What's the matter with Romney


Long Time Member
Triple K. This is with respect so to answer your question that I missed earlier. What's the matter with Romney let me begin.

1. He supports No Child Left Behind from Bush Administration and follows it with a stupid statement testing creates better schools and learning. This was an incredible waste of money I have personal experience with. ( This is incorrect better teaching equals better learning)

2. In 1994 he supported the Brady Bill saying I guess this will not please the NRA. A few weeks before annoucing his candinancy in 2007 he joins the NRA announcing he's a hunter always have been.

3. When questioned on #2 he says yes I own a gun and later admits that he doesn't but his son in Utah ownes two.

4. In 2002 in the Senate campaign he said "We must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern." In 2006 supported Federal Marriage Amendment to quantify marriage to be only between a man an a woman.

5. He has stated local school districts should have complete control to have prayer in schools.

6. Finally before I go on too long he says he loves France. "I did my mission in France I love the country."

I personally think the guy is all smoke and mirrors not real solid or honest on anything. But then again I guess I'm just a flaming liberal on this site.

With respect Mrs. Triple K. (I really mean that, it isn't sarcasm your post are always great and honest as well as make me smile)
Those are all valid points. I know we could make a list like that for every viable presidential candidate.

I hope I am not hijaking your post. I like Paul (physco libertarian), but believe Romney is the best of the viable candidates from either party. McCain is too old. Huckabee is too, well too something. Thompson and Gulianni are paper dolls. Hillary is a liar. Obama has no substance, no real ideas. Edwards is the best of the Dems, but is too much of a "government will support you" candidate.

Then there is Bloomberg.......???

>Those are all valid points.
>I know we could make
>a list like that for
>every viable presidential candidate.
>I hope I am not hijaking
>your post. I like
>Paul (physco libertarian), but believe
>Romney is the best of
>the viable candidates from either
>party. McCain is too
>old. Huckabee is too,
>well too something. Thompson
>and Gulianni are paper dolls.
> Hillary is a liar.
> Obama has no substance,
>no real ideas. Edwards
>is the best of the
>Dems, but is too much
>of a "government will support
>you" candidate.
>Then there is Bloomberg.......???

I think you hit it right on the head on all counts.
I'm sure you're correct packout. I will probably vote for Paul I don't buy this media crap he's not a viable candidate. Although Edwards is still a possibility for my vote.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-08 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]All that may well be true, but we will have a democrat in the whitehouse now the nation just has to decide which one they want. . .
I sure wasn't meaning it as an insult. IMO this same list can be made for every candidate.
Cornhusker- Unfortunately the media completely decides who the viable candidates are. They steer the ship and give the publicity the way they want it. Just for example, look at how they roasted Romney on his religion, of all things. Russert talked about it for over 30 minutes of his 1 hour on Meet the Press. All the candidates are doing something, but we only get to hear what the media wants to tell us. That can be the good or the bad, just depends on who the media wants to show and in what light.

We don't have to allow the media to influence us I saw Russert attack Romney on his religion and all it did was make me mad. I still believe the power is with the people it just takes the right person to galvanize it. Also understand younger people are using Youtube to gain a lot of their information not the normal mass media. I haven't given up yet on Paul or Edwards or maybe a Bloomberg/Hagel ticket. The media trys to control us an are thoughts but I think we can get what the media portrays if we are willing to put a little effort into it.
Husky, what do you really know about "No Child Left Behind"? Finally we have some substance to make teachers accountable!! And please don't tell me that the Gov't isn't forking out enough $$$'s for its programs. Are you a member of the NEA or your local teachers union?
Nope not a member of any teachers union, NEA, FTA, or local. Their is no accoutability in No Child Left Behind. Every state develops their own test. In Nebraska which is totally different than other states we have the national standards efficiency of is proven by assessment tests. Educational service units write the test so they are all different and usually not well written. Teach to the test everyone tests at top level which is called advanced. That's how its usually done. I know some about how No Child Left behind works in other states. District are given exceptions for minorities and ESL learners, teachers are simply teaching to the test, some district don't report results of poor performing students. Remember the whole program was developed by the ex-Superintendent of Houston schools who had incredible improvements in scoring. After Bush made him secretary of education he authored No Child Left Behind. People than began investigating how his district scores had risen so quickly the answer non-reporting of students that scored poorly. They were simply not listed as attending on test days or withdrawing from school. More money pumped into schools isn't the answer it will just be wasted. I don't have the answer but No Child Left Behind is certainly not an answer to anything except how to waste money.
Thanks, Husker. I totally agree about NCLB. I have similar issues with him but I agree with Packout too.

What was Russert saying about his religion? I missed that.

He is a politician, they lie to get people to vote for them, ALL OF THEM DO IT! I am sorry to burst your bubble :(
Romney is and always will be a moron. He's campaigned like an idiot, handled questions about his religion in almost embarrassing fashion, cant take criticism well (you see the argument he got in with the reporter yesterday? how un-classy).

He spends a ton of effort and money to win Michigan when other candidates didn't even bother with it, this of course due to Michigan being stripped of HALF its delegates due to violating party voting rules.

Way to go Romney you moron! You won a state that wont mean squat in the final tally.

I'll say one thing for Romney, he does give you the feeeling he wants to do the right thing. he may not be the best candidate but good intentions go a long ways for me, Ron Paul and the now out of the running Richardson were the same way.

I always defend Jimmy Carter for the same reasons, he may not have been the greatest president but he did his best and his intentions couldn't have been better, look at his life since office as one of the most humanitarian Americans alive. I'll take a less experienced person with good intentions over a seasoned self serving politian any day.
Wow dude!! I knew it was cold outside but I didn't know hell had frozen over. That's one of the very few posts of yours that I haven't thrown up after reading it. :) Just razzing ya!!
How does that saying go about good intentions? Good intentions means squat! Only liberals believe as long as your 'intentions' are/were good, the results and/or outcomes don't matter! WTF?

I wonder if I could tell my bank I 'intended' to make my house payment and get a 'pass' like Jimmy Carter for his 'good intentions'? For some strange reason I doubt it. What do you think MortgageMan?

Romney has been successful everywhere he has gone and has done very well with everything he has ran. I see no reason why that would change if he were President.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I've never seen anyone try so hard to be a tough guy Pro, you crack me up.

How many good deeds have been done by anyone without good intentions? if there have been any it was by accident. nobody said good intentions are all that's needed in a politian but it's a very good quality.

Romney isn't the proven performer you think he is and he's not going to get the nomination. he does seem like a decent guy and I give him that, where I come from your character does count.
Pro - You are right. Good intentions don't pay the bills. I think most people will vote for someone that they feel has genuine good intentions over a professional politician. Romney is a very successful politician and business man. His views on gun control are not black and white and that's what concerns me a little bit.
Character is the biggest factor for me in looking at whom to vote for, but 'good intentions' mean squat. I am sure Hilliary's 'intentions' to make us a socialistic nation is based on good intentions, but to have it implemented would be a nightmare for America. Romney HAS been proven to be successful, look at his resume compared too any/all the other candidates. NONE come close to having the QUALIFICATIONS Romney has. I believe Romney would appopint conservative judges to the benches, so I am not concerned with his gun stance.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I don't know if I would vote for Romney, but I will say this if a Mormon Conservative can be elected Governor in an very liberal state like Massachusetts then there just might be something about the guy.
Now we agree on something. I think Romney would appoint judges that are too conservative assuming he got the chance, that's why I'd never vote for him.
Triple K work always gets in the way of answering this web-site. To answer your question Russert basically brought up the fact that the LDS Church would be a big factor in the election. He also said how could it not guide his decisions as president if he was elected. Then something about his dealing with Mormon owned companies. It was basically unfair in my opinion to bring the religious factor into an interview on what his electable platform will be. I still insist religion shouldn't be a factor if they can separate it from government, no matter what your religion. (Expected to get blasted on that)

Pro just kind of going through all the candidates and their political experience. Why do you feel he has so much more experience than the rest? The next question. Is that political experience a positiive or do we need an outsider to change things from the course they are now on?

He was elected in a liberal state because he became a liberal in the election to get elected. Examples "We must make Gay and Lesbian rights a mainstream issue." "My vote on the Brady Bill will not make me a favorite of the NRA." He's one of those lizzards that changes to blend in with his surroundings.
>Still waiting for an intelligent answer

I doubt you would be able to comprehend an intelligent answer.;-)

I don't think the Commander in Chief shouold require "on the job training", and that is what would happen with an "outsider". None of the democrats have run ANYTHING, none have a clue on business, ALL want to turn America into a socialist country. Romney has successfully ran businesses, turned the winter oylimpics around and actually was a major factor into 2002 being the FIRST host city to make a profit off the event instead of a tax burden on the host city, was able to get things done as a conservative in a liberal state. I'll ask you, what other candidate has a resume anywhere near Romney's? I do NOT want the "CEO" of America to be a "rookie".


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-08 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]Pro you're funny, you don't think in 8 years of living in the whitehouse Hillary learned anything? like her or not to say Romney has more experience than her is goofy. same goes for her first lady, if you get Hillary you get a past president in the deal, here again like him or not he knows the job and was FAR more popular at it than the president we have now.

Go ahead and support you candidate , but think about what you're saying.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-08 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]Jimmy Carter was President for four years and he is STILL 100% cluleless on foriegn affairs. Like Dck Morris said, the pastry chef was ther for 8 years as well. Is Bill going to sit in on every conference she has with foriegn leaders? Is he going to be 'consulted' on every little thing? I am guessing he'll be busy with his cigars way to often. Romney has actually MADE decisions, not 'heard' about them from his spouse and/or the press. Goofy indeed!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
So what you're saying is a woman can't learn, don't tell me you think if your wife were the CEO of a corp and you were expected to follow her around and help her full time, you don't think in 8 years you'd learn anything. get a clue, she's not my first choice either but to say she isn't as experienced is ignorant.
Can anybody name ONE piece of legislation She has passed while in Congress? To me she's like a female Jesse Jackson, always looking for a microphone and camera but usually doesn't make sense when actually talking. Billy-bob let bin laden skate, got the USS Cole blown up, the embassys destroyed and played lots of footsies. Hillary has no spine or she'd dumped him. She will say ANYTHING for a vote. Her foreign policy experience is standing around with other 1st ladys talking cheating storys. Other than that she is a great canidate.
>So what you're saying is a
>woman can't learn, don't tell
>me you think if your
>wife were the CEO of
>a corp and you were
>expected to follow her around
>and help her full time,
>you don't think in 8
>years you'd learn anything. get
>a clue, she's not my
>first choice either but to
>say she isn't as experienced
>is ignorant.

I have been married for several years, and I doubt my wife could do my day job very well. Not because she isn't smart enough, but because she has NEVER actually done the work. You make it sound as is Hillary was always with Bill, I believe Monica proves otherwise. She did learn a few thing from "Slick Willy", like how to blame everything on the "vast right-wing conspiracy", and to play dirty politics like she and the Clinton machine is now ratching up against Obama. Good thing she has all that experience.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Say what ever you want about her if she isn't your next president Obama will be. I'm not crazy about some of her ideas but I'm not affaid of her ability.

Back to Romney, won't get the nomination in any event. McCain is actually pulling farther away from the pack in this weeks polls which surprises me. watch for Giuliani to get back in the game before long when the big states vote would be my guess.
I have stated my opinions on the GOP candidates and the Dem candidates without ever overshadowing the fact that they are all proven public servants. All have shared years of dedicated public service, some more than others, and they should be commended, regardless of party affiliation. At some point and time they won a vote and had a pleased constituency. Anything less than a commendation just wouldn't be.....American.

The GOP is currently fractionalizing as they follow a spinning compass in an atmosphere of increasing criticism of the current administration. Each GOP candidate defiantly speaks about our feable energy policy, massive deficits, massive trade imbalance, open borders, dropping dollar, job-loss, strained international relationships, and mismanagement of the war on a daily basis.

Amongst all of this criticism, where are all the loyal Bushies to defend and stone down these disloyal conservative voices questioning their great leader? Perhaps these so-called GOP candidates are like the rest of the ship-jumping rats and are currently writing books about their make-believe disgust of the Bush Admin.

Where were all these defiant voices years ago before running for office? Everyone else except for Paul was to busy living in fear of losing campaign contributions and Carl Rove so they kept unwelcomed criticism to themselves.

As for Mitt, he a centillionaire, a man who was born into a vast fortune that his father had amasted. Like many millionaires Mitt has a liking for politics, like many politicians Mitt likes to tell people what his handlers think they want to hear. Mitt and George share a Daddy complex, which I believe places Mitt in a perpetual pandering posture.

You can't trust any of the GOP candidates because their silence for the last several years illustrates that their patriotism ends at the voting both. If any of the current candidates truly cared about America or Americans they would have started sharing their concerns years ago, instead of staying silent and partisan. The only one I can ever remember rising above partisanship and being openly candid and partriotic was Chuck Hagel, and last I checked he ain't running.
Words of wisdom as usual from FTW. Hagel was to critical (honest) of Bush the republicans would have short circuited his campaign from the start. I still believe Ron Paul is a viable candidate who cares about America and doing the right thing rather than just winning the vote. I could be wrong. I still remember Cheney's quote on Hagel. " I try to follow the 11th commandemnet of Reagan and not say anything bad about a fellow republican but with Hagel I'll make an exception." Doing what you think is right is often costly the next senator from Nebraska to replace Hagel will be the say what it takes to get elected ex-governor ex secretary of Ag. Mike Johanns. Every farmer should hate that guy he stepped out of the Sec. of Ag. job right in the middle of the construction of the new Ag. bill.
I like Paul too but he and Thompson are toast, Thompson's a goober who deserves it but Paul just doesn't fit the republican mold .

McCain won SC today and he's on a roll, his poll numbers are surging and if Romney and Rudy don't stop in a couple weeks it'll be to late. Huckleberry is going to go down in flames, his only hope was the bible belt and McCain took SC away from him today and polls well in some of the others.
I've seen Huckaby answer every question with a straight answer. His policies may not be what you want but at least you know where he stands.
WapitiBob I'll agree with your statement of Huckabee, he does answer everything honestly. He's third on my list, still worry about him separating government and religion but he might be able to do that to early to tell. With McCain winning S.C. it might doom his campaign anyhow he has to do well in the southern bible belt as pointed out by Dude.

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