
Long Time Member
On That September Day?

The Quietest Day I've Ever Heard!

I Was On The Job-site That Morning!

My Wife Called Me & Said She'd Seen On The News Where A Jet Had Just Hit The Twin Towers!

No Planes In The Sky!

No Tweety Birds Chirping!

Dead Silence!



We Shall Not Forget!

4TH grade, I believe I was in class and saw it on the tv. I think I recall maybe it was on the news before school too? I was young, still left quite the impression.
I was home drinking a cup of coffee watching the news before i went to work when the attack happened. Needless to say that moment changed the lives of every American and we came together as citizens. Never forget. God bless those who have lost their lives from this attack and surround their families with your loving arms.
Building a Mimi storage complex in Northview, WE spend more time in the Super shack then working,
On the mountain muzzle load elk hunting. A buddy heard about it on the radio and we spent the afternoon listening to the reports. The next morning I drove into Gunnison to buy newspapers. Surreal experience.
On my way to Sheridan WY when one of my employees called me. Later that day I drove from Sheridan to Pueblo CO at about 10 MPH over, hardly a can on I=25.
I was at home. I turned on the TV and the first tower had already been hit. At the time, they thought it was an accident. I saw the second plane hit live as it happened. Then the pentagon, and then flight 93 (Let's Roll Todd Beamer!). I was glued to the TV the rest of the day as it became clear that this was an organized act of terror.
I was filled with anger and frustration. I desperately wanted to get some payback, but I had been deemed physically unfit for service by the Army 6 years prior when I had tried to enlist. That was a very hard pill to swallow at the time and still is to this day.
Never forget who was responsible for this.
I was in a conference at Pax River NAS, about 30 minutes from DC. I had plans to leave early and visit a young man who used to work for me. He was a USN Intel Officer.
As we watched the second plane hit, everyone knew we were at war. About 15 minutes later, the base, and every other one in the US was shut down. I think military flights were allowed 2-3 days later. I rode back to my base alongside a full bladder of jet fuel in a KC 130. We did two air to air refuels en route.

My boss, CO of the Marine Aviation Detachment at China Lake, drove by my house to tell her I was OK and would be home soon. She, knowing of my plans to visit the Pentagon, was scared that he had come by to deliver bad news.

We had a 7-11 type convenience store just outside the front gate. One of our Sailors saw that their security cameras were trained on the front gate, and not on their property. That store was owned by ME folks.
At work at the INL, getting ready to open our nuclear facilities, as normal. No one knew for sure what would happen anywhere else in the country, or where threats would occur.

Kept them closed for the day, and Security went to high level alert. Had all the Operations people freed up to watch TV coverage all day.
I will never forget that day. I had just started a new job as a teacher, and was probably in my 3rd or 4th week. The kids in my class got off the bus and told me what had happened.

All I could think of is trying to keep the kids on task and was worried about how them stressing out about the situation. I remember walking by a students desk and he was drawing a picture in 'Paint' of a plane crashing into a building.

Hard to believe it has been 22 years.
I was in the wilderness elk hunting, with no communication. Didn't learn about 9/11 until I came out of the mountains on the 15th, I believe. Had an unusual amount of voicemails, and one saying I needed to call home immediately as "world events" had been happening. Pretty hard to even learn the correct info 4 days later as it was assumed everyone knew the basic facts by then.
Bastards is right.

My brother and I were in the basement watching ESPN and eating cereal, when they broke the news we switched to a news channel.
I was in Lima, Peru on my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My landlord came up to our room and told us a plane crashed into the WTC. We went down and were watching when the second plane hit. It was our "free day" so my American companion and I basically watched their satellite feed of CNN all day in English. It was unbelievable.
I was in the Army, in a training class for new equipment we got when the news broke. I remember my initial thought was no way someone could accidentally fly a plane into a building. Then more news broke, saw the second hit, we all went into lockdown around that time. I remember seeing a couple fighter jets overhead for a few moments but nothing else. Everything seemed quiet, like no one was out driving or doing anything anywhere.
Bastards is right.
coldnt agree more.

on another completly unrelated note, here's a painting they found on Epstein island

On the mountain muzzle load elk hunting. A buddy heard about it on the radio and we spent the afternoon listening to the reports. The next morning I drove into Gunnison to buy newspapers. Surreal experience.
On the mountain muzzle load elk hunting. A buddy heard about it on the radio and we spent the afternoon listening to the reports. The next morning I drove into Gunnison to buy newspapers. Surreal experience.

Me too. Had one bull down and hanging , the elk were on fire with impeccable weather.
My buddy made a call home when he got service in those days, our hunt was over.
Never forgotten!
Good To Hear From You scpaisley!

Where You Been?

I was in the Army, in a training class for new equipment we got when the news broke. I remember my initial thought was no way someone could accidentally fly a plane into a building. Then more news broke, saw the second hit, we all went into lockdown around that time. I remember seeing a couple fighter jets overhead for a few moments but nothing else. Everything seemed quiet, like no one was out driving or doing anything anywhere.
Sitting in a high school classroom. News on. No passing periods. Nobody talked.

Same. I watched on the TV as the second plane fly right into the building and my teacher said it right then and there.

"We are under attack...."

I'll never forget those words.
Flying in the air from Arequipa Peru to Lima Peru.
While waiting to check in at Lima a small Peruvian told us they were bombing our country.

My first thought was "Red Dawn, its actually happening" and that I was stuck in Peru forever.
Flying in the air from Arequipa Peru to Lima Peru.
While waiting to check in at Lima a small Peruvian told us they were bombing our country.

My first thought was "Red Dawn, its actually happening" and that I was stuck in Peru forever.
so how was it getting home?
I was up on deseret land and livestock hunting a pair of sheep eating coyotes heard the news when I got back to my truck..after seeing the news clips that afternoon I was enraged and sad at the same time
Got woke up by a friend after sleeping through math class again at University of TN. Still being in the military at the time, we did the only logical choice. Started drinking and watched the news.
I was in Florence, Oregon on a fishing trip with my hunting-fishing partner and our wives. Saw the planes fly into the trade center on T.V. in our R.V. trailers. Turned to my partner and told him, "we will be going to war".
Was at work mowing the back lot. Boss came out all upset. He told us to go home for the rest of the day. I really expected an all out war sooner than it happened.
Was near Fort Nelson BC. Finished hunting elk and was supposed to fly home. The outfitter came running into the cabin saying, plane just hit a tall bldg. turn on the TV. Turned on the TV just as the 2nd plane hit the other tower. The outfitter says, your under attack. Need less to say I didn't fly out that day. 6 days later I got home.
I was on my way to high school during my senior year. I was 10 minutes late from school, but I told the principal in the school office about the 9/11 attacks and I told him our nation was under attack. I didn't get a tardy slip that day. Two minutes later , the principal announced on the school intercom speakers, "our nation is under attack, to all of the students." It was an eery feeling and I still get goosebumps when I hear that message repeated from the principal in my memory. ???
That morning was on a biology lab field trip my freshman year in college on tomichi creek east of gunnison co. Didn’t know what happened really till got back to school and saw it all on the TV
i was at work when a coworker said that a plane had flown into the world trade center. my first thought was what idiot flew into the side of the building. i assumed it was a small plane. i hate to say it, but with all the people we're letting into the country i think we are due for another one.
Packing a hog of a mt goat off the mountain in OR. Had no clue until we hit the trailhead early evening. On the 6 hr drive home, I can’t remember passing but a handful of rigs that whole drive.

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