6
The level of immigration into the country today4135-6
The nation's policies regarding the abortion issue3932-7
Note: Gallup did not ask the questions on "The position of women in the nation" and "The nation's campaign finance laws" in 2017.
GALLUP, JAN. 2-15, 2020
I was quizzin Grizz awhile back about his business, tryin to peal the layers back, askin if his business gets government contracts, to try and figure out why he's unhappy with the current administration. But he cut it short and I didn't solve the riddle.

More lies by DimWit. I answered your question that I have never received government contracts. My exact post was, "As to whether I get government contracts? I wish. Never have but I've always figured if you could bill the government or insurance companies then you'll do just fine. I've never done business with either of them though. Not sure the original impetus for your employment question but we're not even close to on subject here so feel free to pm me if you'd like."

You have absolutely no right to know more than I've shared about my private companies or what I do. But I will tell you this, of the 75-ish people we employ our average pay last year was over $90,000. I'll put my contribution to the economy and to the country up against yours any day of the week. We're a damn good company! And no, Trump didn't build that. I did. The same way that Obama didn't build Joe The Plumber's business!

And if anybody wants to see real stock market performance by President... Trump trails both Democrats Clinton and Obama. George W Bush and Jimmy Carter are clear losers.
More lies by DimWit. I answered your question that I have never received government contracts. My exact post was, "As to whether I get government contracts? I wish. Never have but I've always figured if you could bill the government or insurance companies then you'll do just fine. I've never done business with either of them though. Not sure the original impetus for your employment question but we're not even close to on subject here so feel free to pm me if you'd like."

You have absolutely no right to know more than I've shared about my private companies or what I do. But I will tell you this, of the 75-ish people we employ our average pay last year was over $90,000. I'll put my contribution to the economy and to the country up against yours any day of the week. We're a damn good company! And no, Trump didn't build that. I did. The same way that Obama didn't build Joe The Plumber's business!

And if anybody wants to see real stock market performance by President... Trump trails both Democrats Clinton and Obama. George W Bush and Jimmy Carter are clear losers.
View attachment 759

Lol, easy grizz. I never said you didn't answer the question, the point was you more or less ended the conversation before I could figure out why you're so unhappy with this administration. A big fresh dip usually takes care of it for me, you might try a tall glass of prune juice?
^^^ And that, folks, is the true definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome! When Trump says he could shoot a person on 5th Avenue and his supporters will still vote for him, he's describing the true TDS! An honest person wouldn't vote for a person regardless of their actions, they'd vote for them because of their actions.

It must really tick off DW to know that whatever he does in the polling both in November, his vote still goes to the Democrat! ???
I stopped reading here. You, sir, are not very bright, or I'll informed. Not once did YOUR PRESIDENT Trump say his supporters would still vote for him. He was talking about all of the false allegations from your dimwit Dems. Stating that after all their bs, he could shoot someone in that form, and no one would believe them. And fyi, as far as what DW posted, that is EXACTLY what is happening. If you actually watched the impeachment proceedings, instead of CNN or MSNBC, maybe you would be INETELLIGENT enough to realize it.

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