Whats your favorite state to hunt and why?


Active Member
So what is your favorite state to hunt and why? and just for fun lets say your favorite state to hunt as a non-resident. With all the slamming that goes on towards the DOW's there has to be a state that you enjoy more so than others.

For me personally it is probably Colorado. It was the first state I ever hunted western big game in as a nonresident. Their late season elk hunts generally offer a good opportunity to fill a freezer while waiting to draw a better early tag and you can draw a "decent" deer tag pretty regularly. Their license fees are on par or cheaper than others. That's not to say CO doesn't have its negatives but it has some good as well.
I'd have to go with Nevada. The mule deer hunt is probably the best I've been on and drew the tag with low points. Plus you can get away from crowds in Nevada if you draw the right hunt.
Have to go with Wyoming. Maybe because I've been there more than anywhere else. And not to hard to draw tags.
Wyoming and I am a resident. Still waiting on other states playing points game. Wyo I can hunt deer elk and bears over the counter can't beat that!!!
I don't have enough out of state hunts under my belt to hold much weight. I've hunted nv, ut, co, id, ca. There's just something about Idaho!
There's no place like home...........Wyoming. But I really like hunting in Colorado, Nevada and I'd hunt Alberta every year if I could afford it.
Idaho. Many OTC opportunities, public land, and game. Might be different if I had more time and money to hunt other places though.
"I'd love to hunt the state of Jefferson someday."

+2, It is my favorite place to hunt right now and has been for years. It's close to home, tags are easy to get, between camping, hunting, and fishing, it's right here, i'm surrounded by public land and it can consume weekends one after another.

Outa State trips were always a bonus to me, the gravy. My fav's in order.



Keep your slimy Paws Off My, Yours, Our,.. Public Land!!!
Nevada with Arizona being a close second. Nevada does a reasonably good job of managing the game herds and there is plenty of solitude for those willing to hike a little ways.
montana you can free roam 40 million acres with a pocket full of tags while hunting upland bird, meat hunter paradise with trophies. calif. you can hunt deer nearly 7 months with a bow and cant beat the birds, nevada if you want to hunt were no one has hunted since the indians for deer,hunting chuckar will lead you to the deer, and hunting deer will show you the birds.It seems most other states will show you the crowds.
I dont know if I can answer this question. Ive hunted Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona and California. Almost each unit I have hunted in every state has its own unique country and its all breathtaking and has mature animals somewhere in it. Every new unit I hunt becomes my new favorite place.
I have to admit that I was expecting a lot of Wyoming and Montana, but I am amazed at all the mentions of California! That is one state that has never been on my radar or at least not very high.
Not sure I can answer it. I have hunted AK, MT, UT, CO and MN. They each have had there awesome points/experiences yet each one is different. CO is great cause I know the units I hunt so well due to being a resident. UT is awesome because of the two great bulls dad and I have. AK is simply AK.
I guess my favorite would have to be I am currently in scouting/hunting cause that is where my mind is at. I love hunting and can't put one state above the rest. Wish I could retire today and move from state to state being a resident every two years hunting though... :D

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Nevada is an awesome state to hunt. Hunted deer there 4 times now, and had opportunities at great bucks each time. Passed a few; missed a couple; and brought one home. This year I get to hunt bull elk during the early rut with a bow. Nevada has a ton of 350+ bulls. Sometimes my home state of Wyoming can seem a little crowded. Hunted private land in Colorado only one time, and have been chasing point creep every year since. Idaho for bear was an awesome hunt! South Dakota is a sleeper state. There is so much game there it is incredible. Arizona and New Mexico for elk were also great hunts.

I love hunting Wyoming, but I question some management strategies here, and since I am a resident, I will go with Nevada as my favorite. No OTC tags there, and I like that management strategy. Never been to Alberta, but I have a feeling that would be my number 1 if I ever go.
I have hunted 10 different states and my top 2 are
I would put Arizona and Nevada right there if I could Hunt/draw more tags.
Depends what I'm hunting, but I really like Montana and Wyoming:
Montana...whitetail deer, black bear, bison.
Wyoming...elk, antelope, mule deer.
Wyoming- Antelope, Deer, Elk. Even with point creep I have been able to draw some good tags.
Idaho- for pretty good draw odds and OTC as backup.
Arizona is probably my favorite, followed by Wyoming. Tags every 3-5 years for some quality hunts and love the people.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-16 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-16 AT 02:28?PM (MST)

Here at home in NM now.
Was my go to NR state followed by UT,MT,OR.
CA had some great deer & hunting to go with excellent fishing when I lived there.
Neither NM or CA have the deer quality they did,IMHO.
But I have plan E
1. Alaska. Why?....it's Alaska!!!!
2. Idaho. No points system. Beautiful wild country with lots of room.
Utah first as we can hunt with the family which is always the best hunts
Colorado second as I grew up hunting with my uncle in Western Colorado and it holds great memories
Wyoming most game seen and best chance to fill a tag

And then there is California what can I say but I would love to hunt here as I live here if only I could draw a tag I could list it maybe
haven't drawn a tag in my home state for 14 years so as of now it is not my favorite
Nevada for no hunting pressure and the quality of animals.
California for the variety and scenery.
Oklahoma for the turtles.
+1 for Alaska- Yeah some of the regulations can be rough but it is one of the most beautiful places ive ever hunted! and in the august northern brooks range hunt you can literally hunt 24 hrs straight!!!

It's where I've lived most of my life. It's where all of my children and grandchildren live and all of my hunting friends live and it's affordable (so far) and beautiful. And it has real seasons.

I've only hunted in two other states; Washington, once for elk, and California many times for deer when we lived there. But a whitetail is on my bucket list, so I'll have to leave Utah at least one more time.
Only one place, My home of Arizona, cause of the great weather. Trophy animals also. Montana and Wyoming if I had to choose else where but to damn cold some times to have fun. Last Mont. deer hunt year and half ago was -21 or -22 for the whole hunt. Give 110 degrees and go huntin, just drink lottsa water. Generally great weather in hunting season and best place to bow hunt in Jan. when most of the country is frozen in................BULL!

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