What tags do you have for 2024? (Poll)

What tags do you have for 2024?

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Founder Since 1999
What tags you have this year? Anything reall special, once in a lifetime type?
Who has the most tags this year? Anyone planning to hunt more than 5 species?

Just a couple deer for me.
Nothing special. Bear and MD tag, not sure how hard I will get to hunt them, but they are close to home. Gunning for a sept elk tag though, just getting the tag would be a real win
Cali curls - gonna be fun
Me, one second choice archery tag for hybrid here in CA. But my two out of state boys drew X zone archery tags and then my middle son just got notified from Nevada that he got a first alternate tag for archery buck, not to mention he already had an X zone archery tag here in Ca. And finally, my 15 year old grandson from Idaho drew a youth buck tag AND a bull elk tag both in southern Idaho that start the first of October. Going to be a busy early season this year. Fun times hunting with the family even if I didn’t draw squat in 6 states. lol

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