What the he11 is this and for whose consumption?????

A bunch of crap, if he has trouble trying to scratch up a few thousand troops by the end of the year to sent to Afghanistan I think we'd be seeing a few more recruitment posters if he was going to come up with a million .
While I do not actually believe the article posted, it seems 440 thinks we only have several thousand troops available to us at any given time. So I will do his homework for him since his liberal loving pea brain can't seem to google anything and give you the following from Wikipedia.

"As of February 28, 2009 1,454,515 people are on active duty[12] in the military with an additional 848,000 people in the seven reserve components.[3] It is an all volunteer military, however, conscription can be enacted by the request of the President and the approval of Congress. The United States military is the second largest in the world, after the People's Liberation Army of China, and has troops deployed around the globe.

In early 2007, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates proposed to the President to increase the overall size of the Army and Marine Corps to meet the needs of the War on Terrorism.[13] Current plans are to increase the Army to 547,400 and the Marine Corps to 202,000 by 2012. The expansion will cost a total of $90.7 billion between 2009 and 2013 as the Navy and Air Force undergo a limited force reduction.[14] In addition, in 2009, Gates proposed increasing the size of the Army by 22,000 troops in order to reduce fatigue from multiple trips overseas, and to compensate for troops who are in recovery away from their units.[citation needed]

As in most militaries, members of the U.S. Armed Forces hold a rank, either that of officer or enlisted, and can be promoted."

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!

What sites have you been delving into Vichris? Igor is the new love-child of the American Conservative Party, yet his decade-long antics are old school KGB rhetoric.

You need not worry...just Google Igor Panarin and you will instantly see what or who is consuming his crap. Or you can look at the video clips of the Michelle Bachmann rally a couple of weeks ago.
Californiahorn why do we keep extending tours and pulling retired personel back to duty? why did a pentagon report say last year we don't have the forces at home to protect from a domestic attack?

It's no secret we have a troop shortage, by the way a 40 year old fat chick with 7 kids and asthma isn't a battle ready soldier just because she's registered.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-09 AT 12:08PM (MST)[p]Sooo... Wow, we have the second largest military on the planet and have 115,000 troops in Iraq and have 68,000 in Afghanistan, with 1.4 million active duty and we can't scrape up 30,000 troops somewhere? You really need to quit reading all the propoganda that was put out there when Bush was President. Of course the media wanted you to think that our military is in dire straits. Oh and I really don't think the fat chick with asthma would be considered "active duty". On the other hand, someone has to cook!

By the way, if you'll ever do a little research, military enlistment is up. Sure it has something to do with the economy but your notion that Obama is having trouble scraping up 30,000 troops is ludacris at best!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
You can't be serious, where are these countless battle ready troops at? are the troop fatigue concerns the pentagon keeps whining about a bunch of crap? maybe we keep rotating them back so their replacements don't miss football season?

Many of the troops going to Afghanistan are coming from Iraq, why not just use some of the ones you have sitting around picking their nose?
Holy crap 440 if you're right and we ever get invaded, we're screwed because we have no battle ready troops! Seriously you're a moron and exactly how long do new recruits get trained before being thrown into battle? Is it basic training? Do they need years of training before being able to shoot a gun? One of these days you need to back up your claims with FACTS. Until then you're just a moron!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Here's what I am loving.

You RWJ's tried telling us that BO was a tried and true raghead terrorist and now in some twisted sick way he is trying to gather forces to crush fellow terrorist ragheads. What gives? Yet another reason why I love checking in. Spin it boyzzzzzz.


There is quite a few of us that never accused Obama of being a raghead terrorist. What we did accuse him of is being a great con man that fooled a lot of idiots like you with his promises of giving you the moon.
Boy! is he been giving you the "moon" everytime he bends over and shows you his backside for his disdain of you idiots.

If BO is a con man then what was w? He raped us blind and left us with nothing....literally. So w fooled you and BO is in the process of fooling us I guess. Any other options??
Zigga's posts are so dumb that I am at a loss as to how to respond to them.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Californian you goober do you have a memory longer than your skirt? don't you recall a few years ago when the report was out telling we didn't have enough troops in the US to defend against a domestic attack? or maybe you just moved here from Poland and missed it.

My guess is things are a little better since then but you claim we have all these troops sitting around wishing they had something to do is laughable. you're a funny dude.

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