Where is the outrage? CPW killing off all the deer...


Long Time Member
ran the quick numbers for this year... In addition to all the excess buck tags in the NW to kill off mature deer, the aholes at CPW are again going to hammer the doe in the NW...

Quick summary of units, 3, 4, 5, 23/13, 11/211 and 22. They are giving out over 2350 doe tags... This added to last year is absolutely sickening. I have no idea how people are allowing this to happen in the NW... We should see news stories on the angry mobs at the meetings, we should hear from the outfitters and the local towns hammering the CPW for destroying the resource. It seems people are just rolling over and taking the management plan?

They have destroyed the resource in the NW. Totally obliterated it... If this goes anything like what they did in 7, 8, 9, 19, on the east slope the NW deer herd will be down for over a decade...

I am so happy I left that crap hole state...
They started killing does down here too. I’m outraged, but that’s sorta normal for me.

What I did decide to do was tell the 3 people who have asked so far NO, no does will be shot on my place. That really means they live about 5 minutes longer until they jump the fence into the neighbors.

Its not much, but at least it makes me feel better about myself.:poop:
They started killing does down here too. I’m outraged, but that’s sorta normal for me.

What I did decide to do was tell the 3 people who have asked so far NO, no does will be shot on my place. That really means they live about 5 minutes longer until they jump the fence into the neighbors.

Its not much, but at least it makes me feel better about myself.:poop:
I thought I had seen a new doe only hunt this year in 72-73! That's got to be pretty close to you?
ran the quick numbers for this year... In addition to all the excess buck tags in the NW to kill off mature deer, the aholes at CPW are again going to hammer the doe in the NW...

Quick summary of units, 3, 4, 5, 23/13, 11/211 and 22. They are giving out over 2350 doe tags... This added to last year is absolutely sickening. I have no idea how people are allowing this to happen in the NW... We should see news stories on the angry mobs at the meetings, we should hear from the outfitters and the local towns hammering the CPW for destroying the resource. It seems people are just rolling over and taking the management plan?

They have destroyed the resource in the NW. Totally obliterated it... If this goes anything like what they did in 7, 8, 9, 19, on the east slope the NW deer herd will be down for over a decade...

I am so happy I left that crap hole state...
Sent you a PM.
Colorado will follow the direction of California now that it has the same politics. Kill all the deer with doe hunts just as California did with doe hunts in NE Cali. Then claim the predators need protection because they are a delicate resource.and running out of food.

Next up eliminate those pesky elk with wolves.....
Remember back a relatively short period of time before Colo converted over to all limited tags across the state for deer? Deer numbers and quality was in the pits. Forked horn and 3x bucks were often the biggest bucks on the mountain! Unfortunately even with all limited Colo mule deer tags things are headed back in that direction. Hopefully the CPW changes away from the rut rifle season dates, increase in buck and doe tags, etc. sooner than later!

The glory days of mule deer across the West was in the 80's through around 2018 when Colo had so many amazing B&C listings. In fact, there was no state in the country that came even close to the B&C listings of Colo. I really believe that is something to be excited about! Colorado definitely caught the attention of mule deer hunters from all across the country.

It is truly sad that politics and the increase in license sales has brought the epic World Class muley period to an abrupt end in Colo. We all know that CWD is a poor excuse for their actions! Yep, there still will be a few rare B&C listings but the future of Colo mule deer doesn't look promising.

In the long-run, the CPW plan may backfire when nonres hunters apply elsewhere as they find out that it's not worth paying for high application/license fees/pref pts when it takes years to draw tags and all that is available is dink bucks.
Not worth getting my dander up anymore with CPW or this f'd up state. They are under the thumb of extremist King Jerry P. Frankly I don't care and will adjust accordingly by getting used to meat bucks and hunting other states for a better opportunity at a mature deer. Dam shame... Votes have consequences and these blue people are seeing the affects while whining about it. Yet come election time they will stand and applaud the people they elect who continue to bring unimaginable demise to this once great state they bich about loosing. Never seen so many ignorant people living in a delusional state as I have in liberal Colorado. Terrible dumb...
Could be a chance for sportsman to self regulate, but I don’t think that will happen too many Instagram hunters that need to get every last tag. Co is truly getting the outdoors loved to death…
Colorado is full of sissy la las. A typical native green tag is just a whiney ass little bi+ch.

The only reason CO has the most BC entries for mule deer is bragging is bred into your blood from an early age in CO.

Fack that state and the people in it.
:cry: Dude, you need to put down the whiskey and switch back to weed. :ROFLMAO:

And some trivia. You can get all kind of weird license plates here now. Green is old school :cool:

Oddly, it doesn’t appear that we have a pro abortion option. I’m glad, but that surprised me.

I always thought those b&c entries were because all the best hunters and guides live here?
Colorado is full of sissy la las. A typical native green tag is just a whiney ass little bi+ch.

The only reason CO has the most BC entries for mule deer is bragging is bred into your blood from an early age in CO.

Fack that state and the people in it.
Easy there.
Not worth getting my dander up anymore with CPW or this f'd up state. They are under the thumb of extremist King Jerry P. Frankly I don't care and will adjust accordingly by getting used to meat bucks and hunting other states for a better opportunity at a mature deer. Dam shame... Votes have consequences and these blue people are seeing the affects while whining about it. Yet come election time they will stand and applaud the people they elect who continue to bring unimaginable demise to this once great state they bich about loosing. Never seen so many ignorant people living in a delusional state as I have in liberal Colorado. Terrible dumb...
I’d love to know what state is better for mature bucks??
I’ve hunted most of them, and I haven’t found the promised land
Could be a chance for sportsman to self regulate, but I don’t think that will happen too many Instagram hunters that need to get every last tag. Co is truly getting the outdoors loved to death…
I’ve said this, and then I get called an Elitist….. Can’t win
To think Colorado has the most mature bucks anymore is a joke in itself. Killing any sex deer is a travesty, guys go out and kill anything Brown and get up to a young buck or Doe and Hi 5 like they did something, that is sickening, there is not one person on this site starving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you so called hunters have to have deer meat to eat that is a joke!!! If all the so called Monster Muley guys would go out of state and or in state and try for a quality animal or go home without the world as we know it for quality deer hunting would be a better place period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure this will raise some eyebrows but it's true, if he's not something you really want "LET HIM WALK!"
Or we could just cut tags.
Elks96, I totally agree with you! I ask myself everyday how are we putting up with all this crap? Fuel prices, gun control lies, food shortages, open boarders and the lack of common sense decisions by CPW to add to it. WTF? When are we going to band together and stop all this crap? Like you said, we seem to all be rolling over and turning a cheek? Why aren't we banding together and standing up, where is the outrage? Oh someone put a biden sticker on a gas pump? That's it?
It is time to put an end to this bull**it that government is getting away with both across the nation and in our home states. Don't get me started on our worthless governor, the road conditions and the out of control homeless population that now calls that Hell hole Denver home!
Amen mossback… I work in the metro area, and respond to “open drug scenes” non stop… these “homeless” are just druggies that come to co to hangout because we enable their lifestyle. The corruption of local politics is insane, our cdot leader is an political favor that Michelle Obama asked ole polis for… she is a freaking history major from back east… and we wonder why our roads/ highways suck. Well at least the I-70 project pays someone to over see equity and social justice?! I want my taxes back haha
Amen mossback… I work in the metro area, and respond to “open drug scenes” non stop… these “homeless” are just druggies that come to co to hangout because we enable their lifestyle. The corruption of local politics is insane, our cdot leader is an political favor that Michelle Obama asked ole polis for… she is a freaking history major from back east… and we wonder why our roads/ highways suck. Well at least the I-70 project pays someone to over see equity and social justice?! I want my taxes back haha
Exactly ! Lucky I don't live in Denver but have to commute around it to our job sites.. It makes me sick what Colorado has become . I70 and our governor are both an embarrassment to our state! Oh and lets add CPW to that as well
CPW already has roundtables. I believe Elks was once a representative their.

When and if there is a political change there might be a cancel but dam there is a lot of -f'd up chit that needs fixed. In Colorado, is CPW responsibilities a priority as a state in such ill-repair? I say yes with enactment not that hard to implement.
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The mysterious thing about all of the long term mule deer management schemes in Colo is they are all based around the fact that cwd is going to destroy colo deer herds. Everyone that lives in cwd hotspots since the 1980s know this is everything but true!

Wyoming was heading in this same direction with late season rut hunts for deer west of laramie this year where they reported cwd. The sportsman in wyo stood up and vigorously fought this and made the laramie biologist at one of their meetings look like an imbecile! I’m pretty sure they canceled these late hunts from the over-whelming negative response by sportsman’s that had great questions to ask the biologists that had no answers! Cwd is a bunch of bull crap!
CPW already has roundtables. I believe Elks was once a representative their.

When and if there is a political change there might be a cancel but dam there is a lot of -f'd up chit that needs fixed. In Colorado, is CPW responsibilities a priority as a state in such ill-repair? I say yes with enactment not that hard to implement.
The “W” part of CPW is at the back of the bus I’m afraid. Just in my 30 something years here, I’ve seen the popularity of hunting drop dramatically.

There’s a few “Welcome Hunters” banners still out on mainstreet, but nothing like it was. It’s bicycles and day-use fees now.
The problem is there is no science behind what they are saying about cwd and their management decisions to desalinate deer herds throughout The west half of Colo. Yes we all know CWD is present but it’s not killing off our deer herds. The prions are in the soil and they will be there for years and years! Large scale killing of deer has not proven to prevent the spread! What happens 50 years from now when the CWD prions are still in the soil?

The root of the problem stems from the claims they are making about CWD. If that is notion is closed down there is no need for rut hunts and the increase in deer tags!
CWD isn’t widespread down here, so I guess we’re killing does as a prophylactic measure. But I understand your point.
Agreed, First we were told that CWD was carried and transmitted mainly in older bucks , so they increased tags and moved to later season dates. Then out of the blue we have all these doe tags. What is the reasoning behind the doe tags???
Agreed, First we were told that CWD was carried and transmitted mainly in older bucks , so they increased tags and moved to later season dates. Then out of the blue we have all these doe tags. What is the reasoning behind the doe tags???
Make as much money as they can off all the deer tags, and then when the deer are gone they don't have to spend any money on managing them and can go back to spending money on watchable wildlife and stocking 10" trout
They stock 2” trout here…….but I understand your point. I think its because they need less water, which is something we have plenty of these days.?
CWD has been around forever and they have no one to blame but their self, they caused it with caged deer in Fort Collins so they could test them with stuff they injected into them and high fence Elk Ranches and then when it ramped up and ran wild they had no idea what to do. Now they want you to believe their none sense of the older class bucks having it, if that were true then every rutted out buck would die off after breeding season if the disease is so bad and they all have it?????? Now how is it that all the mature bucks back in the day when Co was 3 point or better survived no problem?????? There were more older class bucks back then and CWD was present because they flew a herd of around 200 deer into some box canyons and killed them all back in the 80s around Hamilton Co. and tested them for some "Disease" in which if I remember correctly like 6 Deer had something?????? They burned them all and no one was the wiser and now the "Disease CWD" is what they throw at us and want us all to believe that they have the herds best interest in mind. BS MAN!!!!!!! This is ridiculous what they are doing and it is sad sad sad:cry::cry::cry:!!!!! But hey we keep going and keep spending more and more for less and less.?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️
I have been fighting the CPW mismanagement of CWD for two decades. Where were you guys at three years ago at the CPW statewide CWD meetings?? I tried to get on the committee but the CPW blocked me. I still went to the meetings as a member of the public. I was the ONLY public person there! I needed your help!

Nobody can get rid of CWD. It’s now in the soil and water. I would rather have 20%+ CWD prevalence and still have mature bucks than 5% CWD prevalence and no mature bucks! What the hell difference does it make - we cannot get rid of CWD anyway!!

Some facts that CPW won’t tell you: There are two genetic strains of mule deer that react differently to CWD. One strain usually dies within 2.5 years of contracting CWD. The other strain takes about 7 years to die and are also much less susceptible to getting CWD under wild conditions. The only way out of this mess is to stop killing so many deer and let the less susceptible deer survive and out compete the more susceptible strain! Wake up people!
Wyo was going to add late season cwd driven "cull rut hunts" in the Snowy's for the first time this year. They had a meeting and the WG&F guy got beat up by the public in his excuses.....he had no real answers to the sportsmans questions about CWD and looked like a fool in their meeting! I'm pretty sure Wyo canned the late rut hunt cull idea!

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